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US panel approves ban aid to Sri Lanka over human rights record


Jan 10, 2011
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The House Foreign Affairs Committee approved the measure, which will ban all American funding to Sri Lanka except for humanitarian aid. The panel said Colombo must show accountability over the bloodshed in the final stages of civil war in 2009.

The move comes after Headlines Today aired an acclaimed Channel 4 documentary showing genocide and war crimes by Lankan forces. The documentary was later screened at the Capitol Hill for US Congressmen.

The US aid to Sri Lanka would resume only when Obama administration certifies that it has made progress on key issues. Sri Lanka would be required to improve its records on probe into human rights violations and war crimes to score on the US scale.

It would also have to allow freedom to press and come clean of thousands still missing since the end of the civil war. The US Agency for International Development had requested around $13 million for Sri Lanka in the 2010 fiscal year.

Sri Lanka however has been denying the civilian deaths and mass executions depicted in the documentary. Meanwhile, US lawmakers and rights advocates stepped up calls for an international probe into Sri Lanka's civil war.

Amnesty International (government relations) managing director Adotei Akwei said, "I think the screening of the documentary was probably very shocking and new and powerful in terms of raising awareness within Congress. There were terrible abuses committed by both the Tamil Tigers as well as the Sri Lankan government."

"This is why we are calling for an independent commission of inquiry be established by the United Nations. This is not to usurp or replace a national initiative in Sri Lanka but to add to it, to complement to it so that in the end there is true justice, accountability and those are ingredients that are essential for reconciliation going forward," he said.

US panel approves ban aid to Sri Lanka over human rights record : Americas: India Today
USA is difficult to understand, I read another article in the morning today US had donated some army trucks, also I saw pics of handing them over to our army. Then again USA says they want to keep their friend ect.
Get lost USA with your aid, we dont want them.

We have China. Sri Lanka's biggest Economic partner is China, we are doing fine....


good news...ban all aid to lankans
US acts hypocritical- Sri Lanka

The Sri Lankan government today said that any dictation by the US government towards Sri Lanka’s internal issues was contravening to the principles of democracy propagated by the US.

Responding to the possibility of aid from the United States being banned, in the event of a failure of the Sri Lankan government to show “accountability” over the incidents in 2009, Government Spokesperson Keheliya Rambukwella, “If the US was to bring about a ban of this nature, then it would be against the same principles of democracy that they teach; this issue of accountability has to be discussed then unilaterally.”

A US congressional committee voted to ban aid to Sri Lanka unless the nation shows "accountability" over the bloodshed in the final stages of its civil war in 2009.

In a voice vote, the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved a measure that would ban all US government funding to Sri Lanka except for humanitarian aid, demining and activities to promote democracy and governance.

Minister Rambukwella said that the government claimed that the issue of accountability had been discussed extensively in sufficient local forums.

“We have discussed the issues of accountability in local forums extensively and that is sufficient, there is nothing more to be discussed and debated on this “accountability”,” Minister of Mass Media and Government Spokesperson Keheliya Rambukwella said yesterday.

Commenting on the call by senior US state department official that Sri Lanka should stop paramilitary activities that continue to operate in the north the Minister said that the government had already taken steps to correct this situation.

“We have also put our foot down on these various groups operating in the north. It must be understood that we had a gun culture, in that area, for thirty years—therefore there are various robberies and threats taking place with the use of weaponry,” he said.

US acts hypocritical- SL | Breaking News
I'm not sure how much this issue effect to Sri Lankan economy but this will lead our country to away from USA. Both USA and India are worrying that Sri Lanka going towards to China, hope our government can keep balance between these countries.
Even later this year Russian president expected to visit Sri Lanka

Russia provides more aid to Sri Lanka then USA.

Russian president to visit Sri Lanka

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev yesterday expressed willingness to visit Sri Lanka as he pledged visiting Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa of his support to Sri Lanka whenever necessary.

Mr. Medvedev said he was anxious to visit Sri Lanka along with Foreign Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov who was fluent in Sinhala.

Russian President made this remark during bi-lateral talks with his Sri Lankan counterpart after the inaugural session of the Heads of State at the International Economic Forum held at the Lenexpo Conference Hall in the scenic Vasilevsky Island yesterday.

President Rajapaksa in return, thanked him profusely for the support extended to Sri Lanka when in need.

Sri Lankan President Rajapaksa discussed in detail, ways and means of strengthening economic and trade relations between the two countries. The President also pointed, out the availability of opportunities and facilities for Russian entrepreneurs and investors to initiate businesses and investment projects in Sri Lanka. He also made a direct request to Russian entrepreneurs in this regard.

‘As a nation affected by terrorism we are quite aware of its effects. I am anxious to visit Sri Lanka for a tour along with my Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, who is fluent in Sinhala” the Russian President said.

RussiaN president anxious to visit lanka | Front Page
Colombo more focusing on its Look East policy within next 10 years our main trading partners will be from East Asia.

Well good luck with that.

Right now as it stands, the US accounts for 1.8 billion USD of your total 8 billion exports. UK and India are next. Would be interesting to see how Colombo intends to "shift" it's export market when your current setup is giving you 8% growth.
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