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Hillary is better for Romania :-)

That if we don't die in a nuclear apocalypse :usflag:
She'd be better for India too, but I'm not watching this from that perspective. She's a dangerous neocon hawk, her rhetoric on Russia and Putin is scary, her ideas about Syria are deranged (pro jihadist), watch her make a bigger mess in the middle east than Bush and Obama combined if she gets in.

The Donald is better for the world, and as strange as it may sound, he's actually the peace candidate here.

trump - putin.png

Rep. McCaul: I told Trump Russia was behind the hacks, but he thinks there's no proof


A top Republican on national security said he advised Donald Trump that Russia was using hacked information to influence the election process, but the GOP presidential nominee didn't appear to believe him.

“I think he has in his mind that there’s not the proof,” House Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul said Tuesday during a Texas Tribune event in Austin. "Now he hasn't had the briefing I had, but I made it clear that in my judgment it was a nation-state."

McCaul, a Trump supporter, told Tribune CEO Evan Smith that he was brought in to brief Trump on national security after the first presidential debate — a topic the Texas Republican conceded is “not [Trump’s] strength.”

Despite the coaching from the congressman, Trump stated during the final presidential debate last week that the U.S. has no idea who is behind hacks of the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails. The material was released by WikiLeaks.

“She has no idea whether it is Russia, China or anybody else,” Trump said during the debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “You have no idea. Our country has no idea.”

As Clinton pointed out, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a joint statement directly blaming Russia earlier this month.

Clinton senior national spokesperson Glen Caplin called Trump's refusal to heed McCaul's advice "troubling."

"Trump's actions as Putin's puppet have gone from bizarre to disqualifying," Caplin said in a statement. Link

Funny, president Obama reads a mean tweet by Trump, it's part of a segment for Jimmy Kimmel live show.

"President Obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the United States. Exclamation point. @realDonaldTrump,"

"Well, realDonaldTrump, at least I will go down as a president," Obama said, :lol:

Micheal Moore(a liberal,leftwing documentary maker) gets why Trump could win

@T-72 @RabzonKhan
Michael Moore is a left wing nutcase, and a total waste of time. You see, my friend, I'm an Independent because I cannot tolerate the far left of the Democratic Party and the far right (racists) of the Republican Party. I'll vote for anyone who I think is good for America and I don't care if he/she is a Republican or a Democrat. But unfortunately this time we do not have good choices. Hillary is not my ideal candidate, but she is far better than Trump, who I believe is a total nutcase and not a presidential material.
But does that still negate the fact that US intel was wrong? Which is my point.
And your point is dishonestly incomplete.

This whole claim that Russia hacked into emails is based on no concrete evidence. Just another way for the Dems to shift attention away from their corruption (thankfully nobody's buying it despite how hard the Media is pushing this narrative).
The greatest thing about electronics mischief is that it can be done remotely and evidences can be, and often are, quickly erased.

According to Wells Fargo, it has, rounded figure, 70 million customers. If I physically go to each of those 70 million customers...Never mind...The idea is simply absurd in its face, correct ? But what if I can electronically access 10 million customer accounts and steal just one dollar from each ? Or how about just 5 million accounts and steal just one dollar from each ?

In a physical burglary, I would not be able to take everything valuable but only what I can physically carry away with me. But in an electronic burglary, I can take as much as I want. With one million dollars, I can deposit into an interest bearing account for my retirement, all the while keep working at my daily job, confident that my retirement is secured. Wait a few months or even a couple yrs, then repeat the theft. My retirement is secured with the last theft, now it is time for my fun while am still young and able. No need for a Ferrari, just a comfortable Beemer or even Merc will do. No need for the Bahamas where Key West will be just as good. Do you see my point ?

Iraq's WMD required physical presence to develop and inevitably produced physical evidences that stayed behind when the program's owners fled, of which all the major nuclear powers had access to and agreed upon as to what the evidences meant as interpreted.

There is no credible comparison between the intelligence gathering of Iraq's WMD and the electronic break-in of the US electoral system.
Trump gorilla democ.jpg

Florida spirals away from Trump

With the GOP nominee trailing in poll after poll and lacking a ground game, a low turnout may be Trump's only hope of carrying the state.

