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US lets down the Indian quislings

Which part of the article? By jove!!! the entire article is a pile of crap and nothing else. India is not and has not yet buckled down to the EU/US pressure. I don't know where the author gets his information from but facts on ground do not support his statement. India continues to import oil from Iran. Road blocks have been put in place by the US treasury department and European insurers are tightening the screws on the tankers ferrying Iranian oil, but the GOI has gone to the extent of considering to grant of sovereign guarantees to companies which own the tankers ferrying Iranian oil to India.

You have to understand that there is a lot of support for Iran in India. Our PM is not a dictator or a king that he can take India's foreign policy in any direction he wants under pressure from the US and that too against our national interest and against popular sentiment. I doubt the present govt can survive another no confidence motion in the Parliament. The US is aware of this.

Regarding the Indo-US Nuclear deal, you should be aware that it is a non starter. No US company has even a toe hold in our nuclear power sector, the reasons are available in public domain. We want them to come in but their profit margins and liability considerations are coming in the way. The Russians and the French have been awarded contracts and are currently involved in setting up nuclear power plants.

Yes, this is the status as on today. Things may change tomorrow. The US/EU pressure is awesome. I just hope we can withstand it long enough to see this through.

I often read M K Bhadrakumar's articles and this one with all unprofessional words used doesn't seem to be one of his.

Unable to find the article in anywhere else

This is one of the articles written by

India-Russia ties in the neoliberal era

Comparing both these it looks like a cheap attempt to masquerade M K Bhadrakumar and post pure crap
US lets down the Indian quislings

Why is it that the Pakistanis have got such spunk that our Indian lords lack? Within a day of the United States secretary of state Hillary Clinton threatening it might be “destructive” for Pakistan to go ahead with a gas pipeline project with Iran, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar shot back that it is not Uncle Sam’s business which country Pakistan cooperates with or how it defines its national interests.

What stunned me is that in the same breath Clinton also commended the Manmohan Singh government for “making steps that are heading in the right direction.” Clinton told the US Congressmen not to take seriously the public utterances of Indian officials regarding friendly relations with Iran or Delhi’s grit to keep up the oil imports from Tehran. She revealed, in essence, that Uncle Sam did some tough talking and Manmohan Singh government panicked.

Clinton’s statement means only this: Manmohan Singh government has taken ordinary Indians — you and me — for a ride by secretly complying with the US sancions against Iran while professing publicly that India will only heed the UN sanctions. I have no reason to doubt Clinton, because the US Administration takes the Congressional hearings bloody seriously.

Therefore, equally, I am inclined to believe the latest revelation by the Pentagon about the government’s security policies. The Pentagon has revealed that the US Special Forces are stationed on Indian soil with regard to improving India’s “counter-terrorism capabilities and in particular on the maritime domain” and assisting India’s security agencies in terms of “internal counter-terror and counter-insurgency challenges.”

Again, the statement was made during a US Congressional hearing and there is no reason to doubt its veracity. A Congress-led government on Raisina Hill accepted US military personnel’s presence on Indian soil to safeguard the country’s security!

And this is for protection from those Martians from Lashkar-e-Toiba! Hahaha! Next time I see our security czars expansively chatting up on TV about busting the LeT guy roaming around in Delhi, I will know how come they’re so cocky! It’s Amrika, man.

One would have thought all those scores of scams are bad enough for a lifetime. On top of it comes the revelation that the Manmohan Singh government is also duplicitous in its foreign and security policies. Imagine, inviting in foreign powers to secure the country! Mahatma Gandhi fought to get rid of blood-suckers.

Ironically, the Indian quislings are being let down by their American masters. This is of a piece with India’s tragic history. It’s time our quislings read up on Mir Qasim and the East India Company.

Indian Punchline - Reflections on foreign affairs

A very well thought out and well written article by definitely an intelligent and well qualified person.

Even though all the references he has given are the words of very foreigners he calls blood-suckers and distrusts, we should accept them because our own democratically elected govt cannot be trusted!

Kudos to OP for searching out such a gem of writer. Now he can get a bit of publicity, as it doesn't seems like he was very popular otherwise. Found just two comments for this article on his blog!
what choice do these hindustanis have? The civilian nuclear deal they signed with the goras was contingent on their willingness to distance themselves away from the I-P-(i?) pipeline deal.

of course the congress of kangaroos would buckle sooner or later...

zardari and co. are feeling the heat from both sides -- only this time, because of national sentiment and because of the supply-demand gaps -- they will have to flex whatever muscle they have and adopt a more nationalistic and assertive policy

surely the security establishment in Pakistan has no qualms with this new policy either, knowing (from bitter history) that the Americans are not reliable partners

My own personal opinion --I would look forward to increased cooperation with Iran -- a reasonably friendly neighbour country and a fellow Islamic Republic.

business is business --- the Americans are going against their own ideals by bringing emotions into business. USA is a faraway country located between Atlantic and Pacific. Iran is our neighbour.

As our cooperation with Iran is a bilateral issue, the American government has no locus-standi over our ties or cooperation with Iran. Now of course Pakistan (as a UN member state and non-permanent member of security council) is obligated to abide by UN Resolutions -- we will have to see how we weather out this storm, and the (inevitable) repercussions.

Regardless, we should stand FIRM.

Fear is no policy
Surrender is no option

we are buying OIL directly from Iran that is the substitute of IPI. Simple, you didn't notice it.
we are buying OIL directly from Iran that is the substitute of IPI. Simple, you didn't notice it.

