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if you want Hillary for U.S President don't complain when she continues our current foreign policy of war and destabilization of the Middle East.

Trump for POTUS would be the best thing for Muslims and World Peace.
First of all, does anyone really know what Trumps foreign policy is? But what little we know is that if he has his way most probably he will dismantle NATO, and that would be wonderful for his good friend Putin, without NATO it would be easier for Putin to rebuild (in Reagan’s words, evil Empire) Soviet Union.

While the United States has had a bipartisan policy of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, Mr. Trump will have no problem if South Korea and Japan acquired nuclear weapons.

If we go by his rhetoric he would most probably start trade wars with our largest trading partners, particularly China, Mexico and Japan.

He will ban 1.5 billion Muslims for traveling to the United States and imagine if the Muslims countries retaliate and ban Americans for traveling to their countries, that will mean, Americans would not be able to travel to more than 50 countries in the world.

He has said on several interviews that he will bring back waterboarding and even worse, so in other words, we will join the company of countries like North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

He will kill the families of terrorists that will include women, children and old people, that’s exactly how AQ, ISIS and Taliban deals with their enemies.

Well, I don’t know about you and others Trump supporters, but to me it does not look like we are going to have a peaceful world if this hotheaded man takes over the White House.

Going by your logic Hillary is racist. So yeah. BTW, why do you depend on others to fight your battles (even though anon acknowledged there is no proof Trump is racist). You made a claim Trump is racist, therefore the onus lies on you to prove he's racist.

Anti-Trump Protesters Attack Police In Albuquerque, New Mexico
@3:50 In Video

My “logic”, really? you are comparing apples and stale oranges. No doubt, Robert Byrd ones was part of KKK, but he had the decency to denounce his past, unlike, Trumps racist KKK, and Nazi supporters.

Correction, it’s not a “battle”, but a debate/exchange of opinions, so take it easy.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss this further.
First of all, does anyone really know what Trumps foreign policy is? But what little we know is that if he has his way most probably he will dismantle NATO, and that would be wonderful for his good friend Putin, without NATO it would be easier for Putin to rebuild (in Reagan’s words, evil Empire) Soviet Union.

While the United States has had a bipartisan policy of stopping the spread of nuclear weapons, Mr. Trump will have no problem if South Korea and Japan acquired nuclear weapons.

If we go by his rhetoric he would most probably start trade wars with our largest trading partners, particularly China, Mexico and Japan.

He will ban 1.5 billion Muslims for traveling to the United States and imagine if the Muslims countries retaliate and ban Americans for traveling to their countries, that will mean, Americans would not be able to travel to more than 50 countries in the world.

He has said on several interviews that he will bring back waterboarding and even worse, so in other words, we will join the company of countries like North Korea, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

He will kill the families of terrorists that will include women, children and old people, that’s exactly how AQ, ISIS and Taliban deals with their enemies.

Well, I don’t know about you and others Trump supporters, but to me it does not look like we are going to have a peaceful world if this hotheaded man takes over the White House.

My “logic”, really? you are comparing apples and stale oranges. No doubt, Robert Byrd ones was part of KKK, but he had the decency to denounce his past, unlike, Trumps racist KKK, and Nazi supporters.

Correction, it’s not a “battle”, but a debate/exchange of opinions, so take it easy.

Tomorrow we’ll discuss this further.

I can't speak for Trump but for what I have heard.

Foreign Policy- he's against getting us involved in stupid wars and destabilizing the Middle East (was against the Iraq war, Libya, and Syria)
Will build a wall to keep out illegal Mexicans and other Latinos, most of whom are murderers and drug traffickers.

Nukes- Japan will never build or use nuclear weapons. my personal opinion is South Korea should have nukes if North Korea can have them. If China doesn't like that they should put pressure on North Korea to abandon it's own nuclear program.

so If SK wants them Trump won't stop them.

