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LMAO, watch the speech at around the 20:50 mark, he does a little skit about crooked hillary fainting

"here's a woman who is supposed to be fighting Putin and cant walk 15 feel to her car, give me a break" :omghaha:

almost back to his primaries form :laugh:

@Nilgiri @Desert Fox
tl;dw version:

he also mocked their marriage, "I don't think she's faithful to Bill, and why should she be ?" or something :sarcastic:
. .

Trump’s leaked returns show his tax fixes would most help — guess who

By Ruth Marcus Columnist October 2, 2016

“The only news here,” Donald Trump’s campaign declared in an unsigned statement emailed late Saturday night, “is that the more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that The New York Times, like establishment media in general, is an extension of the Clinton Campaign, the Democratic Party and their global special interests.”

No. The news — unrebutted by the Trump campaign as of this writing — is that Trump could have avoided paying federal income taxes for 18 years. Assuming that the claimed losses were legit, this would have been legal. The opportunity for tax avoidance, which could have shielded as much as $50 million a year in Trump income from any federal income tax liability whatsoever, is the result of rules that permitted him to carry forward net operating losses from his businesses 15 years into the future, and to use those losses to wipe out taxable income for three previous years as well.

It is one thing for us — that is, the rest of us tax-paying chumps — to know, thanks to disclosures required by casino regulators, that there were a few years in which Trump paid no taxes. It is one thing to suspect that there may have been additional no-tax years.

It is quite another to have documentation that strongly suggests Trump’s tax holiday could have gone on for so long. Perhaps Trump had so much income that he used up his operating loss deductions in less than the allotted time. Or perhaps his businesses generated additional losses that permitted him to pay no federal income taxes for even longer.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said on “Fox News Sunday” that the report showed Trump’s “genius” and was “actually a very, very good story for Donald Trump.” Uh-huh. If it’s such a good story, why hasn’t Trump been eager to let us see his possibly zero-liability tax returns? Really, why not run a commercial boasting of his tax genius, as he did (“That makes me smart”) during the debate last Monday night?

On Sunday morning, Trump tweeted that the story illustrates that “I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them.” Let’s look at Trump’s “fixes.” Whom would they help most? Donald J. Trump.

First, he would do away with the estate tax, shielding his purported billions from taxation (although the latest version of his plan would subject some assets to taxes on their appreciated value). Second, he would lower the top income tax rate — if he ever were to pay it — to 33 percent from the current 43-plus percent, including surcharges imposed by the Affordable Care Act, which Trump would also repeal. Third, Trump has suggested he would tax the income of businesses like his at rates as low as 15 percent. (Trump seemed to have dropped that provision from his latest plan, but he mentioned it during the debate.)

Consequently, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center found, the greatest benefits of Trump’s tax plan would flow to the wealthiest taxpayers. “Trump 3.0 is probably somewhat less regressive than Trump 1.0, but it still is likely to provide outsized benefits to the highest income households,” Howard Gleckman wrote last month on the Tax Policy Center’s TaxVox blog.

And as to Trump’s claim that because he understands the rigged tax system he alone can fix it — none of Trump’s suggested fixes would affect his ability to avoid paying taxes. There are sound policy reasons to let businesses deduct operating losses, and to carry over those losses into other years; we want a tax system that does not discourage entrepreneurial risk-taking. But the real estate business, with its highly leveraged investments, huge interest deductions, opportunities for depreciation and tendency to realize most income as capital gains, can particularly benefit from — or manipulate, depending on your perspective — these provisions.

Trump in charge of the tax code would not be a case of Nixon goes to China. It would be a case of Trump, as always, doing what’s best for Trump. Link

It does not require a genius to provoke The Stump.

Unattributed comments from Chump's advisory staff has it that he is uninterested, practically lazy, in learning the details of complex issues, emotionally undisciplined, and unbelievably thin skinned.
I agree, I was being sarcastic, we all know how thin-skinned moron he is.

Once again he proved himself that he is not a presidential material, how easily he took the bait set by Hillary and sunk himself in the gutter for almost a week now, after his disastrous performance in the debate and his 2.30 am tweek-storm against former Miss Universe Machado, he is sliding in the polls nationally and in the key battleground states.

I feel sorry for his campaign manager Kellyanne Conway how hard she worked on him, what a meltdown.
What a horrible week Trump just had. All of his own doing. Unless this private speech of Hillary catches on, Chance of his comeback is very thin.
it doesn't matter what she wanted, it's what she ended up doing, and that was supporting the terrorist muslim brotherhood and plunging Egypt into chaos, and that is just one,
It does matter, she had the right policy recommendations, unfortunately, Pres. Obama did not accept them and as I explained previously on this thread that you have to understand that Secretary of State is the President’s chief foreign affairs adviser and do not run own foreign policy, but carries out the President’s foreign policy.

In the end it is the President who has to make the decisions and accept the ultimate responsibility for those decisions.

what about Libya,
It was an indigenous uprising against the dictator and was supported by the French, British, and the Arab league, in the early stages US had no involvement in it and the Obama administration was very reluctant to get involved.

