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LMAO Only to be deported after the elections.

Can you imagine Donald Trump kicking them out?

Donald: "Nikal jao saale gaand"

Desis: "but Sirji, ve voted for you, ve are Desis for Trump"

If trump wins ... Would be fun :D

He has the desi votes and approval he is going to win.
Apple seems to be doing fine without local production...
I think most people would prefer working for Apple, than for the Chinese company manufacturing their phones.
I think apple is in decline, their new products aren't exciting anymore. Chinese companies do manufacturing because they are subsidized by the Government using protectionist measures. This trade relationship can no longer continue.
Can you imagine Donald Trump kicking them out?

Donald: "Nikal jao saale gaand"

Desis: "but Sirji, ve voted for you, ve are Desis for Trump"

He has the desi votes and approval he is going to win.

LOL at desi support. Whatever that means. You rather mean Indian Modi support. That would be more accurate.
latinos-blacks out in force to vote out the racist
women out in force to vote out the rapist

Indians the number one racist and number one rapists in the world they build a temple to worship him :sick:

:rofl: :rofl:

Too bad your guy is going to lose. All these memes aren't going to help anymore. All that months of crying, sobbing and hating for nothing. LMAO I would get back to your normal life if I were you. Just my two cents.

latinos-blacks out in force to vote out the racist
women out in force to vote out the rapist

Indians the number one racist and number one rapists in the world they build a temple to worship him :sick:

:rofl: :rofl:

Just imagine Trump losing today. Months of memes and propaganda gone down the drain.
Hillary wins New Hampshire hamlet
Home / World / Hillary wins New Hampshire hamlet
November 08, 2016
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DIXVILLE NOTCH, ETATS-UNIS: The US presidential election got underway -- on a small scale -- as seven people in a tiny New Hampshire village cast their ballots at the stroke of midnight.

Dixville Notch has had the honor of launching the voting, symbolically, since 1960.

Clay Smith was the first of seven people to cast their ballots as Tuesday´s long awaited Election Day began. An eighth resident voted by absentee ballot.

The tally was announced in a matter of minutes: four votes for Democrat Hillary Clinton and two for Donald Trump.

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson won one vote, and there was a write-in vote for Mitt Romney, the losing Republican presidential candidate in 2012.

Two other hamlets in New Hampshire, which is on the Canadian border, also voted at midnight.

Voting begins in earnest at 6:00 am (1100 GMT) in several states along the East Coast.

Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation
Home / World / Clinton has 90 percent chance of winning: Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation
November 08, 2016
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NEW YORK: With hours to go before Americans vote, Democrat Hillary Clinton has about a 90 percent chance of defeating Republican Donald Trump in the race for the White House, according to the final Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project.

Her chances are roughly similar to last week's odds, and any upset by Trump on Tuesday depends on an unlikely combination of turnouts of white, black and Hispanic voters in six or seven states, according to the survey released on Monday.

The former secretary of state was leading Trump by about 45 percent to 42 percent in the popular vote, and was on track to win 303 votes in the Electoral College to Trump’s 235, clearing the 270 needed for victory, the survey found.

Trump's chances rest with his performance in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio, which were too close to call on Sunday, when polling ended, and Pennsylvania, where Clinton enjoyed a slim lead of three percentage points. For Trump to win, he will have to take most of those states.

Any combination of two losses in the three states of Florida, Michigan and Pennsylvania would almost assuredly result in a Clinton victory. At the same time, Trump must hold onto the traditionally Republican state of Arizona, where the race has drawn close, and hope that independent candidate Evan McMullin does not claim another Republican bastion, Utah.

To win, Trump needs higher turnout among Republican white voters than that which materialized in 2012, a drop-off in ballots by African-American voters and a smaller-than-predicted increase in Hispanic voters, the project showed.


North Carolina, one of the first states to report results on Tuesday night, might provide clues to the outcome. If Clinton wins the state, it probably means African Americans are turning out to vote at a similar rate to 2012, when President Barack Obama beat Republican Mitt Romney by four points nationally. Romney won North Carolina by two points.

The States of the Nation poll found that early votes have been cast evenly between Trump and Clinton in North Carolina. Trump enjoyed a slim one-point advantage among all likely voters, 47 percent to Clinton’s 46. He had a 30 percentage point lead among white voters, while Clinton led by about 85 points among black voters.

Florida, with its 29 electoral college votes, is crucial to Trump. If Clinton wins Florida, she just needs to win one of the three big swing states of Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania while Trump would have to win all three. If he wins Florida, Trump still must win both Ohio and Michigan or hope for an upset in Pennsylvania.

