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US opens defence tech arsenal to India, 7 new offers on table

Looking for a private orgy on an island, are ya? :angel:
One thing I've learnt here, one should not take people seriously all the time; not even oneself.

The RAN-40L will come back into contention, mark my words. Though the concerned guys are looking up some other alternatives too.

I have no interest in orgies, @Oscar would kill me in my sleep after such a session, out of sheer jealousy and vindictiveness because I would outperform him! 8-)

Yes, TATA has hooked up with Thales Nederlands to offer the SMART-L, or so they have stated on their website.

I'd like to see our own MTOR adapted for the purpose in the future though.
I have no interest in orgies, @Oscar would kill me in my sleep after such a session, out of sheer jealousy and vindictiveness because I would outperform him! 8-)

Yes, TATA has hooked up with Thales Nederlands to offer the L-STAR, or so they have stated on their website.

I'd like to see our own MTOR adapted for the purpose in the future though.

I openly declare that I would not be able to get it up in any orgies of the sort stated. You and @Armstrong can get your sword fights on. That is just not my cup of tea, I prefer women. :p:

I still think there is MUCH more potential for the private sector in India to contribute instead of what is still essentially still indenting.
I openly declare that I would not be able to get it up in any orgies of the sort stated. You and @Armstrong can get your sword fights on. That is just not my cup of tea, I prefer women. :p:

I still think there is MUCH more potential for the private sector in India to contribute instead of what is still essentially still indenting.

TATA has some good projects, but they are equally enamored with "screw driver giri" as the DPSUs.

ISRO on the other hand has cultivated a whole host of public and private enterprises as a captive supplier and feeder base, so it is essentially easier for them to go about with their work, besides dedicated and direct oversight from the PMO doesn't hurt either as opposed to the head of the DRDO also happily schmoozing around as a senior official of the MoD rather than there being a delineation in the higher management or the DRDO and the higher ups in the MoD (any attempt to get the MoD to reform the DRDO is like asking a man to give himself an enema, most folks don't like doing that).

Our PSUs work as silos, absolutely refusing to share anything.

Crossing swords with @Armstrong! ICK!!!

@Capt.Popeye Reminds me of the Lonely Island song, "The Golden Rule".

DRDO also happily schmoozing around as a senior official of the MoD rather than there being a delineation in the higher management or the DRDO and the higher ups in the MoD (any attempt to get the MoD to reform the DRDO is like asking a man to give himself an enema, most folks don't like doing that).

Our PSUs work as silos, absolutely refusing to share anything.

And then my countrymen hate me for telling them we all come from the same defective gene mix.
I have no interest in orgies, @Oscar would kill me in my sleep after such a session, out of sheer jealousy and vindictiveness because I would outperform him! 8-)

Yes, TATA has hooked up with Thales Nederlands to offer the SMART-L, or so they have stated on their website.

I'd like to see our own MTOR adapted for the purpose in the future though.

Well your extra-curricular activities will (conceivably) match upto your tendencies and abilities........:D

If you are speaking about a OTH Radar; quite a bit of ground work has been covered. However pls note that it still depends on components etc etc which are not locally sourced. So its a work in progress to that extent.

THALES is certainly ramping up their activities big-time in India and will consequently get the benefits thereof. This is one area where there is a big shift from East-Bloc to the other with no return likely.

In post#152, @Oscar seems to be reading the "tea-leaves" correctly. Most of the new initiatives will involve the Pvt. Sector. More so in any American proposals that get floated.

Forgive me to take your valuable time,but can you mention what are those things they have given in TOT

F-22 is a 15 year old tech now................without upgrades
Sure it cannot compete with pakfa,j-20 and f-35.

Hell it cannot win against a rafale in anything except stealth.

But americans can upgrade it at any time and after that it will beat anything that flies...............as it still has got the best stealth amongst all.

80-90% of F-22 is top secret you don't even know what it is

Lockheed Martin is developing IRST functionality into the AN/AAR-56 Missile Launch Detector (MLD).
The F-22 System Program Office is working with the 422d Test and Evaluation Squadron to integrate the Visionix Scorpion helmet-mounted cueing system (HMCS), capable of off-boresight missile launches, with the aircraft. In March 2010, the USAF accelerated software portions of 3.2 to be completed in FY 2013.Applying the 3.2 upgrade to 183 aircraft was estimated to cost $8 billion, which would be funded via the early retirement of legacy fighters. In February 2013, Lockheed Martin's upgrade contract was modified to include the 3.2B features, bringing the total upgrade cost to $6.9 billion; the upgrade process is expected to be completed by 2023. The subsequent Increment 3.3 may include the adoption of an open avionics platform and air traffic control updates.

