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US lawmaker expresses concern over Pak's growing N-weapons


Sep 20, 2014
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A top American lawmaker has expressed concern over Pakistan's growing nuclear stockpile, saying the Asian country continues to harbour and host insurgents and other extremist groups.

"Pakistan continues to harbour and host insurgents and other extremists in the Afghan border regions. Making matters worse, Pakistan's intelligence service is known to cooperate with the Taliban as it works to undermine Afghanistan's stability," Congresswoman Ilena Ros-Lehtinen said during a Congressional hearing.

"Even more concerning, Pakistan's nuclear weapons stockpile is reportedly growing faster than any other in the world and is notoriously insecure," she said, chairing a Congressional hearing on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Security concerns with Pakistan are also not helped when the Afghan government cannot form a cabinet, including key positions like defence minister. A weak and corrupt government, combined with incapable security forces, does not indicate a positive path forward," she said.

Congressman Ted Deutch said US lawmakers continue to have long-standing concerns over the ability of insurgents to operate in Pakistan and across the border into Afghanistan.

"I've been encouraged by Pakistan's military operations in North Waziristan. Even the most skeptical among us have to acknowledge that it has disrupted operations emanating from the North Waziristan agency, especially for the Pakistani Taliban.

"At the same time, while progress has been made in disrupting the Haqqani network's operations in the tribal areas, both the Haqqani network and Lakshar al-Taiba are responsible for the deaths of Americans," he said.

"The question is, can Pakistan rid its country of terrorism without going after terrorists wholesale. And despite the mistrust and tensions, we need cooperation from Pakistani security services, as well as strong communication with Pakistan's civilian leadership," Deutch said.

He said the Congress authorised USD 7.5 billion via the Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill to assist in strengthening Pakistan civilian institutions.

In his testimony, Deputy Special Representative of State for Af-Pak Jarret Blanc said that the US-Pak bilateral relationship is full of both opportunity and challenges.

"But the bottom line is that our relationship is vital to the national security of the United States, we have many shared long-term interests in both economic and security cooperation, and our policy of sustained engagement to date has yielded tangible incremental results," he said.

"A stable, prosperous Pakistan that plays a constructive role in the region is in both our countries' interests, and has an acute effect on the region," he said, adding Pakistan is a complex democracy, representing 190 million people and grappling with substantial security challenges.

US lawmaker expresses concern over Pak's growing N-weapons | Business Standard News
A country itself with an excess of nuclear arsenal points fingers at another country.

But points to be noted 're that Pakistan has been transporting nuclear components in civilian vehicles which deserves US's focus and also the tactical nuclear weapons its building.
Fears rise over Pakistan's nuclear weapons - FierceHomelandSecurity

The Captain's Journal » Unsecured Pakistani Nuclear Weapons
instead of moving nuclear material in armored, well-defended convoys, the SPD prefers to move material by subterfuge, in civilian-style vehicles without noticeable defenses, in the regular flow of traffic. According to both Pakistani and American sources, vans with a modest security profile are sometimes the preferred conveyance. And according to a senior U.S. intelligence official, the Pakistanis have begun using this low-security method to transfer not merely the “de-mated” component nuclear parts but “mated” nuclear weapons. Western nuclear experts have feared that Pakistan is building small, “tactical” nuclear weapons for quick deployment on the battlefield. In fact, not only is Pakistan building these devices, it is also now moving them over roads.
A country itself with an excess of nuclear arsenal points fingers at another country.

But points to be noted 're that Pakistan has been transporting nuclear components in civilian vehicles which deserves US's focus and also the tactical nuclear weapons its building.
Fears rise over Pakistan's nuclear weapons - FierceHomelandSecurity

The Captain's Journal » Unsecured Pakistani Nuclear Weapons

Just weeks ago I saw two tactical nukes in one shop stored in a refrigerator and in other case a few days back a guy was selling warhead on rerdi(cart) in peer-wadai.
instead of moving nuclear material in armored, well-defended convoys, the SPD prefers to move material by subterfuge, in civilian-style vehicles without noticeable defenses, in the regular flow of traffic. According to both Pakistani and American sources, vans with a modest security profile are sometimes the preferred conveyance. And according to a senior U.S. intelligence official, the Pakistanis have begun using this low-security method to transfer not merely the “de-mated” component nuclear parts but “mated” nuclear weapons.

A top American lawmaker has expressed concern over Pakistan's growing nuclear stockpile, saying the Asian country continues to harbour and host insurgents and other extremist groups.

"Pakistan continues to harbour and host insurgents and other extremists in the Afghan border regions. Making matters worse, Pakistan's intelligence service is known to cooperate with the Taliban as it works to undermine Afghanistan's stability," Congresswoman Ilena Ros-Lehtinen said during a Congressional hearing.

"Even more concerning, Pakistan's nuclear weapons stockpile is reportedly growing faster than any other in the world and is notoriously insecure," she said, chairing a Congressional hearing on Afghanistan and Pakistan.

"Security concerns with Pakistan are also not helped when the Afghan government cannot form a cabinet, including key positions like defence minister. A weak and corrupt government, combined with incapable security forces, does not indicate a positive path forward," she said.

Congressman Ted Deutch said US lawmakers continue to have long-standing concerns over the ability of insurgents to operate in Pakistan and across the border into Afghanistan.

