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My friends, all the online polls are garbage, I did a little experiment, I went to:





I was able to vote several times with the same IP address, for example, under one minute I was able to vote three times. All you got to do is after you vote press the back button and go to the page again and you can vote again. So please go ahead visit any of the websites and try for yourself.

@anon45 @F-22Raptor @Nilgiri @Desert Fox @T-72M1 @jha

I especially request @LA se Karachi @Syed.Ali.Haider since you guys a neutral.

Thanks in advance
See, I told you guys. Now we know how Trump was winning all the so-called online polls.

After Hillary bested him, some of his desperate supporters especially the users of Reddit and 4chan (mostly Alt-right racists) banded together to rig the online polls and I’m not surprised I already knew it, they were totally bogus.

But what surprised me was that Trump himself was bragging about those useless polls, what embarrassment this man is.

Listen to his goofy and embarrassing interview:

Just freaking hilarious: :lol:

4chan and Reddit bombarded debate polls to declare Trump the winner

You may be getting trolled right now without even knowing it.
Donald Trump supporters artificially manipulated the results of online polls to create a false narrative that the Republican nominee won the first presidential debate on Monday night.

The efforts originated from users of the pro-Trump Reddit community r/The_Donald and 4chan messaged boards, which bombarded around 70 polls, including those launched by Time, Fortune, and CNBC.

There’s an unspoken rule of the internet: Never trust online polls. They’re too easily corruptible.

4chan, the notorious message board, has a long history of botting online competitions. In 2009, users flooded the Time 100 poll to ensure that the site’s founder, Christopher “moot” Poole, made the cut. In 2012, the pranksters employed JavaScript to vote for North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in Time’s annual Person of the Year poll and followed suit the next year with Miley Cyrus and Edward Snowden. 4chan also ensured a school for the deaf won a Taylor Swift concert. Likewise, a Twitter prankster helped send Pitbull to Kodiak, Alaska, as part of an online challenge by Walmart in 2012.

These types of efforts aren’t always successful, but given the tight turn of online polls during debates, they’re highly susceptible to such pranks.

In this latest incarnation, multiple Reddit users enlisted the Trump-supporting masses on r/The_Donald, which has over 200,000 subscribers, by posting dozens of online polls that are vulnerable to vote brigading, bots, and other forms of manipulation that make these non-scientific surveys notoriously unreliable. Read more
I told you guys
partisan spin and propaganda is all too easy to find online, spl now with just a month to go and with campaigning at fever pitch but did you watch the Molyneux vid ? watch the TYT one too, commonsense real analyses and commentary vs useless MSM hype that makes insecure people feel better.
just one of her long list of foreign policy disasters:
I’ve already explained it before on this thread but I’ll go over it again, no problem.

She was in-fact pro-Mubarak and wanted to work with him, she had warned Pres. Obama “it all may work out fine in 25 years, but I think the period between now and then will be quite rocky for the Egyptian people, for the region, and for us.”

Here is one of her statesmen’s that proves she wanted to work with Mubarak:

"Our assessment is that the Egyptian government is stable and is looking for ways to respond to the legitimate needs and interests of the Egyptian people," she added.” Link

Pres. Obama even criticized her:

Clinton and Wisner continued to urge caution, but Obama chided them for sending “mixed messages” that undercut the White House line. Link

So typical, anti-American propaganda.

First of all, I don't see how Gary Johnson is any less qualified than Trump to be president. Second, why are Democrats so concerned about Johnson? It's more likely he's taking votes away from Trump rather than Clinton.
Of course, Johnson is far better human being than Trump, no doubt about that.

Unfortunately, polls show that Johnson hurts Hillary more than Trump.

Bty, I’m supporting Hillary, but I’m a registered independent.

partisan spin and propaganda is all too easy to find online, spl now with just a month to go and with campaigning at fever pitch but did you watch the Molyneux vid ? watch the TYT one too, commonsense real analyses and commentary vs useless MSM hype that makes insecure people feel better.
Sorry my friend, I don’t buy conspiracy theories.
Instead of fighting over which bandit is "the right one" USA should vote for any 8 year old kid at this point.

