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US Politics

I like Sanders, especially the fact that he is inspiring the younger generation and many first-time voters. If he wins, it would indeed be a political revolution.

Awesome ad btw.
I also like him he’s a very decent person, funny thing is that the way he speaks, he reminds me of actor Christopher Lloyd best known for his roles as "Doc" in the Back to Future movie series.

But quite frankly his socialist revolutionary ideas scare the hell out of me.

So far in the Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses in Iowa and New Hampshire he has performed well, how he performs in larger states, it remains to be seen, even though his chances of becoming Democratic Party nominee are quite bleak, just for the sake of argument, if he does become a nominee, I think he will have a hard time facing a hostile Republican in the general election, since the Republicans have already been calling him a crazy socialist. Socialist presidential candidates are the least liked by the Americans.

In mid-2015, Gallup poll, 92% Americans said that they are willing to vote for a black, 91% for Hispanic, 74% for gay or lesbian, 60% for Muslim and only 47% for socialist presidential candidate, the point is socialism has even worse reputation than Muslims.

It is a good ad, but there is a problem, Mr. Bernie, through his socialist slogans is also trying to divide the rich and poor Americans, and that is wrong.


I like Sanders, especially the fact that he is inspiring the younger generation and many first-time voters. If he wins, it would indeed be a political revolution.

Awesome ad btw.
I think I might go Republican for the Primaries and vote for any candidate except Trump to knock him out. Then on General elections vote Sanders or Libertarian.
I also like him he’s a very decent person, funny thing is that the way he speaks, he reminds me of actor Christopher Lloyd best known for his roles as "Doc" in the Back to Future movie series.

But quite frankly his socialist revolutionary ideas scare the hell out of me.

So far in the Democratic Party presidential primaries and caucuses in Iowa and New Hampshire he has performed well, how he performs in larger states, it remains to be seen, even though his chances of becoming Democratic Party nominee are quite bleak, just for the sake of argument, if he does become a nominee, I think he will have a hard time facing a hostile Republican in the general election, since the Republicans have already been calling him a crazy socialist. Socialist presidential candidates are the least liked by the Americans.

In mid-2015, Gallup poll, 92% Americans said that they are willing to vote for a black, 91% for Hispanic, 74% for gay or lesbian, 60% for Muslim and only 47% for socialist presidential candidate, the point is socialism has even worse reputation than Muslims.

It is a good ad, but there is a problem, Mr. Bernie, through his socialist slogans is also trying to divide the rich and poor Americans, and that is wrong.

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View attachment 292871

The question arises, aren't the rich and poor Americans already divided? I'm no American national and they should choose what's best for them. But one thing I know is that, Sanders is a whole lot better than any of the nutjobs in GOP. Hillary on the other hand, I don't like anything about her, it just feels like anything she says and does is artificial and made up, but then again, it's all up to Americans to decide.

About socialists, there is one primary reason for that and it's a heritage of cold war. They tend to think all socialists are something 'Soviet-like'. Bernie sanders has proved many wrong. Although his chances are still narrow, but the fact that he has managed to absorb many voters, most of them young (all by a guy who was barely known in America) means it's possible for Americans to have a socialist candidate and not be scared of him. And honestly, I didn't find anything scary in his points.

I think I might go Republican for the Primaries and vote for any candidate except Trump to knock him out. Then on General elections vote Sanders or Libertarian.

If a republican is to be a president, I prefer Trump, so all Americans get to know how low the GOP has went. Bunch of nutjobs and warmongers. If Trump, Cruz or Rubio are the best Republicans can offer, then let Trump be a nail in GOP's coffin, at least for some years.

