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US & KSA Together we prevail: Riyadh Summit 2017

Will these 3 Summits bring a huge change to the Middle East in particular and the Islamic world in g

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    Votes: 13 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 48 69.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 8 11.6%

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@Gomig-21 @Sharif al-Hijaz

Like I said, neocon advisers if not Jewish advisers wrote this speech. Of course Hamas was included in list of groups he mentioned must be defeated. He doesn't know what Hamas is. He's just reading the transcript.

The speech so far is pretty awkward and comes off a bit hostile.

I only joined midway in (I believe) but what I heard was more or less the right message. Combating terrorism and extremist ideologies on all fronts, empowering the people, focusing on economic, social and scientific prosperity, religious and ethnic coexistence, he made few points of the Arab world/Middle East being the cradle of civilization and a region that should lead by example and not be engulfed in perpetual conflict, highlighting the Mullah's destructive actions and influence in well-known regional countries, empowering women etc.

King Abdullah also made valid points in regards to Palestine, Jerusalem and he openly talked about the catastrophe that would be an Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem. Also highlighted the fact that there are almost 2 billion Muslims that are law-abiding citizens and who contribute to humanity on all fronts.

Now al-Sisi is speaking. Similar stuff and good points as well.

What did Trump say about Hamas?

Does anyone get what we were supposed to get out of this speech? No concrete proposals or suggestions, just the usual rhetoric. For example in regards to terrorism, let's say the Muslim side do their part, what will the Western allies compensate with? Or giving 'freedom' to the citizens, which is blanket suggestion of reforming Islam, then what will we get in return? If you want to make on ideology more moderate or liberal, you have to make all the others too. Tackle Zionism and right wing fascism too. But that won't happen, it's one sided and there is not a lot to gain for the Arab or Muslim world.

I don't think that we can expect anything groundbreaking from Trump or any other world leader for that matter. However it is positive that he is willing to engage with us to combat the challenges together.

I never saw Obama talk about those issues. He never even once joined a meeting where 50 + Muslim head of states were present to even discuss common challenges and propose solutions.

Al-Sisi talking about a two-state solution and the importance of it.
Issue of palestine will not be raised .... because no one cares ....most folks are ok looking the other way and that is part of life

I think muslim world should evacuate the region and just admit they have no ability to raise or solve the issue

Massive disappointment on wastage of 500 billions on weapons purchase ....and no real issues solved
I only joined midway in (I believe) but what I heard was more or less the right message. Combating terrorism and extremist ideologies on all fronts, empowering the people, focusing on economic, social and scientific prosperity, religious and ethnic coexistence, he made few points of the Arab world/Middle East being the cradle of civilization and a region that should lead by example and not be engulfed in perpetual conflict, highlighting the Mullah's destructive actions and influence in well-known regional countries, empowering women etc.

King Abdullah also made valid points in regards to Palestine, Jerusalem and he openly talked about the catastrophe that would be an Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem. Also highlighted the fact that there are almost 2 billion Muslims that are law-abiding citizens and who contribute to humanity on all fronts.

Now al-Sisi is speaking. Similar stuff and good points as well.

What did Trump say about Hamas?

I don't think that we can expect anything groundbreaking from Trump or any other world leader for that matter. However it is positive that he is willing to engage with us to combat the challenges together.

I never saw Obama talk about those issues.

Al-Sisi talking about a two-state solution.

I just turned on Arab media to listen in on Sisi. I couldn't make out what Trump said, but I remember hearing ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, Al Qaeda.
Issue of palestine will not be raised .... because no one cares ....most folks are ok looking the other way and that is part of life

Every Arab leader who has spoken so far has mentioned Palestine and the need for a two-state solution and for Israel to accept the Arab Peace Initiative from 2002 openly and in detail in front of Trump and 50 + Muslim head of states. Not sure what you expected? That they would solve a 70 + old conflict overnight in Riyadh in a few hours?

Why can't you appreciate the fact that this is a unprecedented meeting among 50 + Muslim head of states and the US president and where important issues such as terrorism, prosperity and common challenges etc. are discussed? If it was so easy why has another Muslim nation other than KSA never hold such a meeting or even tried to? Or created their own Islamic Military Alliance?

Always complaining, criticizing but never doing anything yourself. Is the House of Saud or Arab leaders for that matter the only Muslim leaders in the world or what? What prevents others from doing something alike or even doing better? Good luck. Nobody will complain (rather applaud) if you can help solve the common challenges rather than complaining and crying. It's getting annoying.

Just like your initial ignorant post. Have you even bothered to read this entire thread and the nature of the deals signed? Obviously not!

Not sure what your agenda is here and what you are trying to spin here.

