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US Politics

Well, it’s your vote, your choice. But I will vote for Hillary Clinton

And it's your vote, your choice. Vote for whomever you please. You already helped give us two terrible options, so I don't care much at this point how others vote in the general election. They're free to do whatever they want. I was just responding to the article you posted and why it doesn't mean much to me (and many others like me).

because I believe she has better policies on immigration, economy, climate change, woman’s rights, fair treatment of minorities, increasing the minimum pay, small businesses, foreign policy, nuclear non-proliferation and war on terror.

Better, but not nearly good enough. My focus is on economic issues, a neglected part of our modern political discourse (until very recently). Particularly when it comes to tackling income inequality and preserving the middle class in this country. If they want our votes, they will have to nominate a candidate who shares our views.
From a Simpsons episode 20 years ago in 1996 (when Bill Clinton was running for re-election, interestingly enough). I find it very relevant today:


We have a horrible voter turnout for a country that calls itself the greatest democracy in the world....the electoral college should be changed...why would I vote if my vote doesn't count?

I feel your pain... :frown:
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If polls hold like this and Trump stays with in 2% of Hillary, expect Trump to win.
Regarding israel, Trump even refused to visit israel not once but twice during his campaign, something no other American politician would even consider doing.

Trump Rejects Visit to Israel Before Election: 'I'm Not Traditional' - Haaretz
Nice try, but the real reason was: :D

Donald Trump said Thursday that he is postponing his trip to Israel, just a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned his proposal to ban U.S. travel for all Muslims.

"I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date after I become President of the U.S.," Trump tweeted. Link
What a puppet show. Not a day passes by with ridiculous statements being made. The most bizarre elections to have taken place ever. That is what happens when jokers start running for presidency. The US is seriously screwed if Trump were to be elected. I mean really big time. The Americans are already losing some of their allies. With Trump as a leader the US can say goodbye to many African, South American, Middle Eastern and Asian countries. All countries and people this guy has offended and will keep offending. During these elections the US has also become a hotbed of intolerance. All because of Trump's dangerous divisive rhetoric. Mexicans, Muslims, black African Americans, refugees and other minorities have all been targeted. Internally things don't look good either.
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Jews don't have a monopoly on six-pointed stars.
Who are you trying to fool...........you remind me of Amin Al Husseini.

The Star of David imagery used in a Twitter post by Donald J. Trump this weekend had previously appeared on a message board known for anti-Semitism and white supremacy, as well as on a Twitter account with a history of racially charged comments, according to a report. Link

There goes Republican/Alt right propaganda!

Charity watchdog calls Trump foundation 'unfocused,' Clinton's 'transparent'

Kevin McCoy, USA TODAY September 21, 2016

Donald Trump's and Hillary Clinton's non-profit foundations reflect the presidential challengers' publicly perceived styles — "improvisational" versus "systematized" — a new analysis by a charity watchdog concludes.

The Donald J. Trump Foundation and the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation are both "celebrity" organizations, "seeded by money donated by their founders and also serve as a vehicle for members of the public to demonstrate their support of a prominent person," according to the review issued Wednesday by Jacob Harold, CEO of Guidestar, a leading nonprofit watchdog.

But the similarities end there.

Clinton's foundation is larger, with data from Dec. 31, 2014, showing assets of $354 million compared with $1 million for Trump's non-profit, the analysis said. Additionally, Clinton family tax returns suggest that their foundation accounts for the majority of their charitable giving, the analysis concluded.

Trump has not released his tax returns, so "it is difficult to know the scale of his charitable activities outside the Trump Foundation," the analysis said. The last donation to the foundation by Trump or any of the other trustees was in 2008, the organization's tax returns show. The review also cited Washington Post reports that were unable to validate that Trump actually donated the money he pledged to charities.

"All told, the data at hand would suggest that the Clinton family has — at least over the last several years — donated more money (and at a far higher proportion of their wealth) than the Trump family," the Guidestar analysis concluded.

Clinton critics have argued that fundraising for her family's foundation compromised her role when she served as secretary of State from 2009 to 2013. There appears to be "little evidence to support this claim," the analysis said, noting that the foundation signed a 2008 memorandum of understanding that Clinton would not have a role with the foundation during her Obama administration tenure.

"A fair argument can be made that the Clinton Foundation should have been more aggressive in dealing with the perception of potential conflict," the analysis said. However, the review noted that the organization now shares legal and audit documentation, along with information about its donors — who include Donald and Ivanka Trump.