Wouldn't be so different then Trump for all you fans of him out there. He would probably lie a bit less but be just as clueless about what results of his actions.

The interesting thing about this would be that if he chooses to listen to democrats at first he will end up republican when puberty hits and everyone would have their share of actions to enjoy and complain about.

I'll just leave that offer on the table and go for now, good evening lads.
Hillary is a genius, she has made Trump’s life miserable, at 2.30 am in the morning he went on a tweet storm against former Miss Universe Alicia Machado and just three days ago he said, “his temperament is his best asset”, yes Mr. Trump we all can see that. :D

2016 Election: Clinton vs. Trump

This isn't a popularity contest™

This map will track the electoral vote count for the 2016 presidential election based on polling. For more information and individual poll results, see the polling averages page. You can also see how the map has changed over time.

Close states (poll difference between Clinton and Trump averaging 5 points or less) are shown as toss up (tan). Leaning states (5-10 points) are a lighter blue/red. Darker blue/red states are averaging a spread of greater than 10 points. Last Update: September 29, 2016

270 to win


Welcome to the forum@NCC-1701
Hillary is a genius,...
It does not require a genius to provoke The Stump.

Unattributed comments from Chump's advisory staff has it that he is uninterested, practically lazy, in learning the details of complex issues, emotionally undisciplined, and unbelievably thin skinned.
She was in-fact pro-Mubarak and wanted to work with him
it doesn't matter what she wanted, it's what she ended up doing, and that was supporting the terrorist muslim brotherhood and plunging Egypt into chaos, and that is just one, what about Libya, what about supporting the so called rebels in Syria, she wants a no-fly zone (war with Russia)

you can keep focusing on Donald tweeting mean things about some beauty queen but she is an absolute disaster on foreign policy. also read some rumors that she might appoint Huma Abedin as secretary of state :sick:

So typical, anti-American propaganda.
anti Obama administration, not anti US

unbelievably thin skinned.
considering the amount on negative press he's got all through his campaign, I'd say he is tremendously thick skinned, but he does punch back, even at times when he shouldn't, like with Khizir Khan. Going after this Machado woman won't hurt him, and will be forgotten in a week. :enjoy:
considering the amount on negative press he's got all through his campaign, I'd say he is tremendously thick skinned, but he does punch back, even at times when he shouldn't, like with Khizir Khan. Going after this Machado woman won't hurt him, and will be forgotten in a week. :enjoy:
When I said 'thin skinned', I mean how quickly and easily does The Clump deviate from the path and respond to that stimulus.

The Clump is like a thin skinned dog. The dog have been compared to a two-yr old human child.

Donald Trump seemingly is extremely, not merely 'very', sensitive to any negative criticism leveled at him or any negative perceptions formed about him. His 'thin skinned' responses have been predictable as in 'who started it'. CNN's Anderson Cooper called him on one such event as being like a 12-yr old.
When I said 'thin skinned', I mean how quickly and easily does The Clump deviate from the path and respond to that stimulus.

The Clump is like a thin skinned dog. The dog have been compared to a two-yr old human child.

Donald Trump seemingly is extremely, not merely 'very', sensitive to any negative criticism leveled at him or any negative perceptions formed about him. His 'thin skinned' responses have been predictable as in 'who started it'. CNN's Anderson Cooper called him on one such event as being like a 12-yr old.
lol, that's just how he is :P

This machado thing was a set up, hillary dropped it at the debate but the press were already waiting in ambush with story after story they had already planned in connivance with her campaign, he hit back. "counter-puncher"
lol, that's just how he is :P

This machado thing was a set up, hillary dropped it at the debate but the press were already waiting in ambush with story after story they had already planned in connivance with her campaign, he hit back. "counter-puncher"
Donald Trump is seemingly incapable of staying focused on anything other than himself.