Trade wars- they are already happening. we are getting ripped off. China devalues it's currency and dumps it's cheap products into our country. we have a $300+ billion trade deficient with China that needs to be fixed.

NAFTA needs to go TPP won't happen under Trump

Ban of Muslims- he'll renegade on that rhetoric 100%

Waterboarding- I don't have a problem with that

Kill the families of terrorists- this is the only way to truly wipe out terrorists like IS. they take multiple wives and have dozens of kids who then are indoctrinated to follow in their footsteps. if you kill the father the children will just continue his legacy and make more terrorist children themselves. it's like a Hydra. either we don't fight and kill terrorists or we wipe them and their lineage out.

World peace- well Trump couldn't be any worse than the Nobel Peace Prize winning current POTUS and he isn't a Neocon like John McCain.

Trump isn't racist and neither is his supporters.

if you look at videos of anti-trump protesters you'll see who is truly racist and intolerant ones are in this country.
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Tomorrow we’ll discuss this further.

So where's your proof Trump's racist? Oh, right, you have none.

Retired KKK Grand Dragon Robert Byrd Endorsed Hillary



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I am supporting donald trump for president. West has thought too much about whats best for the world. Now western countries have to think whats best for their own selves as well. Countries like China will think for the world from now on.
if you look at videos of anti-trump protesters you'll see who is truly racist and intolerant ones are in this country.

Case in point:

This is why Trump MUST win, or else this country can say goodbye to Freedom of Speech.
Who's rioting and burning Police Cars? Anti-Trump protesters.

Who's attacking Police at every Trump rally? Anti-Trump protesters.

Who's shutting down free speech at every pro-Conservative rally? Anti-Trump protesters.

Who's attacking and beating up people with different opinions? Anti-Trump protesters.

Yet morons have the audacity to call Trump a Fascist, Nazi, KKK, racist, but can't provide any evidence to back their allegations.

@T-72M1 @C130 @Falcon29 @XenoEnsi-14
Illegal Mexicans are spooked by Trump because they know Trump is not a talker.
Case in point:

lol Milo, the guy has a habit of triggering SJWs, have you seen the trigglypuff event ? :sarcastic:

and then there was the whole thing where 'Trump 2016' scribbled with chalk sent a whole bunch to the psych ward or something :laugh:, these western lefty liberal kids have lost the plot completely, great to see some push-back from some sections of the youth. They need more Milo.
Kill the families of terrorists- this is the only way to truly wipe out terrorists like IS. they take multiple wives and have dozens of kids who then are indoctrinated to follow in their footsteps. if you kill the father the children will just continue his legacy and make more terrorist children themselves. it's like a Hydra. either we don't fight and kill terrorists or we wipe them and their lineage out.

A lot of you misunderstood what he was referencing to, it wasn't anything to do with overseas operations, it was related to domestic incident in California, where he thought family members where hiding something about the son and his wife. The media turned it into something overseas, it wasn't ever and isn't. I'm not a proponent of declaring wars overseas, I don't care who it is. We shouldn't be at war with ISIS, just extend lawful and effective support to allies that request it. This whole family thing is exploited by media, to label Palestinians as terrorists and justify Israeli tactics, which they are actually the only people that target families of anyone involved in government. Which is war crime. And Trump doesn't support Israel or care about it, he just has to pretend he does because of the decades old religious brainwashing of Americans to support secular Israel.

Case in point:

This is why Trump MUST win, or else this country can say goodbye to Freedom of Speech.
Who's rioting and burning Police Cars? Anti-Trump protesters.

Who's attacking Police at every Trump rally? Anti-Trump protesters.

Who's shutting down free speech at every pro-Conservative rally? Anti-Trump protesters.

Who's attacking and beating up people with different opinions? Anti-Trump protesters.

Yet morons have the audacity to call Trump a Fascist, Nazi, KKK, racist, but can't provide any evidence to back their allegations.

