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US Navy christens huge $3 billion destroyer ship USS Zumwalt that appears as a fishing boat on enemy

Advancement in technology is a great achievement indeed. But then same type of claims were made about F-117 when it appeared. It was later found out that low tech Czech radars were able to detect the F-117s.

Technology has downside too. F-22 Raptors are reported to undergo expensive maintenance to keep its stealthy paint surface in prime condition.

As technology becomes more mature, perhaps these issues can gradually be addressed.

It actually shows you how much money the Americans have.

They are able to take the failures, absorb the financial repercussions and proceed.

Their fiscal deficit is entirely another story.
I doubt this ship will be visible on radar. It is misinformation. It would be so funny China shooting all their fishers boat while this ship comes close enough to ride up their arse.
Yeah...Am sure you speak from extensive naval experience.

Wait a minute...Canada does not have any 'real' navy to start...:lol:

he is chinese... not canadian. his logic and philosophy is ingrained i.e. comes from cheap and quantity vs quality
taking what US navy/media say about radar signature as an absolute is rather questionable.
Granted. The Zumwalt is a $$$$$$3.bbbbbbbbbbillion toy. what good is it if it is just a marker of the US's might?
Will the US send the Zumwalt to the Ukrine conflict? No. Because it is just a toy.

Right...so other countries militarizes are also toys because they never took on a major country. Has the Russians ever used their Blackjack bombers against a major country? No, guess that mean they are toys.
taking what US navy/media say about radar signature as an absolute is rather questionable.
We have no problems if nobody believes US. We do not care if nobody believes US. In fact, the US military sincerely hopes nobody believes US.
We have no problems if nobody believes US. We do not care if nobody believes US. In fact, the US military sincerely hopes nobody believes US.

Yeah its more like the radar signature of a floating log in the water. For example, the U.S. Navy says their submarines only goes about 25 knots. Is it true? Who knows.
Right...so other countries militarizes are also toys because they never took on a major country. Has the Russians ever used their Blackjack bombers against a major country? No, guess that mean they are toys.

Yes, basically.
I know for certain in my lifetime, Russia will not fire a bullet in anger at a US Marine.
I know for certain during my lifetime, China will not fire a bullet in anger at a US soldier.
I know for certain before I die, the US will not fire a bullet in anger at a PLA soldier or a Russian soldier.

Because of the consequences of that first bullet being fired will lead to WAR. When a war breaks out between two countries, anything goes. And you know what I mean by that, don't you?

The US thus so far have had several wars, conflicts with several countries which were no match to the US firepower. In other words, the US hardware had not really gone through its real test yet. So these shiny things of yours are just toys. They will never be used (Reasons - see above).

Chinese radars can easily detect this ship and sink it even easier :coffee:

Just another overrated weapon like the F-117
Chinese radars are well known to be next to worthless. But not quite as worthless as their so-called "navy".
Yeah its more like the radar signature of a floating log in the water. For example, the U.S. Navy says their submarines only goes about 25 knots. Is it true? Who knows.
I heard it is only 5kts and the sailors had to get out the oars and row.
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