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US media: Jiangnan Shipyard to build China´s 1st Craft Carrier

On a side note new stuff installed on varyag 'model' in Wuhan

You know, it's funny how China has always said that AC is a "symbol of an aggressor."

It's so ironic, but at the same time, this development is just so predictable.
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I have heard that china is building two 48000ton conventional carrier using steam catapult , which will operate navalised version of J11B or J10B
PLAN wants to operate these two ship in 2015 , to be followed by a nuclear powered 65000 ton carrier in 2020
And yeah Varyag will mostly be used as a training platform cum Fleet air defence ship
a role similar to the one played by russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov
You know, it's funny how China has always said that AC is a "symbol of an aggressor."

It's so ironic, but at the same time, this development is just so predictable.

when our premier Zhou enlai call for nuclear-free world in last 60',no one gives a damn.two shameless countries always threated to nuclear china for their stupid ideology reason. now this threat means nothing to china.it's how some western counties play the game,we just follow their rule .the tree may want to be still but the wind is blowing
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Lol, come to think of it, Varyag IS a training ship.

Training people how to build aircraft carriers
1st one looks like a Nimitz model, second is different but looks more western
Higher resolution pics will be nice so can see the aircrafts more clearly

Nice image! There are six months to go for the production certification.

@ ChineseTiger1986
It could be one of the two under modular construction.
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