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US, India should try to keep Lanka away from China's sway

any link on the bolded part or is it entirely your own make up bs?

Truth is that despite massive terrorist attack from Pakistan just 3 years back India rose eto the occasion of grief and extended hand of help to Pakistan in time of natural crisis even when Pakistan was accusing India being responsible for this flood .

Pakistan refused to accept aid from India . India had to donate aid to UN and through UN only Pakistan ultimately accepted Indian aid .

In contrast China which is Pakistan's so called 'all weather friend ' insulted Pakistan with its meager aid . Increasing aid to 200 million dollars came after criticism from Pakistani news papers and medial elsewhere . increasing aid was mere afterthought ....and much of this aid is actually low interest loans !

Even then it doesn't come even 1/3'rd of US assistance to Pakistan which stands near 1 billion dollars !

So much for the " Higher than mountains and deeper than oceans " relationship .......

It just proves China's relationship with Pakistan is just transactional in nature ....

If Friend like China can't be of use in hour of need what use of is that friend and it's friendship ?
average income in china $7000 compared to $45000 in America 250million providing by china is a lot more than 700million provided by the us

More was expected from China ....2'nd largest economy and Superpower with 8 trillion dollar economy .

China's aid should have been at least comparable if not surpassing to American aid to Pakistan .

Your countryman on PDF @Fattyacids ....called Soviet aid of 300 million US dollars to China in 1950 as peanuts ...... !!!

what will you call Chinese aid of 250 million dollars in 2010 .....???

I guess by same analogy .....it is not worthy of calling even peanuts ...

Anyway I am not interested in derailing this thread . I do not make loose statements . This issue came up only when somebody said China is lot better ally than US !

I quoted example of meager Chinese aid to Pakistan only in this context ....

I will rest this issue now !!!
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More was expected from China ....2'nd largest economy and Superpower with 8 trillion dollar economy .

China's aid should have been at least comparable if not surpassing to American aid to Pakistan .

Your countryman on PDF @Fattyacids ....called Soviet aid of 300 million US dollars to China in 1950 as peanuts ...... !!!

what will you call Chinese aid of 250 million dollars in 2010 .....???

I guess by same analogy .....it is not worthy of calling even peanuts ...

Anyway I am not interested in derailing this thread . I do not make loose statements . This issue came up only when somebody said China is lot better ally than US !

I quoted example of meager Chinese aid to Pakistan only in this context ....

I will rest this issue now !!!

Yeah $300 million is peanuts to a country's budget account. When will you end your buffoonery, you need some peanuts?
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Yeah $300 million is peanuts to a country's budget account. When will you end your buffoonery, you need some peanuts?

Well , Your countryman thinks China's 250 million dollars aid to Pakistan in 2010 was a great contribution on other hand 60 years back when Soviet Russia gave 300 million dollars aid to China ....you consider it as peanuts ! I have just pointed out your buffoonery .....

The double standards applied to denounce other country's aid to your country and your country's aid to another country are self evident !

Learn to post reply after properly reading comment in what context it has been made ! here we are talking about China's aid to Pakistan ....you made fool of yourself by replying .....

That's what I said that China's 250 million dollars aid to Pakistan in 2010 was peanuts !

This is how China treats its all weather ally ....with higher than mountains and deeper than oceans relationship ....by giving 'peanuts' in the face of worst kind of humanitarian crisis !!!

You just supported my statement with your comments !!!

Will you ever learn to reply after properly studying what is being said and in what context rather than giving knee jerk reactions and making fool of yourself ???

Stop trolling ....!
Learn to post reply after properly reading comment in what context it has been made ! here we are talking about China's aid to Pakistan ....you made fool of yourself by replying .....

Then why the need to mention my name? Is it not to invite/lure me into this thread?

Well , Your countryman thinks China's 250 million dollars aid to Pakistan in 2010 was a great contribution on other hand 60 years back when Soviet Russia gave 300 million dollars aid to China ....you consider it as peanuts ! I have just pointed out your buffoonery .....

