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US officials: F-35 will outmatch any aircraft in development


Jun 19, 2014
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United States
United States
The fifth-generation multirole fighter has been in development for 14 years and the B-model has only just achieved operational status with the US Marine Corps, but the US military appears confident that it is still introducing a cutting-edge weapon system capable of outclassing modern, supermanoeuvrable Russian and Chinese aircraft like the Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) that were largely designed to counter the F-35 and F-22.

Speaking after the unveiling of Norway’s first F-35A in Fort Worth, Texas, Kendall and F-35 programme executive officer Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan expressed confidence in the aircraft’s projected capabilities once it completes development in 2019.

“It’s the finest fighter airplane in the world and nothing compares to it,” Bogdan says. “I’d put this airplane up against any airplane in the world today, tomorrow and for the next 20 or 30 years and we’ll come out ahead.”

Bogdan was responding to a question about whether the F-35 could hold its own against the latest Russian jets, particularly the T-50 that will reportedly enter service in 2016 in a limited capacity.

“We don’t expect any airplane that’s currently in development to be seriously competitive with this airplane,” Kendall adds.

The comments come amid concerns about the jet’s manoeuvrability after it was outpaced during air force flight trials against a Lockheed F-16 earlier this year. Meanwhile, Russia and China have been hard at work on their own next-generation combat jets, particularly the Sukhoi Su-35 “4++ generation fighter” as well as the fifth-generation Russian T-50 and Chinese Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31.

Bodgan again took aim at those claims, saying the F-35 “can pull 9gs and can turn almost equal to our modern fighters” despite not being “uniquely designed” as a highly agile, dogfighting aircraft.

The programme chief insists the aircraft is designed for long-range kills, and can spot a potential combatant long before coming into visual range. “That dogfight is going to end very, very quickly,” he says.

Bogdan and Kendall’s confidence in the F-35 was seconded by Royal Norwegian Air Force chief of staff Maj Gen Per Egil Rygg, who is relying on the JSF to replace an aging fleet of F-16s. Norway is procuring 52 aircraft and expects to be fully operational by 2025 with initial operational capability in 2019.

Speaking to Flightglobal on the sidelines of the rollout, Rygg said Russia is going to need to think more carefully about pigging Norway’s airspace once the F-35 is on patrol.

“For us, the Russian activity is more of a routine,” he says. “We’ve done that [air interdiction mission] for years and years and they are fairly predictable. I think with the introduction of this capability, they will see we have quite a capability in the area and they will probably have to think about that.”

US officials: F-35 will outmatch any aircraft in development
a single engine fighter can never be a front line fighter
Not enough range. Not enough stores.

range isn't a issue for us since we have the largest tanker fleet in the world.

when you say not enough stores, do you mean when it's in pure stealth mode with internal stores, or are you including outer stores as well??

range isn't a issue for us since we have the largest tanker fleet in the world.

when you say not enough stores, do you mean when it's in pure stealth mode with internal stores, or are you including outer stores as well??


still a lot less than F-22 / PAK FA / J-20 which are a size class bigger
still a lot less than F-22 / PAK FA / J-20 which are a size class bigger

true, but we will be fielding a lot of F-35s, and development of smaller/smarter bombs means you can carry more.

defiantly would love if we had developed a replacement for the F-111 Aardvark to supplement the F-35.


think drones could supplement the F-35 for strike missions, be bomb/missile trucks.

possiblely the future X-47C?



  • upload_2015-9-24_19-18-26.jpeg
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When I think of the F-35, I think of the roman legions. They work best together and with other assets rather than being taken plane for plane.

As has been mentioned, it isn't the plane itself but the system, and the f-35 provides major upgrades to the system....as well as the planes it is replacing
Don’t Think the F-35 Can Fight? It Does in This Realistic War Game — War Is Boring — Medium
That simulation (CMANO) is fun as hell to play.
a single engine fighter can never be a front line fighter

umm...........all due respect, you are wrong....

