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US official threatens Russia with ‘sharp pain’ inflicted ‘very fast’

Smaller population and much smaller density. On the contrary USA have most of its population on the ocean's shores - a few 100 Mt Poseidons nuclear super-torpedoes will be enough to wash away most of Americans.

You have a smaller population and mostly concentrated in major cities. And considering many bases are like cities in the wider world, you have to nuke those countries as well.

Were you the guy who gave the green light to nuke Japan in WW2?

Restoring and maintaining are two different things as we saw in Afghanistan and Vietnam.

I don't have to be the guy to give the green light since someone else did it for me.
Remind me? Whose military ships were cruising in Russian waters? Who is making military bases near Russia? And who is adding allies preparing for a war? Americans are fuked up and they fuked up the whole world! God gave power to a nation/race and only thing that came out of it was capitalism, misery and never ending war! I wish Asian heavy weights can come up with another currency for international trade so that American hegemony coming from never ending printing of dollars ends! When that happens, America would be like a slum.

A currency can gain huge benefits from becoming a world currency, but it will also bear huge risks.
Once the monetary system collapses and a large number of currencies return home, it will inevitably bring terrible inflation. If you rush to seize the status of the world currency without enough strength, you are committing suicide.
The USA still has financial hegemony and military hegemony, and it is still the undisputed first power. If the USA cannot protect its dollar system, the monetary systems built by other countries will be more easily defeated.
Therefore, we should let the world into a multipolar era. Diversify the world's currencies. We all enjoy benefits and take risks together.
US officials used to be smarter. Now they sound more stupid than the suits they wear.

Colin Powell, then United States secretary of state, during his presentation on Iraq to the United Nations Security Council in 2003.
You have a smaller population and mostly concentrated in major cities. And considering many bases are like cities in the wider world, you have to nuke those countries as well.

I don't have to be the guy to give the green light since someone else did it for me.

OMG, you're so naive, lets just watch the show at this point. do not modify this post ok? if you modify it, that will make us assume you know you were/are wrong.
lets see who is bluffing now

Russians have everyone spooked even Germans were begging UK not to destabilise the situation and allow Russia to make a "incursion" so Putin can save some face and end this crisis and stop the air lift of weapons to Ukraine

Guess what ? I counted 8 x C17 flights to Ukraine in the past 24 hours and worlds media was allowed to see and report it

Yanks are for sure sending weapons but covertly not openly as they dont want to anger Russia

Guess what? The British those gusty bulldogs are openly saying now Russia we made our move now you make yours

Putin has over 100,000 troops ready to cross the border, how embarrassing if now he asks them to step down after 4 months of build up, humiliated and defeated they will stand down

UK sent weapons now Russia step forward with your best foot and back those words up and RAF will be over Ukrainian skies quicker than Russians say "next Vodka please"
You haven't proven anything, in fact you really haven't addressed my points at all.

In fact, you're straight up making things up in this. Your comparison between Russia's and the USA's economy and military are laughable.

The US has the largest gold reserve in the world, it is also way better equipped than the Russian military.

This comment of yours is a joke.

Also, won't be able to contain China? You don't become th3 sole super power in the world, without being about to multitask.

Let us be honest. Russia is scaring Ukraine. The USA and Britain are bluffing Russia.
You see, the Chinese govt has not even evacuated overseas Chinese from Ukraine, so now we are still far from the war.
A currency can gain huge benefits from becoming a world currency, but it will also bear huge risks.
Once the monetary system collapses and a large number of currencies return home, it will inevitably bring terrible inflation. If you rush to seize the status of the world currency without enough strength, you are committing suicide.
The USA still has financial hegemony and military hegemony, and it is still the undisputed first power. If the USA cannot protect its dollar system, the monetary systems built by other countries will be more easily defeated.
Therefore, we should let the world into a multipolar era. Diversify the world's currencies. We all enjoy benefits and take risks together.

There was a photo I had which I have lost now. Islamic country leaders had a summit where they discussed upon launching a dinar currency for mutual trade. They were all assassinated for one reason or the other. US would go to any extent to maintain this hegemony. Pocketing Saudi rulers and making them gutless snobs is part of the plan. They have made sure middle east stays in chaos. Most terrorism is engineered. A sad situation for humanity.
Let us be honest. Russia is scaring Ukraine. The USA and Britain are bluffing Russia.
You see, the Chinese govt has not even evacuated overseas Chinese, so now we are still far from the war.
Better if you did.

There was a photo I had which I have lost now. Islamic country leaders had a summit where they discussed upon launching a dinar currency for mutual trade. They were all assassinated for one reason or the other. US would go to any extent to maintain this hegemony. Pocketing Saudi rulers and making them gutless snobs is part of the plan. They have made sure middle east stays in chaos. Most terrorism is engineered. A sad situation for humanity.

What was this event and who got assassinated?
The only function of nuclear weapons is to prevent a world war, and when it is used, it is the end of mankind. So don't mention nuclear war, that's not going to happen.
Europe and the US have already said they'll move NATO positions towards Russia's borders, and crash Russia's economy through severe sanctions, if Russia invades Ukraine.
A bunch of clowns laughing, but so far I've been right. Russia again demanded that Ukraine be barred from nato, and the US again said no. Which just proves my point that Russia is just scared and doesn't want nato positions on its borders.
A bunch of clowns laughing, but so far I've been right. Russia again demanded that Ukraine be barred from nato, and the US again said no. Which just proves my point that Russia is just scared and doesn't want nato positions on its borders.
In fact, the purpose of USA is to make hot spots in Europe, cooperate with the US dollar interest rate increase in 2022, and let the US dollar return to USA. Therefore, Russia does not want to fight, France does not want to fight, Germany does not want to fight, and the EU does not want to fight. Only USA, Britain and the Ukrainian government controlled by USA want to fight.
The EU is not a fool. When the EU was founded in 1993, its GDP was higher than that of USA, and the euro began to challenge the status of the dollar. But the EU was inexplicably involved in the Yugoslav war, the euro continued to depreciate, and now the EU's GDP accounted for only 70% of that of the USA, the euro has also lost its ability to challenge the dollar. The EU is not a fool, how can the EU fall into the same pit. The war cannot be fought, so China is not even interested in withdrawing overseas Chinese from Ukraine.

History has proven time and again that Russia has faced an existential threat from Europe. From the Teutonic Knights of the Holy Roman Empire, to Napoleon's France, to Hitler's Germany, all invaded Russia. But make no mistake about it, Russia is not "scared" it is however concerned about its security as any country in the world. And the country that not been invaded in the last 245 years, sits across the Atlantic Ocean and lectures Russia about "not being dictated to on where NATO can and cannot be." In the simplest terms, America's hypocrisy is blatantly visible and arrogance gone unchecked far too long.

Be it Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iran, Pakistan, all have their sovereign right to choose with whom to trade or to befriend or oppose. For the last 30 years, America has gone bombing, invading and destroying nations with impunity. Hence today when we see Russia taking stand against imperialism, we stand with Russia against Western imperialism.
Belarus President says his country will join the war if there is war against Russia..
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