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Liberal "comedian" Jon Stewart Complains
"Trump's Hurting Journalists' Ego"




When an Attempted Trashing of Trump goes wrong

Idiot Democrat politician makes demeaning comments about his Indian and Black colleagues on stage in a failed attempt to smear Trump and his supporters

"He's an Indian, but he does an amazing job"

"She's an African American, but she does an amazing job"

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There goes Trump’s BS propaganda! :lol: He has been trying very hard to sell BS propaganda against the Democrats, calling them a party of mobs overtaken by socialists and communists.

In fact, when it comes to violence, a new poll by NBC News/Marist shows the national mood. When specifically asked:

About the tone in politics during Trump Presidency

Gotten Worse 75%

Stayed The Same 16%

Improved 7%

When given choices whom to blame for lack of civility in politics

Trump 42%

The Media 28%

Democrats 18%


Not only the American public blames the clown for violence, but even the Wall Street, Real Estate and Insurance sector has had enough of him, they are now supporting Democrats more than his party. I’m loving it!

Wall Street is backing Democrats for the first time in a decade

There's still a week to go before the midterm elections, but Wall Street has already voted -- with its campaign contributions.

The securities and finance industry has backed Democratic congressional candidates 63 percent to 37 percent, according to data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics. Democratic candidates and political action committees have received $56.8 million, compared to Republicans' $33.4 million. (The data cover the current electoral cycle through Sept. 30.)

It's the first time in a decade that the securities industry has given more to Democrats than Republicans. The broader sector of finance, insurance and real estate is following a similar pattern. Its firms have given $174 million to Democratic candidates against $157 million to Republicans. Read more
Eventhough that's not true, still doesn't give them the right to attack people for attending a political rally. Surely you aren't justifying violence?
To my best of knowledge antifa never used to attack Republicans rallies, but if you think it’s not true, then please go ahead, proved be wrong?

No, I was not trying to justify violence, I am a firm believer in first Amendment, throwing rocks, setting fire to cars or using any kind of violence to stop someone (no matter how pathetic they may be) from holding political rally is totally unjustified and wrong, period.

David Duke may be a White Nationalist, but definitely not a White supremacist


Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may be in ISIS, but definitely not in al-Qaeda.

You don't sound too good my friend.
Before I say anything, I would like to make one thing clear, I’m a proud liberal capitalist not a socialist.

I don’t know why you think there is no difference between democratic socialist and communist?

In Bernie Sanders own words:

Senator Bernie Sanders on Democratic Socialism in the United States.
So, the next time you hear me attacked as a socialist, remember this:
During a speech at Georgetown University, “I don’t believe government should take over the grocery store down the street or own the means of production,” he said, thus disavowing the strict Marxist definition of socialism with a dose of grandfatherly humor. “But I do believe that the middle class and the working families who produce the wealth of America deserve a decent standard of living and that their incomes should go up, not down. I do believe in private companies that thrive and invest and grow in America, companies that create jobs here, rather than companies that are shutting down in America and increasing their profits by exploiting low-wage labor abroad.”

Bernie also give the example of FDR: And, by the way, almost everything he proposed was called “socialist.” Social Security, which transformed life for the elderly in this country was “socialist.” The concept of the “minimum wage” was seen as a radical intrusion into the marketplace and was described as “socialist.” Unemployment insurance, abolishing child labor, the 40-hour work week, collective bargaining, strong banking regulations, deposit insurance, and job programs that put millions of people to work were all described, in one way or another, as “socialist.” Yet, these programs have become the fabric of our nation and the foundation of the middle class.

Thirty years later, in the 1960s, President Johnson passed Medicare and Medicaid to provide health care to millions of senior citizens and families with children, persons with disabilities and some of the most vulnerable people in this county. Once again these vitally important programs were derided by the right wing as socialist programs that were a threat to our American way of life.

You wouldn't be saying the same if a serving Republican posed with Mein Kampf, so spare us the excuses.

AntiFa is a recognized domestic terrorist group by the state department and Keith Ellison and other Democrats covertly and overtly endorse/support them

Lol that's damage control. They realized they screwed up big time. Too late for that.

I would love to see you try equally hard to defend a book titled "Nazi Handbook".

Come on dude, no shame in admitting that Keith Ellison royally screwed the Democrat party's image by posing with a book about a domestic terrorist organization.