There are three levels of ( non-marital ) relationships:

- Acquaintances
- Friends
- Close friends

But if you and I are none of the above to each other, then how can you know me and I get to know you ? By way of impressions and perceptions. This is why celebrities employs PR firms and why actors can never stop acting when they are in public.

Between Donald Trump and I, the most valuable items are our images as we presented ourselves to each other. Since Trump is a public figure, his image will be considered more 'valuable' than mine.

I am a stranger to Donald Trump just as much as he is a stranger to me. So for a public figure like Trump when all he has is image to try to convince me to support him, his image is the utmost valuable item in his possession. That is why Trump have been so easily provoked into distraction. A tiny jab at his image and he will dedicate ten-fold of effort to defend that image. His image is so valuable to him that it blinds him to the greater scale of duties and responsibilities that is the US Presidency.

If The Sump is elected, it will not be because the Americans believed he was the ideal person for the job, but it will be because of their ' I am fed up ' response to Hillary Clinton.
He is one of a kind, The Donald 8-)

If The Sump is elected, it will not be because the Americans believed he was the ideal person for the job, but it will be because of their ' I am fed up ' response to Hillary Clinton.
unleash a wrecking ball on D.C, counting on it :agree:

love the homonyms btw :lol:

Sorry my friend, I don’t buy conspiracy theories.
none of those have anything to do with conspiracy theories, one should at least be willing to listen to the other side of the story, and the TYT one, those guys are rabidly anti-Trump but at least they're discussing Hillary in an honest manner.
Donald Trump is seemingly incapable of staying focused on anything other than himself.

There are three levels of ( non-marital ) relationships:

- Acquaintances
- Friends
- Close friends

But if you and I are none of the above to each other, then how can you know me and I get to know you ? By way of impressions and perceptions. This is why celebrities employs PR firms and why actors can never stop acting when they are in public.

Between Donald Trump and I, the most valuable items are our images as we presented ourselves to each other. Since Trump is a public figure, his image will be considered more 'valuable' than mine.

I am a stranger to Donald Trump just as much as he is a stranger to me. So for a public figure like Trump when all he has is image to try to convince me to support him, his image is the utmost valuable item in his possession. That is why Trump have been so easily provoked into distraction. A tiny jab at his image and he will dedicate ten-fold of effort to defend that image. His image is so valuable to him that it blinds him to the greater scale of duties and responsibilities that is the US Presidency.

If The Sump is elected, it will not be because the Americans believed he was the ideal person for the job, but it will be because of their ' I am fed up ' response to Hillary Clinton.

Trump is very impulsive and thin skinned. He has a very high opinion of himself+ a pretty big ego.

I believe that he is pretty over-confident in himself & his "abilities" & sees little interest to learn & understand new stuff/policy/facts in life right now.
The fact that he is close to winning tells us how many Americans hate the "Establishment" & the intensity with which they hate it+the disillusion with both parties.
The Dems made this sentiment worse by nominating Hillary Clinton-one of the ideal representatives of the Liberal Left Establishment & possibly one of the few Democrats who could lose to Donald trump of all people -_-

Who will you be voting for @gambit Sir? Trump,Clinton,Stein or Johnson..
@RabzonKhan @Nilgiri :) Check these leaked transcripts out:- Hillary speaking about Bernie supporters in private meetings with donors months ago.


"Some are new to politics completely. They’re children of the Great Recession. And they are living in their parents’ basement," she said. "They feel they got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves. And they don’t see much of a future.""
. .
It pales compared to what she has said in private about Obama way back....and then she ends up working under him.

She is the complete personification of a politician.
What did she say about him??
What did she say about him??

Well the whole birther movement was started by her team.

There have been rumors she referred to him in racist demeaning ways in private or exploiting inbuilt racism in US (by certain memes etc) to try gain immediate polling points (without coming out officially like she now claims Trump is doing).

She is the prodigy of a former KKK member senator (Robert Byrd - though he did reform) after all. That is somewhat sticky, and would have been hammered into people by now if it was the case for Trump.

She only changed her tune after getting defeated and realising there was no fall back plan other than getting on board with Obama.

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