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US Politics

CONGRATULATIONS TO DONALD TRUMP for winning the President post.A very strong leader in the US is required for a peaceful and prosperous ASIA
His foreign policies won't be much different from Obama.

Just because Obama appeals more to those liberals, hippies, LGBT groups, while Trump with the white working class, right-wing voters, conservatives, it doesn't mean that their foreign policies would be different..

To an extent, yes, the POTUS is a composite of various lobbies and forces--or a pyramid, if you will, where the POTUS sits on the very top and can't fly out or jump off. The President, thus, is more constrained that people realize.

But... the POTUS does have real powers too. Power of vetoing bills. Power of appointing high officials. Thus the POTUS can and all too often does surround himself with like minded people who'd not oppose him too much.

The very fact that the Republicans were luke warm to Trump, to put it mildly, should tell you that Trump is NOT a Republican--at least not the one who'd be bullied into policies.

So I do expect substantial 'change'--a real change, unlike Obama's 'change', who was not a real change maker.

But I don't think Muslims or legal immigrants have to fear Trump: American system is based on laws and Trump won't open more fronts when he already has 11 million illegals to deport.
You are welcome buddy :) , Canada is far better the US when it comes to tolerance and respect towards people :)
In the case of Leftists/Liberals i think they should move to Mexico instead of Canada which is Demographically more Whiter than America. Or are leftists too racist to move to a non-White country :lol:
Lol! American believe their country is democrazy, there is no country is real democrazy. They use voting to hide 1 party rules. There is no Democratic Party or Republican Party. American with their waste voting system. Everything is set and picked by congress.
future President Trump's foreign policy ad from September 2, 1987


a long time coming, eh ? :D
Wow, and that's from 1987? Goes to show Trump's consistency on important matters
Never gets old :lol:, BTW i told you he'd win.

BTW this was the only election where Social Media and Meme warfare played a major role in the victory of a Presidential Candidate

And you are THE KING OF MEMES in this very large thread! Good job keeping us entertained.
To an extent, yes, the POTUS is a composite of various lobbies and forces--or a pyramid, if you will, where the POTUS sits on the very top and can't fly out or jump off. The President, thus, is more constrained that people realize.

But... the POTUS does have real powers too. Power of vetoing bills. Power of appointing high officials. Thus the POTUS can and all too often does surround himself with like minded people who'd not oppose him too much.

The very fact that the Republicans were luke warm to Trump, to put it mildly, should tell you that Trump is NOT a Republican--at least not the one who'd be bullied into policies.

So I do expect substantial 'change'--a real change, unlike Obama's 'change', who was not a real change maker.

But I don't think Muslims or legal immigrants have to fear Trump: American system is based on laws and Trump won't open more fronts when he already has 11 million illegals to deport.

To be a POTUS, it is either to work with your fellow establishment or to become the second JFK.

China is not naive to believe that Trump's administration will give us a free pass. China is the biggest competitor to the US in both economy and military strength. The rise of China means the end of the US hegemony, this is the fundamental conflict between China and the US. The coming Trump administration will just do what the Obama administration is doing now.

Russia should also not just listen what Trump is saying now, and also observe the coming actions from his administration. Will Trump's America give up the US hegemony in Europe and Middle East just because his personal honey moon with Russia? Highly unlikely.

Russia/Iran/Syria, their struggle won't end just because the switch of a POTUS, the new POTUS will do the exact same thing as his predecessor.
Believe me, the overall US geopolitical strategies won't have any slight change regardless with Trump or not. The pivot to contain China, and other strategies in Europe/Middle East won't be affected at all. The US is doing everything to ensure its dollar hegemony regardless with who is the President. This fundamental basis won't change.

Every candidate will do the typical jobs of the US President when he/she becomes elected, even Bernie Sanders won't make exception. Just look at Obama, before he was elected, he was exactly Sanders type of guy, he was also trying to act nice with Russia, but look at now.

Most US voters are getting bored, so they need to elect someone who feels fresh, but the fundamental core regardless whom they elected won't change at all.

Trump might kill TPP, but he will soon come up with something similar with just a different name. Asian Pivot, TPP, those things were designated way before Obama getting elected by the US elites, so regardless who becomes the President, he will enact these policies to ensure the US hegemony.

I think the GOP establishment is trying to convert Trump into a typical establishment President by assigning Mike Pence as his assistant. Pence is also a typical establishment guy from the inner circle, I think he will be the one in charge with Trump running the show.

Just mark my words.

