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US not coming to PH aid vs China

Vietnam welcomes international help as sea dispute escalates | Reuters
do you know internationalise?
Why China scared internationalization with the participation of many countries?

Because it hasn't the right.

China scared? How? Vietnam as a sovereign state can do whatever she wants. But if China's territory is involved yet uncalled for, it is spontaneous that China disapprove such rude behavior by Vietnam.

Now, what has Vietnam gained by "internationalizing"? Yeah, Vietnam made a scene in the forum and the audience watched with a glee and hoped Vietnam walk further in its suicidal path. Big deal!
Vietnam welcomes international help as sea dispute escalates | Reuters
do you know internationalise?
Why China scared internationalization with the participation of many countries?

Because it hasn't the right.

The U.S. has already said it isn't interested. Russia could care less. It doesn't matter if you combine the military of ASEAN. China can defeat a combined ASEAN military within one month.

You need to watch some videos of Chinese military power.

These silo-based thermonuclear missile bases in Tibet, China are sufficient to deter any Russian interest. I haven't even bothered to discuss the 60 mobile-based IRBM thermonuclear bases in central China.
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The U.S. has already said it isn't interested. Russia could care less. It doesn't matter if you combine the military of ASEAN. China can defeat combined ASEAN military in one month.

You need to watch some videos of Chinese military power.

I also explained many times that China's military power is way beyond the US of 1970s.

Still i don't understand what made Vietnam feels so confident and tough when facing against China.
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I know the Chinese government trying to: 1. Control the SC Sea. 2. Drill oil. 3. Block their supply ships. 4. The people on the islands can choose to leave or to hungry to die. 5. Take the islands back without a single bullet.

Sounds good. But nobody know how long it will take, nobody know if it will success because there are too many variables.

Take the islands back now by force is the best way.

Do it now before too late. Stupid officials!
Yeah, they seem to think the PLA will be going on jungle patrol looking for tunnels like the Americans.
China will attack the Viet power plants with cruise missile and cyber attacks. The Viet economy will collapse in 45 days.
Nope, we are not scared this issue being internationalized, because it simply won't happen.

US has the big messes in the Middle East, there is no time for them to be involved into the issue of the South China Sea.

It is all about self interest. When the ones in power don't see anything profitable for their own deep pockets, they simply will not bother. As with the Vietnamese or Filipino claims to the South China Sea.

American interest lies in countries that they think are small enough for them to chew and swallow. They also take keen interest in geopolitical-stratigraphical countries with developed energy infrastructures ready for the milking. They will not enter a fight for a small country for some undeveloped islands for other country's claims. It is not in their interest nor to their style to throw money on it, especially now when the country's economy is at the breaking point.
Of course, taking over the South China Sea by force, they are China, they are PLA,

PLA very strong, very big, number 2 Army. they will take over SCS. Haha

you think is right, just do.

China dreams
Yeah, they seem to think the PLA will be going on jungle patrol looking for tunnels like the Americans.
China will attack the Viet power plants with cruise missile and cyber attacks. The Viet economy will collapse in 45 days.

Chinese are too smart to make the same mistakes as the Americans.

War Plan For Total Victory (Felix Doctrine - named after originator)

As the South China Sea tension between Vietnam and China heats up, I predict the following response by China.

Step #1: After eliminating Vietnam's primitive air defenses, "Rolling Thunder" for three months. Destroy every Vietnamese military base, barracks, arms depot, airfield, maintenance facility, fuel depot, etc.

Also, destroy every bridge, airport, sea port, railway system, communication network, large warehouse facilities, electric power plant, water pumping station, civilian airfield, granary stores, manufacturing centers, and other valuable targets to paralyze Vietnamese Army.

The Vietnamese Army now lacks mobility, war supplies, food supplies, water, ability to communicate, ability to coordinate, etc. They are extremely vulnerable and demoralized.

Step #2: Advance into Vietnam with ground troops. Upon encountering any large concentrations of Vietnamese troops, eliminate with heavy howitzer barrages. Follow with tank and infantry attacks that are supported by attack jets and attack helicopters.

Step #3: Every PLA soldier is free to shoot if they believe they're in danger. Chinese Rule of Engagement: protect yourself. This is war.

Step #4: Argue about the Geneva conventions after total victory. Veto and ignore liberal complaints at the U.N. They're going to do that anyway. Simply point to the thousands of civilian collateral damage in Afghanistan and the tens of thousands (or more) of civilian collateral damage in Iraq due to NATO bombings. Their hands aren't clean and they're in no position to criticize.