@T-72M1 @C130 @Falcon29 @XenoEnsi-14

I have mixed feelings about that guy, he's Jewish is trying to project what Trump's fanbase agenda stands for. A lot of what he's trying to project is anti-Palestinian/pro-Jewish. And he's trying to downplay anti-Jewish sentiment among Trump fan base. You are absolutely right about who's instigating riots and violence. I'm not fond of this guy though.
I have mixed feelings about that guy, he's Jewish is trying to project what Trump's fanbase agenda stands for. A lot of what he's trying to project is anti-Palestinian/pro-Jewish. And he's trying to downplay anti-Jewish sentiment among Trump fan base. You are absolutely right about who's instigating riots and violence. I'm not fond of this guy though.
Yeah true i share the same views on this Milo guy, i have noticed his pro-Zionist views in a lot of his videos and im no fan of his actually, he's a Kosher "conservative" (i don't even know how they could call him a conservative when he's a homosexual). I only posted this video because it was the latest example of leftist idiots shutting down a meeting they deemed opposing their views.
he just has to pretend he does because of the decades old religious brainwashing of Americans to support secular Israel.
what "secular", when they all refer to it as the "jewish state"

but Trump is your best bet to resolve that real estate crisis, which is exactly what it is, and I think he could do it..

or at the very least put in a long term temporary working solution that actually works so we don't have that bi-annual disproportionate bombing anymore, which, tbh, the rocket crews are really asking for every time.

will you be voting for him, Hazzy ?
Anti-Trump Protesters Attack Trump Supporters, Deny Them Their Freedom of Speech:

When was the last time Trump Supporters did this to Bernie or Hillary supporters?


@C130 @Falcon29 @T-72M1 @XenoEnsi-14

lol Milo, the guy has a habit of triggering SJWs, have you seen the trigglypuff event ? :sarcastic:

and then there was the whole thing where 'Trump 2016' scribbled with chalk sent a whole bunch to the psych ward or something :laugh:, these western lefty liberal kids have lost the plot completely, great to see some push-back from some sections of the youth. They need more Milo.
Yeah trigglypuff has become legendary :lol:
what "secular", when they all refer to it as the "jewish state"

but Trump is your best bet to resolve that real estate crisis, which is exactly what it is, and I think he could do it..

or at the very least put in a long term temporary working solution that actually works so we don't have that bi-annual disproportionate bombing anymore, which, tbh, the rocket crews are really asking for every time.

will you be voting for him, Hazzy ?

Most Jewish people are atheist, they remain Jewish by identity/ethnicity. Israel is a secular state, but it is driven by racial supremacism(one state for Jewish people). Their claims to the land are also based on religion, because simply they were able to garner popular support among some Christians. If they couldn't have, they wouldn't have made it on religious grounds.

Real estate is fine at this moment, it's kind of hitting the peak again, a lot of people are looking to sell property currently thinking they will get top dollar. So we are approaching another housing crisis, and everybody learned from the last one, so many people will be buying property once the crisis begins again.

I respectfully disagree with the narrative on the I/P conflict, trust me you'd understand our angle if you got more exposure to it, and I'm sure me and you can go over it in the future, and I'm looking forward to that. I don't believe Trump can land a solution, I actually don't want anything from US administration in that regard besides focusing on domestic affairs and not propping up the state of Israel. Trump worries them, because he's shaking up the make up of the government, prefers white Christians over most, and is against the Jewish conservative neocon agenda overseas. So for that, he's no doubt the best candidate out there.

Besides other things too, he is waking people up to the anti-white agenda in the nation, that is implemented by the Jewish higher ups and liberal bases in the country, that even minorities are aware of. It all coincides with their foreign policies overseas, and the refugee crisis in ME and Europe too. He want's to shred that plan apart, and that's why much of the white segment is voting for him, they simply know but are not going to reveal anything. They will just do some talk about economic or immigration policies and not shed light on what they believe is the overall agenda. It is very interesting time in US politics, lot's is happening behind the scenes, it's more tense than some people believe, and you should keep an eye out for it.
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