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US official threatens Russia with ‘sharp pain’ inflicted ‘very fast’


Mar 1, 2019
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US official threatens Russia with ‘sharp pain’ inflicted ‘very fast’
Top US diplomat vowed a swift response should Russia ‘invade’ Ukraine in ‘any form’

The US has some 18 “different scenarios” up its sleeve to react to Moscow invading its neighbor, Victoria Nuland has said, promising to inflict “sharp pain” on Russia should it make such a move.

Nuland, who currently serves as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the Joe Biden administration, made a thinly-veiled threat against Moscow in an interview with the Financial Times published on Saturday.

“I’m not going to preview 18 different scenarios . . . I would simply say that our commitment and the conversation that we have with our allies is around inflicting very sharp pain very fast, if Russia makes this move in any form,” Nuland said.

Western media, as well as multiple US officials have repeatedly warned of a supposedly imminent “invasion” of Ukraine by Russia over the past few months. Washington and its allies have cited the movement of Russian troops within the country’s own territory in the relative vicinity of its border with Ukraine as ‘proof’ of such plans. Moscow has consistently denied allegations that it was about to invade its neighbor, insisting it was in its right to carry out military maneuvers within its borders as it pleases.

Nuland failed to specify any of the multiple scenarios she hinted at in the interview. At the same time, the official said the US was still open to dialog with Moscow, while revealing that Washington has been working on a written response to the comprehensive security deal draft proposed by Moscow.

“We want to keep talking,” Nuland said. “We believe that it needs to be done on the basis of reciprocity — namely, they’re going to have grievances but we have concerns, too.”

The official also touched upon a massive cyber attack, reported by Ukrainian government agencies on Friday. While avoiding blaming Russia for the attack directly, she suggested Moscow might have had its hand in it, citing the allegations of involvement of state-backed “Russian hackers” in similar incidents worldwide.

“I’m not ready to share anything on attribution at the moment. I would simply say that this is a tried and true part of the Russian playbook, as you know, all around the world,” Nuland stated. “In the past, Russian operatives have done this to destabilize governments, to test their own capabilities, to undercut the sense of confidence of governments that they have gripes with. So anything is possible here.”

Nuland is probably best-known in Russia for her involvement in the 2013 Maidan events in Ukraine, that ultimately led to the establishment of the current regime in Kiev, setting stage for an ongoing conflict between the government in Kiev and the breakaway republics of Donetsk and Luhansk in the country’s east. During Maidan protests, Nuland was seen handing out cookies to demonstrators, with Moscow condemning her actions as direct interference with the crisis.

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Russian invasion of Ukraine ‘inevitable and imminent’

A Russian invasion of Ukraine is “inevitable and imminent”, Commons Defence Committee chairman Tobias Ellwood has said.

The Conservative MP made the claim in the wake of a massive cyber attack on Ukraine which left much of the country without heat, light and access to money.

Speaking to the Daily Mail about the incident, which experts believe was an attempt by President Vladimir Putin to destabilise Ukraine prior to a physical invasion, Mr Ellwood said: “I am afraid an invasion by Russian forces is inevitable and imminent and we have allowed this to happen.

“We had the opportunity to place sufficient military hardware and personnel in Ukraine to make president Putin think twice about invading but we failed to do so.”

He added: “Only president Putin knows what he is going to do next, but next week would seem pivotal.

“He has negotiated himself into a corner and after Nato refused to bow to his threats seemingly only one option remains.”

In a subsequent tweet, Mr Ellwood wrote: “RUSSIA is on the brink of an invasion. And once again will try to re-draw the map of Eastern Europe. History will ask – why did we not learn from history?”

On Saturday, Foreign Secretary Liz Truss condemned Russia’s military build-up on the Ukraine border and called on Moscow to “halt its aggression”.

She tweeted: “Russia is waging a disinformation campaign intended to destabilise and justify an invasion of its sovereign neighbour Ukraine.

“Russia must halt its aggression, deescalate and engage in meaningful talks.”

An invasion by Russia into Ukraine would violate the “most basic freedoms and sovereignty”, the Defence Secretary said last week following a visit to Scandinavia.

Issuing his second warning in a week to Moscow, Ben Wallace said there would be “consequences” of any Russian aggression towards Ukraine.

Tensions on the Ukrainian border continue to be fraught, with the US suggesting Moscow is preparing for a “false-flag operation” in order to spark an incursion into neighbouring territory.

Mr Wallace met Nordic partners last week to discuss Russia’s continued aggression and military build-up on Ukraine’s border, with some 100,000 troops amassed at the divide.

