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US moving towards technology sharing with India: Pentagon

surya kiran

Feb 23, 2012
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Apart from consolidating its defence trade with India, the US is now moving towards technology sharing and co-production, a top Pentagon official said on Wednesday.

"We're moving well beyond purely defence trade with India, towards technology sharing and co-production," deputy secretary of defence, Ashton Carter, told a Washington think-tank.

Early this year, Carter was entrusted by defence secretary, Leon Panetta, to remove bureaucratic hurdles in defence trade with India.

"We're deepening our security cooperation, technology sharing and defence trade with India, another state so important to our rebalance and, we believe, to the broader security and prosperity of the 21st century," Carter said.

"We believe that given the inherent links between India and the United States — in values, in political philosophy — that the only limit to our cooperation with India should be our independent strategic decisions, because any two states can differ, not bureaucratic obstacles," he said.

"So I personally am working daily to remove those obstacles," said the top Pentagon official in his address on China's military challenge at the Woodrow Wilson Center, an eminent American think-tank.

In his remarks, Carter emphasized that America's presence in the Asia Pacific region provides stability to the region.

"The stability provided in important measure by the United States military presence in the region helped first Japan and South Korea to rise and prosper, then Southeast Asia to rise and prosper, and now, yes, China and, in a different way, India to rise and prosper," he said.

"Working with all of them, we intend to continue to play that positive, pivotal, stabilising role. That's what the rebalance is all about," Carter said.

US moving towards technology sharing with India: Pentagon - The Times of India
Cool, I think India should stop being a cat on the wall, and support the US. Sign MoU's etc and take the nation forward. I dont think the Non aligned movement works.
technology sharing idiom has been a part of past...but today, everyone is ready to share its tech with us, but the priority will be given to those who actually transfer the technology to India...

so say big NO to US if it is Sharing and BIG YES for TOT deals..
technology sharing idiom has been a part of past...but today, everyone is ready to share its tech with us, but the priority will be given to those who actually transfer the technology to India...

so say big NO to US if it is Sharing and BIG YES for TOT deals..

it will be more on the lines of what we already been doing with Russia.

Its is there current strategy to sway us into there camp away from the Russians and at the same time gain better foot hold in a region tht is surrounded by dynamic potentials like China , Af/PAk etc

I don't think they will ever be ready to share full TOT on what India asks for....even Russia doesn't do that.
Everything works if u know how to make it work.

In foreign affairs ,it better to be a cat than a dog if u get my drift.

NAM works but lacks teeth. It will never work unless all nations of the world are on the same page. Time to move forward and if we truly want to make it happen, then excel in everything we do.......we can;t lecture anyone if we can;t make our nation great. China is showing the 3rd world just that.....
It has been a decade , americans are very friendly with us and offered many things .. In return we did nothing .. Relationship will not survive this one way affection ..they are people with logical reasoning , we can understand them .. Rather than hoping for peace with some autocratic countries(logic wont work in their brain) we should develop close ties with democracies all over the world ..we should embrace american friendship for betterment of our people
It has been a decade , americans are very friendly with us and offered many things .. In return we did nothing .. Relationship will not survive this one way affection

Americans are not "offering" us things for free. They are selling us, in exchange for money/moolah/george washingtons. You sound rather naive when you say that they are giving us toys because we are affectionate babies. The affection, if there is any, is two way.
Americans are not "offering" us things for free. They are selling us, in exchange for money/moolah/george washingtons. You sound rather naive when you say that they are giving us toys because we are affectionate babies. The affection, if there is any, is two way.

Yeah but you fail to see the big picture......where this relationship can go. YOu have a lot to learn.
ALWAYS FEEL GOOD....until reality comes back to bite ur behind......
First the yanks need to do what they promised and 'actually' provide technology which can be used for dual use!
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