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US may offer F-35 fighter if India scraps S-400 deal

USA is clearly afraid of S400, or at least acting like it is.
They aren't afraid of the s 400 itself, but rather Russia ending up gaining sensitive f35 secrets, by integrating the s 400 system with the f35 system. It's the same objection they have with turkey.
I hope this news is not true, and I suspect it is not.

I don't think F-35 is potent... I mean, with what will be the surprise when we know from where enemy come from..it cannot come alone and clear air space as low payload and vulnerability once it open fire. With all the stealth, its radar waves can be detected when it is scanning?

Please refrain from commenting on things which you do not understand, like at all.

USA is clearly afraid of S400, or at least acting like it is.
Just trying to curtail Russian arms supply.

U.S. is a born businessman

Even if India buys S-400 Uncle Sam will find some excuse to sell his F-35 to India sooner than later :P

US offered F-21 to India, at most.

BS. S-400 is a potent platform that can smoke anything the US has.
Yeah, we all saw in Syria. :rolleyes:

S-400 is very good AAD system in its own right, but up against US? Not so.

True Russian AAD/BMD platform is the emerging S-500 system. This one will [somewhat] posit a threat to Americans in a theater of operations.

The Americans are at war with everyone. China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and the list grows. On the one hand, the US is triggering a trade war with certain countries. On the other hand, the US is trying to break done deals.

This is simply a way to tell the enemies that the US is going to be an obstacle.

Suits us well. I hope the rat falls for the deal and this opens more doors between Pakistan and Russia.
Correction: US is [infuencing] every notable country in existence, and Pakistan is not an exception in this matter.

Brace for the fact that US is looking forward to [reshape] existing world order in a span of 20 - 30 years with support of UK (BREXIT is inevitable), France, Brazil, Vietnam and Israel... Existing world order was built to crumble USSR. Next one... This world will be much much different by year 2100, to the point of being unrecognizable.
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If india does it pak will be the biggest beneficiary of it we will be getting our stealth jet and who know might get S 400 as well
will try to elaborate more next time... sometines idont get ehat i comment
Important pointers.

1) https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/unde...on-system-of-f-35-jsf-for-the-dummies.472240/

2) https://www.forbes.com/sites/lorent...-fighter-story-you-havent-heard/#1acdba8668cc


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