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US man dies after botched execution

You will be surprised to know that United States has a history of using gas chambers for execution, even after the part of history that you are indicating was discovered.Probably some of the states in US still have that as a method of execution.

The difference is in the way the gas is administered.The Germans used Zyklon B to administer the gas, which is nothing but pellets made of absorbent materials that gives away hydrogen cyanide in room temperature.The US prisons probably used to add acid to Sodium Cyanide to create hydrogen cyanide gas inside the gas chamber.

No most states either use the electric chair or the needle. The rest have banned executions.
And that's why a single sword strike to the neck is the most humane and less painful way to execute someone, because by doing that you will cut off the nerves and the pain receptors connected to the brain, therefore there's hardly any pain....
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[quoteraphican, post: 5611662, member: 17743"]Cutting the head off is the quickest and least painful way to pass one on.[/quote]

So youre saying you've had you're head cut off before and you can vouch for it? Or are you saying that's how you want to go out.

From those am Qaeda beheading videos it sure does look more painful than a bullet in the head. Most of those be headings seem to go on for minutes.

I am not against the death penalty.

I started this thread for the members just to debate which form of execution is less painful.

The thread title was a little dumb though. I read it and said wtf. A man dies in botched execution, wasn't he supposed to die?

And this animal deserved it. He kidnapped a man his wife their baby child and his wife's female friend. He beat everyone and then him and his accomplices raped the women. Then they shoot one woman and bury her alive as she's still pleading for her life while they laugh. His only remorse was not killing the other three.

People like that have no place on this earth. And even though I don't believe in human suffering, I think this happened for a reason. What goes around comes around. I'm sure he gasped for breathe while he died just like his victim did. Gods justice.

People should be executed the same way they killed their victims. You will see a drastic reduction in violent murders when the cowards know they can expect the same dead for themselves
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You may be right, but it's less painful

You sure dude? People dont instantly die after their heads come off, its well known that some heads severed by guillotine continue to blink with eye movement.

50 cal in the head is messy but probably a sure instakill.

Not everything is experienced by individuals to form an opinion/theory. If we go by your logic, were you present at the time of big bang? or when monkeys turned into humans?

[quoteraphican, post: 5611662, member: 17743"]Cutting the head off is the quickest and least painful way to pass one on.

So youre saying you've had you're head cut off before and you can vouch for it? Or are you saying that's how you want to go out.

From those am Qaeda beheading videos it sure does look more painful than a bullet in the head. Most of those be headings seem to go on for minutes.

The thread title was a little dumb though. I read it and said wtf. A man dies in botched execution, wasn't he supposed to die?

And this animal deserved it. He kidnapped a man his wife their baby child and his wife's female friend. He beat everyone and then him and his accomplices raped the women. Then they shoot one woman and bury her alive as she's still pleading for her life while they laugh. His only remorse was not killing the other three.

People like that have no place on this earth. And even though I don't believe in human suffering, I think this happened for a reason. What goes around comes around. I'm sure he gasped for breathe while he died just like his victim did. Gods justice.

People should be executed the same way they killed their victims. You will see a drastic reduction in violent murders when the cowards know they can expect the same dead for themselves[/quote]
How about ending Death Penalty all together?

& You guys are f'ed up. The 8 Amendment was created to stop all of the things you guys just listed:

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Especially the part about the "Cruel & Unusual punishment"

Cruel and unusual punishment is a phrase describing punishment which is considered unacceptable due to the suffering, pain, or humiliation it inflicts on the person subjected to it.

Cruel and unusual punishment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cruel and unusual punishment -- is about deliberateness.

What happened in this case was out of incompetency. Not malice. You are way off base.
Cruel and unusual punishment -- is about deliberateness.

What happened in this case was out of incompetency. Not malice. You are way off base.

Out of base how exactly? If you even bother to read you should know that I called out on most of these "fine gentlemen" here on their preferred methods of execution.
May 4, 2014

Oklahoma execution renews debate on doctors’ role

Critics say what happened in Oklahoma proves a doctor’s presence cannot guarantee the process will go smoothly

A botched lethal injection in Oklahoma this week has renewed a debate on whether doctors should be banned from executions — or required to participate to make the process more humane.

Some of the nation’s 32 death penalty states mandate doctor participation — including Oklahoma — but critics say what happened there proves a doctor’s presence can’t guarantee the process will go smoothly.

“Physicians have an ethical and moral responsibility to remain as far from the execution chamber as possible,” said Dr. Jonathan Weisbuch of Phoenix, a death penalty opponent. He calls what happened in Oklahoma torture. “How dare they experiment on a living human being,” Weisbuch said.

In Oklahoma on Tuesday, the execution team struggled to find a suitable vein for injecting the lethal drugs and a vein collapse prevented the drugs from working properly. Clayton Lockett, a convicted murderer, writhed before the execution was called off. He died later of apparent heart attack. According to witnesses and a letter from the state’s prisons chief, a physician checked the IV line, checked to see if Lockett was unconscious and reported that not enough drugs had been given to kill him — all violations of the American Medical Association’s ethics policy.

The AMA says it’s unethical for doctors to be involved except in a peripheral way. That’s one reason why the number and identities of physicians who do participate are shrouded in secrecy. Dr. Ardis Dee Hoven, the AMA’s president, issued a statement on Friday regarding Lockett’s execution.

“No matter how one feels about capital punishment, it is disquieting for physicians to act as agents of the state in the assisting, supervising or contributing to a legally authorised execution,” Hoven said. “The American Medical Association is troubled by continuous refusal of states to acknowledge the ethical obligations of physicians that strictly prohibit involvement in capital punishment.”

‘Moratorium is needed’

Weisbuch says the Oklahoma case underscores why an execution moratorium is needed. He plans to ask the AMA to lobby for a ban at the group’s policymaking meeting next month in Chicago. Similar attempts have failed. But whether Lockett’s execution, execution drug shortages and concerns about their effectiveness will sway the AMA this time remain to be seen.

The group’s endorsement might deter some physicians from participating, but whether it would influence pro-death penalty politicians is uncertain.

Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center, an advocacy group critical of how capital punishment is usually carried out, said doctors’ participation in executions often pits the medical profession against the judicial system. “Lawsuits say this is a medical procedure being done by guards — it could go wrong,” Dieter said. “Courts want assurances” that condemned inmates won’t suffer, he said.

Yet even if doctors don’t feel bound by AMA policy — only about 20 per cent of US physicians are AMA members — many strongly adhere to their oath to do no harm.

Dieter said states’ execution protocols often don’t specify what role doctors play, and they’re often updated, so it’s difficult to quantify the number of doctors involved. Dieter said his organisation doesn’t keep tabs.

Here are some examples of current execution rules:

— Texas says unspecified members of “the drug team” inject the drugs, and a physician enters the death chamber when the execution is over, “to examine the offender, pronounce the offender’s death, and designate the official time of death.”

— North Carolina says a doctor will monitor the condemned inmate “and immediately notify the warden of any signs of undue pain or suffering.”

— Kentucky’s mandate says, “No physician shall be involved in the conduct of an execution except to certify cause of death provided that the condemned is declared dead by another person.”

Dr. Neil Farber, a University of California, San Diego internist and educator, said surveys he did more than a decade ago found that almost 20 per cent of doctors would be willing to perform lethal injections.

Farber said it’s likely Lockett’s execution will change some minds.

“I sure hope so,” he said. “Whether a physician supports or is opposed to the death penalty, I think it is something society needs to address.”

Oklahoma execution renews debate on doctors’ role | GulfNews.com
Yankee propaganda mouthpieces are defending this.

Typical of a terrorist regime.
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