By Marc Caputo 10/25/16

From polling to early voting trends to TV ad spending to ground game, Donald Trump’s Florida fortunes are beginning to look so bleak that some Republicans are steeling themselves for what could be the equivalent of a “landslide” loss in the nation’s biggest battleground state.

Trump has trailed Hillary Clinton in 10 of the 11 public polls conducted in October. According to POLITICO’s Battleground States polling average, Clinton has a 3.4-point lead. Even private surveys conducted by Republican-leaning groups show Trump’s in trouble in Florida, where a loss would end his White House hopes.

“On the presidential race we’ve found Clinton with a consistent 3% - 5% lead in surveys that attempt to reflect Florida’s actual electorate,” Ryan D. Tyson, vice president of political operations for the Associated Industries of Florida business group, wrote in a confidential memo emailed to his conservative-leaning members this weekend and obtained by POLITICO.

Though Clinton’s lead is “within the margin of error for this survey, we would suggest that 3% really isn’t as close as it may seem in the state of Florida,” Tyson wrote, estimating a turnout of as much as 71 percent, or as many as 9.2 million Florida voters overall. If that happens and the polling margins hold, Clinton’s raw vote lead over Trump could end up being 275,000 to 460,000 votes.

“This is in all reality a landslide in our great state,” Tyson wrote, echoing the concerns of numerous Florida Republican insiders and experts. “Based on his consistent failure to improve his standing with non-white voters, voters under 50 and females, it seems fairly obvious to us that Mr. Trump’s only hope left in Florida is a low turnout.

Trump has reacted to the steady drip of troubling numbers by launching an unprecedented seven-city Florida tour this week while simultaneously denying the data dispiriting many in his party.

“We are winning and the press is refusing to report it. Don't let them fool you- get out and vote! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!” Trump wrote on his Twitter account Monday morning before an event with farmers near West Palm Beach, where he repeated to the crowd, “I believe we are actually winning.”

Hours earlier, Trump took to Twitter to say that “the Dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress” his vote share. :lol:

But polls are just one reason Florida Republicans are alarmed. Mail-in absentee ballot voting was once a Republican strength thanks to the party’s organization and years of conditioning its members to vote by mail. But this year, Democrats are showing signs of catching up.

As of Monday morning, Florida Republicans had cast fewer than 42 percent of the more than 1.2 million absentee ballots. Democrats had cast 40 percent. Though that 1.7 percentage point lead is in the GOP’s favor, it’s greatly reduced since the same period in 2012, when Republican ballots outpaced Democrats’ by 5 points.

Still, Trump, during a Sunday stop near Naples, told the crowd that the “numbers are looking phenomenal in Florida.”

The early votes have not been officially tallied, but campaigns and operatives use the raw return numbers to measure a campaign’s health. Generally, the top-of-the-ticket candidate whose party members cast more ballots before Election Day is favored to win the election.

Florida’s pre-Election Day ballot counts will grow ever bigger now that in-person early voting began Monday in a majority of the state's major counties. When it comes to in-person early voting, Democrats tend to outperform Republicans, but that doesn't usually happen until after a full weekend of early voting, particularly after the Sunday “Souls to the Polls” events, in which African-Americans cast ballots in person after church. So, if a Democratic advantage appears, it might not happen until Halloween.

At one point last week, Democrats briefly overtook Republicans in absentee ballots cast, marking the first time Democrats have ever caught Republicans in pre-Election Day ballots before in-person early voting begins.

But the lead didn’t last. By that point, the Trump campaign had realized it wasn’t actively calling and mailing absentee ballot voters to get them to mail their votes in. The campaign quickly instituted what’s called a “chase” program to pressure voters to fill out their ballots and send them in.

Little glitches like that make longtime Trump supporter and past political adviser Roger Stone, who lives in Florida, fret. He blamed most of the campaign problems on the Trump campaign leadership in New York. He said the campaign didn’t give enough money and flexibility to its former Florida director Karen Giorno — who was moved in a campaign shakeup — or to its current Florida campaign chief, Susie Wiles, who managed Gov. Rick Scott’s 2010 campaign.