Look, the book is not “about a domestic terrorist organization”, I already tried to explain it in
my previous post, but I'll try again. Here is an example:

Mein Kampf (“My Struggle”) is a political manifesto written by Adolf Hitler.

The Nazis - A Warning from History tells the powerfully gripping story of the rise and fall of the Third Reich.

Both books are about Nazism, but the difference is one promotes Nazism the other tells the history of Nazism. The book Antifa The antifascist handbook tells the history of antifa movements from around the world. Does that make any sense to you? If not, then let me ask you, since you have rejected his spokesman’s clarification and Ellison’s criticism of antifa, can you show any statements from Ellison supporting antifa violence or even a dog whistle? And if you can, I’ll be more than happy to condemn him.

No he hasn't. Maybe he said some things out of ignorance, but so has every other president, and this only proves Trump is a human being.
But you won't see Trump posing with books written for domestic terrorist organizations, that much I can assure you.
Trump is a racist bigot and that is a fact. Here is a small sample:

When he was running his father’s housing business the federal government sued him for housing discrimination, in other words, he is officially documented for being a racist.

He tweeted a despicable racist meme that used dog-whistle anti-Semitism. The use of a six-pointed star to slam Clinton particularly when combined with piles of money amounted to the use of anti-Semitic imagery and age-old stereotypes. The meme was first used by a white supremacist who listed his location as Jewmerica and his account also had many more racist memes.


He has repeatedly re-tweeted messages of well-known racists:

After months of echoing the American racist right—promising to catalogue all American Muslims, accusing immigrants of being rapists, proposing to build a wall covering the entire U.S.-Mexico border—Donald Trump was caught retweeting a racist Twitter account.

Trump used his official Twitter account on Friday to retweet the account @WhiteGenocideTM. The account, which has claimed “Hitler SAVED Europe” and that “Jews/Israel did 9/11,” is named after an increasingly popular racist idea that white nationalist have worked hard to push into the mainstream –– the idea of “white genocide.” Source

I can go on and on and on, but I will leave it there for time being. After the election we can discuss further if you want.

This much we can agree. They got Hitler elected in 1933 and they got Trump elected in 2016, and no Trump is not "literally Hitler". It takes a idiot to hand the victory to their enemy, and AntiFa are doing a fine job of screwing the Democrat party's reputation with the average folks, no matter how hard the media tries to cover for them or the pathetically organized false flag's to discredit Trump and his supporters
I agree with you all you said about antifa, no doubt these terrorist scumbags helps right-wing to play victim. But the rest Of your comments are your opinion, and the polls tells a different story. Check out my previous post.



No, I was not trying to justify violence, I am a firm believer in first Amendment, throwing rocks, setting fire to cars or using any kind of violence to stop someone (no matter how pathetic they may be) from holding political rally is totally unjustified and wrong, period.
And yet Democrats, like the pathetic people they are, still do it and make themselves look like violent goons, because pathetic people can't keep their hands to themselves i guess.

I don’t know why you think there is no difference between democratic socialist and communist?
Because anyone proposing socialism, be it of whatever variety, especially in the US context is a scam artist, just like all lefty loony-toons were in history. Bernie the fraud who never worked a a real job in his life, just like his ideological grandpapa Karl Marx who actually HATED the working class, will teach us about socialism :lol: .

Now before you drag in Japan, Scandinavian countries, etc... Keep in mind these countries are racially/ethnically, religiously and culturally homogenous and don't have different groups of people at each others throats vying for power and control of the limited resources.
In Bernie Sanders own words:

Lol, how about David Duke in his own words too? You seriously think Bernie will write anything but praise for himself and rationalize his ideology?
Both books are about Nazism, but the difference is one promotes Nazism the other tells the history of Nazism.
Actually, one can argue that both promote Nazism, because any publicity is good publicity.
When he was running his father’s housing business the federal government sued him for housing discrimination, in other words, he is officially documented for being a racist.

He tweeted a despicable racist meme that used dog-whistle anti-Semitism. The use of a six-pointed star to slam Clinton particularly when combined with piles of money amounted to the use of anti-Semitic imagery and age-old stereotypes. The meme was first used by a white supremacist who listed his location as Jewmerica and his account also had many more racist memes.
Harry Truman signed up for KKK membership. Robert Byrd was an ex KKK Grand Wizard & Hillary Clinton adores him, founding fathers like George Washington owned slaves and didn't consider the likes of you and me as full humans, Winston Churchill considered our people savages and yet he his still glorified by both Democrats and Republicans as a defender of Democracy.

