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US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman

the idiotic philipino thought they are mighty enough to chanllenge everything by the dirty and evil support of Ur bittch US.The time can surely enough to convince everyone on earth,some of the bastard philipino murderers will finally be a nothing but a poor drowning dog.
The decling US who stopping at nothing in doing evil will surely be punished by people who love peace and justice of all around the world.

If u r rational and comprehensive enough with at least a little inteligence,The truth can be concluded.An Unarmed fishership threatens a warship who is far bigger than him with weapon onside .Does the unarmed fishers all go mad to threaten these bittch murderers from philipine then?

Hand over the murderer is the only method to sovle the crisis.

I remember a Chinese fisherman killed a Korean Coast Guard member. That true?
Yup in paulu too since those country have a good defense and they know little about they can't say nothing just like Russia shot their poachers they just love to pick on the Philippines because they think they can push us around typical racist warmonger chinese Imperialist
was that before or after you become a civilized human being? and knows the value of personal hygiene

Being a civlized state has the duty to cleanse your murderous regime who killed a defenceless elderly fisherman in cold blood. :coffee:

Guess what, 70% of Taiwanese wanna China to declare war on you, some even propose to drop a nuke on your capital. :woot:
Being a civlized state has the duty to cleanse your murderous regime who killed a defenceless elderly fisherman in cold blood. :coffee:

Guess what, 70% of Taiwanese wanna China to declare war on you, some even propose to drop a nuke on your capital. :woot:

And yet your country still around hahahaha killing millions of people since 2nd century :rofl:
What :blah::blah: sorry me no speak mental understand me yes? :rofl:

When the Aquino regime collapses after receiving a bloody beating, Philippines will become either Muslim or Communist, it will also become China's ally.

We will free you from that corrupt Aquino regime and help to rebuild up your economy, how we will not be your benefactor? :D

Aquino III is just a dog with the bloodline of the Chinese traitor, stop keep getting brainwashed by this puppet. :coffee:
When the Aquino regime collapses after receiving a bloody beating, Philippines will become either Muslim or Communist, it will also become China's ally.

We will free you from that corrupt Aquino regime and help to rebuild up your economy, how we will not be your benefactor? :D

Aquino III is just a dog with the bloodline of the Chinese traitor, stop keep getting brainwashed by this puppet. :coffee:

See racist comments tell me how would a popular government collapse and do you think the world will allow you to do that oh please your now america its funny because everything you said to is happening in your country so tell me hows your anniversary there and the rebellions and flu's well since your racist and stupid moron i would just upsite you more and tell you happy 5th anniversary of the earthquake at whatever province that is and more to come enjoy your karma jerks hahahahahahahaha :omghaha:
This is an issue between Taiwan and Philippines. US must not interfere as we cannot get involve into everyone's business. America should worry American issues. Finally, bring home the foreign troops and implement Ron Paul's policies.
U forget that TW is just an US's dog ? Without US daddy's protection,then a so called TW today would no longer exist,dude.
america government is a daily fail for the Taiwanese when its conflict involves one of american's proxies even when the use of brutalities of Pinoy CG on the unarmed fisherman is so obvious!

The other Taiwanese "protector" in the pacific - japan has yet to whisper!
america government is a daily fail to the Taiwanese when its conflict involves one of american's proxies even when the use of brutalities of Pinoy CG on the unarmed fisherman is so obvious!

The other Taiwanese "protector" in the pacific - japan has yet to whisper!

blah blah :blah:chinese imperialist nonsense comments= :rofl:
United States said it will wait

The United States did not say it will refuse to condemn the Philippine government coast guard massacre of a helpless elderly Taiwanese fisherman.

The U.S. said it will wait for the results of the investigation before it responds.

The current U.S. position is neutrality.

The U.S. is busy in Syria right now and it looks like it will let Taiwan and the Philippines settle the problem.

As I see it, Taiwan has the bigger guns (e.g. much larger Navy and modern Air Force). American neutrality favors Taiwan.