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No doubt. Major US policies aren't going to change anytime soon. I agree that China containment is going to remain. However, the wars in the ME and particularly Syria are going to change I think. The American people are sick and tired of unending wars which were started during the Bush era. Trump is going to allow Russia to deal with rebel groups and ISIS. One of the most positive developments during Trump's election win would be withdrawal of support for the various rebel groups in Syria and Iraq. I absolutely applaud Trump for his courage to speak out against this duplicitous US policy. This hypocrisy needs to end immediately and has been the cause of much irritation. The Democrats have been hellbent on arming various groups fully knowing they were stoking an ethnic war. If we are to believe Trump that is about to change.

As for Europe, they are going to start paying upfront for US services to NATO. That is the biggest change related to Europe.

That's an amazing theory. The GOP trying to exert their influence on Trump through Pence. I think that remains to be seen, but a very viable theory. Trump isn't an easy individual though. He hates control and the GOP brass knows it all too well.

In the case of Leftists/Liberals i think they should move to Mexico instead of Canada which is Demographically more Whiter than America. Or are leftists too racist to move to a non-White country :lol:

Trump should nominate you as his immigration minister LMAO Man, you got some terrific ideas up your sleeve. Lock her up, right? LOL
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Trump = Imran Khan, but with even bigger ego than I.K
Zardari is an extremely tolerant and compromising person in comparison, corruption aside.

Even my American wife is laughing looking at this right now! She and my in laws are BIG Trump supporters.

I think your in laws are not-so-secretly hoping you get deported!!... lol. Them dirty brownies... lol :)
No doubt. Major US policies aren't going to change anytime soon. I agree that China containment is going to remain. However, the wars in the ME and particularly Syria is going to change I think. The American people are sick and tired of unending wars which were started during the Bush era. Trump is going to allow Russia to deal with rebel groups and ISIS. One of the most positive developments during Trump's election win would be withdrawal of support for the various rebel groups in Syria and Iraq. This hypocrisy needs to end immediately and has been the cause of much irritation. The Democrats have been hellbent on arming various groups fully knowing they were stoking an ethnic war. If we are to believe Trump that is about to change.

As for Europe, they are going to start paying upfront for US services to NATO. That is the biggest change related to Europe.

That's an amazing theory. The GOP trying to exert their influence on trump through Pence. I think that remains to be seen, but a very viable theory. Trump isn't an easy individual though. He hates control and the GOP brass knows it all too well.

Trump should nominate you his immigration minister LMAO Man, you got some terrific ideas up your sleeve.

The fate of the dollar hegemony is not depending on the mood of the American voters.

Trump might push for mass deportation just like Obama was pushing for his Obamacare, but those things are trivial.

The proxy wars between the major powers won't end.

The US dollar doesn't like the EURO to challenge its hegemony, an integrated Russia with Europe will only strengthen the EURO, so it is better to keep Russia and West Europe remaining hostile to each others.
@ChineseTiger1986 : I think @maximuswarrior warrior sums up well just above me.

Yes, Trump will NOT be a typical POTUS!

I think your in laws are not-so-secretly hoping you get deported!!... lol. Them dirty brownies... lol :)

Yes, deport all brownies except me! I am too cute and nice.

Really, people here amaze me: Yesterday, my father in law refused to cast vote. It's a 5 minute easy drive for us to vote. I came back from voting and asked him to vote, and he said: "It won't matter. They will steal the elections for Hillary." I don't want to embarrass him by discussing the result.

Yes, that's what the MAJORITY of Trump supporters are: Ill-informed.. I have some more choice words but..
@ChineseTiger1986 : I think @maximuswarrior warrior sums up well just above me.

Yes, Trump will NOT be a typical POTUS!

Yes, deport all brownies except me! I am too cute and nice.

Really, people here amaze me: Yesterday, my father in law refused to cast vote. It's a 5 minute easy drive for us to vote. I came back from voting and asked him to vote, and he said: "It won't matter. They will steal the elections for Hillary." I don't want to embarrass him by discussing the result.

Yes, that's what the MAJORITY of Trump supporters are: Ill-informed.. I have some more choice words but..

His domestic policies will be atypical, but his foreign policies will be typical.
His domestic policies will be atypical, but his foreign policies will be typical.
I think Trump's policy on Syria, if he really follows through with his words, will be a major departure from the Clinton/Obama (and the Republican policy) of past several years.
But, yes, on China, the game will continue.
Some of the mainstream media are in complete shock, even denial! Rather than post an image of the winning candidate, MSNBC has this on its website:

That's the podium at Hillary's election headquarters where MSNBC expected Mrs. Clinton to give her victory speech.

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