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US Navy to China: We'll continue operations in South China Sea

LOL So what happened after the Hague verdict? All hot air. Like predicted, China continues to build the island. The Americans can't do anything other than vent frustration.
Yours and @TaiShang analysis is quite correct.

But also there is an identity crisis in JP that we are ignoring.

Right wing politician are desperately trying to reinvent JPs identity.

What is JP? Where does it stand in the world now?

When it was a number 2 economy it could find solace in that fact and have national prestige.

Now loosing that spot to China has had deep psychological effect on their pschy.

This so called throwing JP weight around and not getting the desired response is also having a negative effect on their pschy.

The JP nationalists see things through existential angle now.

This aspect we have ingnored.

Miltarily JP can not be a threat to China anymore. They feel only stronger because of the US.

That they are seeing the writing on the wall for their occupation of ECS also add to this existential angst.

So what can be done?

How can we manage this angst?

You will be defeated by Pinoy trolls, trust me. They protest against China, they protest against America, they protest Philippine, they protest anything everyday, but nobody give a shtt about their protests.
You will be defeated by Pinoy trolls, trust me. They protest against China, they protest against America, they protest Philippine, they protest anything everyday, but nobody give a shtt about their protests.

Ah, young brother....

A Taoist never competes with the world, how can the world compete with the Taoist...

But your kind advice is most welcome.
I heard that there is a joke in the PLA...

Q: Why do we have military parades in Tiananmen Square but the Americans do not have any military parades at all ?

A: But the Americans do have military parades. They just do it in every overseas battlefield.
A related post: Only yesterday a very good American friend was over for some Desi food and wine. He's a liberal like me and our worldviews are very much alike. But I guess the wines took better of him last night when we started discussing the South China Sea problems. According to him, the US can not only defeat China in a confrontation but also "occupy" China. Startled, I double checked: "Occupy China?". He said, yeah, not that difficult, at least big cities like Beijing. Whoa! He did say that China can do whatever it wants there and nobody can stop it.
A related post: Only yesterday a very good American friend was over for some Desi food and wine. He's a liberal like me and our worldviews are very much alike. But I guess the wines took better of him last night when we started discussing the South China Sea problems. According to him, the US can not only defeat China in a confrontation but also "occupy" China. Startled, I double checked: "Occupy China?". He said, yeah, not that difficult, at least big cities like Beijing. Whoa! He did say that China can do whatever it wants there and nobody can stop it.

What the heck were you guys drinking? :rofl:
I heard that there is a joke in the PLA...

Q: Why do we have military parades in Tiananmen Square but the Americans do not have any military parades at all ?

A: But the Americans do have military parades. They just do it in every overseas battlefield.

Good joke! At the cost of millions of human lives-----including Americans and a few million Vietnamese, and some of them were actually guilty ones.
In my opinion it's already too late for Japan. Yes Japan is the 3rd biggest economy and rightfully deserved to be called a powerhouse in that regard. It used to be the leading nation when it comes down to electronics as well. But facing tough competitions from SK and China, Japan is feeling the heat up to its neck. Abe only harms the interest of Japan by agitating China. For him it's a dilemma, on one hand he fears Japan cannot prevent China from getting Daioyu island back thus the urgent need of militarization is understandable, on the other hand by depicting China as the rising threat will only put Japan in a tough spot if it wants more economic cooperation.

Yours and @TaiShang analysis is quite correct.

But also there is an identity crisis in JP that we are ignoring.

Right wing politician are desperately trying to reinvent JPs identity.

What is JP? Where does it stand in the world now?

When it was a number 2 economy it could find solace in that fact and have national prestige.

Now loosing that spot to China has had deep psychological effect on their pschy.

This so called throwing JP weight around and not getting the desired response is also having a negative effect on their pschy.

The JP nationalists see things through existential angle now.

This aspect we have ingnored.

Miltarily JP can not be a threat to China anymore. They feel only stronger because of the US.

That they are seeing the writing on the wall for their occupation of ECS also add to this existential angst.

So what can be done?

How can we manage this angst?

Yes, indeed, a very dilemmatic situation for Japan which is exacerbated by their (geo)political subjugation to the US.

I guess economy is strongly interlinked with politics, hence, Japan's economic decline in relative power is translated into political recklessness.

