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US lawmakers urge Manila to apologize over shooting


Dec 15, 2009
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TAIPEI-MANILA ROW: US lawmakers urge Manila to apologize over shooting - Taipei Times

"TAIPEI-MANILA ROW: US lawmakers urge Manila to apologize over shooting
By William Lowther / Staff reporter in Washington
Fri, May 17, 2013

Two leading members of the US Congress urged the Philippines to “promptly and sincerely” apologize to Taiwan over the recent shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman.

They also urged that those responsible for the shooting be punished and that the victim’s family be compensated.

US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific Chairman Steve Chabot and ranking member Eni Faleomaveaga issued a joint statement on Wednesday strongly indicating their support for Taiwan in the shooting incident.

“A government vessel’s shooting of an unarmed fishing boat is an act of violence and is in violation of international law,” the statement said.

Chabot, a Republican, and Faleomaveaga, a Democrat, were both in Taiwan earlier this month and visited former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) in a prison hospital.

“We call upon the Philippines to promptly and sincerely respond to the requests of the Taiwan government to apologize, punish the perpetrators and provide proper compensation to the victim’s family based on humanitarian grounds,” the joint statement said.

The statement said that the Taiwanese fishing boat was fired upon in waters 164 nautical miles (304km) southeast of Oluanpi (鵝鑾鼻) — “waters considered by both Taiwan and the Philippines to be within Taiwan’s 200 nautical-mile-from-shore Exclusive Economic Zone.”

It said the boat was severely damaged and that fisherman Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成) was shot and killed.

“The Philippine government vessel sailed away without offering any assistance,” the statement said.

Chabot and Faleomaveaga both expressed their condolences to the family and friends of Hung.

“It is imperative that these two close and longstanding allies of the United States work together for an immediate and peaceful resolution of this incident,” the statement said.

“The circumstances that have given rise to such an incident must be addressed so as to guarantee as much as possible that such an incident will never happen again,” it said.

Chabot and Faleomaveaga said that ultimately an agreement or treaty on marine fishing must be negotiated between Taipei and Manila."
Up to Taiwan to accept apology from Philippines: US

"Up to Taiwan to accept apology from Philippines: US
Staff Reporter


The US Department of State. (Internet photo)

The US government is hoping Taiwan and the Philippines will resolve their dispute over the death of a Taiwanese fisherman as soon as possible but has stressed that whether the apology offered by Manila is accepted is down to Taiwan.

Taiwan can carry out proper and direct discussions with their Philippine counterparts regarding proper apologies, said Patrick Ventrell, acting deputy spokesman for the State Department.

Ventrell made his remarks during a regular press conference at the State Department on Wednesday. He said the US government has been aware of the rising tension between Taiwan and the Philippines and the US government welcomes Manila's promise to investigate the case in detail and work with their Taiwanese counterparts during the process.

A delegation made up of officials from Taiwan's law enforcement agencies arived in Manila on Thursday to take part in a joint investigation into the incident on May 9, when Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-cheng died after his boat was fired upon by officers from the Philippine coast guard. The incident has prompted widespread anger in Taiwan and resulted in Taipei issuing sanctions against the Southeast Asian country."


Supplementary information:

Video: Important facts in the Philippine coast guard murder of unarmed Taiwanese fisherman



Published on May 16, 2013

What Philippine Government Did and Said to Taiwan?

Show all the evidence to the world.
Philippine Government Must Issue An Official Apology, Offer Just Compensation, Arrest the Perpetrators For This Fact of The Intentional Killing.
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I never understood why Philippines is trying to look tough.

You guys have no military, small economy relative to your 100 million population, low pretty much everything, and yet...

Even against Taiwan you are not better militarily and certainly not economically.

reading some of the Filipino members it seems that if Philippines even has 1/10th of China's power they can take over China no problem.

This is the ship that was being ram by that Taiwanese Pirate ship so tell me what would happen if this ship got ram? its civil ship turn cost guard ship so again what would happen? will Taiwan pay for this for the families of those PCG men who would die and the civil members from BFAR who will be killed also this happen inside filipino waters just outside our Province of Batanes why is taiwanese vessel doing way out there anyway? and taiwan and chiense fishermen are well known to poach and go to waters of other country EZZ or not as far EZZ is concern Taiwan can not claim to have one because of the One china policy and not being a member of the UN because again of the One China Policy.

The Mainlanders here just love to add fuel to taiwan to get trolling points the Taiwanese can't admit they are wrong and because of them died which is again unfortunate but ramming a ship of any size is hostile PCG or not small or not again its common chinese tactic to ram ships just ask those Filipino fishermen last year who got ram one is still missing so why are you people in our waters again? Why would we lie the investigation is still on going

Picking on the Philippines? Because its as of now weak Militarily and chinese look down on filipinos any chinese from mainland china to your local chinatown.

and President Aquino already said his apologies to the families not the Government of taiwan but the Family turn his letter down so as far as apologies goes its not our fault if the families does not accepts his apologies.

The as of now the evidence are clear you people are just picking on the Philippines because you people are racist jerks May araw rin kayo sa amin tandaan niyo yan.
Taiwanese pirate?

Those coastguards are terrible. Shooting fishermen. Makes China coastguard look good.
Looks like some pinoy takes his time doctoring the video evidence from all parts of the aggressive murder before they can ever release it now that pressure builds up.
Longer than it took Taiwan to find the 45 holes sprayed over the boat from front to back during the attack. And that is just from those bullets hitting the boat. They probably shot at least 60 or 80 bullets at the vessel.