What can i say, the world isn't perfect!

But one thing i can say is that Trump is right not to give a F*ck about the Left's expectations of him or others because they are unrealistic & impossible to live up to (not even the Left itself lives up to their own expectations/standards they hold others to).

spokesman’s clarification
Damage control
Ellison’s criticism of antifa
That smirk on his face didn't look like criticism.

Actions speak louder than words.

the rest Of your comments are your opinion
Just as yours too.
the polls tells a different story
As they did in 2016 :D. im sure.
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Lol, according to #FakeNewsNYT which is another Democrat mouth piece (as are all Liberal propaganda outlets) American soldiers should occupy, fight and die in a middle eastern country for a Zionist war than guard and protect the borders of their own Nation.

The best part is the amount of backlash these war-mongers received from the general public on Twitter, showing how out-of-touch these Liberal goons are from the rest of the country.

Liberal Mouthpiece NYT reveals it's pro-war Agenda in an attack-piece against Trump

Lol the responses are pure GOLD:

This one takes the cake:

What do Liberals really think of those who ENLIST (not "enroll") in the Military?
Liberals have nothing but pure hatred for the rural and country folk who make up the bulk of the United States Armed Forces. This is why they use belittling and dehumanizing terms like "fly-over country" when referring to the territories between New York and San Francisco (two of many Liberal strongholds on the eastern and western coasts) from where bulk of American servicemen enlist.

From Liberal source The Hill, Link

"A flyover state is the huge region between the coasts. As opposed to the eastern seaboard, northern post-industrial states and Pacific Ocean states. They're overwhelmingly Republican, stanchly conservative, regressive right wing, evangelical Christian and working class, well, the loudest, most ill-informed of them are."

Pay attention to the demeaning and dehumanizing way in which these so-called "champions of the working class" speak exactly of the very working class, using words like "regressive".


What Liberals really think
Of the men and women who enlist
In the armed forces.

Liberals celebrated and cheered when a wild fire broke out in the rural mountainous region known as Appalachia and killed rural folk while displacing thousands more and destroying homes. Gatlinburg, which is a town in the Appalachian region, was burned down as a result and 7 lives were lost to the inferno.




Appalachia is where many great American military commanders like Chuck Yeager and Medal of Honor recipients like Desmond Doss (the 2016 film Hacksaw Ridge depicts his experience in the Pacific theater of WWII) hailed from and to this day this mountainous region provides soldiers for the American military and has been since the days of the Revolutionary War.

"The Appalachian’s love for their country and long tradition of patriotism and military heritage dates back to the Revolutionary War with the defeat of the British troops at the Battle of Kings Mountain."

"Studies show that Appalachian soldiers were 25% more likely to be killed in the Vietnam War than soldiers from other regions. Appalachian states had the highest number of casualties with an average of 59 battle deaths per 100,000. Appalachians made up 8% of our troops and 13% received Medals of Honor. Appalachian soldiers were more likely to be assigned combat duty and pit patrol and many of them volunteered for hazardous assignments. Seven out of nine soldiers who lead patrols died. Appalachian soldiers also suffered more trauma-related combat stress disorders than those from other regions of the country."

"The people of Appalachia and other working class people have long been the backbone of the military and have endured much of the physical, psychological and emotional cost we call FREEDOM."

"Economics play a large role in the number of armed service-related fatalities from Appalachia and the South. Poor and working-class Appalachians continue to leave economically depressed areas and dead-end jobs for an armed service salary of $1,300 per month, free room and board, skills and training with the prospects of a college education. They continue to be called to the front lines, fighting and dying while wealthy policymakers, less likely have served, will continue to authorize war." -Source Link

Appalachia is also the poorest region of America with the highest poverty rate in the country, despite being 97% White (I guess their White "privilege" didn't help them).


So while your average Liberal is concerned about the right of faggots to bugger each other in the butt hole and mentally deranged persons to chop their genitals and replace them with those of the opposite gender while shooting up with artificial harmones and playing dress-up, the people of the rural regions remain neglected, wallowing in an opioid epidemic that is plaguing the region and wiping out entire towns of its inhabitants along with rampant poverty and joblessness due to globalistic economic policies of previous administrations.


Patton was a man of excellent judgement.
How else was he such a great General?

