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US-Pak deal bearing results

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Apr 21, 2018
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US & Pakistan have been discussing to take the relations to the next level and seems like these agreements are now being implemented and bearing fruits

1) US imposed sanctions on Russia resulting in death of Indo-Russian deals - O&G, Defense. Remember over 70% of Indian defense equipment is of Russia origin and all this equipment has now become sitting ducks

2) US imposed sanctions on Iran resulting in death of Indo-Iranian deals - O&G, Transit and Chabahar port. Iran/Chabahar was the only port option that was available for India to Trade with Afghanistan, Central Asia and Russia.

3) US Approved the new CSF deal

4) Taliban capturing Indians and taking over vast areas of Afghanistan

There has been so much good news flowing in the last couple of days for Pakistan. Pakistan always has surprises in store and is clearly the winner in this round.

Nothing succeeds like success.
what is being asked of Pakistan in return. The current head honcho likes flashy headlines, so any major deal has to come with a grand bargain. Such as the release of Doctors (Shakil Afridi and Aafia Siddiqui) which would help the ruling parties going into this years elections. The end of the Iran deal will hurt Chabahar and help Gwadar so that helps Pakistan by circumstance. A grand bargain on solving Afghanistan in a lasting way that alleviates the fears to Pakistani Interests would come with big strings attached. what would those strings be. That is the question.
US & Pakistan have been discussing to take the relations to the next level and seems like these agreements are now being implemented and bearing fruits

1) US imposed sanctions on Russia resulting in death of Indo-Russian deals - O&G, Defense. Remember over 70% of Indian defense equipment is of Russia origin and all this equipment has now become sitting ducks

2) US imposed sanctions on Iran resulting in death of Indo-Iranian deals - O&G, Transit and Chabahar port. Iran/Chabahar was the only port option that was available for India to Trade with Afghanistan, Central Asia and Russia.

3) US Approved the new CSF deal

4) Taliban capturing Indians and taking over vast areas of Afghanistan

There has been so much good news flowing in the last couple of days for Pakistan. Pakistan always has surprises in store and is clearly the winner in this round.

Nothing succeeds like success.

Can you pls further elaborate on Point # 3? what's the new approved CSF
US & Pakistan have been discussing to take the relations to the next level and seems like these agreements are now being implemented and bearing fruits

1) US imposed sanctions on Russia resulting in death of Indo-Russian deals - O&G, Defense. Remember over 70% of Indian defense equipment is of Russia origin and all this equipment has now become sitting ducks

2) US imposed sanctions on Iran resulting in death of Indo-Iranian deals - O&G, Transit and Chabahar port. Iran/Chabahar was the only port option that was available for India to Trade with Afghanistan, Central Asia and Russia.

3) US Approved the new CSF deal

4) Taliban capturing Indians and taking over vast areas of Afghanistan

There has been so much good news flowing in the last couple of days for Pakistan. Pakistan always has surprises in store and is clearly the winner in this round.

Nothing succeeds like success.

1) US SecDef Mattis as well as top US Senator Tom Cotton has assured India of waiver by the time NDAA 2019 passes. Russia itself stated last week no delay in deals with India.

2) Chabahar will not be affected since closest US allies like UK, Ger, France are going to remain in Iran deal so India will also continue Chabahar.

3) Pakitan got a mere 50% of allocated CSF funds just like last 3 years, a huge loss to Pakistan

4) Taliban has not harmed the Indians and will release them within two weeks. RPG group is ready to pay $ 2.1 million ransom amount.
Can you pls further elaborate on Point # 3? what's the new approved CSF

Section 1211—Extension of Authority to Transfer Defense Articles and Provide
Defense Services to the Military and Security Forces of Afghanistan
This section would extend the authority to transfer defense articles being
drawn down in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the authority to provide
defense services regarding such transfers to the military and security forces of
Section 1212—Extension of Authority for Reimbursement of Certain Coalition
Nations for Support Provided to United States Military Operations
This section would extend through December 31, 2019, the authority to
make Coalition Support Fund (CSF) payments under section 1233 of the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public Law 110-181).
This section would also maintain the limitations enacted in section 1233 of
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Public Law 115-91),
which provided that of the funds authorized for CSF, not more than $700.0 million
may be provided to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
, and of that amount, not more
than $350.0 million may be provided until the Secretary of Defense certified that
Pakistan is taking demonstrable steps against the Haqqani Network.
The committee notes that elsewhere in this Act, it has fully authorized the
President's budget request of $900.0 million for fiscal year 2019 for CSF payments.

https://armedservices.house.gov/sit..._uploaded/FY19 NDAA Chairman's Mark Final.pdf
1) US SecDef Mattis as well as top US Senator Tom Cotton has assured India of waiver by the time NDAA 2019 passes. Russia itself stated last week no delay in deals with India.