And guess what, even Trump was criticizing Obama administration for not taking any action, now the hypocrite has been criticizing Hillary for getting involved in Libya, watch the video and enjoy the hypocrisy.

In the throes of the Arab Spring, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi was facing a furious revolt by Libyans determined to end his quixotic 42-year rule. The dictator’s forces were approaching Benghazi, the crucible of the rebellion, and threatening a blood bath. France and Britain were urging the United States to join them in a military campaign to halt Colonel Qaddafi’s troops, and now the Arab League, too, was calling for action. Link

Trump on his video blog, said. “I can’t believe what our country is doing,” “Qaddafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, nobody knows how bad it is, and we’re sitting around we have soldiers all have the Middle East, and we’re not bringing them in to stop this horrible carnage and that’s what it is: It’s a carnage.”

“Libya could end up one of the worst massacres in history, and it would be very easy to topple Qaddafi.

“You talk about things that have happened in history; this could be one of the worst,”

“Now we should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick. We could do it surgically, stop him from doing it, and save these lives. This is absolutely nuts. We don’t want to get involved and you’re gonna end up with something like you’ve never seen before.”

“the people would take over from Qaddafi eventually and then “they should pay us back” out of appreciation.”

“But we have go in to save these lives; these people are being slaughtered like animals,” he said. “It’s horrible what’s going on; it has to be stopped. We should do on a humanitarian basis, immediately go into Libya, knock this guy out very quickly, very surgically, very effectively, and save the lives.”

what about supporting the so called rebels in Syria, she wants a no-fly zone (war with Russia)

It's a long story, but the short version is, that she wanted to pursue a very different policy in Syria. The no-fly zone was a good idea, it will save the innocent from being slaughtered. The YouTube clip you posted is Russian propaganda and is not complete. Tomorrow I will post the complete testimony of the general and then we can discuss it from there.

you can keep focusing on Donald tweeting mean things about some beauty queen but she is an absolute disaster on foreign policy. also read some rumors that she might appoint Huma Abedin as secretary of state
His tweaks 2.30 am in the morning just shows he is not presidential material. Sorry, I don't waste my time on useless rumors.

anti Obama administration, not anti US
Obama is not running a covert operation in Syria, the US Congress is very much involved in every step, the policy that we are pursuing in Syria is a national policy not a party policy and it is totally BS, Russian/Iranian/Assad propaganda, the truth is, we're the only country that is fighting the Isis on all fronts, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and many other fronts.

Time to hit the bed.
So typical, anti-American propaganda.
Since when did facts exposing Hillary become "anti-America propaganda" ?? lol

We all know Hillary is the ISIS Approved candidate (after all she created ISIS). She has the approval of Omar Mateen's pro-Taliban father:

Pro-Taliban Orlando Shooters Father Endorses Hillary:




@Nilgiri @T-72M1 @C130
Trump running out of time as controversies pile up

Donald Trump's tax controversy and his self-destructive lack of discipline threaten to drain the Republican nominee of something he can't afford: time.

With 36 days remaining before Election Day, the real estate mogul's campaign is consumed with the fallout from a New York Times story published over the weekend that found Trump reported a $916 million loss in 1995. That loss could mean Trump went 18 years without paying federal income taxes.

Those findings -- which Trump's campaign isn't disputing but haven't been independently confirmed by CNN -- would be daunting for any presidential candidate to overcome. But they're especially challenging for Trump, who is losing control of the campaign's narrative after a strong September in which he narrowed the race with Hillary Clinton.

In just the past week, Trump delivered an underwhelming debate performance, struggled to recover from it, engaged in a counterproductive feud with a Latina beauty queen, posted early morning Twitter tirades and spewed insinuations without any evidence about Clinton's marriage. The tax story -- which could undermine Trump's image as a successful businessman -- will dominate the next few days.

Time is dwindling for Trump to regain his grip on the campaign's message as Clinton supporters seize on the drama to reinforce their point that he isn't suitable for the presidency.

"The reality is that we are in day six of the meltdown," Clinton supporter Neera Tanden said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union." "He had a terrible debate performance. Everybody sees that. He sees the state polls moving towards Hillary. Eleven state polls were out this week. She's beating him in every single one. He can't take that. And so this is the latest meltdown."

Of course, the tax story might not emerge as the kind of October surprise-style impact that Democrats hope. It is possible that Trump truly is a Teflon candidate who is so appealing to voters that his actions don't really matter. The GOP nominee's closest surrogates launched a fierce defense of Trump Sunday, portraying him as a master of business who expertly used the tax code to his benefit -- and that of his investors.

In a spirited showdown with CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union," former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani hailed Trump as a "genius."

"He knows how to operate the tax code for the benefit of the people he's serving," Giuliani said.

Speaking on "Fox News Sunday," New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dismissed the idea that Trump had done anything wrong or that the report would hurt him.

"This is actually a very, very good story for Donald Trump," Christie said.

The impact of the story -- and the swirling controversies that have bubbled up over the past week -- will come into greater focus Monday when Trump returns to the campaign trail in the key swing states of Virginia and Colorado. He largely stuck to his script at the first event of the day in which he discussed cybersecurity.