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Cobra Arbok @LeGenD @Metanoia

@RabzonKhan @Hamartia Antidote
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Lol, according to #FakeNewsNYT which is another Democrat mouth piece (as are all Liberal propaganda outlets) American soldiers should occupy, fight and die in a middle eastern country for a Zionist war than guard and protect the borders of their own Nation.

The best part is the amount of backlash these war-mongers received from the general public on Twitter, showing how out-of-touch these Liberal goons are from the rest of the country.

Liberal Mouthpiece NYT reveals it's pro-war Agenda in an attack-piece against Trump

Lol the responses are pure GOLD:

This one takes the cake:

What do the Liberal really think of those who ENLIST (not "enroll") in the Military?
Liberals have nothing but pure hatred for the rural and country folk who make up the bulk of the United States Armed Forces. This is why they use belittling and dehumanizing terms like "fly-over country" when referring to the territories between New York and San Francisco (two of many Liberal strongholds on the eastern and western coasts) from where bulk of American servicemen enlist.

From Liberal source The Hill, Link

"A flyover state is the huge region between the coasts. As opposed to the eastern seaboard, northern post-industrial states and Pacific Ocean states. They're overwhelmingly Republican, stanchly conservative, regressive right wing, evangelical Christian and working class, well, the loudest, most ill-informed of them are."

Pay attention to the demeaning and dehumanizing way in which these so-called "champions of the working class" speak exactly of the very working class, using words like "regressive".

Liberals celebrated and cheered when a wild fire broke out in the rural mountainous region known as Appalachia and killed rural folk while displacing thousands more and destroying homes. Gatlinburg, which is a town in the Appalachian region, was burned down as a result and 7 lives were lost to the inferno.

Appalachia is where many great American military commanders like Chuck Yeager and Medal of Honor recipients like Desmond Doss (the 2016 film Hacksaw Ridge depicts his experience in the Pacific theater of WWII) hailed from and to this day this mountainous region provides soldiers for the American military and has been since the days of the Revolutionary War.

"The Appalachian’s love for their country and long tradition of patriotism and military heritage dates back to the Revolutionary War with the defeat of the British troops at the Battle of Kings Mountain."

"Studies show that Appalachian soldiers were 25% more likely to be killed in the Vietnam War than soldiers from other regions. Appalachian states had the highest number of casualties with an average of 59 battle deaths per 100,000. Appalachians made up 8% of our troops and 13% received Medals of Honor. Appalachian soldiers were more likely to be assigned combat duty and pit patrol and many of them volunteered for hazardous assignments. Seven out of nine soldiers who lead patrols died. Appalachian soldiers also suffered more trauma-related combat stress disorders than those from other regions of the country."

"The people of Appalachia and other working class people have long been the backbone of the military and have endured much of the physical, psychological and emotional cost we call FREEDOM."

"Economics play a large role in the number of armed service-related fatalities from Appalachia and the South. Poor and working-class Appalachians continue to leave economically depressed areas and dead-end jobs for an armed service salary of $1,300 per month, free room and board, skills and training with the prospects of a college education. They continue to be called to the front lines, fighting and dying while wealthy policymakers, less likely have served, will continue to authorize war." -Source Link

Appalachia is also the poorest region of America with the highest poverty rate in the country, despite being 97% White (I guess their White "privilege" didn't help them).


So while your average Liberal is concerned about the right of faggots to bugger each other in the butt hole and mentally deranged persons to chop their genitals and replace them with those of the opposite gender while shooting up with artificial harmones and playing dress-up, the people of the rural regions remain neglected, wallowing in an opioid epidemic that is plaguing the region and wiping out entire towns of its inhabitants along with rampant poverty and joblessness due to globalistic economic policies of previous administrations.

@RabzonKhan @Hamartia Antidote
I still do not get why liberals are so averse to the idea of deploying troops to guard the border. That is what literally every other country uses its military for. The US is one of the few countries that uses its military for regime changes and wars for oil.

Here are some examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_Security_Force

Does Mexico have Border Patrol?
That's illegal, like it happens in the United States. Mexico does not have a border patrol. The security perimeter on the border is mostly in the hands of the Mexican military and, in particular, the Mexican navy. And they have a very strong presence in that area, and there's not an open-border policy.
Anyway, I am lucky enough to live in Florida, a swing state. I already voted early for Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis. I just hope that corrupt socialist Andrew Gillum never comes close to the Governor's mansion. Unfortunately, that might actually happen, despite his terrible policy ideas, contempt for Law Enforcement, and corruption.