What can be done? How the angst can be managed?

Japan is already a major success story in terms of human development and social perfection (of course, every society will have social ills corresponding to level of economic development).

I guess what it lacks is political freedom. The last time it had major power and political freedom, it failed to exercise that historical opportunity in a responsible manner; rather, was engaged in a bloody occupation across the region.

That's why, to many in Asia, a subjugated Japan is a good thing, even of the master hails from across the Atlantic.

But this is becoming a liability for us now.

Perhaps the right strategy is to develop tactics to target and manipulate Japan's political subjugation.

NOTE: Ignore the migrant Vietnamese, please.
Good joke! At the cost of millions of human lives-----including Americans and a few million Vietnamese, and some of them were actually guilty ones.
Yes, it is a good joke. Too bad the reality of the joke is lost on the PDF Chinese.

Here is why the joke went 'Whoooooosh' over all the PDF Chinese's heads...

It was a joke made by nervous soldiers. I do not mean nervous as in the PLA soldiers trembles in fear at the thought of facing giant Americans. That is not the cartoon intended.

All who entered military service, whether voluntary or not, know that while Death smiles on everyone, Death sits closer to the soldier than to the civilian. In the combat arms branch, Death does not merely sits close, he practically snuggles each man, and now woman.

In peace time, there are safety limits imposed on everything we do. But as the country orders the military status to get closer to the state of war, gradually most of those safety limits are lifted, making Death snuggles even tighter to each. A man or woman can die in an accident in the preparation for war. A cargo cable may break, the cargo shifts, and kills an airman. A sailor may accidentally fall overboard and drowns. A rifle may fail, cause the round to explode, and kills a soldier at the rifle range. Death takes and the army have not yet face the enemy.

You think the PLA soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors do not know who they may have to fight ? Even if they end up fighting against an opponent who is inferior to the PLA in men, tanks, ships, and airplanes, each man still do not want to die in combat. While each will enter combat if ordered, in getting there, each silently wish the political leaderships of all sides will pull back from the brink of war just in time so that they do not have to fight. But now, each PLA soldier, marine, airman, and sailor know he will be facing an opponent who has vastly more combat experience and have better tanks, ships, and airplanes. Death do not care about politics, land, or resources. Death only care about exploiting just one opening so he can take the life of the person that he embraces. Each PLA soldier, marine, airman, and sailor know he will be facing an opponent who is very good at creating those openings onto other soldier, marine, airman, and sailor.

So here is the joke again...

Q: Why do we have military parades in Tiananmen Square but the Americans do not have any military parades at all ?

A: But the Americans do have military parades. They just do it in every overseas battlefield.

To the PDF Chinese...None of you have ever entertained the thought that he may die, if not at the hands of an opponent, then from the means from that same opponent. None of you have ever put on gears of war, the real thing and not the video game, and sit quietly with your thoughts on the unknown ahead. Sorry, but deployment overseas for college and a decent paying job is nowhere as scary as deployment overseas for war. None of you have ever looked at the tearful faces of loved ones knowing that they are crying for your life, possibly seeing you for the last time. None of you have ever grip a rifle, center a cockpit controller, or even turn a wrench on a bomb, knowing that what you do was purposely designed to create an opening so Death can enter to take a person's life.

And yet all of you talk casually about 'nuking' this city or wipe out that people. Talks of genocide came easily for you PDF Chinese.

In that perspective, chickenhawks like the PDF Chinese are worse than the politicians. At least with the politicians, they are official functionaries of the governments that sets policies. Their names and reputations are public for all to see and if necessary, to condemn in history. The PDF Chinese are cowards of the worst kind. And that ignorance of their own cowardice is why that joke is lost upon them.
Yes, indeed, a very dilemmatic situation for Japan which is exacerbated by their (geo)political subjugation to the US.

I guess economy is strongly interlinked with politics, hence, Japan's economic decline in relative power is translated into political recklessness.

What can be done? How the angst can be managed?

Japan is already a major success story in terms of human development and social perfection (of course, every society will have social ills corresponding to level of economic development).

I guess what it lacks is political freedom. The last time it had major power and political freedom, it failed to exercise that historical opportunity in a responsible manner; rather, was engaged in a bloody occupation across the region.