"I've been encouraged by Pakistan's military operations in North Waziristan. Even the most skeptical among us have to acknowledge that it has disrupted operations emanating from the North Waziristan agency, especially for the Pakistani Taliban.

"At the same time, while progress has been made in disrupting the Haqqani network's operations in the tribal areas, both the Haqqani network and Lakshar al-Taiba are responsible for the deaths of Americans," he said.

"The question is, can Pakistan rid its country of terrorism without going after terrorists wholesale. And despite the mistrust and tensions, we need cooperation from Pakistani security services, as well as strong communication with Pakistan's civilian leadership," Deutch said.

He said the Congress authorised USD 7.5 billion via the Kerry-Lugar-Berman bill to assist in strengthening Pakistan civilian institutions.

In his testimony, Deputy Special Representative of State for Af-Pak Jarret Blanc said that the US-Pak bilateral relationship is full of both opportunity and challenges.

"But the bottom line is that our relationship is vital to the national security of the United States, we have many shared long-term interests in both economic and security cooperation, and our policy of sustained engagement to date has yielded tangible incremental results," he said.

"A stable, prosperous Pakistan that plays a constructive role in the region is in both our countries' interests, and has an acute effect on the region," he said, adding Pakistan is a complex democracy, representing 190 million people and grappling with substantial security challenges.

US lawmaker expresses concern over Pak's growing N-weapons | Business Standard News

should be more worried about what the CIA is doing......
No secret there. They have always been after Pakistan's nuclear assets.

I think the Americans need to be a little more concerned about their own rouge security agencies, namely the CIA. Truly, the CIA is a state within a state.

Pakistan's nuclear weapons are here to stay. Let's see what anyone can do about that.
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A country itself with an excess of nuclear arsenal points fingers at another country.

But points to be noted 're that Pakistan has been transporting nuclear components in civilian vehicles which deserves US's focus and also the tactical nuclear weapons its building.
Fears rise over Pakistan's nuclear weapons - FierceHomelandSecurity

The Captain's Journal » Unsecured Pakistani Nuclear Weapons
if you think about it it quit genius but in imagination only
instead of moving nuclear material in armored, well-defended convoys, the SPD prefers to move material by subterfuge, in civilian-style vehicles without noticeable defenses, in the regular flow of traffic. According to both Pakistani and American sources, vans with a modest security profile are sometimes the preferred conveyance. And according to a senior U.S. intelligence official, the Pakistanis have begun using this low-security method to transfer not merely the “de-mated” component nuclear parts but “mated” nuclear weapons. Western nuclear experts have feared that Pakistan is building small, “tactical” nuclear weapons for quick deployment on the battlefield. In fact, not only is Pakistan building these devices, it is also now moving them over roads.

Source: US lawmaker expresses concern over Pak's growing N-weapons
i dont think we are stupid enough to do something like this,there were reports of PK nuclear arsenal being the safest in the region is it credible?
The world has now concerns over the CIA, and the methods they use to get the information. I guess after these revelations they ve lost the moral grounds to have any concern over anything. It reminds of the saying " Pot calling kettle black".
if you think about it it quit genius but in imagination only

i dont think we are stupid enough to do something like this,there were reports of PK nuclear arsenal being the safest in the region is it credible?
I've posted more than one source which says the nuclear arsenal is not secure enough, and those 're neutral sources as in which doesnt belong to India or Pakistan.
These 're not my opinions but just what I read...

Pakistani nuclear doctrine calls for the deployment of road-mobile missiles during a crisis to protect them from an Indian first strike. But these weapons will become more vulnerable to theft or terrorist takeover once they leave the security of a military garrison.
The risk that terrorists could breach Pakistan's nuclear security is magnified by the strong presence of domestic extremists and foreign jihadist groups in Pakistan, their demonstrated ability to penetrate the security of military facilities, and evidence that these groups have infiltrated the Pakistani security services.
Another worrisome development is that the Pakistani practice of storing its nuclear warheads separately from launchers, which has provided a strong barrier to nuclear escalation in the past, may be eroding. The introduction of tactical nuclear weapons may lead Pakistan to loosen its highly centralized command and control practices. Due to their short-ranges (the Nasr/Hatf-IX has a range of about 60 kilometers), these types of weapons need to be deployed close to the front-lines and ready for use at short-notice

′Pakistan could have 200 nuclear weapons by 2020′ | Asia | DW.DE | 02.12.2014
I've posted more than one source which says the nuclear arsenal is not secure enough, and those 're neutral sources as in which doesnt belong to India or Pakistan.
These 're not my opinions but just what I read...

′Pakistan could have 200 nuclear weapons by 2020′ | Asia | DW.DE | 02.12.2014
our media was blabbing about our arsenal being safer than india and other countries, this is just another conspiracy theory and you know it,there are people out there talking about ISIS taking hold of PK nuclear arsenal for god s sakehttp://Can ISIS get access to nuclear weapons through Pakistan? | Communities Digital News
A country itself with an excess of nuclear arsenal points fingers at another country.

But points to be noted 're that Pakistan has been transporting nuclear components in civilian vehicles which deserves US's focus and also the tactical nuclear weapons its building.
Fears rise over Pakistan's nuclear weapons - FierceHomelandSecurity

The Captain's Journal » Unsecured Pakistani Nuclear Weapons

we have seen plenty of concerns in past , and will see more ... nothing new to us .. but in reality even the majority in Pentagon believes that Pakistan N-weapons are secure ....

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