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US may offer F-35 fighter if India scraps S-400 deal

F-35 in Indian hand will be a great risk for Pakistan
Pakistan has always been at risk with enemy having better and more but we are here by the grace of the Almighty. They may have weapons bug it takes courage to fight. History shows great armies with mighty weapons have fallen to a few dedicated men with little fire power
When Ayub Khan was dealing with Uncle Sam on his own terms that was the golden period of Pakistan's economy.

But when your establishment started playing games and double-crossed U.S only then your trouble started.

Right now we see more benefits for India in this alliance :enjoy:
No , our relations went down after pressler ammendment , when we were obtaining nuclear capability , americans did't want us to do that but when india became an atomic power then we had no option but to become nuclear power too , but still my point is valid , you have long relationship with Russians which americans will want you to end and if you don't do that you will most certainly face santions and Uncle Sam will threaten to stop the supply of spare parts , trust me , we've experienced american frienship , if india wants to taste it too then no problem ....
it will be great risk for Pakistan and a clear threat to non nuclear war .i think russia may sell us su35 or su57 in response of india betrayal and china will provide us j20 to maintain balance in region.If f35 is given to india chances of nuclear war will increase in region
And Pakistan will pay in hard cash...

Pakistan has always been at risk with enemy having better and more but we are here by the grace of the Almighty. They may have weapons bug it takes courage to fight. History shows great armies with mighty weapons have fallen to a few dedicated men with little fire power
That is what shown even in Kesari movie...
LOL looks like someone has suddenly a surplus of F-35 fighters in their inventory. Of course barring the Japanese lost one.

This will be very interesting. A carrot is being dangled in front of a rat. Will the rat say no or will the rat backstab Russian deal and do another Su-57?

Because Russia is under US sanctions.

BS. S-400 is a potent platform that can smoke anything the US has.

US will say anything and everything to jeopardize Russian sales

That is it. You got it.

The Americans are at war with everyone. China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and the list grows. On the one hand, the US is triggering a trade war with certain countries. On the other hand, the US is trying to break done deals.

This is simply a way to tell the enemies that the US is going to be an obstacle.

Suits us well. I hope the rat falls for the deal and this opens more doors between Pakistan and Russia.
Pakistan has always been at risk with enemy having better and more but we are here by the grace of the Almighty. They may have weapons bug it takes courage to fight. History shows great armies with mighty weapons have fallen to a few dedicated men with little fire power
Nope sorry, can't leave anything to God, fate, Destiny etc. We need to counter the very real possibility that India will gain Israeli-level tech superiority but with the one thing Israel never had - limitless numbers.

Pakistan has failed massively in terms of not exposing the true face of Hindutva to her middle eastern allies. India will stab anyone in the back - see how they abandoned Iran. We need Arabs to realise that too.
Nope sorry, can't leave anything to God, fate, Destiny etc. We need to counter the very real possibility that India will gain Israeli-level tech superiority but with the one thing Israel never had - limitless numbers.

Pakistan has failed massively in terms of not exposing the true face of Hindutva to her middle eastern allies. India will stab anyone in the back - see how they abandoned Iran. We need Arabs to realise that too.

This would have happened anyway. The US would have done it this way regardless of RSS true face etc. Simply because this is in US interest. Pakistan could have stood on mount Everest and screamed all day long. Would have made 0 impact.

It is in our interest to get closer with the likes of Russia. This is an opportunity presenting itself on a silver platter. What we need is another Su-57 moment.

There is a famous saying. One man's demise is another man's opportunity. Amidst chaos opportunities arise.
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I don't think India will ever drop this deal with Russia.:) No matter the consequences. Our dependance on US defense equipment is not very deep in comparison to Russia or France.

When a rat uses the red smiley you ought to know that he is confused folks. See the rat is confused and hoping for a fortunate outcome. He is happy, but confused at the same time. Out of the blue the devil is making an offer that cannot be refused. It is the golden dagger again folks. Gold and beautiful, but dangerous. The rat senses this. The rat has become smart and doesn't want easy cheese because that is too good to be true.

What the rat wants in this instance is for appeasement to continue. The rat doesn't like F-35 in exchange for anything. The rat is not interested in OR situation. The rat wants AND situation. The rat seeks the best of both world's. The rat wants F-35 along with S-400.

Is daddy going to provide AND situation? Time will tell how far the devil is willing to go to appease its tiny rat.

I told you folks quite some time ago. The devil will plot and seduce the rat. The devil wants the rat all for itself. It is happening.
i think f-35 is better then s-400
a basic f-35 fighter is not a big deal but it is the sensors, missiles and net-centric warfare capability which makes it effective. Obviously US will not sell every thing at the best they will sell two wings, one tyre , an engine and a tablet masquerading as console and tons of BS. Its better to have some thing which works rather than which is promised to work.
Cooperation of America and India is a threat for pakistan.this news clearly means that Americans are on indian side and thaad and f-35 could be game changer for india.pakistan don't have the money to counter this threat.i feel that India will buy s-400 and f-35.f-35 will surely join iaf fleet because India have lots of money.i think Pakistan should end all relations with Americans if they provide thaad and f-35 to India.
Nope sorry, can't leave anything to God, fate, Destiny etc. We need to counter the very real possibility that India will gain Israeli-level tech superiority but with the one thing Israel never had - limitless numbers.

Pakistan has failed massively in terms of not exposing the true face of Hindutva to her middle eastern allies. India will stab anyone in the back - see how they abandoned Iran. We need Arabs to realise that too.
Have we been asleep. Did g we just show the world by knocking out Indian fighters from the sky? Are you nit seeing the developments.
But ultimately its God. You can die right now and there is nothing to stop that except. GOD.
you may ignore God but we Pakistanis wont.
We prepare we fight and we ask the Almighty for help. All go hand in hand
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