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US Politics

Indians are seen around the world as equal to sub saharan africans (without the athletic ability). Funny that they have such high opinion of themselves.
They can target Indians all they want, I don’t understand why they have to target innocent blacks people?
that is because all indians suffer from Kluger Dunning effect...

"the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability."

Epic Fail.

The placard was talking about American-Indians (also known as Native Americans) and not Asian Indians or Indian-Americans.
Yet indians still worship and licking toes for Trump.

I guess they don't mind being slaves. :enjoy:

Trump shall considered retired in India. He will be the God which he always wish for, in India. :lol:

White are racist. They believe this world is created around them.

Indian Americans by and large are liberal and vote Democratic. Most young Indian Americans grow up in privileged circumstances, in wealthy suburbs of large metropolitan areas and these areas are heavily indoctrinated by the Democratic Party.

Older Indian immigrants however may vote Republican because they are largely conservative, pro-business and want White validation/acceptance.
I am guessing they are calling Native Americans 'Indians' or is this hate targeted at Kamala Harris and India.

Since these racists hate everybody, it could be both. This is why Chinese & Asians & Muslims should not take this personally, these are nazi bigots, and idiots like Macron and trump are already losers. They try to provoke and start fights and bully, they are really mentally ill. Since they are nazis, they like to take out their hatred by starting wars and causing worldwide misery.

Native Americans were vital for the victory in Arizona according to media reports.

Black voters supposedly delivered Georgia to biden, according to the media.

Nazis gonna nazi:

If the CiA installs trump into 2nd term through 'courts' and 'lawsuits', things are going to get interesting.
funny thing is far right radicals support hindutvas in the social media against islamophobia.

I am guessing they are calling Native Americans 'Indians' or is this hate targeted at Kamala Harris and India.

Since these racists hate everybody, it could be both. This is why Chinese & Asians & Muslims should not take this personally, these are nazi bigots, and idiots like Macron and trump are already losers. They try to provoke and start fights and bully, they are really mentally ill. Since they are nazis, they like to take out their hatred by starting wars and causing worldwide misery.

Native Americans were vital for the victory in Arizona according to media reports.

Black voters supposedly delivered Georgia to biden, according to the media.

Nazis gonna nazi:

If the CiA installs trump into 2nd term through 'courts' and 'lawsuits', things are going to get interesting.

This is specifically targeted against Kamala. So South Asians & Blacks are the targets.
Epic Fail.

The placard was talking about American-Indians (also known as Native Americans) and not Asian Indians or Indian-Americans.

Native Americans are 0.8% of their population. Indians are 5.9% of the population excluding American born.

Still even ignoring this, its hilarious that a group of people who constantly claim to be the successors of "ancient civilisations" dont even have ownership of their own name. I guess thats what happens though when you name your country after an already used geographical expression.
Epic Fail.

The placard was talking about American-Indians (also known as Native Americans) and not Asian Indians or Indian-Americans.

Actually you may be correct because some people are really upset over all the Team name changes after the George Floyd fallout.

It could be worse I guess
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Native Americans are 0.8% of their population. Indians are 5.9% of the population excluding American born.

Still even ignoring this, its hilarious that a group of people who constantly claim to be the successors of "ancient civilisations" dont even have ownership of their own name. I guess thats what happens though when you name your country after an already used geographical expression.

No way are they 5.9%. I think that's the number for Asians as a whole. I think Indians are only maybe 1% if even that.
No way are they 5.9%. I think that's the number for Asians as a whole. I think Indians are only maybe 1% if even that.

The population of the US is ~320M. Before say 1998 the Indian population was almost non-existent.. There is no way that many people were allowed in to hit 5% in just the last 25 years.
Actually you may be correct because some people are really upset over all the Team name changes after the George Floyd fallout.

Indians love Trump. They're not sure why Trump's white supporters are so angry at them.

Can you shed any light on why MAGA has a problem with Indians?
The population of the US is ~320M. Before say 1998 the Indian population was almost non-existent other than Babu from the Simpsons. There no way that many people were allowed in to hit 5% in the last 25 years.

They are 3.8 million according to this, so 1.2%. I am shocked even by that amount. When I was a kid, I barely saw any Indians, but now I see a lot of them.

Indians love Trump. They're not sure why Trump's white supporters are so angry at them.

Can you shed any light on why MAGA has a problem with Indians?

If they are not sure, that means they are dumb as rocks.

They are dark, foreign, with a weird culture and Kamala is half-Indian. How is that hard to understand? Hindu culture is probably the weirdest fucking thing on earth to a WASP, more foreign than African American, Latino, East Asian or even Muslim cultures are.
They are 3.8 million according to this, so 1.2%. I am shocked even by that amount. When I was a kid, I barely saw any Indians, but now I see a lot of them.

Totally agree. Even here in the NorthEast where it is more of a melting pot I rarely ever saw an Indian before 1990. None even in a college with International students. First worked with a single one in 1994 in a big company. It was only after the dotcom bust that they started being noticeable. Now I see a lot of them.

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