Only a fool would advocate American-style Rules of Engagement. Under American rules, China will fare no better in Vietnam than the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a recipe for disaster and humiliation. Only deluded bleeding hearts think that building schools in an enemy country is a path to victory.

The strategy for victory is to rip the enemy country into shreds and let them pick up the pieces over the next 50 years. I guarantee that Vietnam will not be eager to pick a fight with China over the South China Sea ever again.
oh dear very bad news indeed for country like india and vitnam that rely heavily on usa to help their course, dam reality really sucks.
oh dear very bad news indeed for country like india and vitnam that rely heavily on usa to help their course, dam reality really sucks.
Here is a news for china about phillipians where usa is having an military exercise
US, Philippines to hold war games amid tension in South China Sea
The United States and the
Philippines are set to hold naval
exercise amid heightened tension
in Western Philippine Sea
following allegations of intrusion
by Chinese Naval personnel in
the Philippine-occupied area of
the disputed Spratly Islands.
Philippine military authorities said
though the the joint naval
exercise has nothing to do with
the reported Chinese incursions
in Philippine territories, according
to Armed Forces spokesman
Commodore Jose Miguel
Philstar.com reports, “It has been
programmed since last year,”
Rodriguez added. There has
been no announcement yet of
the specific location of the
military exercises but Navforwest
operates mainly in the Sulu Sea
and nearby waters.
Earlier the Philippines said it has
documented at least six
intrusions by China's naval boats
into Philippine sea lanes. China
denied the allegations and said
they were based on rumors.
The report said, "The planned
naval exercise, called
“Cooperation Afloat Readiness
and Training” or CARAT, is in
accordance with the Mutual
Defense Treaty between the
Philippines and the US, officials
The Philippines said it is
preparing adiplomatic protest to
the United Nations
on the alleged intrusion by
China's naval boats in the
disputed islands.
A day after the exchange of
heated diplomatic notes in
Manila, Vietnam has joined the
already tense situation by
accusing China of their presence
in a Vietnam-occupied island
where a seismic operation is
being conducted. Vietnam claims
a Chinese naval boat has caused
damage to their seismic
equipment and facilities in the
Vietnam, in an apparent move to
flex its muscle on the disputed
sea lanes said itwill conduct a
live ammunition drill in the area
on Monday.
The planned military exercise by
Vietnam is similar to the
scheduled US-Philippine war
games in the West Philippine Sea
on June 28.
The Spratly Islands are being
claimed in whole or in part by
several countries in Southeast
Asia including China, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei and the
Meanwhile the US has expressed
its desire to pursue a peaceful
resolution of the on-going
tension in the Spratlys involving
six claimant countries.
“We’ve been troubled by some
of these reports about the South
China Sea and believe they only
serve to raise tensions and don’t
help with the peace and security
of the region,” said State
Department spokesman Mark
“We support a collaborative
diplomatic process... and call on
all claimants to conform all of
their claims, both land and
maritime, to international law,”
he said.
hmmmm lol what a joke

it seems that adorable vietnam friend is getting desperate, haha, shouting at china, haha for your patriotism, you have my respect. but we still need to go back to the reality which is exactly opposite to your imagination.
I think Philippines want American go to protect theme, as allies, not fire, simply limiting the power of China or other country.
Vietnam do not use one countries against other countries. So, they dont want USA go to the East Sea with Army.
If that country come here to cooperate we always welcome.
Vietnam don't wanna war occur, so Vietnam just want we can dialogue and understand each other, under the view of international friends.

you don't want a war, neighter does china, i believe your words are sincere, at least Vietnam and china share same social system, and once were faithful friends, as a chinese , i don't want to see a conflict with your country. but the fact is your side has taken the concrete action to drill and sell oil and make profits, and you insist the area ,which china called disputed ,is undisputed. this is a big dispute. so given the fact you have been making money everyday, all we can do is standing there envying...... it's unfair
what china insistes is stop all kinds of provocative action and go back to table, we even promised that we could explore the resouces jointly in an attampt to maintain regional peace. if you really observe the situation from an objective angle. you can feel china's sincerity.
at last ,wish the problem would be solved peacefullllllllll.
"US not coming to PH aid vs China"

so that india decided to go for a aircraft then a partnership in MMRCA ..

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