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US pressurizes Arabs to drop weapon purchase from Pakistan

i take your word sir!
not meant to argue!
but we were doing good in 2006 & 2007?
also not whole of arabians are fans of US, its house of sauds & thier smallar brothrs in UAE?
good lobby, good profile, is the assests of good marketing, we lack both?
i think, if we can really show them the israeli threat to them, & its range hopefully, its goes well under radar of sanctions?
sirya is the prime example, sam 300 ? right!
& no airraids!

This delusion of Ummah and the Muslim brotherhood has harmed Pakistan more than anything , to be really honest . Actually , the Musharraf's economic legacy is nothing to dispute looking at the facts and figures , if you are asking me that . The country was then in a extremely fine state compared to today , where it is close to becoming a living hell taking the economy into account and rising inflation and employment and worsening state of law and order in the country day by day . There was no nonsensical demand or initiative of " negotiating with the terrorists " back then and we didn't have to see or endure their ridiculous and childish demands of changing the constitution , freeing all terrorists and withdrawing Pakistani forces from a part of Pakistan and what-not . The President even though a dictator dealt with them in a swift and timely manner , doing what is necessary at the right time and place . Here , even the political will isn't there , how then the people of Pakistan expect the armed forces to fight the terrorists ?

Well , isn't the whole of Middle East firmly in the American block at the moment , maybe some of them aren't big fans of the Yanks but there are weaknesses and constraints of other Arab countries which they must take into account before formulating their foreign policy and setting their priorities . Also , take into account , the inter GCC rivalries and the whole picture will become clear . To put it simply , the Arabian countries will never take the side of Pakistan over U.S. - hell they aren't ready to do it in place of India too .

But is there a Israeli threat to the monarchy of the Arabs in the first place ? I personally do not think so . Actually , the continuity of the monarchy is in the best interests of Tel Aviv for a variety of reasons , they are allied with the same Americans . The Arabs will not do anything against the Israelis because they have no reason to do so and since it wont be allowed by the " White House " , similarly the Israelis will not do anything too since it will harm the U.S. interests and endanger the petrodollar . Hence , any Israeli threat to Arabs or vice versa today is simply a figment of our imagination .

Believe me , Syria can still be attacked in the presence of S-300 , since a handful of systems can be taken out by the coalition in a matter of days - if not hours . It is the Kremlin's threat that is keeping every warmonger at bay for now . You see a couple of Russian warships and suddenly everybody is talking about " disposing chemical weapons " and not attacking Damascus . Therein lies the difference .
This delusion of Ummah and the Muslim brotherhood has harmed Pakistan more than anything , to be really honest . Actually , the Musharraf's economic legacy is nothing to dispute looking at the facts and figures , if you are asking me that . The country was then in a extremely fine state compared to today , where it is close to becoming a living hell taking the economy into account and rising inflation and employment and worsening state of law and order in the country day by day . There was no nonsensical demand or initiative of " negotiating with the terrorists " back then and we didn't have to see or endure their ridiculous and childish demands of changing the constitution , freeing all terrorists and withdrawing Pakistani forces from a part of Pakistan and what-not . The President even though a dictator dealt with them in a swift and timely manner , doing what is necessary at the right time and place . Here , even the political will isn't there , how then the people of Pakistan expect the armed forces to fight the terrorists ?

Well , isn't the whole of Middle East firmly in the American block at the moment , maybe some of them aren't big fans of the Yanks but there are weaknesses and constraints of other Arab countries which they must take into account before formulating their foreign policy and setting their priorities . Also , take into account , the inter GCC rivalries and the whole picture will become clear . To put it simply , the Arabian countries will never take the side of Pakistan over U.S. - hell they aren't ready to do it in place of India too .

But is there a Israeli threat to the monarchy of the Arabs in the first place ? I personally do not think so . Actually , the continuity of the monarchy is in the best interests of Tel Aviv for a variety of reasons , they are allied with the same Americans . The Arabs will not do anything against the Israelis because they have no reason to do so and since it wont be allowed by the " White House " , similarly the Israelis will not do anything too since it will harm the U.S. interests and endanger the petrodollar . Hence , any Israeli threat to Arabs or vice versa today is simply a figment of our imagination .

Believe me , Syria can still be attacked in the presence of S-300 , since a handful of systems can be taken out by the coalition in a matter of days - if not hours . It is the Kremlin's threat that is keeping every warmonger at bay for now . You see a couple of Russian warships and suddenly everybody is talking about " disposing chemical weapons " and not attacking Damascus . Therein lies the difference .
in total agreement !
but still we can make room for us, if wanted too?
thats all what i meant?
Hell I'm more for Pakistan acknowledging the state of Israel than the Muslim Ummah. There was never such a thing and not going to be one in the foreseeable future.

Ummah has dragged us down, better get rid of it. I saw a hue as billboard on Maang supporting the MB in Egypt. I was likr apna mulk sambhal lo pahle phir baahir ko dekhna. thesemaulvis are upto no good i tell you!

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Unfortunately Reality is this

USA /Britain , had given House of Al Saud , and all the other elements rights to land for helping them in Past in return
they give Oil Contracts to their corporations

For protecting the Middle east from Russians and Iranians , Middle east pays a Ransom in form of defence purchases that are 3-4 times higher rates then normal

So they have to buy weapons from select few countries.

Pakistani Weapons are for Muslim Ummah which does not exists so that is why we don't have any purchasers becasue we don't sell to any other market
Hell I'm more for Pakistan acknowledging the state of Israel than the Muslim Ummah. There was never such a thing and not going to be one in the foreseeable future.

Ummah has dragged us down, better get rid of it. I saw a hue as billboard on Maang supporting the MB in Egypt. I was likr apna mulk sambhal lo pahle phir baahir ko dekhna. thesemaulvis are upto no good i tell you!

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I absolutely agree with you...Pakistan and Israel are both ideological states, we have much in common...even our neighbouring hostile states refuse to accept us tilll today..arabs in the case of Israel and Afghans and Indians in the case of Pakistan...it is time we should recognize the state of Israel and start cooperating in defence field.
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