@Desert Fox @Nilgiri
Anyway, I am lucky enough to live in Florida, a swing state. I already voted early for Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis. I just hope that corrupt socialist Andrew Gillum never comes close to the Governor's mansion. Unfortunately, that might actually happen, despite his terrible policy ideas, contempt for Law Enforcement, and corruption.

@Desert Fox @Nilgiri

Lucky SOB I hate American Federal Politics to be honest but I care about the State and Local Affairs here in NYS we are bound to become a one party state in the future Cuomo is gonna beat Marc Molinaro *** handly and the Dems will take control the State Senate cause no one really likes Trump and since NYC and Long Island is all that matters in winning the State
Lucky SOB I hate American Federal Politics to be honest but I care about the State and Local Affairs here in NYS we are bound to become a one party state in the future Cuomo is gonna beat Marc Molinaro *** handly and the Dems will take control the State Senate cause no one really likes Trump and since NYC and Long Island is all that matters in winning the State
There is a very good chance Gillum will be elected, but fortunately Republicans control the majority of the House and Senate here, so they will block most of his socialist agenda. What I am worried about is whoever wins the Governorship will get to appoint up to three judges on the state supreme court.
Lol, according to #FakeNewsNYT which is another Democrat mouth piece (as are all Liberal propaganda outlets) American soldiers should occupy, fight and die in a middle eastern country for a Zionist war than guard and protect the borders of their own Nation.

The best part is the amount of backlash these war-mongers received from the general public on Twitter, showing how out-of-touch these Liberal goons are from the rest of the country.

Liberal Mouthpiece NYT reveals it's pro-war Agenda in an attack-piece against Trump

Lol the responses are pure GOLD:

This one takes the cake:

What do Liberals really think of those who ENLIST (not "enroll") in the Military?
Liberals have nothing but pure hatred for the rural and country folk who make up the bulk of the United States Armed Forces. This is why they use belittling and dehumanizing terms like "fly-over country" when referring to the territories between New York and San Francisco (two of many Liberal strongholds on the eastern and western coasts) from where bulk of American servicemen enlist.

From Liberal source The Hill, Link

"A flyover state is the huge region between the coasts. As opposed to the eastern seaboard, northern post-industrial states and Pacific Ocean states. They're overwhelmingly Republican, stanchly conservative, regressive right wing, evangelical Christian and working class, well, the loudest, most ill-informed of them are."

Pay attention to the demeaning and dehumanizing way in which these so-called "champions of the working class" speak exactly of the very working class, using words like "regressive".

View attachment 514458
What Liberals really think
Of the men and women who enlist
In the armed forces.

Liberals celebrated and cheered when a wild fire broke out in the rural mountainous region known as Appalachia and killed rural folk while displacing thousands more and destroying homes. Gatlinburg, which is a town in the Appalachian region, was burned down as a result and 7 lives were lost to the inferno.

Appalachia is where many great American military commanders like Chuck Yeager and Medal of Honor recipients like Desmond Doss (the 2016 film Hacksaw Ridge depicts his experience in the Pacific theater of WWII) hailed from and to this day this mountainous region provides soldiers for the American military and has been since the days of the Revolutionary War.

"The Appalachian’s love for their country and long tradition of patriotism and military heritage dates back to the Revolutionary War with the defeat of the British troops at the Battle of Kings Mountain."

"Studies show that Appalachian soldiers were 25% more likely to be killed in the Vietnam War than soldiers from other regions. Appalachian states had the highest number of casualties with an average of 59 battle deaths per 100,000. Appalachians made up 8% of our troops and 13% received Medals of Honor. Appalachian soldiers were more likely to be assigned combat duty and pit patrol and many of them volunteered for hazardous assignments. Seven out of nine soldiers who lead patrols died. Appalachian soldiers also suffered more trauma-related combat stress disorders than those from other regions of the country."

"The people of Appalachia and other working class people have long been the backbone of the military and have endured much of the physical, psychological and emotional cost we call FREEDOM."

"Economics play a large role in the number of armed service-related fatalities from Appalachia and the South. Poor and working-class Appalachians continue to leave economically depressed areas and dead-end jobs for an armed service salary of $1,300 per month, free room and board, skills and training with the prospects of a college education. They continue to be called to the front lines, fighting and dying while wealthy policymakers, less likely have served, will continue to authorize war." -Source Link

Appalachia is also the poorest region of America with the highest poverty rate in the country, despite being 97% White (I guess their White "privilege" didn't help them).