The double standards applied to denounced other country's aid to your country and your country's aid to another country are self evident !

Learn to post reply after properly reading comment in what context it has been made ! here we are talking about China's aid to Pakistan ....you made fool of yourself by replying .....

That's what I said that China's 250 million dollars aid to Pakistan in 2010 was peanuts !

This is how China treats its all weather ally ....with higher than mountains and deeper than oceans relationship ....by giving 'peanuts' in the face of worst kind of humanitarian crisis !!!

You just supported my statement with your comments !!!

Will you ever learn to reply after properly studying what is being said and in what context rather than giving knee jerk reactions and making fool of yourself !!!

Stop trolling ....!

Do you know who much Pakistan budget is relative to $250 million. Do you know much that is in percentage term? Obviously a dimwitted like you have no clue about economics and accounting. Likewise $300 million from USSR was peanuts to our budget account. That's why we could afford to pay them back when sino-soviet split, even though we were quite poor. But you omitted that from your post, didn't you? Have some integrity in what you're posting, even if you're zero knowledge financial accounting.
Then why the need to mention my name? Is it not to invite/lure me into this thread?

Do you know who much Pakistan budget is relative to $250 million. Do you know much that is in percentage term? Obviously a dimwitted like you have no clue about economics and accounting. Likewise $300 million from USSR was peanuts to our budget account. That's why we could afford to pay them back when sino-soviet split, even though we were quite poor. But you omitted that from your post, didn't you? Have some integrity in what you're posting, even if you're zero knowledge financial accounting.

I quoted you only to show the double standards adopted by you and your countryman !

You forget that 300 million US dollars that Soviet Russia gave to China was in 1950 ....at current rate of inflation ....it is actually in todays rate amounts to Several billion dollars !!!

Have some honesty to admit that ! But you won't because you are blind with petty jingoism with no integrity !!!

So much for your extra ordinary knowledge in economics ....You can't differentiate between difference between 1950 and 2010 ???

And actually speaking 300 million dollars aid given to China in 1950 ( actually several billion dollars in today's comparison ) by Soviet Russia when as you said China was very poor was too important given post civil war collapse of economy in China and famine but you being 'ungrateful' denounced that aid as "Peanuts" Doesn't it show your hypocrisy ???

The aid given to Pakistan is also soft loans which pakistan will repay just like you repaid Soviet loans .

The repayment of Soviet loans was possible again because of Russian technology that enabled wide sweeping agricultural reforms that allowed mass production of food grains to feed dying population and wide scale industrial revolution ....thanks all the way to Soviet Russia !!! Something which dishonest people like you can never accept !!!

Difference is that 300 million USD Soviet aid to China in 1950 was worth of billion dollars in that time ....while 250 million dollars Chinese aid to Pakistan in 2010 is hardly any aid ( that too came after being shamed by International and Pakistani media ) and is peanuts as compared to 1 billion dollar aid by US to Pakistan or 1 billion dollar credit by India to Bangladesh or 10.8 billion dollars aid by India to Afghanistan .....

Superpower and 8 trillion dollar economy China has just 250 million dollars aid to give to friendly all weather ally like Pakistan ....with which it shares Higher than mountains and deeper than oceans relations .... ???

Shows true colours of China when it comes to extend hand of help to friendly country like Pakistan in even of greatest humanitarian crisis in its history ....

Truth is that China's relationships with Pakistan is transactional ...friendship is only for namesake !!!

Learn bit of accounting and economics yourself rather than making repeated fool of yourself !!!

Your abysmal knowledge of financial accounting has really 'flabbergasted' me..... !!!

Stop trolling ......
Bhartis loves to drag their daddy USA in everything. Why the f USA will care what China is doing in SL? USA is responsible super power and not bully of small nations like India. Bharatis you continue to concéntrate their effot on Nepal.
Bhartis loves to drag their daddy USA in everything. Why the f USA will care what China is doing in SL? USA is responsible super power and not bully of small nations like India. Bharatis you continue to concéntrate their effot on Nepal.

