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US panel approves ban aid to Sri Lanka over human rights record

sure, we want someone to take the first step against us, we will take advantage on that time, dont miss the party, it will be coming soon if someone takes direct action against us.

dude are you seriously out of your mind , we din't intervene in the SL forces- LTTE war because we thought it was your internal matter not because we are scared of you lankans , so forget the advantage and step thing , nobody gives a sh*t to these srilankan threats in india.
dude are you seriously out of your mind , we din't intervene in the SL forces- LTTE war because we thought it was your internal matter not because we are scared of you lankans , so forget the advantage and step thing , nobody gives a sh*t to these srilankan threats in india.

Needless to say small countries like Srilanka is very insecured by our moves like closing to west and things like that. Dont worry jealousy is a good thing...
Needless to say small countries like Srilanka is very insecured by our moves like closing to west and things like that. Dont worry jealousy is a good thing...

The lankans are trying really hard to prove something or maybe get our attention by arresting our fishermen and doing similiar sort of things , but the fact is that sri lanka can hardly cause any damage to india , it has always enjoyed respect from india , india being a big nation has always respected sri lanka's sovereignity and not tried to interfere in their internal matters.
What a silly statement. There would have been some advantage if Diego garcia wasnt there....but there is.

Its a very good location to be in..Between Diego Garcia and Andaman..Really safe place..Two mighty forces on both sides..Intruders will think before casting an evil eye..
Typical US mentality to ban growth of Srilanka hopefully China and others will continue to support Srilanka
Typical US mentality to ban growth of Srilanka hopefully China and others will continue to support Srilanka

they are not stoping sri lanka from growing , they are stoping the aid being given to srilaka by US gov for the crimes they have commited against tamils , it's their money so its their wish to give it or not , and by using the word ' others ' you mean only pakistan and china which is obvious because they are anti - US .
SL act against a terrorist group, not against the civilians. I think government won't have major issues with aids, they have started mega sport complex project in north few days ago too. we have less IDPs at camps now, around 10,000. Government will find money for housing schemes for those Tamil civilians housing projects in North province.

bullshit. we all saw the channel four documentary and the animal attitude exhibited by the lankan soldiers on teh poor women,children..and how you make many widow in tamil nadu fishermen family.you dont deserve any aid nor mercy. go to china for all we care.
Even for the past 30 years, Sri Lanka did well with many problems, now we are more capable, we can handle this issue very well.
bullshit. we all saw the channel four documentary and the animal attitude exhibited by the lankan soldiers on teh poor women,children..and how you make many widow in tamil nadu fishermen family.you dont deserve any aid nor mercy. go to china for all we care.

this is all they can do , kill innocent children , women and fishermen because they can't cause any harm to the lankan forces , the day when indian army will retaliate to these coward actions the lankan lions will piss in their pants.
we wont make the first move against anyone, let's others make the first move against us, then we will react. It will be a advantage to us.
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