Clinton's foundation also provided qualitative metrics about the success of the global agricultural and educational programs it supports, thereby winning a "transparency seal" from Guidestar. Trump's foundation did not, leaving the watchdog's analysis to rely on information disclosed in the organization's annual tax returns.

"These forms appear to indicate an unfocused generosity," the analysis said, citing grants of $5,000 to $25,000 issued in 2014 to the Palm Beach Opera, the Police Athletic League and the Ronald McDonald House of New York.

"There is nothing inherently wrong with sprinkling many small grants in unrelated areas," the analysis concluded. "But the Trump Foundation's approach would certainly not meet the standard of focused, proactive grantmaking commonly called 'strategic philanthropy.'"

The Trump and Clinton campaigns did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment on the analysis. Link
We have a horrible voter turnout for a country that calls itself the greatest democracy in the world....the electoral college should be changed...why would I vote if my vote doesn't count?
The idea of the electoral college was more prescient and wise than most people realize.

Money, or economic power, equals to many other expressions of power and influences. Remember the old saying made by Warren G Harding, 29th President, of the US: The chief business of the American people is business.

Those were his actual words, by the way.

China's Mao Zedong said: Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

Both Harding and Mao are correct, but Mao's method is more direct, overt, blunt, irrevocable, and always more preferable by those who seeks the shortest path to political power. On the other hand, since money, or capital, requires time and efforts to build, political power from money is not so much power as it is more influence, hence, influence is usually indirect, covert, subtle, variable, and not always the desirable mean to achieve a goal.

Think about this for a moment: Does it really matter if the barrel pressed in your back is from a pistol or a rifle ? From a platoon of soldiers or from a single tank ?

For a rich man, to get what he want, if he can get away with using a gun for one minute instead of spending hours to persuade someone, he will chose the gun.

Which lead up to this graphic...


The US Founders realized that economic inequality is inevitable in the new country they were seeking to build. The inequality will come, and did came, from differences in geography, personalities, and technologies. They were not endowed with supernatural powers to see the future. They were just observant and filled with common sense. Societies that lives near water will develop superior shipbuilding technologies and navies. Those that lives on rivers will develop superior knowledge and methods of bulk transportation. Those that lives on fertile land will develop superior farming techniques. And so on. It is inevitable that some will fail and some will succeed. Economic inequality at every level of human societies is inevitable.

Thankfully, we are neither Russian nor Chinese who are comfortable with the Stalin and Mao method of political persuasion. We may sneer at the influence of money in politics, but at the subconscious level, we know that it is easier to counter money with money than with gun vs gun. Everybody can make money, but not everybody can make guns.

The electoral college was devised to make all states the political equals of each other in a political union where economic inequality exists. The method forces the candidates to make themselves, or their proxies, available for the people to examine in terms of policies that could and would affect them at the local level. What would a city dweller know about farming and drought ? What would a sea going sailor know about deep underground mining ? What would a grocer in Queens know about data bases and data mining in San Francisco ?

Without the electoral college, looking at the economic output graphic above, which states would wield the most influence and set agendas for a country that literally spans a continent ? Your individual vote does count. The electors in your state needs those individual votes to guide them as to the popular sentiments unique to your state and your economy. One positive side effect of the electoral college is that voting irregularities or even corruption are contained to within a state.

We do not need to make our country the same as Asia or Europe, and least of all, the laughable Russia. Those who are not familiar with US may pretentiously exercise shallow cynicism but in doing so, they failed to realize the smaller scale of economic inequalities in their own countries that gives their politicians unequal influences among each other.
Peoples are selected not elected they already elected Hilary Clinton!
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Nice try, but the real reason was: :D

Donald Trump said Thursday that he is postponing his trip to Israel, just a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned his proposal to ban U.S. travel for all Muslims.

"I have decided to postpone my trip to Israel and to schedule my meeting with @Netanyahu at a later date after I become President of the U.S.," Trump tweeted. Link
Wow, you are a liar just like your candidate. You do know the incident you are talking about was from last December 2015 (which is why you didn't post the link) while the link i posted of Donald Trump refusing to visit Israel is from July 2016

You prove why Pakistan has corrupt politicians, its because of people like you. And now you brought your crap here to the USA.

Trump's anti-Clinton 'Star of David' tweet appeared on white supremacist site
I think you should be more concerned about the Taliban who are supporting your candidate.


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