Where have you been - didn't you notice in public indian govt saying they are going to keep importing oil from Iran and in exchange india will sell goods to Iran? But in private indian govt is surrendering to US pressure to reduce import from Iran. Iranians are much smarter than south block can think of them and can recognize indian opportunist and deceptive game.

India taking steps in right direction on Iran sanction: ClintonPTI Mar 1, 2012, 10.35AM ISTTags:
us secretary of state|iranian oil

WASHINGTON: The US appeared to express satisfaction with the steps being taken by India to reduce its dependence on Iranian oil even as Washington said it was having "very intense and very blunt" conversations with New Delhi, China and Turkey to bolster American sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear programme.

"With respect to India, they are making steps that are heading in the right direction. In fact, I think in a number of instances, the actions of countries and their banks are better than the public statements that we sometimes hear them making," Clinton told lawmakers at a Congressional hearing.

India taking steps in right direction on Iran sanction: Clinton - Times Of India
Where have you been - didn't you notice in public indian govt saying they are going to keep importing oil from Iran and in exchange india will sell goods to Iran? But in private indian govt is surrendering to US pressure to reduce import from Iran. Iranians are much smarter than south block can think of them and can recognize indian opportunist and deceptive game.

U don't have an iota of IQ do you ?

The entire US problem with the world purchasing IRAN oil is the money earned will be diverted for weapons. Now tell me if the $$ worth of oil exported to India is used to purchase back wheat/rice and other edible things from INDIA, how the hell will they divert $$ for weapons ? The US can't object since their problem has already been addressed by south block.

Ise kehte hai ek teer se Do shikaar ;)

Actually, South Block have proved how smart they are compared to their counterparts in the region.

So, all your theory that GoI has made some inside deals with US govt is nothing but troll and simply a futile attempt at bumping this useless thread. :devil:
Where have you been - didn't you notice in public indian govt saying they are going to keep importing oil from Iran and in exchange india will sell goods to Iran? But in private indian govt is surrendering to US pressure to reduce import from Iran. Iranians are much smarter than south block can think of them and can recognize indian opportunist and deceptive game.

Sexy gun has already answered.

Reduced Import or Import, all kinds of buying of Oil from Iran breaks the sanction. No money involved, No bank transfers, barter system rocks, Rice or sugar or iron against oil. simple business, no weapon involved, no defense ties, no strategic movement.
This is the way to do business. Who has guts to put sanctions on us when we are clear.
India must be careful and don't trust these dogs Joint special force command operatives JSOC are present in almost every country and they are working under cover they are good in false flag operations and their actions can trigger wars between India vs China or Pak vs India.
India must be careful and don't trust these dogs Joint special force command operatives JSOC are present in almost every country and they are working under cover they are good in false flag operations and their actions can trigger wars between India vs China or Pak vs India.

there are no such forces.if they are,then may be for training purpose of the local forces.even pakistan have invited foreign troops for training etc
This article is not written by Mr. Bhadrakumar and he does write negatively sometimes about India, but not this kind of crap!!!

Idune the right steps taken by India according to Clinton line is perfectly explained by Sexy gun in his post above. If anyone is desperate it is you who is bent on proving the mythical "I know u" line.
There can are many reasons.......
Firstly Indians they don't get straight with oposit party which is powerful to them....they do the job by laying down.
Secondly for them its time to get US aid and Technology specialy weapons to counter Pakistan's threat....coz American technology is superior to russians which Indians are using.
There can are many reasons.......
Firstly Indians they don't get straight with oposit party which is powerful to them....they do the job by laying down.
Secondly for them its time to get US aid and Technology specialy weapons to counter Pakistan's threat....coz American technology is superior to russians which Indians are using.

Indians they don't get straight with oposit party which is powerful to them.

when india bowed down?

its time to get US aid and Technology specialy weapons to counter Pakistan's threat

pakistan threat??pakistan nothing more than irritant.Threat is china;)

American technology is superior to russians which Indians are using.

prove it;) and india gets sophisticated tech from israel not U.S;)
Sexy gun has already answered.

Reduced Import or Import, all kinds of buying of Oil from Iran breaks the sanction. No money involved, No bank transfers, barter system rocks, Rice or sugar or iron against oil. simple business, no weapon involved, no defense ties, no strategic movement.
This is the way to do business. Who has guts to put sanctions on us when we are clear.

And according to you indians, US do not know or can do anything about barter deal india is trying to work out. That is very entertaining. US dont want any import of iranian oil by cash or otherwise that has been made clear and pressure was made. Bottom line is indian do not have way to avoid US pressure and Clinton has confirmed that indian caving.

Now if you indians are so angry and has doubt about Bhadrakumar article, why none of you posted comments in the rediff page? This explains indians harping here do not have enough to face the reality but as usual using big mouth around indian caving face.
And according to you indians, US do not know or can do anything about barter deal india is trying to work out. That is very entertaining. US dont want any import of iranian oil by cash or otherwise that has been made clear and pressure was made. Bottom line is indian do not have way to avoid US pressure and Clinton has confirmed that indian caving.

Now if you indians are so angry and has doubt about Bhadrakumar article, why none of you posted comments in the rediff page? This explains indians harping here do not have enough to face the reality but as usual using big mouth around indian caving face.

India caved in and did what ?
This article is not written by Mr. Bhadrakumar and he does write negatively sometimes about India, but not this kind of crap!!!

Idune the right steps taken by India according to Clinton line is perfectly explained by Sexy gun in his post above. If anyone is desperate it is you who is bent on proving the mythical "I know u" line.

Let the Indophobes soil their intellect with this piece of literature from the fake wikileaks brigade, Mannaku enduku lolli :)
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