And some are even daydreaming about annexing a sovereign country
Then why the need to mention my name? Is it not to invite/lure me into this thread?

Do you know who much Pakistan budget is relative to $250 million. Do you know much that is in percentage term? Obviously a dimwitted like you have no clue about economics and accounting. Likewise $300 million from USSR was peanuts to our budget account. That's why we could afford to pay them back when sino-soviet split, even though we were quite poor. But you omitted that from your post, didn't you? Have some integrity in what you're posting, even if you're zero knowledge financial accounting.

Pakistan's federal budget in 2010 - net revenue alone was 650 billion Rs Check Pakistan's Economics statistics yourselves ......you are not only bad in ecomonics ....but also in maths

Pakistan's GDP was 178 billion US dollars in 2010 !

....Count yourself how much percentage does 250 million dollars make to 178 billion dollars , if you can ??? ( I think it must be very difficult to make such even simple counting given your level of mental maturity !!!)

250 million dollars is peanuts to Pakistan .....! It's not even 1/3rd of US aid to Pakistan for floods which runs upto 1 billion dollars !

You feel China have done some great favor to Pakistan with such pittance ???

Now have some shame .....once again I have proven you totally wrong !

Stop trolling .....You have nothing substantial to talk except your childish tantrums !

If you are prepared to discuss the Chinese aid to Pakistan vis a vis other countries then open new thread. I will give fitting reply to you there .

Do not derail this thread ....you have got habituate to trolling .
I quoted you only to show the double standards adopted by you and your countryman !

You forget that 300 million US dollars that Soviet Russia gave to China was in 1950 ....at current rate of inflation ....it is actually in todays rate amounts to Several billion dollars !!!

Have some honesty to admit that ! But you won't because you are blind with petty jingoism !!!

So much for your extra ordinary knowledge in economics ....You can't differentiate between difference between 1950 and 2010 ???

And actually speaking 300 million dollars aid given to China in 1950 ( actually several billion dollars in today's comparison ) by Soviet Russia when as you said China was very poor was too important given post civil war collapse of economy in China and famine but you being 'ungrateful' denounced that aid as "Peanuts" Doesn't it show your hypocrisy ???

The aid given to Pakistan is also soft loans which pakistan will repay just like you repaid Soviet loans .

The repayment of Soviet loans was possible again because of Russian technology that enabled wide sweeping agricultural reforms that allowed mass production of food grains to feed dying population and wide scale industrial revolution ....thanks all the way to Soviet Russia !!! Something which dishonest people like you can never accept !!!

Difference is that 300 million USD Soviet aid to China in 1950 was worth of billion dollars in that time ....while 250 million dollars Chinese aid to Pakistan in 2010 is hardly any aid ( that too came after being shamed by International and Pakistani media ) and is peanuts as compared to 1 billion dollar aid by US to Pakistan or 1 billion dollar credit by India to Bangladesh or 10.8 billion dollars aid by India to Afghanistan .....

Superpower and 8 trillion dollar economy China has just 250 million dollars aid to give to friendly all weather ally like Pakistan ....with which it shares Higher than mountains and deeper than oceans relations .... ???

Shows true colours of China when it comes to extend hand of help to friendly country like Pakistan in even of greatest humanitarian crisis in its history ....

Truth is that China's relationships with Pakistan is transactional ...friendship is only for namesake !!!

Learn bit of accounting and economics yourself rather than making repeated fool of yourself !!!

Your abysmal knowledge of financial accounting has really 'flabbergasted' me..... !!!

Stop trolling ......

Double standard..my countrymen? I have 1.3 billion countrymen and there are probably a million different opinions, much less standard. Have you been to school?

China doesn't give cold hard cash, what we give provide are infrastructures, heavily discounted arms and free technology transfer to our ally Pakistan. LOL, you don't even know that, what are you doing here in defence forum? Go back to your bollywood forum.:omghaha: :omghaha:
Listen, $300 million is peanuts to a country budget account. Do not confuse peanuts with banana. :nana:
And some are even daydreaming about annexing a sovereign country

Well , I apologise wholeheartedly on behalf of my countryman who made such provocative and irresponsible statement ...