“She knows how to carry the state. But they never gave her the resources to do so,” Stone said. “Where, for instance, were the Spanish-language ads touting Trump’s economic message?”

Many Republicans wondered where Trump’s ads were at all in Florida. Since July, Clinton and her backers have spent and committed $51 million in TV ads in Florida. But Trump and his campaign have invested just $30 million — with $20 million of that spent and committed just since the beginning of this month. That’s still $2 million less in October than Clinton’s side.

Part of the ad disparity is rooted in Trump’s refusal to fundraise as aggressively as Mitt Romney in 2012.

Wiles wouldn’t comment on the campaign’s finances or its strategy. But, she said, the big and energetic crowds greeting Trump are a sign that there’s more excitement for the Republican candidate than for Clinton, who often speaks in relatively small and tame venues.

"Enthusiasm counts,” Wiles said. “We have it. She doesn’t.”

With Trump’s seven-city whirlwind Florida tour, Republicans are hoping he can persuade more Republicans than ever to vote early or by absentee ballot, thereby relieving the GOP of the potential pressure to have to turn out more Election Day voters. But Trump isn’t operating in a vacuum: Clinton; her running mate, Tim Kaine; President Barack Obama; and even singer Jennifer Lopez are spearheading early vote rallies this week as both campaigns scour the state.

Democrats also question the conventional wisdom about whether there’s an enthusiasm gap between Clinton and Trump. Two new national polls, for instance, indicate the share of Clinton supporters who say they’re voting for her and not just against Trump has increased faster for her than for him.

Florida Democrats also point to the voter-registration rolls as a sign of greater support for their candidate, if not their party.

“Democrats have added nearly 692,000 new voters to the rolls since 2012 versus 593,000 Republicans — and the trends continue to go upward in our favor,” Clinton’s Florida director, Simone Ward, wrote in a Monday memo that detailed the campaign’s ground game for turning out voters.

Still, because more conservative Republican-voting Democrats left the party for the GOP and because Democrats lost more elderly and young voters overall than Republicans, the state GOP has narrowed the bottom-line registration gap with Democrats in Florida over the past four years. Of the nearly 12.7 million active registered voters in the state, 38 percent are Democrats, 36 percent Republicans and the balance are independent voters, with the majority of them registering as having no party affiliation.

Another change since 2012: Florida’s voter rolls have become less white by 3 percentage points, an advantage for Democrats, who enjoy higher rates of minority support than Republicans.

When the entire picture of the election is assembled, Republicans aren’t thrilled with what they see.

"While I’m still very confident in our party’s ability in the vote-by-mail universe, it is clear our colleagues on the other side have growing success,” said Brian Hughes, a Florida Republican consultant and former spokesman for the state party and Gov. Scott.

The absentee vote, Hughes said, is “where we built up leads. It took them several cycles, and now they chase [absentee ballots] the way we do. Add that to the demographic advantages [for Democrats] as the state changes, and it’s not good news.”

One bright spot for Florida Republicans: Sen. Marco Rubio, who leads Congressman Patrick Murphy by 5 points in AIF polls and has bested the Democrat in more than two dozen other surveys. But increasingly, Rubio’s team and supporters are nervous as Trump’s fortunes appear to wane. They fear that if Trump loses by 5 points, it could signify a Democratic blue wave that swamps Rubio.

“This is the nightmare scenario we’ve all worried about,” said one top Rubio backer who didn’t want to go on record for fear of “poking the Trump people in the eye.”

A Rubio loss would seriously endanger his political career. It would mark his second defeat in a year, having lost the state GOP presidential primary to Trump. “Trump could be directly responsible for one Rubio loss and indirectly responsible for the other,” the Rubio backer said.

The concern isn’t limited to Rubio. In tracking whether Florida voters prefer a generic Republican or Democrat, AIF found that “Republicans have taken a hit in the generic ballot since the Access Hollywood tapes were released on Friday October 7. In our initial track it was Republicans +4%. In this week’s track they have dropped -5% to Democrats +1%.”

