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@Desert Fox @CorporateAffairs
do see this video

& this

& read Scott adams(creator of Dilbert)blog on why DOnald Trump can win.

I don't like Trump & wouldnt vote for him, but he does have a good chance of winning.

Yes,he is stupid & ignorant of policy,facts & governance,but he is really smart when it comes to PR,persuasion & electoral politics & getting what/who he wants.

I think he will win this election by a small margin in Voteshare.. I can't talk about the electoral college

For more than a year now, across thousands of miles and all 50 states, tens of millions of Americans have made their voices heard.

Today, I just want to add mine. I want to congratulate Hillary Clinton on making history as the presumptive Democratic nominee for president of the United States.

Look, I know how hard this job can be. That’s why I know Hillary will be so good at it. In fact I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. She’s got the courage, the compassion and the heart to get the job done. And I say that as somebody who had to debate her more than 20 times.

Even after our own hard-fought campaign, in a testament to her character, she agreed to serve our country as secretary of state. And from the decision we made in the situation room to get Bin Laden, to our pursuit of diplomacy in capitals around the world, I have seen her judgment. I’ve seen her toughness. I’ve seen her commitment to our values up close. I’ve seen her determination to give every American a fair shot at opportunity, no matter how tough the fight was. That’s what’s always driven her, and still does.

So I want those of you who’ve been with me from the beginning of this incredible journey to be the first to know that I’m with her. I am fired up. And I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary.

I also want to thank everybody who came out to vote and who worked so hard for our candidates. This has been ahard-fought race. I know some say these primaries have somehow left the Democratic party more divided. Well, you know, they said that eight years ago as well. But just like eight years ago, there are millions of Americans, not just Democrats, who’ve cast their ballots for the very first time. And a lot of that is thanks to senator Bernie Sanders, who has run an incredible campaign.

I had a great meeting with him this week, and I thanked him for shining a spotlight on issues like economic inequality, and the outsized influence of money in our politics, and bringing young people into the process. Embracing that message is going to help us win in November. But more importantly, it’ll make the Democratic party stronger, and it’ll make America stronger.

Secretary Clinton and senator Sanders may have been rivals during this primary. But they’re both patriots who love this country, and they share a vision for the America that we all believe in. An America that’s hopeful. An America that’s big-hearted. An America that’s strong and fair, and gives every child the same chance that we had.

Those are the values that unite us as Democrats. Those are the values that make America great. Those are the values that are going to be tested in this election. And if we all come together in common effort, I’m convinced we won’t just win in November, we’ll build on the progress that we’ve made and we’ll build a brighter future for this country that we love.
Elizabeth Warren Fireworks: Trump a "Loud, Nasty, Thin-Skinned Fraud," a "Wannabe Tyrant"

Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date June 9, 2016

Sen. Elizabeth Warren lets loose on Donald Trump at a speech she delivered at the American Constitution Society's national convention Thursday evening.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN: Judge Curiel is one of countless American patriots who has spent decades quietly serving his country, sometimes at great risk to his own life. Donald Trump is a loud, nasty, thin-skinned fraud who has never risked anything for anyone and serves nobody but himself. And that is just one of the many reasons why he will never be President of the United States

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell want Donald Trump to appoint the next generation of judges. They want those judges to tilt the law to favor big business and billionaires like Trump. They just want Donald to quit being so vulgar and obvious about it. Donald Trump chose racism as his weapon, but his aim is exactly the same as the rest of the Republicans. Pound the courts into submission to the rich and powerful.

We will not allow a small, insecure, thin-skinned wannabe tyrant or his allies in the Senate to destroy the rule of law in the United States of America. It's time again to fight – as we have in every generation – for those four simple words that define the promise of our legal system. Equal justice under law.

. .
Exactly my thoughts, Trump is a dangerous racist demagogue and if he is elected he will destroy our country, and as I have said many times, he’s a bigger threat to this country than our enemies.

His dangerous race-based campaign known as the “Southern strategy”, is already stirring up and encouraging the worst (KKK, Nazis, Mexican gangs) among us, and imagine if this man takes over the White House what would happen then.

download (38).jpg

Mitt Romney says Donald Trump will change America with 'trickle-down racism'

By Theodore Schleifer, CNN June 11, 2016

Park City, Utah (CNN)Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society.

The 2012 Republican nominee, who has openly opposed Trump's candidacy, went further than he has before in outlining to CNN's Wolf Blitzer how the country's character would suffer in a Trump White House. Trump's rhetoric has caused even some other Republicans to label him a racist, and Romney said he would not be able to paper over his incendiary remarks.

