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US ‘not responsible’ for crisis in Iraq, Libya


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US ‘not responsible’ for crisis in Iraq, Libya — Medium
Published: June 22, 2014


The United States of America is not responsible for what happened in Libya, nor is it responsible for what is happening in Iraq today,” said Kerry at a press conference in Cairo after a short visit to Egypt for talks with its newly elected President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as part of his Middle East tour.


US Secretary of State John Kerry attends a joint press conference with Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Hassan Shoukry (unseen) on June 22, 2014 in Cairo. (AFP Photo / Brendan Smialowski)
Speaking on the fallout of the crisis in Iraq, where radical Sunni militants — an Al-Qaeda splinter group the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS, also known as ISIL) — are capturing Iraqi cities one by one (link) and pushing away government forces from strategic posts, Kerry urged the republic’s authorities to overcome sectarian considerations and restrain the extremists.

ISIL … it’s an ideology of violence and repression, is a threat not only to Iraq but the entire region… this is a critical moment when we must urge Iraq’s leaders to rise above sectarian considerations… and speak to all people,” Kerry said at a media conference.


A Shiite cleric visits members of Iraqi security forces and volunteers, who have joined the Iraqi security forces to fight against the predominantly Sunni militants from the radical Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) who have taken over Mosul and other northern provinces, on the outskirts of Diyala province June 16, 2014. (Reuters)
Amid the growing insurgency threatening the Iraqi government, President Barack Obama said Thursday that up to 300 additional American military personnel will head to Iraq and assume an advisory role.
In turn, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accused Washington on Sunday of exploiting the violence to regain control of Iraq putting the republic “under its hegemony” and rule of “its stooges,” he was quoted as saying by IRNA news agency.

Kerry rejected these claims saying that the “US is not engaged in picking or choosing any one individual… it’s up to the people of Iraq to choose their own leadership.”

The United States shed blood and worked hard for years for the Iraqis to have their own governance… but ISIL crossed the line from Syria, began plotting internally. They have attacked communities and they are the ones marching through to disrupt the ability of Iraq to have the governance it wants.”


An image grab taken from a video uploaded on Youtube on June 17, 2014, allegedly shows militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) parading with their weapons in the northern city of Baiji in the in Salaheddin province. (AFP Photo)
ISIS is focused on achieving total dominance in Iraq by the ongoing rampage aimed at seizing the capital Baghdad. The radical Sunni militants which proclaimed themselves ISIS in April last year have been kept under control by the Arab republic’s government between the initial sectarian strife that broke out following the US-led invasion in 2003 and the American military withdrawal in 2011.

On March 20, 2003 the United States opened a military offensive against Iraq under the pretext that the Baathist government of Saddam Hussein was harboring weapons of mass destruction — claims later found to be false.

From March 2003 to mid-2011 an estimated 460,000 deaths were caused by violence during the war and occupation by the US and allied forced, statistical research published in PLOS (Public Library of Science) Medicine journal published in October 2013 revealed.

A vehicle belonging to Kurdish security forces fires a multiple rocket launcher during clashes with Sunni militant group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on the outskirts of Diyala June 14, 2014. (Reuters / Yahya Ahmad)
Following the withdrawal of US troops, Iraq has been plunging deeper and deeper into sectarian strife mainly between the country’s majority Shiite community and the Sunni minority.

The war in bordering Syria that began in 2011 prompted even more violence in the region with radical militants receiving a wave of fresh members and growing funding.

2013 became the bloodiest year in Iraq since 2008 with over 7,000 civilian victims.

The UK’s former Prime Minister Tony Blair who joined the US in its diplomatic offensive and offered support in the form of British troops in 2003, now puts the blame for the destabilization of the region and the rising of ISIS on Iraqi authorities.
“We have to liberate ourselves from the notion that ‘we’ have caused this. We haven’t. We can argue as to whether our policies at points have helped or not; and whether action or inaction is the best policy and there is a lot to be said on both sides. But the fundamental cause of the crisis lies within the region not outside it,” he wrote in his essay entitled ‘Iraq, Syria and the Middle East’ in June.


US troops from the 82nd Airborne division take position during a search for a weapons cache in Fallujah, 50 kms (30 miles) west of Baghdad, 07 November 2003. (AFP photo / Patrick Baz)
“Though the challenge of terrorism was and is very real, the sectarianism of the current Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki government snuffed out what was a genuine opportunity to build a cohesive Iraq.”
“Islamist extremism in all its different manifestations as a group rebuilt, refinanced and rearmed mainly as a result of its ability to grow and gain experience through the war in Syria,”
Blair explained.

“And there will be debate about whether the withdrawal of US forces happened too soon.”