So while your average Liberal is concerned about the right of faggots to bugger each other in the butt hole and mentally deranged persons to chop their genitals and replace them with those of the opposite gender while shooting up with artificial harmones and playing dress-up, the people of the rural regions remain neglected, wallowing in an opioid epidemic that is plaguing the region and wiping out entire towns of its inhabitants along with rampant poverty and joblessness due to globalistic economic policies of previous administrations.

View attachment 514488
Patton was a man of excellent judgement.
How else was he such a great General?

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Cobra Arbok @LeGenD @Metanoia

@RabzonKhan @Hamartia Antidote

There's some stupid paranoia law stating the US military can't do law enforcement.
. .

Just days before the midterm elections, Sen. Chuck Grassley asked the federal authorities on Friday to investigate another person he says made false claims against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Grassley, in a letter to the Department of Justice and FBI, said a woman by the name of Judy Munro-Leighton took responsibility for authoring an anonymous letter that made allegations that Kavanaugh and a friend raped her. After she was tracked down and interviewed by Senate investigators, the woman recanted and said she was not, in fact. the author and had never met Kavanaugh.

Grassley claims the woman is a left-wing activist and told investigators it was “just a ploy,” he wrote in the letter.

Grassley asked for federal authorities to investigate her on allegations of making false statements and obstruction.


The letter marks at least the fourth request Grassley has made of federal authorities to investigate those involved in the controversial Kavanaugh proceedings, which were extended due to a series of sexual assault allegations surfacing when Kavanaugh was in high school and college.

Grassley has thus far asked federal authorities to investigate: Julie Swetnick, who accused Kavanaugh of drunken behavior and sexual assault; Michael Avenatti, her lawyer who also represented **** star Stormy Daniels in a suit against President Donald Trump; and a man, who was never publicly identified but recanted an allegation he’d made against Kavanaugh.

Munro-Leighton was brought into the saga after a graphic and anonymous letter was sent to Sen. Kamala Harris in California. The letter included a story about Kavanaugh and another male groping, sexually assaulting and ultimately raping a woman in a vehicle after a party.

The letter was signed by a Jane Doe from Oceanside, Calif.

Grassley says Munro-Leighton wrote an email that included her name. He said Senate investigators were able to track her down and found she lived in Kentucky, not California, and was a Democrat.

Investigators got in touch with her over the phone and Munro-Leighton admitted she wrote the email after seeing the “Jane Doe” letter in news reports. She said she claimed to be Jane Doe so the letter would gain attention, “I was angry and I sent it out,” the woman told investigators, according to Grassley’s letter, but in fact did not write it.

Grassley said the false allegation diverted resources on a time-sensitive matter. It’s unclear whether the true author was located or whether the inidivudal came forward.

“The Committee is grateful to citizens who come forward with relevant information in good faith, even if they are not one hundred percent sure about what they know,” he wrote in the letter to the FBI and DOJ. “But when individuals intentionally mislead the Committee, they divert Committee resources during time-sensitive investigations and materially impede our work. Such acts are not only unfair; they are potentially illegal.

@Nilgiri @Psychic @Hamartia Antidote @Metanoia



@Desert Fox Thanks for the response, so far, I think we had a good discussion, comments focused on the arguments, not the person presenting them, way to go. Hopefully we can resume after the election.

Watch Live: Steve Kornacki Previews Tomorrow’s Must-Watch House Races | NBC News

@Desert Fox so far, Republicans are ahead in Missouri, North Dakota, Nevada, Texas, and Tennessee. Democrats have slight leads in Florida and Arizona(although I think Arizona will vote Republican). However, what's interesting is right before the election, Democrats' leads in Ohio and West Virginia are down to single digits, with Manchin's lead down to 5 percent, lower than its ever been. It looks like Trump's visits paid off. My prediction is that Republicans will keep Arizona and Nevada and pick up three seats in North Dakota, Missouri, and either Montana, Indiana, or Florida. However, more pickups are possible. As for the house, my prediction is that Democrats will pick up 18 to 20 seat, just barely short of the number required to win the House, allowing Republicans to barely hold on to the House. If they do win the House(which is possible, I predict they won't pick up more than 30 seats, and will have only a slim majority.
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