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US killed Bin Laden because a Pak officer came forward to collect reward?

Battle Axe

Aug 8, 2011
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An expert in national security is challenging the details of the raid that took down the world’s top terror leader in an explosive report.

RJ Hillhouse, a former rum and jewel smuggler who runs the blog TheSpyWhoBilledMe.com, cites sources that contend it was a Pakistani intelligence officer who came forward to U.S. authorities.

The officer said he had knowledge of Osama bin Laden’s whereabouts, and was interested in cutting a deal.

I spy: RJ Hillhouse writes that a Pakistani intelligence officer - and not a bin Laden courier - led the U.S. to the compound where the terror leader was hiding out

This would dispute the widely published reports that a courier working for bin Laden was the catalyst for the famous Navy SEAL Team Six mission.

'Forget the cover story of waterboarding-leads-to-courier-leads-to bin Laden,' Hillhouse writes, referring to the New York Times analysis of the raid.

The agreement included the roughly $25million reward offered by the State Department for information leading to the Al Qaeda leader.

'We got him': Obama's reaction after Bin Laden's death was said to have been relatively muted

The State Department said it would not comment on Ms Hillhouse's blog.

The unknown officer also wished to secure American citizenship for his family, Ms Hillhouse writes.

The officer allegedly told U.S. officials the Saudis were paying off Pakistan and their intel agency (ISI) to keep bin Laden hidden in the Abottabad compound.

Target: Neighbours gather outside the Abbottabad compound after the death of Osama Bin Laden

His information, Ms Hillhouse claims, led to the intelligence gathering that brought the CIA to Abottobad, Pakistan, where bin Laden had been living.

It has been reported that President Obama sought four helicopters to cover the SEALs as they headed out of Pakistan, but were not needed because Pakistani authorities were unaware that the Americans had even entered their airspace.

But Millhouse claims the Pakistani military, as well as the ISI, not only knew about the American raid, but also cooperated.

She wrote: 'It had always seemed very far-fetched to me that a helicopter could crash and later destroyed in an area with such high military concentration without the Pakistanis noticing.'

Mystery: The identity of the Seal who shot Bin Laden will never be revealed, and is not even known by President Obama.

Link: Is Osama Bin Laden dead because Pakistani officer came forward to collect $25m reward? | Mail Online
Americans are enemies of pakistan and muslims therefore if they hate isi then isi doing its job

Someone tell this to the government but the corrupt are always handicapped. Our government knows this but cannot dare to confront those who let them leech on Pakistan.

Ironic. Period.
I very much doubt every detail will be released of this raid. Apart from what has already been said I can't see US, for their own reasons, wanting much more to be divulged. Anything else is just speculation and conspiracy theories.
wow another thread based on an ex drug smuggler's BLOG.
How authentic.
tipical ISI bashing again and again no one is giving shiiit to this and no one buy it from blogs .
Americans are enemies of pakistan and muslims therefore if they hate isi then isi doing its job/

Lols.. and they are bigger enemies of the Taliban, so the Taliban must be even more right and doing their job??!!
I am waiting for the day the ISI is accused of putting laxatives in the food supply of ISAF troops and giving them all the runs.
Hmm- given the mentality of Pakistanis- it is possible- struck a deal and assure amrikan citizenship for the whole family- how selfish and Pakistani-
wow another thread based on an ex drug smuggler's BLOG.
How authentic.

Lol look at the replies in this thread. People totally overlooked that part!!!

Like an ex-drug dealer and smuggler running a stupid CT blog would cite or even get hold of legitimate spook sources!!

Is this a "try" to prove that USA couldn't have done what they have done without "help" of some Pakistani?

If YES, then its humiliating for Pakistan, and its the same even if it is NO. LOL what a tragedy!
I very much doubt every detail will be released of this raid. Apart from what has already been said I can't see US, for their own reasons, wanting much more to be divulged. Anything else is just speculation and conspiracy theories.

Yea but americans have already made contradicting comments and keep changing their storey
I am waiting for the day the ISI is accused of putting laxatives in the food supply of ISAF troops and giving them all the runs.

The day cannot be far. They already, openly, accused ISI for a murder.

Sick Guys.

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