In January 2011, the USAF opened the Raptor enhancement, development and integration (REDI) contract to bidders, with a $16 billion budget. In November 2011, Lockheed Martin's upgrade contract was increased by $1.4 billion to a maximum value of $7.4 billion. Of the $11.7 billion allocated for upgrades, almost $2 billion was for structural repairs and to increase the fleet's availability rate from 55.5% to 70.6% by 2015. Some F-35 technology, such as more durable stealth coatings, have been applied to the F-22. Elements such as MADL are delayed until the F-35 program is completed. By 2012, the update schedule had slipped seven years because of "requirements and funding instability". In 2014 the USAF moved to cut funding for the Raptor upgrades. In 2016, the F-22 fleet is planned to have 36 Block 20 training aircraft and 149 Block 30/35 combat aircraft.

In short Amreeiki bade aage hai sabse

Na,,i don't bother with that type of shit.
I was commenting on jf-17:D

You stepped on the nerve right there what were you expecting
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The latter most probably and a complete lack of vision.

The IN is now running about after the Finmeccancia debacle since the fate of the RAN-40L is now in question, the MOTR might take half a decade to get up to speed in a military role but it would be completely worth it, instead as usual DRDO has now pitched an indigenous APAR (a fresh project, which is only on paper so far, not to mention we already have access to said class of sensors in the MF-STAR and are already buying said sensor for multiple ships) instead of proactively working with ISRO on the MOTR.


& you have links for ISRO's MOTR & this DRDO's new Aesa projet
Saley.....what harm I have done to you? :angry:

When you have a criteria of POST rather than Maturity then even @levina will become a SENIOR!!! :rolleyes:

But Langoor becoming senior still remains LANGOOR!! :D

India can get something in between because of Indian living in USA, for example if we have out people in LMT Boeing Ratheon we can have some scope for them to come home and work on the same tech.
DRDO's "new" APAR is being touted by the "defence analysts".

ISRO's MOTR had been described in the space thread, with @BlueDot_in_Space providing pictures and even a diagram detailing the liquid cooling apparatus for the L-band AESA radar.

Welcome to Indian Space Research Organization-ISRO - Multi-Object Tracking Radar (MOTR)

I think ISRO should absorb DRDO,AAR YA PAAR,Yatho ISRO Fail hojaeyga ya DRDO pass ho jaye ga,also why don't we give both of them a chance to develop a AESA radar,like the soviets used to do with their many design bureaus
India can get something in between because of Indian living in USA, for example if we have out people in LMT Boeing Ratheon we can have some scope for them to come home and work on the same tech.

That will happen when the Indian Pvt Sector expands its foot-print in the Defence Sector. There have been some returnees in DRDO.
But imagine someone returning to work in OFB. Someone like that will be certifiably insane.
That will happen when the Indian Pvt Sector expands its foot-print in the Defence Sector. There have been some returnees in DRDO.
But imagine someone returning to work in OFB. Someone like that will be certifiably insane.

Private sector is lazy in India and they are apolitical, they need a great deal of maturity. Also private sector is not smart to get work done in media and red carpet zones. India has 35% poison in its veins and it will remain unless Modi does some radical steps.
When you have a criteria of POST rather than Maturity then even @levina will become a SENIOR!!! :rolleyes:

But Langoor becoming senior still remains LANGOOR!! :D

Look who is talking :coffee:
Pot calling kettle JET black.

On topic:

I heard US has become the largest arms supplier to India by overtaking Russia.
Should that mean that India would be an American puppet from now on???
Or should that mean that we will not get the low quality stuff that we were getting all these years, courtesy: Russia??
In short, is this a good or a bad news???
India needs us more than we need them IMO.

You are highly mistaken! India don't need the US, be it for weapons and techs, since we have Russians, Israelis and Europeans. Be it for political reasons, since we did fine in the years before the 123 pact as well and still are far closer to Russia and China on many things, nor to improve our economy and industry, since there are plenty of countries ready to invest into India.

On the other side, India is the key for the US defence strategy against China. You can't fight China, without spliting their forces by creating a 2nd borderline at their western regions. Neither can even the US navy block the Chinese oil supplies in the IOR, while trying to defend Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan as well as the Pacific.
You opened yourself (and others) towards India, because of the huge Indian market for your products, not because we suddenly changed our stands. So if you want to gain politically, you have to offer us something and besides the promises to make us a permanent UNC member, I haven't seen much afterwards.
You want a share of our defence market and are offering more to us, than to Pakistan, but that doesn't mean your offer is good compared to what others offer. We might make some orders to return some favours and help you in crisis years to remain with jobs in the US (C17 orders that kept 1000s jobs at Boeing for some more years), but as long as you don't comply to our demands, you won't get the big deals, nor will you create a good long term relation on this market.

The US clearly needs India more, than India needs the US and that is the problem for your government. India is independent and big enough to remain with independent policies, not like many of your older allies. If you want closer ties to us, you have to offer more and play along our rules, otherwise we might keep letting you down (not aligning to US sanctions on Iran or Russia, stricter stands against your diplomats after misbehaviour against Indian diplomats, kicking US fighters and helicopters from big competitions since your usual political influence doesn't play a role...
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