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US interference in Thailand leaves country in mess and hinders change


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
US interference in Thailand leaves country in mess and hinders change
By Zhou Fangye

A committee in charge of drafting a new constitution for Thailand has decided on February 26 that it will restore a long-abandoned political clause for the post-coup country.

According to the committee, the Thai parliament will no longer have to elect a prime minister from members of parliament, if the state is in a political crisis. It may appoint an outsider to serve in that position, whose tenure cannot exceed two years. This revision has crossed the red line marked in the 1992 democratic campaign, which stipulated that the prime minister must be a lawmaker.

Critics called the change a setback for their hopes for a return to democracy, and the US, which has been on edge about Thailand since the coup last May, is worried that Bangkok might give up Western democracy and adopt a "China model" as underpinnings for its political structure.

Thus, Washington keeps pushing Bangkok hard by means of diplomacy and cutting military aid.

Washington's aggressively meddling in Thailand's internal affairs, by publicly calling the government to return power to the people, has not produced any positive effect so far. On the contrary, its strategy, driven by a Cold War mentality, has backfired. During a visit to Thailand in January, the US Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel delivered threatening and hurtful remarks that described the junta as "blunt" and "tough," which prompted a rebuke from the Prayut Chan-o-cha administration.

In sharp contrast to Washington's blame and threats, Beijing's attitude toward Thailand is in line with their historical friendship. China, as a responsible regional power, is trying to develop deeper strategic cooperation with Thailand and help it out of the current political quandaries.

Political turbulence and social disruptions in Thailand, in the final analysis, are caused by an unbalanced and disorderly pattern of economic development. Thailand is stuck in an endless loop because most of its previous reforms have been based on how to share a small cake instead of how to make the cake big enough to satisfy all shareholders.

Only after the economic issues are addressed properly can political confrontations among different groups be eased or even eliminated.

This September will mark the groundbreaking of China-Thailand railway cooperation. As part of China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative, this project will supply momentous opportunities for growth to the rural areas along the railroad in northern and northeastern parts of Thailand, injecting new incentives to the local manufacturing and service industries.

The railway will serve as a stimulus to not only help Thailand recover economy, but also optimize Thailand's economic structure and bridge the gap between urban and rural areas.

Washington has sensed the growing closeness between Beijing and Bangkok, and intentionally recalibrated its Thailand policy. Now, it stays high-handed toward Thailand, demanding the junta restore a civil government. But still, it has reinstated cooperation with Thailand, such as resuming the Cobra Gold military drill. The US is trying to reinforce a triangular pattern in which Thailand relies on China economically, while seeking security patronage from the US.

Meanwhile, Washington has also got its most loyal lackey Japan involved in this game, encouraging Tokyo to offer more economic bonuses to Bangkok such as technological transfers and funding.

A zero-sum mentality still predominates in Washington's Thailand policy, which intends to forge the kingdom as a hedge against China's expanding influence. However, it only led to political instability and simmering social tensions in Thailand.

Thailand's political restructuring is at a crossroads. What matters to the Prayut government is not picking a road to Western democracy or a China model. It badly needs social stability, economic prosperity and political coordination. Experiences drawn from Western democracies and the China model will serve as significant reference to Thailand's own transformation instead of a barrier. Thailand should establish its own model of governance according to its traditional culture and practical needs.

@somsak , @onebyone
just as one Russian ambassador says : whereever American soldiers go, they make mess only

Their elite seem not to think so. Such a thick skin. LOL.

History Re-Written: Kerry Claims US Never Backed 'Color' Revolutions / Sputnik International


US Secretary of State John Kerry tries to re-write the history of American foreign policy, claiming that the United States has never been involved in multiple revolutions worldwide, a US political analyst reveals.


Extremists Using 'Color Technology' Against Russia – Putin

Ekaterina Blinova — When US Secretary of State John Kerry said Washington has never been involved in "color" revolutions worldwide, he is either lying deliberately or having a blind spot about the US foreign policy, noted an American investigative journalist.

Wayne Madsen, an American investigative journalist and expert in international affairs exposed an astonishingly long list of color revolutions, sponsored and organized by the United States beginning with the October 5th uprising in Serbia that resulted in the ousting of democratically-elected president Slobodan Milosevic in 2000.

The author emphasized that "the United States supported the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, the Olive Tree Revolution in Palestine, the Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, the Purple Revolution in Iraq, Blue Revolution in Kuwait, Saffron Revolution in Burma and the Crimson Revolution in Tibet (put down by the Chinese security forces), and the abortive Green Revolution in Iran," to name but a few.

John Kerry, who chaired the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the period from 2009 to 2013 and was a member of the committee from 2000, could not have been unaware about "color" ("themed") uprisings orchestrated by the United States, the expert stressed. Furthermore, Kerry served as a chairman in a series of hearings from 1987 to 1989 on the CIA covert operations aimed at expelling of the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, the investigative journalist pointed out nailing the US Secretary of State for sheer hypocrisy.


The Arab Spring has Sprung Europe into Misery

Since the overthrow of Milosevic in 2000 Washington has carried out a series of "color" revolutions in rapid successions in different parts of the world. The "Arab Spring" that flared up in early 2010s can serve as a vivid example of "themed" uprisings.Remarkably, all the "street protest-turned-revolution" scenarios had a number of strikingly similar features.

The rebellions followed the infamous Gene Sharp CIA manual and were backed by prominent US government-funded NGOs, such as the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Additionally, according to Madsen, the traces of notorious American magnate George Soros and his organizations also surfaced in a number of "smaller attempted revolutions" from Honduras to Maldives, as well as in Tibet and Burma. He noted that in the last seven years China's defenses has also been repeatedly tested by the American "social engineers," from the 2008 uprising in Tibet to the most recent turmoil in Hong Kong.

Can John Kerry deny the fact that the "Euromaidan" revolution of 2013-2014 was sponsored and orchestrated by the United States? Alas, US President Obama has already publicly admitted the fact that Washington took part in the coup in Ukraine and brokered a deal to power transition from the democratically elected president Yanukovych to Kiev's junta.

"Kerry's entire State Department top echelon has supported color revolutions under the Obama administration's R2P (Responsibility to Protect) rubric since 2009," noted Wayne Madsen, adding that currently Washington is sponsoring Russian opposition groups and using economic and political sanctions over Ukraine as a tool to trigger a civil society discontent in Russia.

Exposing the hypocrisy of the US Secretary of State, the expert remarked with a bitter irony that John Kerry "should be sent Crayola's 64 crayon pack as a reminder that there has been at least that number of color revolutions" planned and carried out by Washington's policy-makers across the world since 2000.



History Re-Written: Kerry Claims US Never Backed 'Color' Revolutions / Sputnik International
US, or even can extend to England time, has a relation with Thailand for long.... time.
Do you really think that Junta is not connected to US, and pro China?
I don't know what the game is playing. On the surface, thing is like what the topic post said.
However, you need to think about history of US-Thai military nexus that has been there for longg time.
I guess the real story is the opposite.
US-Thailand history has came from a long time ago even when the PRC still embroiled in their civil war against Kuo Min Tang they had made investment in the Kingdom and made sure the political of Thailand stable enough to let the economics growth and the investment guaranted, and surely it was not US who made Thailand in mess today if we are talking about that facts.
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