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US might train Iraq’s forces in Jordan or Iraq


Feb 10, 2013
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U.S. troops may return to Middle East to train Iraqis | Military Times | militarytimes.com

The Pentagon is considering sending U.S. troops back to the Middle East to help train Iraqi forces, defense officials said Friday.

It is unclear whether troops would be sent directly into Iraq or possibly conduct training in a nearby country such as Jordan. “We are in continuing discussions about how we can improve the Iraqi military,” Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said Friday.

The idea of sending U.S. military trainers back to Iraq for the first time since 2011 is one the Pentagon has emphatically rejected in recent years, but on Friday, Warren offered a carefully worded statement that did not rule out the possibility.

The move comes in response to the deepening crisis in Anbar province, where militants have seized parts of Fallujah.

Iraq President Nouri al-Maliki said this week that he would support a new U.S. military training mission for Iraqi counterterrorism troops in neighboring Jordan, marking the first time he has expressed support for such a plan, according to a report in the Washington Post.

In addition to discussions about trainers, the Pentagon is also fast-tracking approval for a shipment of small arms and ammunition to the Iraqi military, Warren said.

Another defense official who spoke on condition of anonymity said the Pentagon also may be considering a larger shipment of arms that would require notification of Congress. “We are processing a wide range of requests [from the Iraqis’] for continued support,” the defense official said.

Currently, fewer than 300 American troops are in Iraq, all operating under the command of the civilian-run U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. About half of those are Marines providing security at the embassy

In addition, more than 100 uniformed troops are running the Office of Security Cooperation, which has funneled military aid to the Iraqis and maintained U.S. ties to Iraqi leaders since the U.S. military mission formally ended in 2011.

The U.S does not have a current Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq because the Iraqis in 2011 refused to provide legal immunity for U.S. troops to operate inside the country. Iraq’s failure to agree to legal immunity was a key factor in the decision to withdraw all American forces two years ago.

I guess KASOTC
Does this make you proud? Suppress enemies of the West is all these regimes are good at. Side with injustice.

Side with people who's centuries of history involves massive invasions, colonials and functionality at the expense of poor people living under regimes installed by the West.
Does this make you proud? Suppress enemies of the West is all these regimes are good at. Side with injustice.

Side with people who's centuries of history involves massive invasions, colonials and functionality at the expense of poor people living under regimes installed by the West.

No I just posted some news, despite all the west has done they’re the superpower currently.
You and I and everyone on this forum is in some way contributing to them buying their stuff, you can barely avoid them unless you want to live in N Korea.
No I just posted some news, despite all the west has done they’re the superpower currently.
You and I and everyone on this forum is in some way contributing to them buying their stuff, you can barely avoid them unless you want to live in N Korea.

Contributing to whom? You make it sound as if it's an survival scenario if we don't buy weapons from the West and do what they tell us to do. We don't need to avoid them as long as their policy doesn't involve suppression and collective punishment of people because of their beliefs.

The Iraqi government is no different from the West if it's jumping on the bandwagon which is genocidal and un-democratic which is to to suppress any opposition through the 'terrorists' method. This makes the Iraqi government and the United States government two different sides of the same coin.
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Well Iraq has a lot of oil, all they need is some political stability then i am sure Iraq could become a much more successful and stronger nation.
And Iraq needs to keep its Armed forces well trained due to fast changing events in the Middle East.
Contributing to whom? You make it sound as if it's an survival scenario if we don't buy weapons from the West and do what they tell us to do. We don't need to avoid them as long as their policy doesn't involve suppression and collective punishment of people because of their beliefs.

The Iraqi government is no different from the West if it's jumping on the bandwagon which is genocidal and I democratic which is to to suppress any opposition through the 'terrorists' method. This makes the Iraqi government and the United States government two different sides of the same coin.

But theres real terrorism in Iraq’s case from this daash.
It’s only training of a small group, won’t change much in outcome but save lives on the army's side.

They’re buying weapons from the east also, if they distance themselves from the west completely they’ll join Iran, don’t know if that’s what you prefer.
But theres real terrorism in Iraq’s case from this daash.
It’s only training of a small group, won’t change much in outcome but save lives on the army's side.

