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US Military NASTY SURPRISE for Russian Navy

A subsonic missile? Big lol..... Even we Indians have much superior supersonic Brahmos .
A subsonic missile? Big lol..... Even we Indians have much superior supersonic Brahmos .
Keep on sleeping.

Unlike current anti-ship missiles the LRASM will be capable of conducting autonomous targeting, relying on on-board targeting systems to independently acquire the target without the presence of prior, precision intelligence, or supporting services like Global Positioning Satellite navigation and data-links. These capabilities will enable positive target identification, precision engagement of moving ships and establishing of initial target cueing in extremely hostile environment. The missile will be designed with advanced counter-countermeasures to effectively evade hostile active defense systems

Warhead: 1,000 lb (450 kg) blast-fragmentation penetrator
Operational range: 500nmi (930km)

Some naval advisors have proposed increasing the LRASM's capabilities to serve dual functions as a ship-based land attack weapon in addition to anti-ship roles. By reducing the size of its 1,000 lb (450 kg) warhead to increase range to 1,000 mi (1,600 km), the missile would still be powerful enough destroy or disable warships while having the reach to hit inland targets. With the proper guidance system, a single missile would increase the Navy's flexibility rather than needing two missiles specialized for different roles.

Long Range Anti-Ship Missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A subsonic missile? Big lol..... Even we Indians have much superior supersonic Brahmos .
A subsonic missile? Big lol..... Even we Indians have much superior supersonic Brahmos .

Yeah, something the US already knows about as the Russian P-800 Oniks and has decided that it sees that approach as nonsense and prefers something more suited to fight the wars of 30 years later..not those of 2010.
They originally planned 2 variants speed-wise but then decided to go with sub-sonic one only due to huge development and operating costs among other variables. This missile would be a dog but a dog with elephant's nose. It would sniff electronic signals and plan the attack accordingly suiting the target and its defences. More than 1 missiles would be able to interact with 1 another and plan the attack autonomously for best results possible.
US Military NASTY SURPRISE for Russian Navy

Is that an open invitation for Cold War II?
Yeah, something the US already knows about as the Russian P-800 Oniks and has decided that it sees that approach as nonsense and prefers something more suited to fight the wars of 30 years later..not those of 2010.
Which is why they cancelled LRASM-B.

Oh wait, they did because they don't have money.
Thanks for the official announcement.
You''re very welcome
[barely audible due to engine noise of a nuclear armed Russian Tu-142 Bear 'minding its business' off the Dutch coast]
Keep on sleeping.

Unlike current anti-ship missiles the LRASM will be capable of conducting autonomous targeting, relying on on-board targeting systems to independently acquire the target without the presence of prior, precision intelligence, or supporting services like Global Positioning Satellite navigation and data-links. These capabilities will enable positive target identification, precision engagement of moving ships and establishing of initial target cueing in extremely hostile environment. The missile will be designed with advanced counter-countermeasures to effectively evade hostile active defense systems

Warhead: 1,000 lb (450 kg) blast-fragmentation penetrator
Operational range: 500nmi (930km)

Some naval advisors have proposed increasing the LRASM's capabilities to serve dual functions as a ship-based land attack weapon in addition to anti-ship roles. By reducing the size of its 1,000 lb (450 kg) warhead to increase range to 1,000 mi (1,600 km), the missile would still be powerful enough destroy or disable warships while having the reach to hit inland targets. With the proper guidance system, a single missile would increase the Navy's flexibility rather than needing two missiles specialized for different roles.

Long Range Anti-Ship Missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yawn ,

How vulnerable are U.S. Navy vessels to advanced anti-ship cruise missiles? - Military & Aerospace Electronics

Call me when Lockheed makes something like Brahmos . Till see bye bye ...
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