The Defence Secretary said: “The UK and our Nordic partners are united in our approach to upholding European security.

“My discussions this week have been directly about deepening bilateral relations, shared security and the consequences of Russian aggression towards Ukraine.

“Our discussions were clear that a Russian invasion of Ukraine would be a strategic mistake, violating the most basic freedoms and sovereignty.

“Britain and the Nordic countries have a long and shared history.

“Our European neighbours and allies remain vital partners as we work together to defend our common values, counter shared threats and build resilience in our neighbourhood, the UK will always stand with them.”

knock on wood but why do I feel that Russia is gonna call the american & european bluffs by swallowing ukraine and then say, "still waiting for that very fast sharp pain, y' all ready yet"?
knock on wood but why do I feel that Russia is gonna call the american & european bluffs by swallowing ukraine and then say, "still waiting for that very fast sharp pain, y' all ready yet"?
Europe and the US have already said they'll move NATO positions towards Russia's borders, and crash Russia's economy through severe sanctions, if Russia invades Ukraine.
Europe and the US have already said they'll move NATO positions towards Russia's borders, and crash Russia's economy through severe sanctions, if Russia invades Ukraine.

If Russia wants Ukraine, Russia will get Ukraine. No amount of NATO threats or sanctions will stop Russia. Just like what happened with Crimea and all the threats and sanctions were all fluff. Russia took Crimea without firing a shot.

But this time it’s different right?
Dream on :lol:
If Russia wants Ukraine, Russia will get Ukraine. No amount of NATO threats or sanctions will stop Russia. Just like what happened with Crimea and all the threats and sanctions were all fluff. Russia took Crimea without firing a shot.

But this time it’s different right?
Dream on :lol:
Last time, the circumstances were different, this time will definitely be different.

If Russia wasn't scared, they'd have taken all of Ukraine by now, instead of issuing threats themselves.
Last time, the circumstances were different, this time will definitely be different.

If Russia wasn't scared, they'd have taken all of Ukraine by now, instead of issuing threats themselves.

This time it will be different :lol:

Russian-backed rebels in Eastern Ukraine humiliated the Ukrainian military in 2014-2015. Russia taking Ukraine isn’t about capability, it is about timing. Now is definitely the right time as US is not interested in fighting an all out war with Russia over Ukraine when they have to focus on Asia and China. This is perfect timing for Russia. China has given huge strategic space for Russia to finish the Ukraine operation that started with Crimea.
This time it will be different :lol:

Russian-backed rebels in Eastern Ukraine humiliated the Ukrainian military in 2014-2015. Russia taking Ukraine isn’t about capability, it is about timing. Now is definitely the right time as US is not interested in fighting an all out war with Russia over Ukraine when they have to focus on Asia and China. This is perfect timing for Russia. China has given huge strategic space for Russia to finish the Ukraine operation that started with Crimea.
"Russian backed rebels" you mean regular Russian soldiers who invaded using unmarked uniforms, tanks, and backed by the Russian navy and Air force.

There's a reason why Russia acted quietly.

Literally no one is talking about an all out war between Russia and the USA.

Try reading the news.

If Russia acts, Russia's economy will be crushed.

If Russia was serious about invasion, they'd have done it by now, which is why I think this is nothing more than topi drama by the Russians to gain geopolitical concessions.
"Russian backed rebels" you mean regular Russian soldiers who invaded using unmarked uniforms, tanks, and backed by the Russian navy and Air force.

There's a reason why Russia acted quietly.

Literally no one is talking about an all out war between Russia and the USA.

Try reading the news.

If Russia acts, Russia's economy will be crushed.

If Russia was serious about invasion, they'd have done it by now, which is why I think this is nothing more than topi drama by the Russians to gain geopolitical concessions.

Ethnic Russians living in Eastern Ukraine are the rebels that fought and embarrassed the Ukraine military. Absolutely Russia supported them. Why wouldn’t it? That’s the whole point :lol:

It is literally impossible to crush the Russian economy as China has Russia’s back economically. Cutting off SWIFT means Europe will freeze to death. Russia-China trade is now going through China’s CIPS payment clearing system which also has an independent financial messaging system built in. Sanctions will never be a deterrent against Russia and China when core interests are concerned. China is already openly defying American sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Syria.

I read the news, you read Anglo-Saxon propaganda.

