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US Pilot: Thanks To Espionage, Chinese Stealth Fighters Could Match The F-35


Dec 10, 2009
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United Kingdom
China is set to debut its new Shenyang J-31 stealth fighter at the Zhuihai international airshow next week. Although the fighter's exact specifications are unknown, it could be a match for the F-22 and the F-35, Dave Majumdar writes for USNI News citing several US military officials and pilots.

This sense of the capabilities of the J-31 are largely based on the successes China has had in industrial espionage against US targets.

"I think they’ll eventually be on par with our fifth-gen jets — as they should be, because industrial espionage is alive and well," an unnamed senior US fighter pilot familiar with the F-35, the US's fifth-generation stealth fighter, told USNI News.

Chinese hackers have been noted for their frequent success at obtaining sensitive information relating to US defense projects.

In July, a Chinese entrepreneur was arrested in Canada at the request of the FBI after he allegedly stole information for 32 military projects, including the F-35.

The stolen information on the F-35 has likely made its way into the designs of China's J-31 stealth fighter. There are reports that China may be looking to make the J-31 capable of landing on aircraft carriers, giving them a role similar to the F-35C's, which will serve as a naval aircraft. This similarity between the planes has placed China and the US in a race to develop the first aircraft carrier-borne stealth jet.

If the J-31 actually does deliver on its promise of being able to match the F-35, China could counter some of the strategic effects of the US's pivot to the Pacific. Speaking to USNI News, one former pilot said that the K-31 would likely out-perform a handful of US fourth-generation fighters, such as the F-15 and the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

However, the technical proficiencies of an aircraft does not determine its overall capability. The skills and training of pilots play a significant role in determining the effectiveness of a fighter jet.

"t is safe to say it's not always a matter of technology, armament or on-board equipment," David Cenciotti, a military aviation expert and founder of The Aviationist, told Business Insider via email. Early warning systems, intelligence, and training all are vitally important.

The J-31 is about the same size as the F-35. But the Chinese airframe has smaller engines and a flatter fuselage, implying a focus on air-to-air combat. The J-31's design necessitates a smaller weapons bay than the F-35, although this would increase the plane's overall fuel efficiency and speed as it would suffer from less drag.

Chinese Stealth Fighters Could Match The F-35 - Business Insider
All's fair in love and war.

I am sure the US is spying just as hard on the Chinese (and the Russians and the ...) to determine the real capability of their military assets.
welcome to how pentagon secures funds.

this was routine during cold war too...we know how that turned out.. :enjoy:

Except that China learned and went the way of opening itself up to the west, while Soviets, with their ego went bust. China's economy is now so huge that even if they grew at 5%, they would still be adding a lot more. So they can afford to develop weapons systems. Plus, the cost of hiring staff/contracts in China is just a fraction of in the USA. LM/GD are known to 'over charge' US DoD.........in China, most of them are government controlled. So they can really get more bang for the buck.
Except that China learned and went the way of opening itself up to the west, while Soviets, with their ego went bust. China's economy is now so huge that even if they grew at 5%, they would still be adding a lot more. So they can afford to develop weapons systems. Plus, the cost of hiring staff/contracts in China is just a fraction of in the USA. LM/GD are known to 'over charge' US DoD.........in China, most of them are government controlled. So they can really get more bang for the buck.

that's what they want you to think and Pentagon has noooo problem with that. they encourage such comments from China ! You're not getting the point here. exact exact thing happened with cold war. Reality is these systems haven't seen any action against western tech with a trained army, the places they seen action is africa, certain other local conflicts.

money doesn't buy you anything on a war zone. trick is otherwise.
that's what they want you to think and Pentagon has noooo problem with that. they encourage such comments from China ! You're not getting the point here. exact exact thing happened with cold war. Reality is these systems haven't seen any action against western tech with a trained army, the places they seen action is africa, certain other local conflicts.

money doesn't buy you anything on a war zone. trick is otherwise.
More hype than reality.
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Just all bluffs to secure more funding. Old trick in the book.:D Every country does spies, and the U.S has by far the largest cyber-spying capabilities in the world as it was revealed by PRISM, CHina, Russia, U.K are a distant second.. Even our governments in the E.U are not spared from U.S spy capabilities. I dont blame the U.S though , since they are only protecting their interests. Every other country who can/has the capabilities does the same. Nothing new.:bounce: Its just that other countries(the E,U included) are jealous of U.S capabilities/ wish they had the same.lol:D
that's what they want you to think and Pentagon has noooo problem with that. they encourage such comments from China ! You're not getting the point here. exact exact thing happened with cold war. Reality is these systems haven't seen any action against western tech with a trained army, the places they seen action is africa, certain other local conflicts.

money doesn't buy you anything on a war zone. trick is otherwise.

What you call trick, the world calls Deterrence. You have money, you buy the best, whether you need it or not. Why do India and Pakistan keep spending on billions worth of arms? When both have nukes and hence the nuclear threshold is so much low that a conventional conflict is not going to happen anytime soon. But you buy weapons as an insurance policy, you don't intend on using it, and if shyt hits the fan, you cash on it. Long gone are the days when one empire invaded another. Take a look at the colossal failure US had in Iraq/Afghanistan/Vietnam.
What you call trick, the world calls Deterrence. You have money, you buy the best, whether you need it or not. Why do India and Pakistan keep spending on billions worth of arms? When both have nukes and hence the nuclear threshold is so much low that a conventional conflict is not going to happen anytime soon. But you buy weapons as an insurance policy, you don't intend on using it, and if shyt hits the fan, you cash on it.

correct. but what has that got to do with a bit of propaganda in peace time ? nothing, unrelated stuff. this is a psy trap. my point here is, US pilot saying that is actually helping that US pilot. That's why he says it. it's reverse psychology.

Take a look at the colossal failure US had in Iraq/Afghanistan/Vietnam.

those conflicts were basically guerilla wars, a war with China is not gonna be fought on mountains or swampy lands it first will be fought on the high sea.. and what failure, US never wanted to colonise Iraq or Afghanistan or Vietnam, they did their thing in both Iraq and Afghanistan and left, objective achieved. Who said US has to nurse these countries back to a first world country. that expectation is of a handout nature.
China has made a tremendous headway in all fields, the j-31 being as good as f-35 doesn't come as a surprise at all.
that's what they want you to think and Pentagon has noooo problem with that. they encourage such comments from China ! You're not getting the point here. exact exact thing happened with cold war. Reality is these systems haven't seen any action against western tech with a trained army, the places they seen action is africa, certain other local conflicts.

money doesn't buy you anything on a war zone. trick is otherwise.

exactly my thought...

just like revisiting Russian Nuclear Secrets theft.

some times I wonder why so many common chapters in between Cold War and Cold War 2.0.
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