The tax issue will almost certainly play a significant role in Tuesday's vice presidential debate. If that's the case, it will be a lost opportunity for Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, to present himself to the country as a moderating force on the GOP nominee and someone who can offer a coherent case against a Clinton presidency.

And ahead of the next presidential debate on Sunday, there's no sign Trump will do something to address the lack of focus, preparation and impulse control that helped contribute to Clinton's win at last week's showdown. Trump is now vowing to be nastier than Clinton at the second debate, bringing up Bill Clinton's marital indiscretions. At a wild rally on Saturday night, he even questioned whether Hillary Clinton had been "loyal" to her husband.

Such rhetoric not only calls into question Trump's strategy, it lets Clinton slide on some of her most significant vulnerabilities, such as her email server and questions of trust and honesty.

Trump's approach, and refusal to ignore a trap laid by Clinton in the first debate over his treatment of former Miss Universe contestant Alicia Machado, raises doubt over whether he can make inroads with educated women voters who could be vital to claim must-win states like Pennsylvania.

The freewheeling Trump on display in recent days is particularly notable because he had been doing so well and appeared keen to project more discipline under his retooled campaign team. The GOP nominee effectively wiped out Clinton's lead in national polls after an effective spell through August and mid-September. He was beginning to match her in swing states on the electoral map.

Then, after an encouraging first 30 minutes of the debate, it all went downhill. Trump has not allowed himself to get back on message ever since.

"What happened to him was he was doing well," said Van Jones, a Democrat who is supporting Hillary Clinton, on "State of the Union." "I was terrified 10 days ago this guy was going to be able to be disciplined. Hillary Clinton in 15 minutes said two or three things and threw him off his game and he has not been able to recover since the debate."

The GOP nominee's only route to the White House lies in running the table through the Rust Belt from Pennsylvania, through Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. That's why the tax story could prove powerful if struggling blue collar workers disaffected with the Democrats and considering Trump are alienated by the revelation -- even if everything was perfectly legal.

The tax issue also allows Democrats to reclaim the narrative about economic equality and fairness that proved so powerful for President Barack Obama against Republican nominee Mitt Romney in 2012. Clinton's primary rival, Bernie Sanders, relished the chance to make that point.

"So, you have got the middle-class people working longer hours for low wages. They pay their taxes. They support their schools. They support their infrastructure. They support the military. But the billionaires, no, they don't have to do that, because they have their friends on Capitol Hill. They pay zero in taxes," Sanders said on "State of the Union." "So, Trump goes around and says, 'hey, I'm worth billions, I'm a successful businessman, but I don't pay any taxes. But, you, you make 15 bucks an hour, you pay the taxes, not me.'"

He added: "That's why people are angry and want real change in this country."

yo dawg, they must have heard some people hate Trump

so CNN did a story about a story in the NY Times.

. . .
Bill Maher rips Trump’s debate performance. I think this one is Bill Maher’s most hilarious on Trump. :lol:

"Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement," she said. "They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future.""
Some may find the words living in their “parents basement” offensive, but overall, her comments were sympathetic to their frustration. Even Bernie Sanders says she is absolutely correct.

It's a long story, but the short version is, that she wanted to pursue a very different policy in Syria. The no-fly zone was a good idea, it will save the innocent from being slaughtered. The YouTube clip you posted is Russian propaganda and is not complete. Tomorrow I will post the complete testimony of the general and then we can discuss it from there.
Here is the link to the complete statement of the general, as you will notice, in the end of his statement, he said “that would not require going to war full-scale, not necessarily”, in other words, he does not think imposing no-fly zone in limited areas will lead to war with Russia. There is a bipartisan support in the U.S. Congress for the no-fly zone. Former CIA director David Petraeus (he’s famous for Anbar awakening, Iraq) also backs the idea. It will not only save the lives of innocent noncombatants, but it can also help in the negotiations for a peaceful settlement of the conflict. Link

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Since when did facts exposing Hillary become "anti-America propaganda" ?? lol

We all know Hillary is the ISIS Approved candidate (after all she created ISIS). She has the approval of Omar Mateen's pro-Taliban father:

Hillary's campaign has already disavows support from him.

And your last picture is a fake, come on, you can do better than that. :D

Nick Merrill, a Clinton spokesman, told news outlets Tuesday that Mrs. Clinton disagrees with Seddique Mateen’s views and disavows his support.

Mr. Mateen had attended a Clinton rally earlier this week in Kissimmee, even getting into shots so he was visible behind Mrs. Clinton. He later told a local television station he was supporting Mrs. Clinton for president.

Mr. Mateen is the father of Omar Mateen, who opened fire at a gay Orlando nightclub in June, killing 50 people. He’s a fringe political commentator who has posted videos about politics in the Middle East.

Before the disavowal, the Clinton campaign had told ABC News: “The rally was a 3,000-person, open-door event for the public. This individual wasn’t invited as a guest, and the campaign was unaware of his attendance until after the event.”

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