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US killed Bin Laden because a Pak officer came forward to collect reward?

we should pray 4 our country....
4 our brave army..
may ALLAH guide us all.ameen
They wanted to kill the myths by dumping him in the Sea. Sorry Sir, it only keeps getting bigger...
it was a Pakistani intelligence officer who came forward to U.S. authorities.

The officer said he had knowledge of Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts, and was interested in cutting a deal.

But Millhouse claims the Pakistani military, as well as the ISI, not only knew about the American raid, but also cooperated.

It appears a bit odd.

The ISI agent knew where OBL was and he told the US about the location.

And then Pakistan military and the ISI knew about the raid and cooperated with the Americans.

If they (the Pak Military and the ISI) knew about the raid and cooperated with the US (meaning that they knew of the location of OBL), then where was the necessity of an ISI officer to give the location of OBL?

None sense - there was no Bin Ladin

Questionable Items:

a) No bin Ladin body
b) The Super 6 seal what ever all killed mysteriously
c) No one knew who they were yet Taliban got em because USA failed to remove them out of there
d) Again all invisible - stories with not real proof
e) An alleged helicopter crash , if there was no crash , and no bin ladin body do you think anyone would
believe USA ask yourself why was there a need to crash a helicopter .....pretty sneaky

They crashed a god damn helicopter and yet no one died lol !!! Think about it how many times do ppl servive a helicopter crash ??? Not many

f) They heroically USA killed the Taliban who killed the seal ? yeah right ... in whole randomness called Afghanistan they found someone and called him the dude

Now there is a mysterious 25 million dollar winner in jackpot lol because no one buys the courier story

The only thing remaining is them saying he had Indian passport and he was traveling on it
several top Al Qaeda suspects who made their way to Pakistan in early 2000s were arrested by Pakistani security agencies --many handed over to Americans as they were implicated in 9/11 attacks.

when there is cooperation, there's trust. When there's trust, and respect -- there's cooperation.....

the West in general should remember that as a lesson.
forgive me for being cynical; i dont think anybody (the public) will really know what exactly happened and transpired prior, during and even after this 'operation'

at least not for another 10-15 years
huge historical mistake of pakistan is we trust them and give them space in our home and US as always abuse us destroy us damage us as much as they can.
forgive me for being cynical; i dont think anybody (the public) will really know what exactly happened and transpired prior, during and even after this 'operation'

at least not for another 10-15 years

those who know and can expose this drama are killed last week now this secret will be burred with them forever .USA is now cleaver not like before as CIA agents after job write books and wrote truth of Vietnam and Korean war .
those who know and can expose this drama are killed last week now this secret will be burred with them forever .USA is now cleaver not like before as CIA agents after job write books and wrote truth of Vietnam and Korean war .

the members of the Seal-6 team killed in last week's incident were not the ones allegedly involved in the May 2 raid.

at least according to the news reports

if this news tidbit is to be believed, then somebody is somewhere in the world $25 million richer. Me personally, i dont really believe it, i see some loopholes. But anywaz, it's never wise to believe everything you read or hear.
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