They’re buying weapons from the east also, if they distance themselves from the west completely they’ll join Iran, don’t know if that’s what you prefer.

I don't care where they get weapons from as long as it doesn't have an affect on their policy. Their policy however is to do the same thing the West, arabic military dictatorships and regimes have been doing in the Middle East in the past few decades. Which is to label any opposition 'terrorists' and crackdown against them. Also sanctions them, starve their people to death, malnutrition, shortage of medical supplies and any quality life standards just because they dare believed in self determination.

Often the West is launching airstrikes murdering millions of people because they don't side with injustice and believe in self determination. The US and modern European nations(previous colonialist powers) installed these leaders and their systems after they granted these nations independence. They also try to preserve their rule regardless of how inhumane it is. The west treats Arabic citizens as cattle whom don't deserve self determination and freedom from their ideology.

Arabs aren't asking for liberties, we want freedom from regimes which are sanctioned by the West and freedom from Western ideology. Because of this we are being killed in the thousands by both Arabic regimes and US and NATO forces.
Does this make you proud? Suppress enemies of the West is all these regimes are good at. Side with injustice.

Side with people who's centuries of history involves massive invasions, colonials and functionality at the expense of poor people living under regimes installed by the West.
Iraq has no choice but to side with the West. America owns Iraq.
Iraq has no choice but to side with the West. America owns Iraq.

The people can change that, not matter what efforts the West and local regimes out towards killing them, demonizing them, or keeping them on a brink of a collapse.

Why do you think the West describes this war as war that will never end? The 'war on terror' that is.

Because this a war on our beliefs, wherever an Islamic organization gets leverage they seek to hinder its efforts through all means possible. They don't want Arab Muslims to stop living under basically appointed regimes. These regimes are in power because people are scared to speak out against them otherwise if they do it would mean their life.

Islam doesn't go hand in hand with globalization. Our ideology doesn't fit with the modern materialistic view of the world which revolves around business. If Islamic organizations gain leverage, this would greatly damage western interests in the Middle East. We probably wouldn't want to let them take advantage of our resources.

And why do you think I'm specifying Arab Muslims? Because our strategic location is what could make it possible that we survive off of each other. We could control vital interests and put the world at halt if we controlled our resources and region. This would be even greater if Jerusalem was our capital. We would have amazing trade routes. Things will work if we are allowed to have self determination. The West doesn't want this to happen.

So you ask yourself why NATO says this war will never end. It is bigger than you think and is not limited to the Taliban in Afghanistan. It's against people who have justice and self determination in their instincts.

This is why you see islamists isolated wherever they are or brought back decades through various means. They tried it against Hezbollah in Lebanon, against Hamas in Gaza, in Mali, in Iraq, in Gulf countries, in Egypt, in Afghanistan, Iran, and numerous other places in the world. Of course several of these organizations aren't perfect either which is why I say they have an opportunity to make things change with pace and ease.

And I think they are coming to that realization.

What the West fears is either a direct or indirect Islamic Caliphate.

Why do you think the West describes this war as war that will never end? The 'war on terror' that is.

Because this a war on our beliefs, wherever an Islamic organization gets leverage they seek to hinder its efforts through all means possible. They don't want Arab Muslims to stop living under basically appointed regimes. These regimes are in power because people are scared to speak out against them otherwise if they do it would mean their life.

Islam doesn't go hand in hand with globalization. Our ideology doesn't fit with the modern materialistic view of the world which revolves around business. If Islamic organizations gain leverage, this would greatly damage western interests in the Middle East. We probably wouldn't want to let them take advantage of our resources.

And why do you think I'm specifying Arab Muslims? Because our strategic location is what could make it possible that we survive off of each other. We could control vital interests and put the world at halt if we controlled our resources and region. This would be even greater if Jerusalem was our capital. We would have amazing trade routes. Things will work if we are allowed to have self determination. The West doesn't want this to happen.

So you ask yourself why NATO says this war will never end. It is bigger than you think and is not limited to the Taliban in Afghanistan. It's against people who have justice and self determination in their instincts.

