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US ready for the long haul in Afghanistan

Before we jump to conclusions, let us clarify the points which seem to have led to a misperception that the “U.S”, in its entirety, is withdrawing from Afghanistan in July 2011. As a reader or an author what do you believe the word “U.S” is referring to in your posts? Do you mean U.S advisors, political delegates, nonprofit U.S organizations, combat troops, non combatant troops, development, or security officials? First of all, we need to understand that President Obama was talking about the withdrawal of combat troops from Afghanistan in 2011 and not all political and developmental institutions of the U.S. Your article needs to clarify that U.S means strictly U.S Combat troops. There is a big difference between combatant and non combatant troops.

We have made it clear that owing to the conditions of safety and security the time table for withdrawing combat troops from Afghanistan is set for July 2011. As President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates said before, “It will be based on conditions on the ground but at the same time... we have to build a fire under them, frankly, to get them to do the kind of recruitment, retention, training and so on for their forces that allow us to make this transition.” It is crucial for the safety and stability of Afghanistan, that Afghan security forces are well trained and equipped in dealing with the Taliban and other terrorists in the region. Henceforth, it is equally important for a prosperous and secure Pakistan that the Taliban in Afghanistan are controlled and stopped from crossing the border into Pakistan and vice versa. Our dedication to help the Afghan nation rebuild in sectors of defense, health, infrastructure, education will remain intact. Defense Secretary Gates assured that, “We're not just going to throw these guys (Afghan security officials) in the swimming pool and walk away.” Afghan security forces and military will receive training in counterinsurgency and security so that we can relinquish control to them. Also, we do not want history to repeat as was the case of Afghanistan after Soviet Union’s defeat, when our complete withdrawal left a power vacuum in the country with no proper security or governance. We know the result that came from such move. Only this October the Taliban are responsible for over 300 civilian deaths and injuries caused by indiscriminant violence in Afghanistan. This time our commitment will be long standing so that we can maintain the trust we have built with the Afghans who do not want to be left at the mercy of Taliban’s atrocities again.

LCDR Speaks,
DET – United States Central Command

This is good news. Pakistan also wants to make sure that its interest are protected and the sacrifice and blood of the 3,000 Pakistan Army Troops killed in the WOT does not go in vain. Friendly, prosporous, drug free agricultural and peaceful Afghanistan is in the interest of everyone. Afghans should be given a chance to rule their country with caution, so there is one country instead of 40 countries ruled by individual war lords. The Afghan conflict has to come to a logical end just like the World Wars ended too. An open ended conflict will not result in a secure and peaceful Afghanistan.
US shall support democratic rule in Afghanistan as well.
Pashtuns shall be given equal representation in rule, military and trade.
US shall support democratic rule in Afghanistan as well.
Pashtuns shall be given equal representation in rule, military and trade.

Absolutely, since Pashtuns are the biggest group in Afghanistan. Keeping them out will not bring a stable Afghanistan.
MWSS-272 Marines prepare for Afghanistan
US Marine Corps News

By Cpl. Michele Watson, Marine Corps Air Station New River

MARINE CORPS AIR STATION NEW RIVER, Jacksonville, N.C. -- “Every Marine is a rifleman.”

This widely used term reminds every Marine that their core job is to be capable of combat. Although the rifle range is an annual requirement, firing a weapon once a year does not seem to be enough preparation for those service members in deployment status.

Members of Marine Wing Support Squadron 272 took their training further and participated in a range operation to familiarize themselves with the Mossberg 500A shotgun before the group goes to Enhanced Mojave Viper.

“Part of the requirements for us, when we go to Mojave Viper and Afghanistan, is that we have to man an ammunition supply point,” said Cpl. Liam R. Hilt, the range operations combat marksmanship coach with MWSS-272.

“The weapon those Marines will be issued is a shotgun, so they need to be qualified with it.”

During Enhanced Mojave Viper, the Marines of MWSS-272 will participate in numerous training events to prepare for their upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Machine gun and combat vehicle operators training will be held along with ranges for crewserved weapons and hand grenades, and a demolition range with multiple explosives.

Marines will also rehearse evacuating mine resistant ambush protected vehicles. Marine Operations in Urban Terrain is a form of training where participants are placed in a mock town with multiple targets in doors and windows and civilian decoys are placed as distractions. Marines will go through MOUT training while in Mojave Viper using live rounds to prepare them for real combat situations.

“This unit prepares its Marines better for deployment by requiring more ranges and exposures to different weapon systems other than the rifle,” said Hilt. “A typical unit only shoots once a year, but as a support squadron, we are mandated to have more exposure to shooting. We go to the field at least once a quarter for at least 10 days.”