"I don't want to see trickle-down racism," Romney said in an interview here in a suite overlooking the Wasatch Mountains, where he is hosting his yearly ideas conference. "I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America." Read more

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Than why aren't there any Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, or Arab immigrant members in that organization?
Answer: Because it's a racist organization.
You can’t be serious, are you, do you really think Latino/Hispanic is a race?!

So let’s see what the US government has to say about it:

US Census Bureau considers Hispanic to mean persons of Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin including those of Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican Republic, Spanish, and Central or South American origin living in the US who may be of any race or ethnic group (white, black, Asian, etc.); about 15.1% of the total US population is Hispanic..

And for your kind information, there are millions of Chinese, Pak/Indian, Arab descent Latinos living in Central America, Caribbean and South America, they are all considered Hispanic/Latino.

Here are some interesting links if you want to check:

This entry provides an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the largest and normally includes the percent of total population

By some estimates, about 250,000 to 300,000 Arabs emigrated to Argentina, Brazil and Mexico around this time, fleeing the upheavals that beset a collapsing Ottoman Empire.

“The diaspora includes global icons such as Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim and Colombian pop star Shakira. About 10 percent of members of Brazil's parliament have Arab ancestry.”

However, Latin American-Arabs are not only well represented among the economic elites of the region; they are alsodeeply integrated in the social fabric and political life of their host countries. One of the most striking evidence of this is the fact that over the last 60 years, 8 Latin American presidents had Arab origin

Look, both of us are bilingual and we should know that it is not easy to translate a foreign language, since words can have multiple meanings. As I said in my previous post that La Raza also means people, and that makes more sense, since they represents Latinos and Latino IS NOT A RACE.

So here are some good examples:

According to the American Heritage Dictionary La Raza means:

Mexicans or Mexican Americans considered as a group, sometimes extending to all Spanish-speaking people of the Americas.

American Spanish, the people.

Partido Nacionalde La Raza Unida (National United Peoples Party or United Race Party)

University of Oregon

Raza Unida Youth Conference

The motto of Raza Unida Youth Conference is Educación: El Derecho De La Raza! (Education: The Right of the People!).

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Viva la raza
Viva la raza: Long live the people (and or race)

Viva mi raza: long live my people

Good, so you finally acknowledge Trump isn't racist then.
No, I don’t!

Let's see, "La Raza" ("The Race"), who else is obsessed with Race?

Doesn't change the fact that Hillary openly admires Racist people:

Yet another weak attempt to label Hillary racist, lol, the fact is, if Hillary was really a racist than majority of nonwhites and particularly Blacks would not have overwhelmingly voted for her, they are not stupid.

Margaret Sanger was a birth control activists, sex educator, and the founder of Planned Parenthood. She is admired for her long struggle to legalize birth control, not for some of our racist comments.

At the time she was born and raised, racism was quite widespread in American society and certainly she was no exception, but at least she acknowledged racism was evil, she this:

“I’ve traveled in India and China,” she said. “Knowing our own problem, it gave me greater sympathy with the others, with what I saw in the Orient. I can recall many horrible things I saw in India. I once saw a white man come out of a train; there were five or six Indians in his way; he just kicked them away--literally, with his foot. There were a hundred people around, who were powerless to strike him. The white man’s power and the Indian’s defenselessness were so unjust.

“In China, the Chinese could not go on ‘our’ property. A Chinese doctor was not allowed to see me, couldn’t come into the American area. Discrimination is a world-wide thing. It has to be opposed everywhere. That is why I feel the Negro’s plight here is linked with that of the oppressed around the globe.

“The big answer, as I see it, is the education of the white man. The white man is the problem. It is the same as with the Nazis. We must change the white attitudes. That is where it lies.”

Here’s another example that shows National Council of La Raza is not a racist organization, as its critics try to portray it:

“For example, in 2006, as part of NCLR’s homeownership program, NCLR Affiliates served about 29,000 clients. Almost 20% were White and approximately 12% were Black. The program targets low-income neighborhoods that contain large Hispanic populations, where NCLR Affiliates are often among the few institutions to offer their services in both English and Spanish.”

Now has the racist KKK and Nazis done anything for the minorities?

Adiós Por Ahora!

this was so LOL

You were right, it was really funny, no doubt, Trump is a clown and an excellent standup comedian, but he is not a presidential material.

As usual, he was damn lying!