For Florida Republicans, the "Access Hollywood" controversy — in which Trump’s sexually aggressive comments to host Billy Bush in 2005 were caught on tape and released only this month — drips with irony. Bush, after all, is cousin to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was ridiculed by Trump and who was once seen as the one Republican with enough super PAC firepower to dismantle the GOP front-runner in the presidential primary.

“Whoever would’ve thought that the Bush who brought down Donald would be Billy Bush?” said a longtime supporter of the former governor who is working with Republican candidates in the state. “If there’s a real ground game for Trump, we’re not seeing it.”

Trump has no chance,I don't know why you guys even hope.

If only I could get a dollar every time someone said that, I'd be a millionaire by now.

According to many political analysts, Trump should have dropped out of the race ten months ago. But he's stumped every single one of his opponents, who mind you, weren't some inexperienced school boys but rather very hardened career politicians with previous and current positions in the government.

Only difference between them and Trump: Trump listens to the people, while they listen to their elitist donors.
If only I could get a dollar every time someone said that, I'd be a millionaire by now.

According to many political analysts, Trump should have dropped out of the race ten months ago. But he's stumped every single one of his opponents, who mind you, weren't some inexperienced school boys but rather very hardened career politicians with previous and current positions in the government.

Only difference between them and Trump: Trump listens to the people, while they listen to their elitist donors.

I'll leave PDF if he becomes president.
This guy looks like a sleazeball.

Kaine is creepy as hell too, no wonder only 30 people showed up for his event.

The entire Clinton camp is a giant sleazeball.

Kaine has identity issues I think. He referred to himself has Hillary's "right hand person" instead of "right hand man". Either that or he's just extremely politically correct that he's too afraid to mention his own gender :lol:.
And your point is dishonestly incomplete.

The greatest thing about electronics mischief is that it can be done remotely and evidences can be, and often are, quickly erased.

According to Wells Fargo, it has, rounded figure, 70 million customers. If I physically go to each of those 70 million customers...Never mind...The idea is simply absurd in its face, correct ? But what if I can electronically access 10 million customer accounts and steal just one dollar from each ? Or how about just 5 million accounts and steal just one dollar from each ?

In a physical burglary, I would not be able to take everything valuable but only what I can physically carry away with me. But in an electronic burglary, I can take as much as I want. With one million dollars, I can deposit into an interest bearing account for my retirement, all the while keep working at my daily job, confident that my retirement is secured. Wait a few months or even a couple yrs, then repeat the theft. My retirement is secured with the last theft, now it is time for my fun while am still young and able. No need for a Ferrari, just a comfortable Beemer or even Merc will do. No need for the Bahamas where Key West will be just as good. Do you see my point ?

Iraq's WMD required physical presence to develop and inevitably produced physical evidences that stayed behind when the program's owners fled, of which all the major nuclear powers had access to and agreed upon as to what the evidences meant as interpreted.

There is no credible comparison between the intelligence gathering of Iraq's WMD and the electronic break-in of the US electoral system.

Okay, point taken. It was a bad comparison.
From reddit:


In early March 2015 Barack Obama made a statement that he only learned about Hillary's private email use from news reports at the same time everyone else learned of them. That immediately caused concern inside the Hillary campaign.

*From:* Josh Schwerin <joshschwerin@gmail.com>
*Date:* March 7, 2015 at 6:33:44 PM EST
*Subject:* *POTUS on HRC emails*

Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he
found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news.


To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2015-03-07 21:41
Subject: Fwd: POTUS on HRC emails

we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say state.gov

They immediately knew that Obama lied and they will have to clean up the lie somehow.