READ ALSO: All you need to know about ISIS and what is happening in Iraq

US ‘not responsible’ for crisis in Iraq, Libya — Medium
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That is complete BS, compare Libya before and after the NATO revolution... Libya is now AQ camp... thanks to NATO creating chaos and not strong government... so yes it is the west fall... and when it comes to Iraq, US supported chaos in Syria and that chaos spreads like wildfire... Alasad warned the world unstable Syria means unstable middle east.. only if USA minds its own business since and never intervened in the middle east, the middle east will be stable region...
The dictators had the chance to give power to their people but instead their lust for power and glory blinded and destroyed themselves and their countries. These animals would rather sacrifice their entire nations and murder millions of their own people instead of letting someone else take their place.

Many dictators have come and gone in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Thailand. Yet, whenever people pressure gets too much for them, the tyrants go back to their caves until next time. However, the dictators of Middle East would rather destroy everything in their path instead of giving up their corrupt rule.

Hello, this is the 21st century!
so they arent responsible for training rebels on secret bases in Jordan and elsewhere or providing rebels with Strelas, ack-ack guns artillery and small arms through second and third parties

who is he kidding?
Just licking his ego! and keeping the people in denial/ ignorant mode :agree:
but to add to it - US isnt ENTIRELY responsible no

people like him and John McCain are real politicians i tell ya
oh yea! To lie the best and keep ignorant the longest are the 2 best detection methods :agree:
The dictators had the chance to give power to their people but instead their lust for power and glory blinded and destroyed themselves and their countries. These animals would rather sacrifice their entire nations and murder millions of their own people instead of letting someone else take their place.

instead of letting OTHER people doing the killing of their fellow citizens the way al Nusra, ISIS AQAP etc do

Many dictators have come and gone in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Thailand. Yet, whenever people pressure gets too much for them, the tyrants go back to their caves until next time. However, the dictators of Middle East would rather destroy everything in their path instead of giving up their corrupt rule.

Qaddafi, Assad and Saddam have (or HAD) their faults but their countries of origin were clearly better off under them than the status quo

oh yea! To lie the best and keep ignorant the longest are the 2 best detection methods :agree:

"sheeple" will believe whatever is fed to them
why is this isil or whatever terroristic group in the ME (beside Iran's obvious support for Hezbollah) not targeting Israel? and why haven't i heard any Israeli official condemn Isil (not that i follow much Israeli news) or stretching its hands out to help fellow ME countries combat terrorism, which its afraid of? this mess is certainly US' mistake (perhaps it was their intention? how can we know...) too and it benefits mostly Israel and the Kurds, which will conveniently strengthen US and Israel's position in the ME.
Imo it's also exaggerating how the western media immediately makes it a sunni-shia struggle to add oil on the fire.
why is this isil or whatever terroristic group in the ME (beside Iran's obvious support for Hezbollah) not targeting Israel? and why haven't i heard any Israeli official condemn Isil (not that i follow much Israeli news)

b/c they work with people who are helping them possibly? This all only benefits those who are scared of a strong and unite Muslim world

but ultimately the shame is on Muslims who view sect as more important than the religion or sacred texts which we all read the same way!

or stretching its hands out to help fellow ME countries combat terrorism, which its afraid of? this mess is certainly US' mistake (perhaps it was their intention? how can we know...) too and it benefits mostly Israel and the Kurds, which will conveniently strengthen US and Israel's position in the ME.
Imo it's also exaggerating how the western media immediately makes it a sunni-shia struggle to add oil on the fire.

the Kurds at the moment are the single greatest impediment to the rise of ISIL....i think its a good chance for Turkiye to work with them and counter these foreign proxies (and that includes PKK/PJAK!)
but apart from the Kurds, who in Iraq really want their own state ? ISIL ? ..I'd like to believe they don't represent the entire sunni population.. colonialism is alive and well :tsk:

John Kerry and US foreign policy are a joke
Iraq is an ancient country and civilization....its just a small handful of mental slaves/pawns who want it divided so they can reap the spoils and do what their masters tell them
b/c they work with people who are helping them possibly? This all only benefits those who are scared of a strong and unite Muslim world

but ultimately the shame is on Muslims who view sect as more important than the religion or sacred texts which we all read the same way!

the Kurds at the moment are the single greatest impediment to the rise of ISIL....i think its a good chance for Turkiye to work with them and counter these foreign proxies (and that includes PKK/PJAK!)
Did i understand you correctly? Turkey working together with isil? Bro, i think such a thing will backfire. It's too dangerous and doesnt suit Turkey. More importantly they are killing Turkmens as well, who should be saved as much as possible, but the govt cant do much with its hands tied due the 80 hostages. Imho the govt should take action by force and try to rescue and then go on helping Turkmen. Isil purposely doesnt give the hostages back just to blackmail the Turkish govt to stay away
Bhawawwawawawawawwawawawawawawawwawawawawawawawawwawawawawa :rofl:

Yanks are so funny........... :p:
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