I am sure such stupids exist in all corners of world .... !

and they need to be condemned by all ....
Double standard..my countrymen? I have 1.3 billion countrymen and there are probably a million different opinions, much less standard. Have you been to school?

China doesn't give cold hard cash, what we give provide are infrastructures, heavily discounted arms and free technology transfer to our ally Pakistan. LOL, you don't even know that, what are you doing here in defence forum? Go back to your bollywood forum.:omghaha: :omghaha:
Listen, $300 million is peanuts to a country budget account. Do not confuse peanuts with banana. :nana:

I said 'countryman' ....not 'countrymen' . Do you understand the difference ?

You won't because it takes certain level of mental maturity to be able to make that distinction...

" You and Your Countryman double standard " statement was in reference to @ China today - your countryman on PDF who in this thread asked me for link to my post !

I am not blind Sino-phobic, like you who suffer from rabid Indo-phobia ....hence I have no need to drag your all 1.3 billion countrymen !

Learn to read posts before giving knee jerk reactions ...

You seems to be quite frustrated - not being able to make any headway with me .

Intelligent and reasoning based discussion backed by facts is not your forte ....You can only troll

You are good enough only for that .

Typical frustrated member who brigs IQ , Bollywood when you have nothing substantial and worthwhile to talk !

" Abuse is the first refuge of Idiots ....." so goes the adage !

Now stop trolling .....
I said 'countryman' ....not 'countrymen. Do you understand the difference ? You won't because it takes certain mental maturity ... .
" Your and Your Countryman double standard " statement was in reference to @ China today - your countryman on PDF who in this thread asked me for link to my post !

I am not blind Sino-phobic, like you who suffer from rabid Indo-phobia ....hence I have no need to drag your all 1.3 billion countrymen !

Learn to read posts before giving knee jerk reactions ...

You seems to be quite frustrated - not being able to make any headway with me .

Intelligent and reasoning based discussion backed by facts is not your forte ....You can only troll

You are good enough only for that .

Typical frustrated member who brigs IQ , Bollywood when you have nothing substantial and worthwhile to talk !

" Abuse is the first refuge of Idiots ....." so goes the adage !

Now stop trolling .....

I have 1.3 billion countrymen, who gives a hoot about one countryman's opinion, LOL. What's your area of study in school? Because I failed to understand your logic here. The one who is frustrated is the one who had to keep on explaining and explaining a flawed logic. :laughcry:
Save yourself the embarrassment, Sino-Pak relations is beyond your area of capability. Take it easy on yourself, go watch a movie, Bollywood or even Hollywood.
I have 1.3 billion countrymen, who gives a hoot about one countryman's opinion, LOL. What's your area of study in school? Because I failed to understand your logic here. The one who is frustrated is the one who had to keep on explaining and explaining a flawed logic. :laughcry:
Save yourself the embarrassment, Sino-Pak relations is beyond your area of capability. Take it easy on yourself, go watch a movie, Bollywood or even Hollywood.

Again I said " you and your countryman's double standard " ....which includes yourself ....

It's not surprising that you don't give hoot to your own opinion ...because you have none ....

All you can do is just troll .

any sane person can understand that I have proved you wrong on all accounts ....off course you can't understand ....since I said any " sane " person !!!

You off course can't see through my logic ....it takes certain level of mental maturity to understand logic, reasoning !

Having said that ....I am not interested in responding your rubbish .

Do you have anything substantial to say based on facts ?

If not then stop trolling ....

In 1950 China's GNP was meager 50 billion Yuan ( with exchange rate in 1950 calculate yourself if you can to get figure in US dollars ) ....compared to that 300 million US dollars was very very big amount ....

But since you have got habit of making statements without thinking , you will only find making yourself fool again and again whenever you will deal with me .

Now stop trolling .....
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