Modi could not close the S-400 deal in 4 years when there no sanctions but you expect to close deals with sanctions? Modi would use the excuse of sanctions to close no deals with Russia.

2) Chabahar will not be affected since closest US allies like UK, Ger, France are going to remain in Iran deal so India will also continue Chabahar.

Europe will try to keep the Iran deal alive. It can't.


3) Pakitan got a mere 50% of allocated CSF funds just like last 3 years, a huge loss to Pakistan

AH-1Z Viper choppers are being delivered as per plan using CSF.

Pakistan would be receiving $700 million in the coming year i.e at least 10 F-16s

4) Taliban has not harmed the Indians and will release them within two weeks. RPG group is ready to pay $ 2.1 million ransom amount.

Abhi shuru hua hai. Picture abhi baki hai.
Pakistan should restrict NATO equipment passing through Pakistan after Pakistani election.
Modi could not close the S-400 deal in 4 years when there no sanctions but you expect to close deals with sanctions? Modi would use the excuse of sanctions to close no deals with Russia.

Europe will try to keep the Iran deal alive. It can't.


AH-1Z Viper choppers are being delivered as per plan using CSF.

Pakistan would be receiving $700 million in the coming year i.e at least 10 F-16s

Abhi shuru hua hai. Picture abhi baki hai.
1) S400 Negotiations began only in 2016 so barely two years any Indian defence deal takes atleast four years to be signed. Anyways talks are in final stages and US SecDef has assured waiver.

2) US deal will impact only US-Iran relations but will have little impact on others as all other JCPOA signers are not exiting.

3) Nope. Pakistan will recieve a mere $350 million just like it recieved in 2016,17 as US eill never ceryify action against Haqqanis

4) The Taliban in baghlan are not at all close with Pak unlike Taliban in khost, helmand
1) S400 Negotiations began only in 2016 so barely two years any Indian defence deal takes atleast four years to be signed. Anyways talks are in final stages and US SecDef has assured waiver.

That's a big lie.

India eyes safer skies with Russian S-400 Triumf

Rajat Pandit| TNN | Updated: Oct 11, 2015, 10:57 IST


India seeks S-400 missile systems; Moscow may link deal to FGFA project


2) US deal will impact only US-Iran relations but will have little impact on others as all other JCPOA signers are not exiting.

Did you even bother to read the link that I posted? Here are the excerpts for lazy people like you.

The sanctions Trump is reimposing aren’t just on Iran but on other entities that do business there, such as banks.

Despite pleas by the leaders of Britain, Germany and France, the Trump administration has given no indication that it will exempt their banks and businesses from new sanctions, which could make it impossible for European countries to stay in the agreement.

3) Nope. Pakistan will recieve a mere $350 million just like it recieved in 2016,17 as US eill never ceryify action against Haqqanis

That may be your wish. US just has to certify that Pakistan is cooperating. Haqqanis are just an excuse.
That's a big lie.

India eyes safer skies with Russian S-400 Triumf

Rajat Pandit| TNN | Updated: Oct 11, 2015, 10:57 IST


India seeks S-400 missile systems; Moscow may link deal to FGFA project


Did you even bother to read the link that I posted? Here are the excerpts for lazy people like you.

The sanctions Trump is reimposing aren’t just on Iran but on other entities that do business there, such as banks.

Despite pleas by the leaders of Britain, Germany and France, the Trump administration has given no indication that it will exempt their banks and businesses from new sanctions, which could make it impossible for European countries to stay in the agreement.

That may be your wish. US just has to certify that Pakistan is cooperating. Haqqanis are just an excuse.
1) Interest was expressed in late 2015 but talks began only in Apr 2016.
Anyways even if it began in late 2015 it is barely 2.5 years whoch is too short period to complete a major defence deal. India nor Pakistan have ever managed to complete a major sefence deal in less than 3-4 years.

2) As unlike last time US is totally isolated on this issue as no major economic powers is supporting it on Iran deal, US banking sanctions will remain merely on paper. Anyways US SecDef Mattis has himself supported Chabahar and previous time too Chabahar was exempted from sanctions which means it will be this time too.

3) Nope. U.S. will never certify just like it did not certify previous three Tim's.
Nothing to do with US PAK relations.
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