According to the project, Clinton enjoys the tiniest of leads in Florida, 48 percent to 47. Clinton leads Trump by 75 points among black voters and has about a 20 point lead among Hispanics. But Trump enjoys a 30 point lead among likely white voters. Clinton’s success in Florida depends on heavy turnout among black voters. Without it, the race becomes razor-thin, even with a large increase in Hispanic ballots.

Michigan and Ohio were too close to call on Sunday, according to the project. Clinton’s support is more solid in Pennsylvania. Still, a surge of white Republican voters combined with a drop in turnout among black Democrats could be enough to tilt Ohio and Michigan to Trump and put Pennsylvania in play.

If Trump remains in contention on Tuesday night after the eastern swing states have been decided, eyes will turn to Arizona. Trump led Clinton by five points on Sunday, but Arizona had moved steadily toward Clinton in recent weeks, according to the project. It is also a state where higher Hispanic turnout could tip the result in Clinton’s favour.

If Trump is in a position to win after Arizona, he could still be tripped up by Utah, where McMullin has remained a contender to the end.

Opinion polls have Trump up by five points or more in Utah. A McMullin upset could set up a low-probability scenario where neither Clinton or Trump reaches the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win. The election would then be decided by the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, where lawmakers would have a three-way choice among Trump, Clinton and McMullin, a Utah native and former CIA operative.

10 outrageous statements made by Donald Trump
Home / World / 10 outrageous statements made by Donald Trump
By Web Desk
November 08, 2016
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WASHINGTON: As the world waits with bated breath to find out who assumes the role of the most powerful man in the world by becoming the next President of the United States of America, both candidates vying for the Oval Office are under the spotlight. Donald Trump, known for his blunt remarks and outrageous statements, could be the next US President. Here are ten statements made by the billionaire which have raised a few eyebrows in the past and continue to do so:-

1 If Ivanka weren't my daughter, I'd perhaps be dating her


During a talk show on a renowned channel, Trump once joked that if he weren't father to his daughter Ivanka Trump, he'd perhaps be dating her. The raunchy remark incited an awkward laugh from his daughter.

2 Donald Trump is calling for a total shutdown of Muslims from entering the United States till our country's representatives can figure out what is happening

Taking bigotry and racism to an altogether new level, Donald Trump called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States following a terrorist attack. The statement was condemned from all quarters, including fellow Republicans who were shocked as well as disgusted at the obvious racism inflicted by Trump.

3 All the women on The Apprentice flirted with me, consciously or unconsciously--that's to be expected

Trump made this presumptive and outrageous statement in his 2004 book How To Get Rich. Needless to say, the statement angered women around the world, with feminists urging the business tycoon to render an apology.

4 When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists.


Yes, he did label an enormous amount of Mexicans as drug dealers, criminals and rapists. Trump was gracious enough to say after bashing the whole Mexican nation that "Some, I assume, are good people".

5 You wouldn't have your job if you weren't beautiful

Donald Trump was crude enough to say the above hurtful statement to a female reporter, right after saying that 'looks do matter'.

6 I will build a wall and make Mexico pay for that wall

Talk about a weird manifesto. Donald J Trump actually went so far as to say that he would build a wall to keep out Mexicans and not only that but make the Mexican government pay for the expenses that would be incurred in the construction of such a wall.

7 I am prepared to let South Korea and Japan become nuclear powers

Apparently, the potentially next US President would have no qualms with a nuclear arms race in Asia.

8 We need unpredictability--Trump on the use of nuclear weapons

So Donald Trump apparently wants to be seen as unpredictable and ambiguous when it comes to ever using nuclear weapons. Probably not the best statement when you're trying to become the next leader of the world.

9 I'd bring back waterboarding and a lot worse


In case you didn't know, waterboarding is a torture technique. Donald Trump said he would legalise that and, to quote him, 'a lot worse' as well.

10 Crude statements about women in general

In a leaked video, Donald Trump can be seen and heard as well, making offensive remarks about women in general which are just too abusive to be written down.
Hillary is going to trounce the clown. No doubt about it. We are going to remember these elections for ever. Books are going to be written and children are going to be taught in schools. How a xenophobic, sexist islamofobe almost made it to the White House. The impact will be huge.
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latinos-blacks out in force to vote out the racist
women out in force to vote out the rapist

Indians the number one racist and number one rapists in the world they build a temple to worship him :sick:

:rofl: :rofl:

That's a good one! As it goes, birds of a feather flock together. Rapists around the globe support Trump and it's only natural.

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