That's why, to many in Asia, a subjugated Japan is a good thing, even of the master hails from across the Atlantic.

But this is becoming a liability for us now.

Perhaps the right strategy is to develop tactics to target and manipulate Japan's political subjugation.

NOTE: Ignore the migrant Vietnamese, please.

Again a keen oberservation, young brother!

Imperial JP committed crimes against humanity just like Nazis in Europe.

Both of them changed their course in life and tried to redeem their dark sins.

Knowing both peoples personally, I can say with certainty that that the change is truly real.

Japanese people as whole must been seen as a good example of developed humanity as you mentioned already.

I have respect for that.

What worries me to no end is the rise of Fascism in the world again.

It is in early stages. But the signs are indeed dark.

By malign manipulation using China as threat we see some governments in asia amassing vast amount of weapons which they by no means need.

China has never been an expantanionist state. So why they are going this route?

Even a certain country that should be providing basic needs to its people is wasting blns in importing western weapons...who wish to utilise the stooges to contain China.

Hitler is still a popular figure there and you can buy his sick book freely everywhere.

These westen powers know that China is the key to a free Asia. Hence they will do anything to contain Chinese development.

So what can be done?

Firstly, the change in JP constituition must be fought tooth and nail. This is bad.

They have US to protect them. All of SE asian countries must have protested strongly. But they appear to be bought.

China should have used its diplomatic channels to cultivate a collective response. But nothing happend.

Secondly, I believe that we need to keep engaging JP peoples at people to people level. Increase interaction.

We need to promote Chinese cultural heritage in JP and SK in more organised manner.

Also the Chinese government must stop its reactive communication policies.

I have said it earlier the biggest weakness of China and Chinese people is communication. Both at strategic and operational level.

Young Chinese see the world through a different prism and are patriotic. Is that enough?

We see it on this forum the same. We always react to the onslaught of others.

What is the Chinese narrative that we can put forward on this mirocosmos of asia on this forum?

We need a structed framework to develop dialectics of geopolitics to better understand OBOR and threats this historic project faces.

OBOR is the key!

Thanks for the advice: I shall avoid the silly trolls.
I heard that there is a joke in the PLA...

Q: Why do we have military parades in Tiananmen Square but the Americans do not have any military parades at all ?

A: But the Americans do have military parades. They just do it in every overseas battlefield.

Yup, just like in the Korean War where the American military was kicked out of territory they controlled by a barely-armed volunteer Chinese army.

American military is powerless to stop Chinese construction activities in the SCS.

Sooooper Powaaaaaa military :lol:
Also the Chinese government must stop its reactive communication policies.

I have said it earlier the biggest weakness of China and Chinese people is communication. Both at strategic and operational level.

Young Chinese see the world through a different prism and are patriotic. Is that enough?

We see it on this forum the same. We always react to the onslaught of others.

What is the Chinese narrative that we can put forward on this mirocosmos of asia on this forum?

We need a structed framework to develop dialectics of geopolitics to better understand OBOR and threats this historic project faces.

OBOR is the key!

This is a key issue I have been trying to address, as well, but, it is very hard not to fall into the category of reactionarism given the amount of negativity coming on daily basis.

It is often such that even personally ignoring them is not enough because there will still be mass participation.

Probably it is also the case with many diplomats-decision makers in Beijing.

More than often, China will take steps quite belatedly. If the concern is not to create an aggressive image of China, I do not think the point is made. Probably if China becomes more proactive, then it will look less aggressive than it is when it acts reactively.
I heard that there is a joke in the PLA...

Q: Why do we have military parades in Tiananmen Square but the Americans do not have any military parades at all ?

A: But the Americans do have military parades. They just do it in every overseas battlefield.

What a perverted mind thinks it's funny?

Yes, it is a good joke. Too bad the reality of the joke is lost on the PDF Chinese.

Here is why the joke went 'Whoooooosh' over all the PDF Chinese's heads...

It was a joke made by nervous soldiers. I do not mean nervous as in the PLA soldiers trembles in fear at the thought of facing giant Americans. That is not the cartoon intended.

All who entered military service, whether voluntary or not, know that while Death smiles on everyone, Death sits closer to the soldier than to the civilian. In the combat arms branch, Death does not merely sits close, he practically snuggles each man, and now woman.