This is why you see islamists isolated wherever they are or brought back decades through various means. They tried it against Hezbollah in Lebanon, against Hamas in Gaza, in Mali, in Iraq, in Gulf countries, in Egypt, in Afghanistan, Iran, and numerous other places in the world. Of course several of these organizations aren't perfect either which is why I say they have an opportunity to make things change with pace and ease.

And I think they are coming to that realization.

What the West fears is either a direct or indirect Islamic Caliphate.

The west has used the war on terror and terrorism/ al qaeda reason often even if not justified to start wars or operations and many other things. I agree on that.

Though I see this as different, these so called Mujahideen in the middle east kill more locals & Muslims than they target others.
The group Iraq is dealing with is only ISIS, as we can see even Nusra in Syria and Liwa al Islam has been having clashes with them.

IMO this organization of animals does not care about anything on earth, earth can be nuked for all they care. They just want to die as a "Martyr" so they can have what they think they will have in the afterlife. I see some sense with some of the Syrian opposition even if called Islamists, though I don’t see any sense with ISIS, just violent animals that kill & die.

So are you really waiting for a caliphate led by such people ?

Just take a look, an ISIS member said it himself, all he cares about is going to janna ( he thinks that at least ), earth can burn and all people on it **** them, listen to his speech while hes swimming as well.
I don't care for ISIL too, but what's happening in Iraq isn't related to them and I still stand with what I said about the government, ISIL doesn't make even 5% of Islamists in this world.

But, I want you to understand why there is civil strife, it's largely due to western installed regimes and more strife would occur if suddenly tomorrow Saudi Arabians denounced their rulers, the US and West would try to preserve their rule and dehumanize the opposition.

This part of a larger picture, don't get caught up too much in one incident try to understand as a whole. Of course both Iraqi government and ISIS aren't perfect. However the case for Iraq is more complicated than the typical reason.
I don't care for ISIL too, but what's happening in Iraq isn't related to them and I still stand with what I said about the government, ISIL doesn't make even 5% of Islamists in this world.

But, I want you to understand why there is civil strife, it's largely due to western installed regimes and more strife would occur if suddenly tomorrow Saudi Arabians denounced their rulers, the US and West would try to preserve their rule and dehumanize the opposition.

This part of a larger picture, don't get caught up too much in one incident try to understand as a whole. Of course both Iraqi government and ISIS aren't perfect. However the case for Iraq is more complicated than the typical reason.

The part of terrorism is largely related to ISIS. They’ve been able to brainwash a lot of uneducated youth into suicide operations. They’ve discovered many bomb making plants the last 2 weeks as well.

Iraq’s gov will never be perfect, this is politics. There’s always tension and issues in this field in republic states, but that does not make room for a group that blows everything up ( ISIS ). Iraq’s gov is not pro US anyway.
You shouldn’t confuse politics with ISIS anyway, ISIS likes to make use of that, turn things sectarian and start civil wars like what they made use of in Syria and earlier in Iraq 2006.
The part of terrorism is largely related to ISIS. They’ve been able to brainwash a lot of uneducated youth into suicide operations. They’ve discovered many bomb making plants the last 2 weeks as well.

Iraq’s gov will never be perfect, this is politics. There’s always tension and issues in this field in republic states, but that does not make room for a group that blows everything up ( ISIS ). Iraq’s gov is not pro US anyway.
You shouldn’t confuse politics with ISIS anyway, ISIS likes to make use of that, turn things sectarian and start civil wars like what they made use of in Syria and earlier in Iraq 2006.

What I wanted to you read was what I mentioned in my first two posts. You seem to be focused on one issue. I don't care if the Iraqi government considers itself pro or anti US, their actions prove they are a different side of the same coin when it comes to US policy.

Syria is a whole other situation that was initiated not by these armed group. If someone listened to you they'd never see an end. You're clearly into this thing that protects regimes through the same methods used to suppress opposition. Make it clear to me, are you with US and Western policy or do you as an Muslim Arab want freedom and self determination in your home nations? Or are you the guy that will keep telling us we need to fight terrorists?

And I watched the video, the guy is informed and doesn't seem brainwashed. He seemed sort of sad near the end and made a difficult decision. I'm not sure if he targeted government forces or what. But, he's informed and is right about the local government.
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