To put this in context, about the "clean this up" part: Paul Combetta had a phone conversation with Cheryl Mills, the author of the above email. After this conversation took place Paul Combetta took it upon himself to use BleachBit and wipe out the emails in question, permanently deleting them. Including every single email between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. As the result of this action by Combetta after the conversation with Cheryl Mills the issue of President Obama's emails were indeed "cleaned up". The contents of those emails are not known to this day, two weeks before the election, as a result of Combetta's deletion after the conversation with Cheryl Mills. Quote from an old article regarding this topic:


Combetta used a software program called BleachBit to delete the backups between March 25-31, 2015. The deletion occurred just before Combetta took part in a conference call with Clinton’s lawyers, including Mills and Samuelson.

At the time all of the emails were under Congressional Subpoena to be preserved. The subpoena was issued on March 4 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to preserve all emails from her private server.

It is interesting to note, that FBI Director James Comey said in a July 2016 statement that the FBI investigation"found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."

Now it may just be me, but "clean this up" sounds awfully close to "conceal them", when talking about emails.



This email is on the same day the NYT broke the story of the server.

Seems like some people in the inner circle like Neera Tanden did not know about everything the NYT revealed and some of it caught them by surprise.

On Mar 2, 2015:

Neera Tanden wrote:
This is a cheryl special. Know you love her, but this stuff is like her Achilles heal. Or kryptonite. she just can't say no to this ****.

John Podesta:

Neera Tanden:
i guess I know the answer they wanted to get away with it

Neera Tanden on 2 Mar 2015 19:40
a thought that I'm sure has occurred to you hours ago: the archives request them and she complies immediately (avoids subpeonas) don't yell at me.

This email went out two days before subpoenas were issued for the emails.
From reddit:


In early March 2015 Barack Obama made a statement that he only learned about Hillary's private email use from news reports at the same time everyone else learned of them. That immediately caused concern inside the Hillary campaign.

*From:* Josh Schwerin <joshschwerin@gmail.com>
*Date:* March 7, 2015 at 6:33:44 PM EST
*Subject:* *POTUS on HRC emails*

Jen you probably have more on this but it looks like POTUS just said he
found out HRC was using her personal email when he saw it in the news.


To: john.podesta@gmail.com
Date: 2015-03-07 21:41
Subject: Fwd: POTUS on HRC emails

we need to clean this up - he has emails from her - they do not say state.gov

They immediately knew that Obama lied and they will have to clean up the lie somehow.

To put this in context, about the "clean this up" part: Paul Combetta had a phone conversation with Cheryl Mills, the author of the above email. After this conversation took place Paul Combetta took it upon himself to use BleachBit and wipe out the emails in question, permanently deleting them. Including every single email between Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. As the result of this action by Combetta after the conversation with Cheryl Mills the issue of President Obama's emails were indeed "cleaned up". The contents of those emails are not known to this day, two weeks before the election, as a result of Combetta's deletion after the conversation with Cheryl Mills. Quote from an old article regarding this topic:


Combetta used a software program called BleachBit to delete the backups between March 25-31, 2015. The deletion occurred just before Combetta took part in a conference call with Clinton’s lawyers, including Mills and Samuelson.

At the time all of the emails were under Congressional Subpoena to be preserved. The subpoena was issued on March 4 2015: The Benghazi committee issues a subpoena requiring Clinton to preserve all emails from her private server.

It is interesting to note, that FBI Director James Comey said in a July 2016 statement that the FBI investigation"found no evidence that any of the additional work-related emails were intentionally deleted in an effort to conceal them."

Now it may just be me, but "clean this up" sounds awfully close to "conceal them", when talking about emails.



This email is on the same day the NYT broke the story of the server.

Seems like some people in the inner circle like Neera Tanden did not know about everything the NYT revealed and some of it caught them by surprise.

On Mar 2, 2015:

Neera Tanden wrote:
This is a cheryl special. Know you love her, but this stuff is like her Achilles heal. Or kryptonite. she just can't say no to this ****.

John Podesta:

Neera Tanden:
i guess I know the answer they wanted to get away with it

Neera Tanden on 2 Mar 2015 19:40
a thought that I'm sure has occurred to you hours ago: the archives request them and she complies immediately (avoids subpeonas) don't yell at me.

This email went out two days before subpoenas were issued for the emails.
This whole thing is like an endless pit of corruption that keeps giving. And this is just the tip of the ice berg.

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