Exactly what I'm talking about, credit goes to decades of propaganda against socialists in US, painting any of them as someone like Stalin or Khrushchev.
If a republican is to be a president, I prefer Trump, so all Americans get to know how low the GOP has went. Bunch of nutjobs and warmongers. If Trump, Cruz or Rubio are the best Republicans can offer, then let Trump be a nail in GOP's coffin, at least for some years.
Then it would be a One Party system, I'd rather both parties die a slow painful whimper and increase the third parties. In reality I would like a total Party system failure replaced with a No Political Affiliation system.
FULL PBS Democratic Debate: Hillary Clinton VS Bernie Sanders Feb. 11, 2016 (6th Dem Debate)
The question arises, aren't the rich and poor Americans already divided? I'm no American national and they should choose what's best for them. But one thing I know is that, Sanders is a whole lot better than any of the nutjobs in GOP. Hillary on the other hand, I don't like anything about her, it just feels like anything she says and does is artificial and made up, but then again, it's all up to Americans to decide.

About socialists, there is one primary reason for that and it's a heritage of cold war. They tend to think all socialists are something 'Soviet-like'. Bernie sanders has proved many wrong. Although his chances are still narrow, but the fact that he has managed to absorb many voters, most of them young (all by a guy who was barely known in America) means it's possible for Americans to have a socialist candidate and not be scared of him. And honestly, I didn't find anything scary in his points.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. No doubt, the economy needs some fine tuning (increase the minimum wage, investment in the infrastructure, Obama care should be made more affordable), but definitely not some kind of socialist revolution.

Let me briefly explain what scares me:

1. For the last three years the US has top the foreign direct investment confidence index (FDI), in 2015 the US received $384 billion FDI, and with that investment almost 800,000 jobs were created. For the last five years the US has attracted $220 billion FDI annually. But guess what, if Trump of Bernie is elected then the FDI can take a nosedive (Source).

2. According to the Wall Street journal, Bernie Sanders proposals could cost $18 trillion. Nationalizing the US health industry will cost $15 trillion. Social Security will cost another $1.2 trillion. Our national debt is $19 trillion, can we afford more dept, I don’t think so.

3. There is no way that Sanders can accomplish any of his proposals in the U.S. Congress, which is today dominated by Republican. Mr. Sanders say that if he is elected he will abolish Obama care and replace it with Medicare for all. When Pres. Obama’s health care bill was approved (affordable care act) the Democrat had a house majority 257-178 and almost 60 seats in the Senate, today the Republicans have the house majority 246-188 and are also majority in the Senate, 54 Republic, 44 Democrats and two independent. Anyone who understands how the US system works knows very well that it’s going to be a gridlock. In other words, nothing will be achieved, four years will be lost, can the US afford that, of course not.

4. In the early days in his campaigns and debates, Sanders always used to mention Denmark as a the socialist role model,

here is what Prime Minister of Denmark had to say:

While speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware “that some people in the U.S.associate the Nordic modelwith some sort of socialism.”

“Therefore,” he said, “I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.” (Source).

Of course, after the embarrassment, he does not mention the great socialist republic of Denmark anymore. :D

The bottom line is, big promises ($18 trillion cost), there is no way can pass through the U.S. Congress and no other rich country follows what Mr. Sanders is proposing.

Donald Trump wants to divide us with his anti-Muslim agenda and Bernie Sanders with class warfare, both are dividers. We need a president who’ll unite us, not divide us.

Mr. Bernie Sanders, just like Trump, is a chaos candidate and will be a chaos president.

Bty, I am supporting Hillary Clinton, but if Hillary loses and I have to choose between Sanders and Jeb Bush, John Kasich, or Marco Rubio, I’ll definitely vote for Republican.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. No doubt, the economy needs some fine tuning (increase the minimum wage, investment in the infrastructure, Obama care should be made more affordable), but definitely not some kind of socialist revolution.

Let me briefly explain what scares me:

1. For the last three years the US has top the foreign direct investment confidence index (FDI), in 2015 the US received $384 billion FDI, and with that investment almost 800,000 jobs were created. For the last five years the US has attracted $220 billion FDI annually. But guess what, if Trump of Bernie is elected then the FDI can take a nosedive (Source).

