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US keen to partner with India ondefence modernisation program


Sep 9, 2013
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The United States is keen to partner with India in its defence modernisation drive, the Pentagon has said amidst calls from the Indian armed forces for involving private sector in developing country’s defence infrastructure and a strong manufacturing base.

“As we’ve often noted, we want India to have all of the capabilities it needs to meet its security needs and we want to be a key partner in that effort,” the Defence Department spokesman, Jeffrey S Pool, told PTI.
“It’s encouraging to see a call for changes to the FDI limits, and we continue to welcome greater private sector involvement as well,” Pool said. Pool was responding to question on a recent statement by the Air Marshal PP Reddy VM, DG (Inspection & Safety) of the Indian Air Force that Indian industry requires tax holidays and more industry friendly import and export regimes.

Research and Development funds should also be made available to the private sector companies, the IAF official had said early this week at the inaugural Session of 8th International Conference on Energising Indian Aerospace Industry in New Delhi.

The United States has already placed India in the category of ‘closest partners’ for defence cooperation. The Joint Declaration on Defence Cooperation arrived at between the two sides in September says that they “look forward to the identification of specific opportunities for cooperative and collaborative projects in advanced defence technologies and systems, within
the next year”.

Such a move is the next step of defence co-operation and trade given that defence trade has shown significant growth in recent years with aggregate worth of defence acquisitions from US crossing USD 9 billion. Soon after the White House meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President Barack Obama, the Deputy Secretary of Defence Ashton Carter had said the industry on both sides is enthusiastic about these proposals.

“Now it’s in India’s court. But it’s only been two-and-
a-half weeks or so since I left. And I’m going to do another round of them here, where we’re going to go out to US industry again, because in the first round, I think we got a lot of very good proposals, but they were mostly from companies that had done some business in India and had kind of figured out how to work with
India,” he had said.

“We also want to draw in companies that haven’t tried India yet or have been afraid to deal with India, and I believe we can reduce those barriers to entry to the point where India is a very attractive market,” Carter

Cater in October had said the US has submitted a white paper explaining where India falls within US export control system. “The paper we sent them covered several key areas from export controls rules themselves to end use monitoring and the need to identify proposals for co-production and co-development,” Carter had said at the Center for American Progress.

US keen to partner with India on defence modernisation program | idrw.org
Seriously these are really good time for Indian Defence Industry.....To have partner like USA on your side it is a great advantage(i am talking about technologically) ......Today's Defence Technologies are much more diverse than ever, not limited to just weapons But Intelligence and Communication Systems have become far more important....To have USA on her side , india surely will get a lot of these new tech
Seriously these are really good time for Indian Defence Industry.....To have partner like USA on your side it is a great advantage(i am talking about technologically) ......Today's Defence Technologies are much more diverse than ever, not limited to just weapons But Intelligence and Communication Systems have become far more important....To have USA on her side , india surely will get a lot of these new tech
True that. And not just Russia and USA but many countries like France and Germany are now willing to share their techs with us. Though It will take atleast some times before we start making high end technologies ourselves without help like 'Gas turbines' and Aircraft engines.
This is actually not a good news.
Because the technology usa has is light years ahead of india so any joint production if it happens will have bulk of participation from usa just like pakfa and we will be reduced to only being financing the projects.

So in my opinion we should partner with usa or others no doubt but only if we get a respectable share in that project,,,,,,say 30%.

If no then its pointless really
This is actually not a good news.
Because the technology usa has is light years ahead of india so any joint production if it happens will have bulk of participation from usa just like pakfa and we will be reduced to only being financing the projects.

So in my opinion we should partner with usa or others no doubt but only if we get a respectable share in that project,,,,,,say 30%.

If no then its pointless really
Good news. Anyway what happened to our own 'Kaveri Gas turbine' which was in test bed sometimes back. Also It will power 'Rajput class destroyers'.
Press Information Bureau English Releases

@sancho @Abingdonboy
Kaveri Gas turbine problem is mainly due to GTRE work ethics... nothing to do with any thing like short of knowledge... i have personal experience regards this..!

Note: im not directly involved in this project, but i have work other projects in GTRE, B'lor..!
ppl it dosen't really matter.........kaveri has failed and thats it.

gtre is just like drdo and hal....................shitty organisation
ppl it dosen't really matter.........kaveri has failed and thats it.

gtre is just like drdo and hal....................shitty organisation

Hey GTRE is the worst in this lot, its get first place in the list of non performing...
Seriously these are really good time for Indian Defence Industry.....To have partner like USA on your side it is a great advantage

Really? Ask the Brits, Italians, or Turkey how happy they are with the share in F35, the ToT and source codes, or even that it's likely that they get less capable versions than the US forces?
You have to read between the lines in these media articles, because just like anybody else, the US wants a share of the Indian market, while they decline to provide us or anybody else with useful techs. They rejected techs for LCA several times, vetoed even Israeli techs and weapons, that include some US parts, they wanted to decide where LCA's with an US engine can fly and where it can't...
All they propose, are industrial partnership to produce minor parts at cheaper costs. That's what we already do with the TATA producing cabins of the Sikorsky S92, or S70, but that doesn't include any critical techs, nor would they ever co-develop anything important like Russia does with us. They only look at their own interest, which is to reduce the production costs and therefor outsourcing of production to India. The Europeans do it too and even Russia offers to do so for certain things, so that is nothing special.
So far, the only real partners that offer us useful co-developments are Russia and Israel, while the Europeans are getting there (too slowly imo and with too less pressure from our side too), but there is nothing useful coming from the US so far and I don't expect it for the future either.
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