The shotgun range is one of many additional opportunities for MWSS-272 personnel to get hands-on experience with combat related situations. The range coaches ensure the Marines are comfortable with the shotgun and are familiarized enough to handle it without assistance.

“Safety is paramount,” said Cpl Jeffrey J. Harris, a motor transport operator and range coach for MWSS-272.

“Obviously that goes above all else but knowing the weapons systems is a very important part of being a coach. These Marines will be manning the ASP (ammunition supply points) and they need to be comfortable with their weapon in order to operate it quickly and correctly in a combat situation.”

The squadron leaves for Exercise Mojave Viper this month before deploying to Afghanistan as early as February. Marines are always ready for the fight and MWSS- 272 trains and prepares its members as effectively as it can so they can be ready for whatever comes their way.
I think those who dont learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
its an old saying that You can hire afghan but cannot buy them.

I think US will get same results which soviats got in late 80's but Unfortunately the breed which US will leave behind will be many times more voilent and extremist then Mujahideen or Taliban.
We need to invade Afghanistan and occupy it like India does to Kashmir and Israel does to Palestine that is the only solution - for long term peace

A unification of Afghanistan/Pakistan
LOL and the Afghans themselves are actually allowing this to happen! USA might have their way with Afghanistan and Iraq, because USA knows that they can be supported by puppet governments in those both nations. However, Iran is different, even if USA attacks Iran and conducts ground offensive against Iran, Iran is not the kind of country where people will collaborate with the invaders. The Iranians will fight to the last men and its retaliation will know no bounds. That is the reason why USA is afraid to launch a preemptive strike on Iran. They know they can airstrike Iran like crazy, but fear the Iranian response, which will be devastating.
LOL and the Afghans themselves are actually allowing this to happen! USA might have their way with Afghanistan and Iraq, because USA knows that they can be supported by puppet governments in those both nations. However, Iran is different, even if USA attacks Iran and conducts ground offensive against Iran, Iran is not the kind of country where people will collaborate with the invaders. The Iranians will fight to the last men and its retaliation will know no bounds. That is the reason why USA is afraid to launch a preemptive strike on Iran. They know they can airstrike Iran like crazy, but fear the Iranian response, which will be devastating.


Iran and Saudi Arab are both Fraud Islamic States. Do some research and u will know Iran is a hidden friend of USA

Iran cannot stand even a week against US. As for Afghans they are Marshal Race.
Afghan can be hired not bought
I was surprised at the point-blank anti-China language used by Hillary Clinton in her visit to Australia this week. She didn't mince words and made it clear the US is very concerned about China's rise.

US is not going to abandon such a convenient listening post next to China (and Iran).
I was surprised at the point-blank anti-China language used by Hillary Clinton in her visit to Australia this week. She didn't mince words and made it clear the US is very concerned about China's rise.

US is not going to abandon such a convenient listening post next to China (and Iran).

US can be concerned about China's rise. But there is nothing much they can do about it. As for US bases in Afghan, if US dares to attack China over Taiwan, bases in Afghan will be target practice for China's SRBMs and GLCMs:china:.
Iran and Saudi Arab are both Fraud Islamic States. Do some research and u will know Iran is a hidden friend of USA

What you say: what is based on?
Iran is under boycott , not Pakistan or Saudi
See as well about nuclear?
And what about this famous ambassy hostage? it was a fake that led to very bad relations between the two countries?
In Iran you see many European companies doing business and any country (except Israel) .. but not US. Except coca cola. Some people do towards Emirates.

You have american troops in your country and you blame us to be a hidden friend of USA? Is it a joke?
THE US intends to stay in Afghanistan for the long term, US Defence Secretary Robert Gates vowed yesterday.

Mr Gates said the US would exert an influence on the country long after the combat troops had left.

US may want to stay for the long term, but that does not mean that it can or that it is ready to do so --- US needs to be gone, it absolutely needs this -- but it can be persuaded to stay, for power, for legacy, ultimately, for hubris. Whom the Gods would destroy.....

Soon (yes, that's vague, deliberately so, because I can't be specific) it will be crunch time for US and Pakistan - it's allies will abandon the US, not because they have a character deficiency, but because the US policy and policy makers have stopped making sense --- and with the US sidelined Pakistan will be even more of a pickle, either live with insurgency and suicide bombings or do a internal regime change, line up with either Saudi or Iran and in doing so, destroy itself.

Will the US have twisted Pakistan's arm to make that happen?, Pakistan's internal confusion about what is Islam and what the State is for, has propelled Pakistan so far out on a limb that friend and foe alike fears any lifeline thrown it may be used by it to threaten hanging itself.
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