Russia is preparing to act on Ukraine both directly and indirectly. Just listen to American squealing. They know what’s about to happen.
Ethnic Russians living in Eastern Ukraine are the rebels that fought and embarrassed the Ukraine military. Absolutely Russia supported them. Why wouldn’t it? That’s the whole point :lol:

It is literally impossible to crush the Russian economy as China has Russia’s back economically. Cutting off SWIFT means Europe will freeze to death. Russia-China trade is now going through China’s CIPS payment clearing system which also has an independent financial messaging system built in. Sanctions will never be a deterrent against Russia and China when core interests are concerned. China is already openly defying American sanctions on Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, Syria.

I read the news, you read Anglo-Saxon propaganda.

Russia is preparing to act on Ukraine both directly and indirectly. Just listen to American squealing. They know what’s about to happen.
And Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Syria all have broken to shit economies.🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

The difference is, those nations already had a shit ton of poor people, so sanctions didn't affect them. Russia is the complete opposite, and has a shit ton of opportunistic separatist groups waiting for a chance to strike.

China can't save their economies, especially not one the size of Russia.

Listen, don't talk to me about propaganda, especially when you want to have a serious discussion. I could easily point out stuff about you, but I'd get in trouble with the mods, so I won't.

Instead, I'm trying to keep things light hearted and civil.

You, on the other hand, are being immature.

Whatever though, suit yourself.

I'm done here.

Side note: You should wonder why Chinese members have such a bad reputation on this forum, and get banned constantly, including yourself.
Russia be like
View attachment 809118
Oh I am very scared 🤣
I mean, Russia is scared. If it wasn't, it would have invaded by now. When Russia wants to invade another nation, it doesn't make a show of it, it just does it. The fact that Russia is making a big deal shows me that it's nothing more than topi drama.
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And Iran, Venezuela, North Korea, and Syria all have broken to shit economies.🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️

The difference is, those nations already had a shit ton of poor people, so sanctions didn't affect them. Russia is the complete opposite, and has a shit ton of opportunistic separatist groups waiting for a chance to strike.

China can't save their economies, especially not one the size of Russia.

Listen, don't talk to me about propaganda, especially when you want to have a serious discussion. I could easily point out stuff about you, but I'd get in trouble with the mods, so I won't.

Instead, I'm trying to keep things light hearted and civil.

You, on the other hand, are being immature.

Whatever though, suit yourself.

I'm done here.

Side note: You should wonder why Chinese members have such a bad reputation on this forum, and get banned constantly, including yourself.

Russia has used its military in Georgia, Ukraine, Syria. Russia was successful in all of these operations. Broke up Georgia, got Crimea, saved Assad. Massive sanctions were applied each time. Russia hasn’t collapsed.

Russia is already under the sanctions of the West yet still growing. China is already under the sanctions of the West yet still growing. You know why? 1.Sanctions need to be implemented strictly to be effective. It is very difficult to fully implement it. 2.Economies the size of Russia and China arent as effected by sanctions and become ‘sanctions resilient’ after a while. Sanctions are about dependence on markets and technology. For example, Russia was banned from issuing bonds in Western capital markets, guess what, they issued bonds in Hong Kong and Shanghai to Chinese investors. Russia was banned from buying oil and gas drilling equipment, guess what, Russian companies developed the technology themselves and bought from Chinese companies. In fact after a period of adjustment, Russia and China has thrived.

“I’m done here”

Running away from me AGAIN? :lol:
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Russia has used its military in Georgia, Ukraine, Syria. Russia was successful in all of these operations. Broke up Georgia, got Crimea, saved Assad. Massive sanctions were applied each time. Russia hasn’t collapsed.

Russia is already under the sanctions of the West yet still growing. China is already under the sanctions of the West yet still growing. You know why? 1.Sanctions need to be implemented strictly to be effective. It is very difficult to fully implement it. 2.Economies the size of Russia and China arent as effected by sanctions and become ‘sanctions resilient’ after a while. Sanctions are about dependence on markets and technology. For example, Russia was banned from issuing bonds in Western capital markets, guess what, they issued bonds in Hong Kong and Shanghai to Chinese investors. Russia was banned from buying oil and gas drilling equipment, guess what, Russian companies developed the technology themselves and bought from Chinese companies. In fact after a period of adjustment, Russia and China has thrived.

“I’m done here”

Running away from me AGAIN? :lol:
I don't think these monkeys get it, western monkeys haven't realized the China & Russia (and by extension, CIS states, Pakistan, Turkey & Iran) are immune to western sanctions now. if "sanctions" is the best that they can do against Russian saber rattling and seemingly an imminent invasion of ukraine then I'm afraid the western monkeys are in a dismal state.
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