Asia's greatest military power has already condemned the Philippine government atrocity

Taiwan has already received the support from Asia's greatest military power and condemnation of the Philippine government coast guard thugs for murdering a helpless elderly Taiwanese fisherman. One out of two superpowers so far isn't bad.

China strongly condemns fisherman's shooting

"China strongly condemns fisherman's shooting
CNTV, May 10, 2013

China has strongly condemned the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by a Filipino military ship.

Foreign Ministry's spokeswoman Hua Chunying says the shooting is brutal. She says China has asked the Philippines to investigate the case and provide an explanation immediately.

The spokesman for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, Yang Yi, has also demanded the Philippines to investigate the incident thoroughly and swiftly, calling the shooting 'barbaric.'"
China tests its preparedness with tsunami drill

China conducted a tsunami drill Sunday as part of the transnational and pan-Pacific drill, the country's State Oceanic Administration (SOA) announced.

The drill -- Exercise Pacific Wave 13 -- aimed at testing the marine environmental forecasting authorities' capacity in receiving and distributing alert information and their emergency response, reported Xinhua.

Organised by the SOA, the drill was carried out by the National Marine Environmental Forecasting Centre (NMEFC).

It simulated a scenario where a 9.0-magnitude earthquake jolted the ocean off the Philippines at 1.50 p.m Sunday, triggering a huge tsunami. :lol:

The NMEFC immediately began analysing its impact on China and reported it to the SOA.

The SOA sent the tsunami alert to all potentially-impacted coastal areas and oceanic forecasting agencies across the country soon issued warnings to nuclear facilities, ports, petrochemical projects and inventories in the hazardous zone.

The NMEFC finally lifted the warning after confirming the tsunami had drawn to an end.

The drill was launched by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (IOC/UNESCO) across the Pacific region. The transnational drill lasts from May 1 to May 14.

It was the fourth time China participated in the IOC/UNESCO drill.

China tests its preparedness with tsunami drill | Business Standard

Death on the High Seas: US refuses to condemn shooting of fisherman

NO RUSH TO JUDGEMENT:The US State Department said only that it was aware of the incident and that it welcomed the Philippines’ pledge to investigate it

By William Lowther / Staff reporter in WASHINGTON

The US has refused to condemn the shooting death of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippine Coast Guard.



Thank you Taiwanese newspaper! Thank you very much for do the right thing.

Philippine is a friend and ally of US.

We should not blame Philippine for this. It's morally not right.

US is right for not condemning Philippine for this, and Taiwanese should listen and obey! The Philippine coast guard do it very right. They should be freed from any condemnation, and all people in Taiwan hope they can also received the highest medal of honor by Philippine government and nominated to win Noble Peace Prize.

I hope, in the future, Philippine coast guard and NAVY should shoot without question or warning to any Taiwanese ships on the sea where ever they are.

I also want to say apologize to all Philippine people.

PS: Instead, Taiwan should condemn Syrian regime. I heard, one of the Syrian government soldier stole candy from the baby. Crazy bastard! I think, Taiwan should focus on this more and serious importance matter.
Thank you Taiwanese newspaper! Thank you very much for do the right thing.

Philippine is a friend and ally of US.

We should not blame Philippine for this. It's morally not right.

US is right for not condemning Philippine for this, and Taiwanese should listen and obey! The Philippine coast guard do it very right. They should be freed from any condemnation, and all people in Taiwan hope they can also received the highest medal of honor by Philippine government and nominated to win Noble Peace Prize.

I hope, in the future, Philippine coast guard and NAVY should shoot without question or warning to any Taiwanese ships on the sea where ever they are.

I also want to say apologize to all Philippine people.

PS: Instead, Taiwan should condemn Syrian regime. I heard, one of the Syrian government soldier stole candy from the baby. Crazy bastard! I think, Taiwan should focus on this more and serious importance matter.
So now,you know the price of being US's dog,right?

Just like South VietNam, Taiwan-S.K-Japan-Singapore-Thailand simple have No future.You guys are pawns in US's hand,US will.sell you like South VietNam when.the price is met, that's all :coffee:

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