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US plans to sabotage Pakistan nuke facilities: Ahmadinejad

How would they deploy troops inside Pakistan when they cannot even hold their own in Afghanistan, & are negotiating peace deals with the Taliban, & is asking the UN to lift curbs on the Taliban?

US troops are already at numerous bases inside Pakistan. they doing operations in joint US-Pakistan teams.

US will only need to reorient their troops to new mission. This thing will happen when Pakistani establishment will agree with US that they are deficient in nukes protection. PNS Mehran/Abbottabad operation should be eye opener about future events.
US troops are already at numerous bases inside Pakistan. they doing operations in joint US-Pakistan teams.

US will only need to reorient their troops to new mission. This thing will happen when Pakistani establishment will agree with US that they are deficient in nukes protection. PNS Mehran/Abbottabad operation should be eye opener about future events.

I think the bolded part in there is important. The rest isn't really.
The USA does not plan to "take" Pakistan's nukes away. Rather it has a plan to infect them with a variation of the Stuxnet virus (Stuxnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) so that they explode in their storage areas when they are moved or armed. It will look like an accident........
i am sure that if ahmedinejad knows, then ISI will know!!
The USA does not plan to "take" Pakistan's nukes away. Rather it has a plan to infect them with a variation of the Stuxnet virus (Stuxnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) so that they explode in their storage areas when they are moved or armed. It will look like an accident........

Why go through all that trouble of using a virus..
Just get the right guys involved with attractive young ladies..
it happens all the time anyway.. whether its nuke secrets.. .Ministers, Sportsmen,journalists..Generals.. etc.
Its the oldest play in the book, the ISI knows all about it, yet cant do jack.. bypass all the firewalls.. fool any anti-virus..
Want something clandestine to be guaranteed success.. get a woman..
Mata Hari would be proud!.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused Washington to sabotage Pakistan's nuclear facilities.

"We have precise information that America wants to sabotage the Pakistani nuclear facilities in order to control Pakistan and to weaken the government and people of Pakistan," said Iranian president addressing a press conference.

The United States would then use the UN Security Council "and some other international bodies as levers to prepare the ground for a massive presence in Pakistan and weaken the national sovereignty of Pakistan," he added.

Pakistan is the only Islamic nation with nuclear weapons, and has close relations with Iran.

In order to fight Al-Qaeda and Taliban insurgents in Pakistan, Washington has intensified its aerial operations in Iran s southeastern neighbour.
Pakistani Islamist groups have at the same time multiplied their assaults on Pakistani military convoys and also on transport and fuel convoys through Pakistani territory intended for NATO troops in Afghanistan.

---------- Post added at 04:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:25 PM ----------

hes right on spot, now what is our government gonna do? nothing?
Do we even need to ask...? Source plz..
Hmm what would Ahmadinejad have to gain from this?I gess he was in the process of getting N-Tect from Pakistan maybe?

Well America's operational pattern is pretty clear, But to attack nuclear assets directly is a bold move, and at least i think it would take a few more rounds of Pakistan's emotional and social degradation, to make such a move fruitful diplomatically.

From the chain of bad plays and maneuvers, Pakistan has lost it capability to strategise out of this...
Harsh it may sound but Fact remains Pakistan is a sitting duck ..Paralyzed with US fear and stuck dab in the middle with no way out .
India keeps teasing and Pakistan keeps its death grip on the borders with India.
This is obvious. US supports groups such as TTP. They taking photoes of and carry out surveillance of nuclear installations.
Self Delete
What makes you think that the 'intentions of the US are clear' with respect to Pakistan's nukes?

The US media.....bro!.....:azn:
The USA does not plan to "take" Pakistan's nukes away. Rather it has a plan to infect them with a variation of the Stuxnet virus (Stuxnet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) so that they explode in their storage areas when they are moved or armed. It will look like an accident........

Who is telling the truth here "TruthSeeker" or the Iranian President?

Will a act of exploding Pakistan's nuclear weapons result in Pakistani public anger and take over of US Embassey, US Consulate, US Personnel as hostages? Too bad of a scenario. Though the US Embassey and British Consulates were taken over and burnt in the mid-80s.
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