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US military 'ready to engage in a conflict with Iran'

Right now they are being forced to retreat from Iraq in total humiliation..
Yup...And after we grounded the Iranian Air Force, sank the Iranian Navy, and leave the Iranian Army helpless on land, the propaganda will be so powerful that it will 'force' US to another 'retreat' from the ME. :lol:
Yup...And after we grounded the Iranian Air Force, sank the Iranian Navy, and leave the Iranian Army helpless on land, the propaganda will be so powerful that it will 'force' US to another 'retreat' from the ME. :lol:

By that time your army will be half of the size it is today.
And you want me to remind you a continuing series of humiliation? It starts from the US embassy siege up to now that the US drone landed safely in Iran, and this continues.... ;)
War with Iran won't be so Bad Operation Iranian Freedom, just 2-3 Trillion and half a million troops maybe more, Destruction of the Iranian Air Force, Destruction of Iranian Air Defense, Destruction of Iranian Navy and finally Destruction of Iranian Army, who knows maybe you and I will be fighting Iran likely they will call in the Draft. Iraq was defeated in 3 weeks, 10 weeks to defeat Iran and then Operation Pakistan will come.

Correction Friend war with Iran will cost u half a million dead troops
Operation Pakistan will cost you end to civilized world as we know it (I hope u understand)

War with Iran won't be so Bad Operation Iranian Freedom, just 2-3 Trillion and half a million troops maybe more, Destruction of the Iranian Air Force, Destruction of Iranian Air Defense, Destruction of Iranian Navy and finally Destruction of Iranian Army, who knows maybe you and I will be fighting Iran likely they will call in the Draft. Iraq was defeated in 3 weeks, 10 weeks to defeat Iran and then Operation Pakistan will come.

you're a grade A moron, let me explain

1) USA's debt to GDP ratio is already at 99 percent. They can't even pay their debt at their current levels. So 2-3 trillion is not "just" or "only." They simply don't have the money.

2) Iran's military doctorine is based on asymmetric warfare and this has been made clear. You won't be fighting armies.

3) The americans have made it CLEAR that a military operation against Iran will be limited to airstrikes only. Where in the world did you get all that "half a million troops" etc... from? You seriously are living in another world.

4) The only thing you will be battling with personally, is the war against virginity. Don't make me laugh.
you're a grade A moron, let me explain

1) USA's debt to GDP ratio is already at 99 percent. They can't even pay their debt at their current levels. So 2-3 trillion is not "just" or "only." They simply don't have the money.

2) Iran's military doctorine is based on asymmetric warfare and this has been made clear. You won't be fighting armies.

3) The americans have made it CLEAR that a military operation against Iran will be limited to airstrikes only. Where in the world did you get all that "half a million troops" etc... from? You seriously are living in another world.

4) The only thing you will be battling with personally, is the war against virginity. Don't make me laugh.

If you had a Brain you would know I was being Sarcastic :coffee:
By that time your army will be half of the size it is today.
Sure as the sky is blue the Iranian military WILL NOT have anything to do with that.

And you want me to remind you a continuing series of humiliation? It starts from the US embassy siege up to now that the US drone landed safely in Iran, and this continues.... ;)
When RayGun became President, the hostages were released toot-sweet. So I guess we can balance those humiliations out. As for the drone? Please...How many drones have we flown so far? How is Stuxnet not a far greater humiliation? How are the long years of sanctions not a far greater humiliation?
U.S. should quit acting tough, quit poking their nose in other nations business and go home.
Correction Friend war with Iran will cost u half a million dead troops
Operation Pakistan will cost you end to civilized world as we know it (I hope u understand)


Time will tell how long Pakistan as a state can survive from internal threats rather then external
Operation Pakistan is what the worlds wants, since 1947 someone needed to put Pakistan in Place India could not do it however rest Assure USA will do the job.

What else do you want to do to Pakistan.. Havent last 10 years been enough?
Sure as the sky is blue the Iranian military WILL NOT have anything to do with that.
So the sky may not be always blue as you think. You need a hint I guess, Do you remember how you got humiliated in Tabas 'accidentally'? You know, we do many things accidentally, for example your drone lands safely in our territory 'accidentally'. ;) We do everything accidentally, you know!

When RayGun became President, the hostages were released toot-sweet. So I guess we can balance those humiliations out. As for the drone? Please...How many drones have we flown so far? How is Stuxnet not a far greater humiliation? How are the long years of sanctions not a far greater humiliation?
Iran at that time was looking for re-establishing ties with the western world because it also felt threatened from the Eastern bloc at the same time so it was looking for a balance.
I don't know how many drones you've flown so far but what I know is that many of them have been detected and shot down by Iran and the famous RQ-170 landed safely very accidentally in Iran.
Stuxnet didn't achieve its task to cripple the Iranian nuclear industry, and more over, It wasn't really such a big deal as the western media claimed. Iran recovered from the cyber attack quickly and don't forget that you also had the help of Siemens in the project as Iran claims. That's why Iran rejected Siemens help in cleaning the infected PLC's.
How the sanctions are humiliation? We have succeeded to proceed under all your unilateral and the UNSC sanctions, Isn't that a greater humiliation for you guys?
Yeah i believed that it may be true because they need a war. These western war lords want a third world war and they are pushing the world to that. Extremely religious and liberal fanatical powers join together and ruling the west at the moment and they are trying to save their economy through genocide of million people. It also facilitate their movement of reducing population through mass murder.
I think ISI knows that is why they reoccupy the shamsi air base which Iran always blames Pakistan that it is using against Iran Pakistan have the reports that US is ready that is why they kick US out from shamsi.
Second thing is the way the Arab are united and want a single confederation which shows they also knows something that is why they are joined to counter Iran because Shah Abdullah said in his speech recently in GCC that we ARAB has to save our history now and the time is here, so question is saving history from whom? Iran?
There is conflict between Pentagon and Obama on Iran issue and pentagon is not ready to obey Obama and they are dictating their terms in White house,
I belived that there are certain CIA memebers involved in Silala attack which were under covered support Obama and want to alert Pakistan about the war throughthis attack. Obama also dont want a war and they have a real dispute with Pentagon. Obama ditched pentagon in silala controversy because they want to push pentagon to the backfoot through this attack because they know the reaction which will be closing of shamsi base and offcourse stoping of Nato trucks cause pakistan told the hilary about the reaction.
That is my analysis.
What are the chances that the idiots advocating war will do the fighting ? None. Not a singlle one will fight. You get tired of these idiots. What moron would want to go to a another war for these idiots ?
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