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US Politics

Biden has categorically stated that he will not pardon Trump or block investigations against him. But I’m sure Trump will do what no other president has done, he is going to pardon himself.

He did? I must've missed that. I can see him not blocking any investigations against him but I see him being a "fraternity" guy. In other words, there must be a presidential fraternity no matter what happened in the past and no matter what partisanship is involved.

Anyway, what the orangutan is doing now by not conceding and trying everything in his power to cast fraud on the electoral process is shameful. It's a culmination of what we, as Americans, have dealt with in the past 4 years with this clown in charge of the highest office seat. Every day it's a slap in the face with whatever new bombshell this completely inept clown is going to do now. Honestly I think the larger majority of this country can't wait until he disappears and there is some semblance of normalcy that returns to everyday political life. And especially to take control of this virus before it really destroys this country.
What real embarrassing is not this Clown but 72 millions clowns who think that he Win and elections voting is a fraud.
A Super power whose 72 millions population thinking is worst then people in third world countries even they understand a snake oil man sales person. All big cities where educated people lives went to Biden but all areas outside where a simple hard working people lives goes Red. I am a registered Republican but knew since he started his election bid in 2015 that he is nothing but a Con artist and a snake oil salesmen. He only care about himself and may be his children's.
Unfortunately his era is not over he and his family is another NS and Bhutto family who wants to suck the blood of there people and make fool out of them.
He did? I must've missed that. I can see him not blocking any investigations against him but I see him being a "fraternity" guy. In other words, there must be a presidential fraternity no matter what happened in the past and no matter what partisanship is involved.

Anyway, what the orangutan is doing now by not conceding and trying everything in his power to cast fraud on the electoral process is shameful. It's a culmination of what we, as Americans, have dealt with in the past 4 years with this clown in charge of the highest office seat. Every day it's a slap in the face with whatever new bombshell this completely inept clown is going to do now. Honestly I think the larger majority of this country can't wait until he disappears and there is some semblance of normalcy that returns to everyday political life. And especially to take control of this virus before it really destroys this country.
Well, what's going to be even more interesting that that is what the hell is gonna happen to the orangutan? He was banking so badly on this 2nd term to work out a lot of his personal issues with the law in the many forms in which they will come up in including the Deutche Bank loans of over $400 million that are due soon? All the possible indictments on him that couldn't be filed at the time of his presidency because of the "unwritten rule" of not indicting a sitting president might suddenly all show up like the Russia thing. That could certainly rear its ugly head again and so in other words, he has a whole slew of problems he could be facing and he knows it and his plan was to take care of all these things in his 2nd term but now he has about 2 months to do it.

So what does he do? Resign and let Pence become interim president who then can pardon him just like Nixon and Ford did? That might be his only option at this point! What a shebang that would be.

As I always say, let due process complete. We shall soon know.
He did? I must've missed that. I can see him not blocking any investigations against him but I see him being a "fraternity" guy. In other words, there must be a presidential fraternity no matter what happened in the past and no matter what partisanship is involved.

Anyway, what the orangutan is doing now by not conceding and trying everything in his power to cast fraud on the electoral process is shameful. It's a culmination of what we, as Americans, have dealt with in the past 4 years with this clown in charge of the highest office seat. Every day it's a slap in the face with whatever new bombshell this completely inept clown is going to do now. Honestly I think the larger majority of this country can't wait until he disappears and there is some semblance of normalcy that returns to everyday political life. And especially to take control of this virus before it really destroys this country.
The number of armed goons he has going for him and the misinformation network that supports him is quite a bit. He isn’t the problem - its managing his followers and their alternate reality that is.
So Steven Crowder just overtook the young turks as the biggest youtube news show

he's really good, funny guy.. leans right of course

Indians are seen around the world as equal to sub saharan africans (without the athletic ability). Funny that they have such high opinion of themselves.

that is because all indians suffer from Kluger Dunning effect...

"the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability."

Indians are seen around the world as equal to sub saharan africans (without the athletic ability). Funny that they have such high opinion of themselves.
Yet indians still worship and licking toes for Trump.

I guess they don't mind being slaves. :enjoy:

Trump shall considered retired in India. He will be the God which he always wish for, in India. :lol:
They can target Indians all they want, I don’t understand why they have to target innocent blacks people?
White are racist. They believe this world is created around them.
In Indian minds they stand shoulder to shoulder with white right wing nationalists

My personal opinion is because of deep seated caste system in Hindu mind where they will oppose any one seemed lower down or rocking the system

Everywhere else they are just Kala skinny indians
White are racist.

Nowhere near as racist as Chinese. You guys are maybe only outdone by the Koreans who don't like anybody (including white people).

Get a bunch of Chinese together in a conversation and they'll openly and happily sh*t on every people from Asia and Africa. It's so bad they even scold their kids for wasting time having them as friends. It's like being at a KKK meeting except everybody under the hoods is Chinese. Definitely not politically correct.
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Trump by stopping India's favourite H1B visas might actually be doing a favour for them. Too many Indians in America and west anyway.

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