This is the ship that was being ram by that Taiwanese Pirate ship so tell me what would happen if this ship got ram? its civil ship turn cost guard ship so again what would happen? will Taiwan pay for this for the families of those PCG men who would die and the civil members from BFAR who will be killed also this happen inside filipino waters just outside our Province of Batanes why is taiwanese vessel doing way out there anyway? and taiwan and chiense fishermen are well known to poach and go to waters of other country EZZ or not as far EZZ is concern Taiwan can not claim to have one because of the One china policy and not being a member of the UN because again of the One China Policy.

The Mainlanders here just love to add fuel to taiwan to get trolling points the Taiwanese can't admit they are wrong and because of them died which is again unfortunate but ramming a ship of any size is hostile PCG or not small or not again its common chinese tactic to ram ships just ask those Filipino fishermen last year who got ram one is still missing so why are you people in our waters again? Why would we lie the investigation is still on going

Picking on the Philippines? Because its as of now weak Militarily and chinese look down on filipinos any chinese from mainland china to your local chinatown.

and President Aquino already said his apologies to the families not the Government of taiwan but the Family turn his letter down so as far as apologies goes its not our fault if the families does not accepts his apologies.

The as of now the evidence are clear you people are just picking on the Philippines because you people are racist jerks May araw rin kayo sa amin tandaan niyo yan.

Wow? Who acted jerk in the first place after keep insisting shooting is justify against unarmed fisherman? Only after need to apologise later.. That including you apologising to all ROC and Chinese :lol:

Then you offer an insincere apology that does not included compensation. Just like Japan did forced some of its Flippino as sex slaves then offer a half crook apology while visiting those dead A class world war criminal who make all this happen and not even interested in offering any compensation for the victims.

Now the dead is on Taiwan and you don't feel the pain. Of cos you will think is nothing. Typical Pinoy behaviour! Its good that CHina shut out all Flippino fisherman from scarborough shoal and teach you all a lesson. Maid Boy. :lol:
US pushes resolution in Taiwan-Philippines row

WASHINGTON--The United States reiterated its call Thursday for Taipei and Manila to work out a resolution to their row over the fatal shooting of a Taiwanese fisherman by the Philippines on May 9.

Joseph Yun, U.S. acting assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, said Washington hates to see such a tragic event because both Taiwan and the Philippines are very close allies and close friends of the United States.

“Our heartfelt prayers go out to the family of the gentleman who was killed. We very much would like to see the Philippines and Taiwan work this out and come to some understanding,” Yun said during a hearing held by the Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific under the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

He expressed the hope that the two sides will reach a resolution on issues such as compensation for the family, an acceptable apology and measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.

The fisherman, Hung Shih-cheng, died after his fishing boat was strafed by a Philippine government vessel while operating in an area where the exclusive economic zones of the two countries overlap.

Taiwan has demanded that the Philippine government offer an official apology, punish those responsible, compensate the victim's family and open bilateral negotiations on fishing rights.

The Philippines on Wednesday offered an apology in the name of its President Benigno Aquino III, but insisted that the killing was “unintended” and fell short of addressing the three other demands made by Taiwan.

In response, Taiwan said it was not satisfied that the Philippines had dealt with the matter in a sincere manner and it imposed a series of retaliatory measures against the neighboring country the same day.

Taiwan also staged a maritime exercise off its south coast Thursday to show its determination to protect its fishermen.

Asked about the issue, Jen Psaki, spokeswoman for the State Department, urged both sides to exercise restraint and take steps to minimize the likelihood of future confrontations.

“We continue to urge both parties to work together and to ensure maritime safety, and refrain from actions that could further escalate tensions,” Psaki said at a daily news briefing.

“We continue to welcome the Philippine government's pledge to conduct a thorough investigation in this case,” she added.

Several members of the U.S. House of Representatives, meanwhile, have expressed their support for Taiwan over the past few days.

Steve Chabot, chairman of the Subcommittee on Asia and Pacific Affairs, issued a statement jointly with ranking member Eni Faleomavaega Wednesday, calling the shooting “an act of violence” that was “in violation of international law.”

“We call upon the Philippines to promptly and sincerely respond to the requests of the Taiwan government to apologize, punish the perpetrators and provide proper compensation to the victim's family based on humanitarian grounds,” they said.

The call was echoed by Matt Salmon, chairman of the Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere.

“I urge the Philippine government to fully apologize, provide appropriate compensation for the crewman's family, and conduct a thorough investigation of this matter in order to ensure accountability,” Salmon said in a statement Thursday.

“In addition, I hope this unfortunate incident can actually serve as a catalyst to bring the two governments together to negotiate an appropriate fishing contract between the two countries,” he added.

US pushes resolution in Taiwan-Philippines row - The China Post

It's official, Big Daddy orders Philippines to:

Compensation for the family, an acceptable apology and measures to avoid similar incidents in the future
The time of waiting for apology have passed. Its time to tighten the clamp by blockade all major ports in Luzon and sink any ships that try to run the blockade. Philippine must pay the victims at least $30 million and allow Taiwan to have fishing right even in Philippine water, up to the beach itself.
Good luck, the Phillipines do not take order from Uncle Sam. Want proof? Look at the 2005 Iraq hostage crisis. The U.S threatened the Phillipines with all sort of stuff, but the Phillipines would rather save the live of a SINGLE hostage by pulling their entire troops out of Iraq then letting the hostage die
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