2. According to the Wall Street journal, Bernie Sanders proposals could cost $18 trillion. Nationalizing the US health industry will cost $15 trillion. Social Security will cost another $1.2 trillion. Our national debt is $19 trillion, can we afford more dept, I don’t think so.

3. There is no way that Sanders can accomplish any of his proposals in the U.S. Congress, which is today dominated by Republican. Mr. Sanders say that if he is elected he will abolish Obama care and replace it with Medicare for all. When Pres. Obama’s health care bill was approved (affordable care act) the Democrat had a house majority 257-178 and almost 60 seats in the Senate, today the Republicans have the house majority 246-188 and are also majority in the Senate, 54 Republic, 44 Democrats and two independent. Anyone who understands how the US system works knows very well that it’s going to be a gridlock. In other words, nothing will be achieved, four years will be lost, can the US afford that, of course not.

4. In the early days in his campaigns and debates, Sanders always used to mention Denmark as a the socialist role model,

here is what Prime Minister of Denmark had to say:

While speaking at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the center-right Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen said he was aware “that some people in the U.S.associate the Nordic modelwith some sort of socialism.”

“Therefore,” he said, “I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.” (Source).

Of course, after the embarrassment, he does not mention the great socialist republic of Denmark anymore. :D

The bottom line is, big promises ($18 trillion cost), there is no way can pass through the U.S. Congress and no other rich country follows what Mr. Sanders is proposing.

Donald Trump wants to divide us with his anti-Muslim agenda and Bernie Sanders with class warfare, both are dividers. We need a president who’ll unite us, not divide us.

Mr. Bernie Sanders, just like Trump, is a chaos candidate and will be a chaos president.

Bty, I am supporting Hillary Clinton, but if Hillary loses and I have to choose between Sanders and Jeb Bush, John Kasich, or Marco Rubio, I’ll definitely vote for Republican.

Bernie is a likable idiot and trump is an arrogant idiot. Idiots unfortunately seem more genuine than the dumb politicians and therefore we the American idiots get to chose between likable village drunk and the arrogant orange top.

I hope Bloomberg decides to run
If I was Bernie, I would work more on my haircut :D apparence is very important in politics!

I think Sanders has a high chance to defeat Hillary in their party; but regarding the attraction of a large part of Americans to extremist and 'sloganism' people like Trump and their hatred toward socialism, he won't have a considerable chance against Republicans.
Bernie is a likable idiot and trump is an arrogant idiot. Idiots unfortunately seem more genuine than the dumb politicians and therefore we the American idiots get to chose between likable village drunk and the arrogant orange top.

I hope Bloomberg decides to run
I lived in New York City from 2009-2011, Bloomberg used to be the mayor, he was a great mayor. Bloomberg has been testing the waters since 2006, I think it would be a good if he decides to run, but quite frankly, I won’t hold my breath.

If I was Bernie, I would work more on my haircut :D apparence is very important in politics!

I think Sanders has a high chance to defeat Hillary in their party; but regarding the attraction of a large part of Americans to extremist and 'sloganism' people like Trump and their hatred toward socialism, he won't have a considerable chance against Republicans.
Bernie has strong support from mostly left-leaning white voters, to win the Democratic nomination one also needs strong support from the minorities.
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Who would Pakistan want in the White House come 2017?

1. Trump
2. Hillary
3. Cruz
4. Sanders

My view

1. Trump is going to be disastrous - He is an oaf who would destroy our delicate relationship with the subtlety of a wild buffalo.
2. Hillary - She is a status quo candidate and knows the ins and outs. Likely to maintain balance in the sub continent
3. Cruz - He is a baby monster. Same as Trump
4. Sanders - He is not status - quo but would focus more on domestic issues leaving FP in the hands of State Dept which is likely to maintain the friendly relation with Pakistan.