F-20, F-8 Crusader, JAS 39 Gripen, and the famous F-16 have been the work horse for many Air Force in the world. Including the USAF and USANG.

Do remember, there are advantage associate with single engine fighter too
Why not f35 is great and will be the best fighter plane in the future. The last manned bird of the mankind and the last pilot might have taken the birth place somewhere. Already long que line waiting for f35 to be inducted and the already have the market of 1000 billion. It is only the part of the 5th generation warfare designed to get the upperhand to every future adversaries that the enemy can field and for its complete utilization buy satellite access, UAVs, smart munition including swamp missile, smart bombs etc etc in other word join the NATO under the guidance and leadership of USA and hey don't think of developing any 5th gen bullet for it because you have to send it to US to be latter integrated on the cost of the host country (see even the UK is not the exception).

He He How smart is USA he had made her allies into investors to invest in the project called f35 and is working on the background on the 6th gen concept or may be 7th gen smartly with their money secretly and nobody knows.
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The fifth-generation multirole fighter has been in development for 14 years and the B-model has only just achieved operational status with the US Marine Corps, but the US military appears confident that it is still introducing a cutting-edge weapon system capable of outclassing modern, supermanoeuvrable Russian and Chinese aircraft like the Sukhoi T-50 (PAK FA) that were largely designed to counter the F-35 and F-22.

Speaking after the unveiling of Norway’s first F-35A in Fort Worth, Texas, Kendall and F-35 programme executive officer Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan expressed confidence in the aircraft’s projected capabilities once it completes development in 2019.

“It’s the finest fighter airplane in the world and nothing compares to it,” Bogdan says. “I’d put this airplane up against any airplane in the world today, tomorrow and for the next 20 or 30 years and we’ll come out ahead.”

Bogdan was responding to a question about whether the F-35 could hold its own against the latest Russian jets, particularly the T-50 that will reportedly enter service in 2016 in a limited capacity.

“We don’t expect any airplane that’s currently in development to be seriously competitive with this airplane,” Kendall adds.

The comments come amid concerns about the jet’s manoeuvrability after it was outpaced during air force flight trials against a Lockheed F-16 earlier this year. Meanwhile, Russia and China have been hard at work on their own next-generation combat jets, particularly the Sukhoi Su-35 “4++ generation fighter” as well as the fifth-generation Russian T-50 and Chinese Chengdu J-20 and Shenyang J-31.

Bodgan again took aim at those claims, saying the F-35 “can pull 9gs and can turn almost equal to our modern fighters” despite not being “uniquely designed” as a highly agile, dogfighting aircraft.

The programme chief insists the aircraft is designed for long-range kills, and can spot a potential combatant long before coming into visual range. “That dogfight is going to end very, very quickly,” he says.

Bogdan and Kendall’s confidence in the F-35 was seconded by Royal Norwegian Air Force chief of staff Maj Gen Per Egil Rygg, who is relying on the JSF to replace an aging fleet of F-16s. Norway is procuring 52 aircraft and expects to be fully operational by 2025 with initial operational capability in 2019.

Speaking to Flightglobal on the sidelines of the rollout, Rygg said Russia is going to need to think more carefully about pigging Norway’s airspace once the F-35 is on patrol.

“For us, the Russian activity is more of a routine,” he says. “We’ve done that [air interdiction mission] for years and years and they are fairly predictable. I think with the introduction of this capability, they will see we have quite a capability in the area and they will probably have to think about that.”

US officials: F-35 will outmatch any aircraft in development

PAF is getting 14 F-16 Block-15 from USA now. Also, there is a good chance for PAF to acquire Egyptian and Jordanian F-16 Block-15 along with these F-16 Block-15 from Royal Norwegian Air Forceabout 57 of them. I am sure then PAF can complete it's dream of 150 used F-16 Block-15 MLU-3 or MLU-4. This will easily replace PAF's aging Mirage fleet.
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