Anyway your likes are a waste of time.

Now the Indonesian president is speaking.
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Issue of palestine will not be raised .... because no one cares ....most folks are ok looking the other way and that is part of life

I think muslim world should evacuate the region and just admit they have no ability to raise or solve the issue

Massive disappointment on wastage of 500 billions on weapons purchase ....and no real issues solved

They all have mentioned the Palestinian issue, but we need concrete steps from the US. Now Indonesian PM or President is addressing perceptions by both sides towards US efforts against terrorism and Islamophobia, vice versa.

Anyway it is at least cool that many Muslim leaders are meeting, and addressing many core issues we share. It's more serious than ever too. I like that it is bringing us closer.
Look , if you can't solve the issue admit it and just tell Palestinains evacuate because our Palace is more important

This double edged drama is not working that we deeply care about Palestine and suffering of Muslims , yet at same time we will continue to gives 300-500 Billion in aid or gift money or ceremonial money to the party involved in starting major crisis world wide

All of this is just drama , Ransom money !!

The only message this sends is , we will ask for your troops when we are in trouble but when we will need to spend cash $$$ we will run to Zionist

And there is nothing wrong about it

What is wrong is to "Pretend" in an idea that we really care about Palestinians state becasue honestly that is just confusing the **** out of Muslim population (Peasents)

Do the right thing .....

1 Million Palestinains or 5 Million , migrate them over and give them some $ from Petrol Money and let them make a camp in Desert and just say hey "SORRY" we can't help you instead of living like Animals in Israel , you can at least live in a Tent and much safer

I am 100% ok with that solution

What I hate is the ARAB rant about Palestine and devine love for their people and yet , when it comes to act , guess who they buy Weapons from , and USA just passes $$$ collected from Arabs to help fund all research in Israel

All you folks who believe in this "FRIENDSHIP" have officially doomed the futrue generations of Muslims in region CONGRATS

I am SICK of this "talk" of fixing the issue because this "Talk" has happened since 60's

Hey just admit it .... we can't change anything - stop with the media none sense showing views from Palestine

Why be hypocrite ?
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No value for an organization that needs , US to come dictate how to fix issues

While skipping the ELEPHANT in room

a) Palestine
b) Kashmir
c) Supply of heavy weaponry in Syria/Libya

Peace comes when people admit on problem on both side , not when one Guy comes and tells at his home rallies Muslims are idiots (In USA) and I will make them pay for it all , and then other gullible Muslims Leaders who buy this promises and hand him 500 Billion Dollars
@Gomig-21 @Sharif al-Hijaz

Like I said, neocon advisers if not Jewish advisers wrote this speech. Of course Hamas was included in list of groups he mentioned must be defeated. He doesn't know what Hamas is. He's just reading the transcript.

The speech so far is pretty awkward and comes off a bit hostile.

I don't know where to begin. You're absolutely right as to the "background" of the speech preparer since it singled out specifically Israeli enemies. I was impressed with his composure compared to many of his previous speeches where he behaved like an inexperienced goofball at many moments, so I give him credit for at least that, this newly-found diplomatic aura/presence etc. He actually sounded presidential looool, despite the content.

His usual flip-flopping didn't show up except for the previous grouping of 'all Islam and all Muslims' in general to specifying 'radical extremism'. He made a good-size mistake at the beginning when he said he wasn't here to lecture them when in fact that's exactly what he did for the rest of the speech lol, basically outlining what all the present heads of states needed to do to fight terrorism. Much of it was in fact a lecture and a tough one in the tone, laced with diplomatic overtones. He actually made himself look a lot more credible than he has in his past speeches, content not withstanding. Maybe he's learning. Another inaccurate part of his statement was singling out the Iranian people as suffering and not being able to get ahead (or something along those lines) when in fact, majority of Iranians are not in that light and what, 80%+ showed up at voting poles to vote 2 days ago? Oppressive Mullahs aside, that's an impressive show of voters voting for the president. So that was a bit inaccurate and also not understanding the inner developments of that particular country and just labeling it negatively for the sake of both views, the one he mentioned that Iran is not living up to the spirit of the nuclear deal and extending that to perhaps, reinstating Iran back into being Israel's ridiculous claim of an existential threat and possibly revitalize the need to attack it. I found that a very dangerous hint that could've been handled a bit better. Maybe it was only reflective of his displeasure of Obama's deal with Iran and he wants to best it and nothing to do with Israel, but I'm guessing you don't believe that either.

