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US journalist Grant Wahl, who wore rainbow shirt in Qatar, dies suddenly


Mar 27, 2015
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US journalist Grant Wahl, who wore rainbow shirt in Qatar, dies: Who was he?

US journalist Grant Wahl, who was covering the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, has died. Wahl had hit headlines earlier when he was briefly detained by Qatari authorities for attempting to enter a stadium wearing a rainbow t-shirt to express support for LGBTQ+ rights.
As per BBC, the sports journalist collapsed while covering the World Cup match between Argentina and the Netherlands.
The US media seated near Wahl said he “fell back in his seat” in a section reserved for media in Lusail Iconic Stadium, reported Associated Press (AP).

As per the reporters, emergency services workers were quick to respond. Later, the reporters were informed that Wahl had died, reported AP.
The exact cause of the death of the sports journalist is not known yet.
Expressing anguish over the demise, the US Soccer Federation said it was “heartbroken”.
“Fans of soccer and journalism of the highest quality knew we could always count on Grant to deliver insightful and entertaining stories about our game, and its major protagonists,” it said in a statement.
He died doing what he loved, covering football. His deeds are between him and his lord (he was married to a woman and was a father, he was just showing his cultural evangelism with the shirt incident), let him RIP.

I hope this news doesn’t end up getting twisted into some kind of conspiracy. If this can be a PSA, everyone should get regular check ups to see if they have any undiagnosed illness they can get treated.
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Sad news, yet another victim of the vaccine jab.
Look, I am all about equal rights and free expression. At the same time, you need to respect your host and the places you visit. If the place has a more conservative culture, I won't go out of my way to make some sort of political statement knowing it will offend the locals. If you get your *** whooped being disrespectful on foreign soil, that's entirely self-inflicted.

If you don't like Qatar, don't go. Qatar is not forcing you to visit at gunpoint. It's really that simple.
Look, I am all about equal rights and free expression. At the same time, you need to respect your host and the places you visit. If the place has a more conservative culture, I won't go out of my way to make some sort of political statement knowing it will offend the locals. If you get your *** whooped being disrespectful on foreign soil, that's entirely self-inflicted.

If you don't like Qatar, don't go. Qatar is not forcing you to visit at gunpoint. It's really that simple.
If you like football, they are forcing you, because they bribed the people who decide where to play football.
If you like football, they are forcing you, because they bribed the people who decide where to play football.
If you don't think other host countries, Europeans included, had bribed FIFA previously, I got a rainbow bridge to sell you.

Tell me more about the part where Qatar forced you to buy a plane ticket, pack your bags and kidnapped you on a flight. It sounds so fascinating.
If you don't think other host countries, Europeans included, had bribed FIFA previously, I got a rainbow bridge to sell you.

Tell me more about the part where Qatar forced you to buy a plane ticket, pack your bags and kidnapped you on a flight. It sounds so fascinating.
They are forcing because they are bribing, you have no choice if you like footbal.

They are creating a intl event where a lot of people of the West will go.

People who go are no interested in Qatar, they are interested in football.

I understand your point when peole does travel or search for job: if you dont like a country traditions, dont go.

But here it's Qatar who wants to host a international event.

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