He says Elizabeth Warren is a ‘Total Failure’ but her Senate Record is actually exceptional.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren
Senator from Massachusetts, Democrat
You were right, it was really funny, no doubt, Trump is a clown and an excellent standup comedian, but he is not a presidential material.
here's what you guys (American leftists) really need to be scared of

that Trump is an unbelievably talented public speaker, maybe the best ever...

and then you have crooked Hillary, one of the worst speakers ever, 0 charisma, no holding power, drowning in scandals, the face of the "establishment", it is so obvious when she does her pandering routine to minorities :sick:

Bernie would have been so much stronger as a real opposition figure to Trump but will probably not be too effective as a Hillary attack dog, his designated role, I doubt his heart will be in it if he does take the job, besides..

no. 45 is going to be Trump , and the minorities in the US will be just fine, too much scaremongering :tdown:

@Desert Fox
You can’t be serious,
Are you serious?? Answer my question:

If "La Raza" ("The Race") is not a racist organization than why aren't there Chinese, Somalian, Arab, Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, and other non-Latino immigrants a part of that organization??

Where's the DIVERSITY?? Certainly if they're not racist everyone should be a part of their group.

So let’s see what the US government has to say about it:
So the US government agrees that Latinos =/= a Race therefore Trump =/= racist.

This entry provides an ordered listing of ethnic groups starting with the largest and normally includes the percent of total population

By some estimates, about 250,000 to 300,000 Arabs emigrated to Argentina, Brazil and Mexico around this time, fleeing the upheavals that beset a collapsing Ottoman Empire.

“The diaspora includes global icons such as Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim and Colombian pop star Shakira. About 10 percent of members of Brazil's parliament have Arab ancestry.”

However, Latin American-Arabs are not only well represented among the economic elites of the region; they are alsodeeply integrated in the social fabric and political life of their host countries. One of the most striking evidence of this is the fact that over the last 60 years,
8 Latin American presidents had Arab origin
And this proves that "La Raza ("The Race") can't be a racist organization? Where are the Somalian immigrants in that group? Where's the diversity??

Look, both of us are bilingual and we should know that it is not easy to translate a foreign language, since words can have multiple meanings. As I said in my previous post that La Raza also means people, and that makes more sense, since they represents Latinos and Latino IS NOT A RACE.

I took Spanish in middle and highschool and Raza does not mean people.

So here are some good examples:

According to the American Heritage Dictionary La Raza means:

Mexicans or Mexican Americans considered as a group, sometimes extending to all Spanish-speaking people of the Americas.

American Spanish, the people.

Partido Nacionalde La Raza Unida (National United Peoples Party or United Race Party)

University of Oregon

Raza Unida Youth Conference

The motto of Raza Unida Youth Conference is Educación: El Derecho De La Raza! (Education: The Right of the People!).

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Viva la raza
Viva la raza: Long live the people (and or race)

Viva mi raza: long live my people
Still includes the word RACE (Raza). Gente means strictly people in Spanish. If they were strictly referring to people (Gente) then why wasn't it "La Gente" instead of "La Raza" ("The Race")??

No, I don’t!
Yeah, you did. If Latinos aren't a race then Trump isn't racist for calling them out.

Yet another weak attempt to label Hillary racist, lol, the fact is, if Hillary was really a racist than majority of nonwhites and particularly Blacks would not have overwhelmingly voted for her, they are not stupid.
Same can be said about Trump. Oh, but he's a "racist Nazi KKK Fascist". :lol:

Margaret Sanger was a birth control activists, sex educator, and the founder of Planned Parenthood. She is admired for her long struggle to legalize birth control, not for some of our racist comments.
She was also a Racist who believed people of your and mine skin color should be exterminated. Her Birth Control which you lauded was mainly intended for non-Whites, in other words she didn't want you to be born :lol: .

Racist people Hillary admires: 2 (Robert Byrd, Margaret Sanger)

Racist people Trump admires: 0

here's what you guys (American leftists) really need to be scared of

that Trump is an unbelievably talented public speaker, maybe the best ever...

and then you have crooked Hillary, one of the worst speakers ever, 0 charisma, no holding power, drowning in scandals, the face of the "establishment", it is so obvious when she does her pandering routine to minorities :sick:

Bernie would have been so much stronger as a real opposition figure to Trump but will probably not be too effective as a Hillary attack dog, his designated role, I doubt his heart will be in it if he does take the job, besides..

no. 45 is going to be Trump , and the minorities in the US will be just fine, too much scaremongering :tdown:

@Desert Fox
If these leftist morons think that Bernie supporters will endorse a liar, murderer, racist, sexist, corrupt career politician like Hillary Clinton just because Bernie will endorse her then they are in for a surprise. Bernie would rather destroy the trust he worked so hard to gain within his support base.
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The one simple thing Hillary could do (but won’t)
By Arun Gupta
June 12, 2016

Panic is seeping into Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid. Her recent lead of more than 10 points over Donald Trump has withered to 1.5 percent. There are many reasons why she could lose.