So Democrats are the best for Pakistan in my opinion. If Jeb could win then even he would have preserved things being a pragmatic he is.
I have been enjoying these circus shows. But yesterday it seemed Trump completely lost control. He was not even coherent which means Bush and Rubio got under his skin.

Frankly Bush seems to be a decent guy and Rubio a capable guy. Kasich has a decent record. In anyother election these three would have provided ample choice and thoughtful debates but with the blowhard Trump and the nutjob Cruz, everyone has been diminished. In what should have been an easy victory for the Republican nominee to next presidency, Trump has managed to even the field for the democrats.

Hilary Clinton presidency seems the scariest idea. She has so far struck me as standing for nothing, believing in nothing and liking nothing. I ask myself what I don't like about her - I cannot think of a single idea she has expressed for me to like or dislike. But her style, the ease with which she just jumps from side to side on any issue, and most of all the unsaid apparent assumption on her part that somehow America owes her....it is scary. May be this is what fear of unknown is. She has been in political and media highlights for so long yet nothing is known about her.

And that may open up the opportunity for Sanders. The guy who says all ills are because wall street did them. Idiotic but in this circus of detestables, hatables and abhorrables, the least unlikable seems to be his detestation hate and abhorrence!

Unless there is a miracle, such as Romney or Bloomberg jumping in and winning, we are in for some rough times. May be Kasich has a point
I have been enjoying these circus shows. But yesterday it seemed Trump completely lost control. He was not even coherent which means Bush and Rubio got under his skin.

Frankly Bush seems to be a decent guy and Rubio a capable guy. Kasich has a decent record. In anyother election these three would have provided ample choice and thoughtful debates but with the blowhard Trump and the nutjob Cruz, everyone has been diminished. In what should have been an easy victory for the Republican nominee to next presidency, Trump has managed to even the field for the democrats.

Hilary Clinton presidency seems the scariest idea. She has so far struck me as standing for nothing, believing in nothing and liking nothing. I ask myself what I don't like about her - I cannot think of a single idea she has expressed for me to like or dislike. But her style, the ease with which she just jumps from side to side on any issue, and most of all the unsaid apparent assumption on her part that somehow America owes her....it is scary. May be this is what fear of unknown is. She has been in political and media highlights for so long yet nothing is known about her.

And that may open up the opportunity for Sanders. The guy who says all ills are because wall street did them. Idiotic but in this circus of detestables, hatables and abhorrables, the least unlikable seems to be his detestation hate and abhorrence!

Unless there is a miracle, such as Romney or Bloomberg jumping in and winning, we are in for some rough times. May be Kasich has a point

funny, I think the opposite when i think of Hillary and Sanders. Hillary is the centrist candidate and is one of the few candidates that has the ability to reach across the isle both due to perception and actual experience. She isn't the best candidate, but compared to the extremists (on the American political spectrum) of Trump and Sanders, she is the better choice, and imo the likely winner.

Sanders would essentially be a dead presidency, as congress would shut down any and all of his domestic initiatives. I mean just look at Obama, and people expect Sanders to do better? His views would literally require a sea change in congressional politics and people, and I haven't heard him provide any support or even just point to any new senators or congressmen who would support his ideas. He basically isn't planning the change that Washington would actually need to get his plans passed. Change in Washington doesn't come with a president, it comes with Congress (which makes me laugh when presidential candidates say they will change Washington and people believe them) The President isn't a dictator, he can't rule by fiat. I'm not even sure if Sanders has a roadmap in place beyond the talk.

I'm not even going to bother with Trump, both Sanders and Trump are demagogues as far as I can see. Hillary lacks the charm that Bill Clinton had, but still she is the best candidate for president of those 3.
Trump was an embarrassment last night. Talk about a clownshow...

I'm not a huge fan of Clinton, but given her wealth of experience I can tolerate her for 4 years.

Rubio and Kasich seem to be the only Republicans with any sense. Unfortunately, their being drowned out by nuts like Trump and Cruz.

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