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US installing radiation detectors at Pakistani ports


Feb 7, 2009
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Washington (PTI): The United States is installing radiation detectors at Pakistani ports to check proliferation of nuclear material and weapons of mass destruction to and from the country, a top US official on nuclear security has said.

"We do work with Pakistan with the Department of Homeland Security, on Secure Freight Initiative, in putting radiation detectors in their ports. One port is done. Karachi is the second port. We're negotiating that type of work," said Thomas D'Agostino, the Under-Secretary for Nuclear Security.

Also Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, D'Agostino refrained from giving much of the details at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday about what the US is doing in Pakistan in this regard, saying that these are of sensitive nature and could be deliberated only in a close door session.

"We have our export controls experts who are in the process of working with Pakistan, on training on what to look for with respect to what comes into the country and goes out of the country," D'Agostino said.

"Pakistan has legislation in place as a nation to establish this type of capability and maintain it. They have developed their own lists of materials and advanced their lists of materials on things that they are looking for" he said.
I dont want any of our nukes out of the country either. We paid a lot of money for them.
Excuse me please US needs to stop interfering with Pakistan why you gotta be on our ports intalling these radiation detectors Pakistan should stop them and Install our own detectors.......
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Excuse me please US needs to stop interfering with Pakistan why you gotta be on our ports intalling these radiation detectors Pakistan should stop them and Install our own detectors.......

Did you ever consider that Pakistan may want the US to help them with this? Pakistan does not want to be blamed for a nuclear terror attack (dirty bomb) originating on its soil. Having this equipment might prevent Pakistan from being used by irhabis in a way that would be devastating to Pakistan.
Did you ever consider that Pakistan may want the US to help them with this? Pakistan does not want to be blamed for a nuclear terror attack (dirty bomb) originating on its soil. Having this equipment might prevent Pakistan from being used by irhabis in a way that would be devastating to Pakistan.

NO NO ours nukes are in safe hands and guarded heavily i doubt dirty bomb what i dont doubt is that US nuking Japan than can quickly became Pakistan very soon after an attempt to denuclearize Pakistan than we'll lauch it it will be a lauch no dirty bomb we dont need your help we've seen your help to vietnames,Afgan's and Iraqi's thank you for you consideration keep your help to yourself.

Blah, blah blah. A broken record. Here, I'll help you:

Vietnam (Agent Orange, My Lai, napalm)
Iraq (WMD, abu Ghraib, sanctions and Guantanamo)
World War II (Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden and Tokyo firebombing)
Iran (Mossaddeq, civilian airliner)
Slavery (Ku Klux Klan)
American Indians (Wounded Knee)
Israel (too many sins to list)
Global Warming
World Financial Meltdown

Why don't you save this list to your scratch file then it will be handy to reply to everything that any American has to say....

Excuse me please US needs to stop interfering with Pakistan why you gotta be on our ports intalling these radiation detectors Pakistan should stop them and Install our own detectors.......

Does pakistan have that technology of the detectors?.
Washington (PTI): The United States is installing radiation detectors at Pakistani ports to check proliferation of nuclear material and weapons of mass destruction to and from the country, a top US official on nuclear security has said.

"We do work with Pakistan with the Department of Homeland Security, on Secure Freight Initiative, in putting radiation detectors in their ports. One port is done. Karachi is the second port. We're negotiating that type of work," said Thomas D'Agostino, the Under-Secretary for Nuclear Security.

Also Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, D'Agostino refrained from giving much of the details at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday about what the US is doing in Pakistan in this regard, saying that these are of sensitive nature and could be deliberated only in a close door session.

"We have our export controls experts who are in the process of working with Pakistan, on training on what to look for with respect to what comes into the country and goes out of the country," D'Agostino said.

"Pakistan has legislation in place as a nation to establish this type of capability and maintain it. They have developed their own lists of materials and advanced their lists of materials on things that they are looking for" he said.

Hmmm...so the US is actively involved in safeguarding the Pakistani Nuclear Program. Pretty logical though since the US cannot afford such a big headache of nuclear capabilities falling into jehadi hands. Good thing those nukes are being well guarded.
See how much USA lovesssssssss and trust :smitten::smitten::smitten::smitten: Pakistan
Excuse me please US needs to stop interfering with Pakistan why you gotta be on our ports intalling these radiation detectors Pakistan should stop them and Install our own detectors.......
The US does not trust in Pakistani regime any more after what AQ Khan did.
Some called him the EBAY of Nuclear weapons

So why take a chance.!
i dun think this is an authentic report... if so show us the references signed by some bigwigs of US...
and ibm computer to much laughing mite cause fall of your teeth.. -just a piece of advice uncle-

Hindu is probably the most credible source. Many Pakistanis would also agree.
Hmmm...so the US is actively involved in safeguarding the Pakistani Nuclear Program. Pretty logical though since the US cannot afford such a big headache of nuclear capabilities falling into jehadi hands. Good thing those nukes are being well guarded.

Yup, prior to the US guarding Pakistani nukes, "Jehadis" were detonating them all over the world, weren't they? Good job the US are finally putting a stop to that.

See how much USA lovesssssssss and trust Pakistan
They even let Pakistan safeguard some of their valuable radiation sensors!

The US does not trust in Pakistani regime any more after what AQ Khan did. Some called him the EBAY of Nuclear weapons
So why take a chance.!
Not EBAY, he was more like Santa Claus. Driving around in a radioactive sleigh pulled by mutant reindeer, dropping off warheads every year to every evil regime in the world in one night.
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Yup, prior to the US guarding Pakistani nukes, "Jehadis" were detonating them all over the world, weren't they? Good job the US are finally putting a stop to that.

They even let Pakistan safeguard some of their valuable radiation sensors!

Not EBAY, he was more like Santa Claus. Driving around in a radioactive sleigh pulled by mutant reindeer, dropping off warheads every year to every evil regime in the world in one night.

Ummm...You havent had them for much long dude to let the jehadis get them...Uncle got involved pretty soon after you got them AFAIK, nice try at the humor though...
thats good, we are getting our port equiped with the latest technology by the US money!
this will be helpfull, and by the way if iran want to get the nukes our land routes are always open dude!

Hmmm...so the US is actively involved in safeguarding the Pakistani Nuclear Program. Pretty logical though since the US cannot afford such a big headache of nuclear capabilities falling into jehadi hands. Good thing those nukes are being well guarded.

Indians never think from brain............thats the only problem.

Safeguards are just to protect the transfar of MASS deduction to other country. Pakistan is also involved in the project.

Wts coming in and wts going out.

Its good for our security.
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