Trump is simply a better politician. His adroit use of media enables him to define the terms of the debate. Given her 25 years in the public eye, Clinton’s sky-high negatives are more difficult to shift than Trump’s. Voters trust Trump more on the economy and to bring change Washington.

Demographics may favor Democrats as the population grows browner and most voters are women, but white working-class Democrats are streaming over to Trump in must-win states like Pennsylvania. While Clinton will rise in the polls once the party consolidates behind her, the anger on the left toward the Democratic Party is spurring many Sanders supporters to vow they will sit out the election, vote for a third-party candidate, or even cast a ballot for Trump.

Nonetheless, Trump’s paths to victory are narrow. Most elites are lined up against him. The corporate media, intelligentsia, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, and Wall Street will hammer Trump relentlessly as he threatens the American-led project of globalization, which includes the liberal multiculturalism he trashes with glee.

Obama will deploy his status as the most popular national politician to boost Clinton. By the time the media finish defining Trump as the second coming of Hitler, Sanders backers will vote for Clinton overwhelmingly, even if reluctantly. And the narrative of a Trump victory is driven more by the media’s desire for click bait than a realistic assessment of his chances.

But one mountainous obstacle remains for Clinton. Even as she’s found her footing in attacking Trump, lacerating him as a unique danger to humanity a la Barry Goldwater, Clinton struggles to provide an affirmative reason why she should be in the White House.

Clinton can paint Trump as a hypothetical threat but her history shows she is a proven threat. Once her unabashed venality, ambition, and pandering is filtered out, what remains is Clinton’s lust for war and Wall Street without limits. So it’s not entirely accurate, as Jon Stewart observes, that Clinton lacks “the courage of her convictions,” but she won’t be elected president with a slogan of more wars and more bank bailouts.

Clinton’s strategy is to find the right message, the right tone, and overwhelm Trump on the ground. While Trump smashed GOP records with 13 million votes in the primary, that is just 20 percent of what Obama garnered in his 2012 re-election.

And Trump is sowing the seeds of his defeat given his chaotic management style, a staff just one-tenth the size of Clinton’s, abandonment of the crucial get-out-the-vote effort to the Republican National Committee, and plans to rely on his ego to turn out voters.

This election comes down to Trump’s vulgar will to power versus Clinton’s brute force neoliberalism.

But Clinton could steer a course that would enable her to drub Trump and swing Congress back into the Democratic column. Rather than obsess over the mechanics and messaging of campaigning, Clinton could make opposition to new free-trade deals and renegotiating existing ones like NAFTA a signature campaign pledge.

By doing so, Clinton could steal Trump’s thunder. While liberals imagine Trump supporters have crawled out of a swamp of ‘racial and cultural resentments’, they are also deeply motivated by economic grievances.

Since 1997, free-trade deals have cost most of the 5 million manufacturing jobs lost in the United States and reduced annual wages by some US$1,800 for non-college educated workers. Given Trump’s tendency to reverse positions mid-thought, there’s little risk for Clinton to flip-flop, as she already has on nearly every position. She already switched last fall to opposing the Trans-Pacific Partnership after calling it the “gold standard.”

But Clinton only meekly disagrees with the TPP, saying, “I don’t have the text, we don’t yet have all the details, I don’t believe it’s going to meet the high bar I have set.” While she ticks off every issue imaginable to bolster the economy, including clean energy, early childhood learning, and medical research, she’s utterly silent about disastrous free-trade deals like NAFTA.

It’s a replay of Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection: tout micro-policies that sound good but do little to help workers, while taking pains not to loosen Wall Street’s iron-fisted control of the economy. By not forcefully rejecting free trade, Clinton refuses to acknowledge how it’s wrecked working-class status and aspirations.

It’s not like Wall Street has a choice this election. Even if Trump managed to suppress his mercurial and authoritarian tendencies, his pledges to impose tariffs, commence trade wars, and deport 11 million immigrants would wreak economic and social havoc.

Between Trump and Sanders, most Americans have voted for redistributive policies this election. The only difference is Trump supporters blame immigrants for their woes as much, if not more, as they blame Wall Street and politicians. Plus, Trump’s caustic assault means Clinton will eventually be forced to denounce free-trade deals. (NAFTA is the one issue Trump is consistent about, having publicly opposed it since at least 1993.)