With regards to Hamas and starting a new peace process, instead he basically walked the old, pro-Israeli line instead of having a clear, innovative way to suggest peace in the Palestinian conflict and not start with dividing the Palestinians. These are the finer points of delicate topics and speech and such which this admin has exhibited very poor skills at it. After all, he was the only one who made that statement that he didn't think the Palestinian/Israeli peace was a difficult thing to achieve. Seems like he was talked out of that way of thinking without replacing it with a more practical and friendly approach. Shame in that regard.
This is just old drama

a) Give me MONEY
b) I will talk about our handshake
c) When you will look the otherway I will punch one of you in head
d) When you will ask me why I hit you , I will say Give me Money and I will warn you next time


10 Year plan , is about same time that will ensure at least in next 4 years Trump will not start plans to Topple Royal families as he mentioned in his speeches
No value for an organization that needs , US to come dictate how to fix issues

While skipping the ELEPHANT in room

a) Palestine
b) Kashmir
c) Supply of heavy weaponry in Syria/Libya

Peace comes when people admit on problem on both side , not when one Guy comes and tells at his home rallies Muslims are idiots (In USA) and I will make them pay for it all , and then other gullible Muslims Leaders who buy this promises and hand him 500 Billion Dollars

Trump speech is not particularly interesting or surprising. It's just a copy of Obama's empty rhetoric from 2009 Cairo speech, a period of false-euphoria and promises before reality sets in for more chaos.
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No value for an organization that needs , US to come dictate how to fix issues

While skipping the ELEPHANT in room

a) Palestine
b) Kashmir
c) Supply of heavy weaponry in Syria/Libya

Peace comes when people admit on problem on both side , not when one Guy comes and tells at his home rallies Muslims are idiots (In USA) and I will make them pay for it all , and then other gullible Muslims Leaders who buy this promises and hand him 500 Billion Dollars

Yes, Liberation of Holy sites are the most important task . 1912 Shimla Accords and 1916 Balfour Declaration have create lot of hate which led to the deaths of millions and millions were displaced. Indian and Arab nations are having the similar problem because of Colonization.

The Burj Khalifa in the colours of the Indian flag.
Ideally the Primiss of $$$$ Giving should have been tied to Solution of Palestine issue by 2 state resolution

Not this "DRAMA"

What POSSIBLE good will come with more weapon sales ?

What this 500 Billion is going for a country whose head of state "Trump" openly stated he does not believes in 2 state policy on Palestine creation.

2-3 Months ago he was planning to move his embassy to Jerusalam

Did the OIC country , care to ask Trump , when is the proposed date for creation of Palestine ?

Because the CONEXT is missing , it leaves me as Muslims quite disappointed !!!

However from a economic stand point may be , it will help Saudia "Short term"
But I recall in 1990's Saudia faced economic melt down after they were asked to pay a massive RANSOME cash to George Bush Senior. During that time inflation rose in Saudia , and salaries were reduced for many workers

Is this a bad "economic" deal for Saudia -USA , unsure at present

But this will not open a NEW CHAPTER in any relation from my understanding as such chapters also did not open in 1990

Was 500 Billion better to create schools (Modern in Islamic world) or give donation to Amercian Weapon companies ?

If Saudi users may find my statements bold and stinging , that is just the way I am stright shooter !!!

I don't object to Saudi's own economic goals , but what I object is to call it a GREAT moment for Muslims world wide becasue honestly Muslim world really does not needs more BOMBS
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Well said, I wanted to address the part on Iran too, but I really don't like getting involved it anymore. I don't like Iran's approach with certain Arab nations or in the Arab world, at the same time I respect their people and can only hope for some form of cooling down between Iran, KSA, and other nations.

@AZADPAKISTAN2009 @Sharif al-Hijaz

C'mon guys, no need to argue, you are both respected members and get along well most of the time. I know your frustration as for concrete steps being taken in regard to Palestine, Syria, Kashmir, Libya, etc.... There is only so much you can do without being aggressive. Some people don't want to risk their nations security for Palestine or anything else for that matter, and you can't blame them. Even a diplomatic crisis is something they fear. If one or two nations demanded a set date for establishment of Palestinian state. That could cause diplomatic crisis. And the US will take steps(non military) to make them regret it. This is why there need to be unified efforts by a coalition of nations. Which will ease the pressure of themselves and increase it on the US. I do wish they went ahead with this diplomatic strategy. I can't influence them, however.

One thing, you suggested we be settled into Arab nations. We don't want that my friend. Israeli's also wish to expel us into Egypt or elsewhere. Our land is in Palestine and our state has to be established there. It will not be established in our neighbors lands that belong to them.
Stupid warmongering this has nothing to do with Iran or any other country

Kingdom is opening up jobs for citizens and preparing them for high skill positions

good to see both the Giants drinking ghawa together :tup:
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