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US investors bet on PM Modi, pledge to invest $41 billion in India in 3 years

Pointless. Nobody said India is the top FDI destination. Many sectors are not open for FDI yet. The govt is gradually opening the economy and building infra. Both should attract more and more FDI in the coming years

We need to boost up manufacturing. And not manufacturing of useless FMCG stuff; instead setting up factories for strategic and heavy machinery which is till now only a PSU domain.
Surprised. No $100 billion investment pledge like Indians thought they were going to get from China?
Big talk, small gains

FDI is all about the investor getting rate of return and ease of repatriation

we dont offer any investor 27% rates of return on projects (like Pakistan offers to china as per other thread on this forum)

so they reduced the amount


the FDI from US is not that the govt is parking or diverting funds in Infra projects

it is business to business investment where the investor takes the risks no fixed assured rate of returns -
so the business to business investments are actually good

Actually, this is possible as the value of rupee could depreciate by multiple folds.

see US cos can invest if they want to or can take a hike

it is true that we want investments to flow into india

but then it is BUSINESS

lets face it,

investors are not doing us any charity by investing in india - they are looking for better returns, repatriation and access to huge markets

we have a huge market whose purchasing power will only increase, a market where they can earn better returns / profits, where they can lower thier costs of production

So to invest 0 dollars or 1 B$ of 41B$ or 400B$ we will let them decide

even if they choose to take a hike some1 else will invest
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it means buisness is buisness we dont mix emotions with buisness and chinese know that and if china wants to do buisness it will behave if not then we are not going to die and can move on as owr economy is not dependent on chinese goodwill ...

"Indians don't mix emotions with business?"

Watch the screaming Indian girls on this thread and you might learn a thing or two about Indian emotions.

China to invest $100 billion in India over 5 years!

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