If Clinton leaped ahead of the curve, making opposition to free trade a keystone position and buttressing it with a trillion-dollar clean-energy jobs program, she could consolidate Sanders supporters and working-class Democrats behind her, dashing Trump’s chances.

As much as this makes sense for Clinton, even from a realpolitik perspective, it’s unlikely to happen. Obama confronted the same choice in 2009. He had a mandate and congressional super-majority to push for a “New, New Deal,” a huge public works and benefits program that would begin to reverse decades of income inequality.

Instead, his administration spent its political capital on restoring the profits and power of investment banks and choosing tepid measures for everyone else such as rationalizing health care, rather than expanding it, and enacting a stimulus that failed to revive the economy. If millions of Americans currently had an “Obamajob” and full health care, it would have created widespread support among workers for the Democrats as a party that can deliver the goods.

Despite a clear path to victory, Clinton will take the more perilous road of neoliberalism. That is the thinking behind the Democrats’ claimthat for “every one of those blue-collar Democrats [Trump] picks up, he will lose to Hillary two socially moderate Republicans and independents.”

Playing to the right is evidence of how the Democratic Party has become a more committed and competent manager of capitalist globalization than the GOP. Clinton is also a creature of Wall Street going back to the late seventies when she made a small fortune trading cattle futures with the suspicious help of a market expert.

Clinton is likely to win, but if she does lose to Trump it’s not because white Americans are unalterably racist. It’s because the Democratic Party and the Clintons are unalterably devoted to Wall Street.

This article was originally published as: ‘The one simple thing Hillary could do (but won’t) to crush Trump’.

Courtesy: Counterpunch.org
. .
Trump has miserably failed to show any leadership qualities, since yesterday all he is been doing is inflaming hatred against Muslims, no doubt, this man is a racist demagogue and a threat to America, and he is a poster boy for the religious (ISIS, AQ, Taliban) terrorists propaganda.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton has shown great leadership:

. .
Trump Gives Speech On National Security,
Calls Out Hillary For Her
Sympathy For Terrorist Organizations


Trump has miserably failed to show any leadership qualities, since yesterday all he is been doing is inflaming hatred against Muslims, no doubt, this man is a racist demagogue and a threat to America, and he is a poster boy for the religious (ISIS, AQ, Taliban) terrorists propaganda.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton has shown great leadership:

you are pro Hillary Clinton . I wonder how many of your fellow Brothers and Sisters she got killed as Secretary of State (worse one in our history too boot) and how many she will get killed as POTUS.

Trump wants peace with Muslims unlike the Zionists,Wahhabi, and secret groups (freemasons, order of malta)

all and all white people and American Muslims have gotten along pretty well considering what has happened. Trump

George W. Bush and Obama and their cronies need to be tried for treason for what they have done to this country and the world.

Trump could do no worse than them and crooked snake Hillary as POTUS
you are pro Hillary Clinton . I wonder how many of your fellow Brothers and Sisters she got killed as Secretary of State (worse one in our history too boot) and how many she will get killed as POTUS.

Trump wants peace with Muslims unlike the Zionists,Wahhabi, and secret groups (freemasons, order of malta)

all and all white people and American Muslims have gotten along pretty well considering what has happened. Trump

George W. Bush and Obama and their cronies need to be tried for treason for what they have done to this country and the world.

Trump could do no worse than them and crooked snake Hillary as POTUS
C130, sorry to say, but Trump has totally failed his first leadership test, he has shown that he is nothing but a third class politician, in tragedies like these great leaders try to unite (Hillary and Obama has shown great leadership) the nation and the weak look for scapegoats, in trumps America, if one sick Muslim commits violence than the entire Muslim world will have to pay a price.

The day this tragedy happened, Trump started his day by bragging on the twitter, than he pointed fingers at Pres. Obama, even shamelessly suggesting as if Obama wanted this to happen, next he wanted to score cheap points with Hillary Clinton, since Hillary Clinton has not declared war on the entire Muslim world, so that according to Trump makes her a weak leader.

Then he doubled down on his shameless call to bar all Muslims from entering the US, funny thing is that first the genius did not even know that the terrorist was born in US, so how would banning the Muslims from entering the US would had helped in preventing this terrorist attack, only the great property developer knows.

And now shamelessly he has made this tragedy a cornerstone of his election campaign, now we do know that one of his favorite bedtime books use to be Mein Kampf.


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