In peace time, there are safety limits imposed on everything we do. But as the country orders the military status to get closer to the state of war, gradually most of those safety limits are lifted, making Death snuggles even tighter to each. A man or woman can die in an accident in the preparation for war. A cargo cable may break, the cargo shifts, and kills an airman. A sailor may accidentally fall overboard and drowns. A rifle may fail, cause the round to explode, and kills a soldier at the rifle range. Death takes and the army have not yet face the enemy.

You think the PLA soldiers, marines, airmen, and sailors do not know who they may have to fight ? Even if they end up fighting against an opponent who is inferior to the PLA in men, tanks, ships, and airplanes, each man still do not want to die in combat. While each will enter combat if ordered, in getting there, each silently wish the political leaderships of all sides will pull back from the brink of war just in time so that they do not have to fight. But now, each PLA soldier, marine, airman, and sailor know he will be facing an opponent who has vastly more combat experience and have better tanks, ships, and airplanes. Death do not care about politics, land, or resources. Death only care about exploiting just one opening so he can take the life of the person that he embraces. Each PLA soldier, marine, airman, and sailor know he will be facing an opponent who is very good at creating those openings onto other soldier, marine, airman, and sailor.

So here is the joke again...

Q: Why do we have military parades in Tiananmen Square but the Americans do not have any military parades at all ?

A: But the Americans do have military parades. They just do it in every overseas battlefield.

To the PDF Chinese...None of you have ever entertained the thought that he may die, if not at the hands of an opponent, then from the means from that same opponent. None of you have ever put on gears of war, the real thing and not the video game, and sit quietly with your thoughts on the unknown ahead. Sorry, but deployment overseas for college and a decent paying job is nowhere as scary as deployment overseas for war. None of you have ever looked at the tearful faces of loved ones knowing that they are crying for your life, possibly seeing you for the last time. None of you have ever grip a rifle, center a cockpit controller, or even turn a wrench on a bomb, knowing that what you do was purposely designed to create an opening so Death can enter to take a person's life.

And yet all of you talk casually about 'nuking' this city or wipe out that people. Talks of genocide came easily for you PDF Chinese.

In that perspective, chickenhawks like the PDF Chinese are worse than the politicians. At least with the politicians, they are official functionaries of the governments that sets policies. Their names and reputations are public for all to see and if necessary, to condemn in history. The PDF Chinese are cowards of the worst kind. And that ignorance of their own cowardice is why that joke is lost upon them.

Wow, such a wall of text to explain a sick joke. You need a life!
This is a key issue I have been trying to address, as well, but, it is very hard not to fall into the category of reactionarism given the amount of negativity coming on daily basis.

It is often such that even personally ignoring them is not enough because there will still be mass participation.

Probably it is also the case with many diplomats-decision makers in Beijing.

More than often, China will take steps quite belatedly. If the concern is not to create an aggressive image of China, I do not think the point is made. Probably if China becomes more proactive, then it will look less aggressive than it is when it acts reactively.

Yes, it is very tiring to shield off a daily barage of hatred.

Please, learn to percieve.

The mob is organised and comes in hordes...they tag each other behind the scenes too.

The goal is to dominate the communication and distract/derail any constructive thought.

This is a tactic of sapping away energies and drag us into being reactive.

We must learn to percieve...PDF is a good place to learn and develop skills.

We must be grateful to these trouble making mob, really.

Change the paradigm!

You are young and I know for certain that sooner than later you will find effortlessness of dealing with what is not constructive.

Yes, you can laugh at this old person, but do find time to read the Great Tao.

The highest Virute is to become Effortless. A student of Tao directs his/her life towards this goal.

Back to original train of thought...

I believe there is a combination of historic and statecraft factors.

Chinese government wisely sees that irrational and hyper-nationalism is a destructic force, hence, on national and international front it acts with great restraint.

This can be seen as weakness by both internal and external oberverers. Hence this dilema results in communication weakness that we see today.

China can not embark on a historic mission to offer the world a win-win paradigm and then loose it on engagement/communication front.

A deeper understanding, analysis and new framework is needed at all levels.

Circle always starts at the centre.

The central government needs to evolve and find innovation in thinking/communication.

Prs. Xi is doing the right things. He is offering a new direction to Chinese people to follow.

What can we do?
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