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US, India should try to keep Lanka away from China's sway

@Lankan Ranger you are a kid. Spying and intruding two different things. America spy on world. Russia spy on india. India spy on pak and china, china spy on india so what? Every country has a spy. America intruded into shri lanka after india gave green signal to usa on Tamil killings. India told usa to enter shri lanka and give the hint what indo-usa upto. Shri lanka who was reciting china mantra suddenly went calm. China aint coming to save your tiny midget nation. They cant even save their own sea. Shri lankan future in india's hand. Live with it.
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Sri Lanka is a neighbor and it has to be engaged despite some set backs in recent times, to what extent we can check Chinese influence on them depends upon the nature of our agreements/disagreements with them
@Lankan Ranger you are a kid. Spying and intruding two different things. America spy on world. Russia spy on india. India spy on pak and china, china spy on india so what? Every country has a spy. America intruded into shri lanka after india gave green signal to usa on Tamil killings. India told usa to enter shri lanka and give the hint what indo-usa upto. Shri lanka who was reciting china mantra suddenly went calm. China aint coming to save your tiny midget nation. They cant even save their own sea. Shri lankan future in india's hand. Live with it.

“Arguing with anonymous strangers on the Internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be—or to be indistinguishable from—self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.”

― Neal Stephenson
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Well its true that Sri Lanka tamil issue echoes( no pun intended ) strong chords with people of Tamilnadu . Regional parties are exploiting that to the hilt . These regional parties are not at all concerned about Tamils in Sri Lanka . They are whipping Anti Sri Lanka sentiments for purely political reasons . but in the process they have done greatest disservice to Tamils in Sri Lanka .

These regional parties have forced India to take repeated anti Sri Lanka stance. In the process India has lost its clout with Sri Lanka . If Sri Lanka riding on its resentment towards India manages to get read of 13'th amendment ...It will be great setback to Tamils in Sri Lanka .
and all regional parties in Tamilnadu besides Central government are to be blamed for that .

Our foreign policy is basically flawed right from our Independence, Regarding the issue of Srilanka. It is mixed with politics, Our Government was forced to amend the policies many times due to pressure from various parties in TN. This has affected our creditability in International Issues.

United States:

It seems they want to counter china in the Indian Ocean, as Lankan Ranger said Srilanka is located in a strategic location.
I've never supported the dumb idea of sending IPKF to SL, to me it was not just poking our nose into someone's domestic affairs and we knew what happened. IA lost some of it brave men and officers at a place where they had no business.
Second, in past few years we've seen enough flip flops on our policy towards our neighbors (SL included). Initially when SL govt went about in a systematic manner to rout LTTE, nobody said anything. It was a genocide and as India later voted against SL, as a proper policy and a bigger nation in the region, we should've intervened when hostilities were taking place.
In last few years, smaller countries in the region have understood the weakness in our foreign policies and have started to take advantage of the same. It really is a no-brainer that on many occassions China is more than willing to take place vacated by India.
I said above and am repeating the same, there clearly is a lack of any solid policy as far as South East Asia is concerned. I'm not against DMK or AIADMK raising the Tamil issue, but ultimately Foreign policy is New Delhi's prerogative. Why not take TN parties concerns into account and address them diplomatically with SL. But given the inability of current central govt. to interact with anyone, i doubt if that is even possible.

I feel IPKF going to SL was the right thing done by Rajiv to preempt any efforts by SL to have US base in Trincomalee. But the foolish thing was he underestimated the strength of LTTE at that time and did not listen to RAW officials. But the issue was India like a bipolar person was shifting its stance between hawkish and dovish wrt SL. India need to have a strong Monroe like doctrine while dealing with smaller countries around in its region of influence(you can't do much with Pakistan but other countries like SL or Maldives one can enforce the writ) if it wants to be a global power in future. Do you think SL will cross the line wrt India if India has such Monroe like doctrine and try to play China against India?

DMK/ADMK will play the politics as it is their vote bank strategy like how Mulayalam and Laloo and Congress and BJP play their own politics(minority appeasement or Hindutva politics) and you can't blame them. After all the central government is weak due to the coalition politics.
I feel IPKF going to SL was the right thing done by Rajiv to preempt any efforts by SL to have US base in Trincomalee. But the foolish thing was he underestimated the strength of LTTE at that time and did not listen to RAW officials. But the issue was India like a bipolar person was shifting its stance between hawkish and dovish wrt SL. India need to have a strong Monroe like doctrine while dealing with smaller countries around in its region of influence(you can't do much with Pakistan but other countries like SL or Maldives one can enforce the writ) if it wants to be a global power in future. Do you think SL will cross the line wrt India if India has such Monroe like doctrine and try to play China against India?

DMK/ADMK will play the politics as it is their vote bank strategy like how Mulayalam and Laloo and Congress and BJP play their own politics(minority appeasement or Hindutva politics) and you can't blame them. After all the central government is weak due to the coalition politics.

IPKF Intervention was not a entire failure one, In that operation India snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Vadamaruchi offensive was called off when it was on the verge of success , It provided many valuable lessons about modus operandi of LTTE which was later used to counter them.
Who told you Sri Lanka is ganging up against India ?

well if people like you go on making provocative statements ....one day Sri Lanka would ... even if it does not intend to do so now...

What you are talking about sharing Tamilnadu with Sri Lanka ?

I hope next time you will right something which you yourself can understand !
Dude they kill indian fisher men just like that ! Wat u say abt it huh ?
Sri Lanka will give us a naval base for sure in the future. All things are pointing in this direction.
We fully support our friends and allies in South Asia against that Indian bully.
Tiny nations will take advantage of the rivalry to make money out of it - India and the US should not bother beyond appointing a diplomat for each such nation and giving him a set budget to woo these small nations instead of wasting precious time and energy on them. They will jump ship at their convenience as an when a power rises or falls.

The problem is we take these countries way too seriously.
China is lot better than US ???

On what premise your conclusion that China is better than US is based ???

I will give you small and pertinent example ....

in 2010 Pakistan was thrashed by worst floods in its history since formation.....displacing millions of people .....creating one of the worst kind of humanitarian crisis .

India immediately announced aid worth of 5 million USD while China announced aid worth 1.48 million dollars .

After exact scope of disaster became clear India eventually increased aid to 25 million USD .

China was heavily criticized world over for offering meager aid to its ally with which it shares " higher than mountains and deeper than oceans " all weather relationship.

US to which most Pakistanis hate offered aid running upto 150 million dollars .

China which is No 2 economy in word with highest growth rate ....with its 8 trillion dollar size economy was criticized even by Pakistani agencies .
China eventually increased its aid to 47 million dollars .

Ashamed with worldwide criticism towards China's meager aid , China did promise to provide further200 million dollar aid . But it didn't come voluntarily .

This was China's treatment to its " all weather friend......" . When weather turned bad ....China lagged in extending helping hand to its closest and special friend .....It had to be coaxed ....!!!

So people who say that China is lot better ally than US ....better read the facts well !

Truly speaking China is no better than US .

It treats its ally as stepping stones ....only reason China entertains Pakistan because of immense value it provides as Its proxy against India .

All countries in region including Pakistan should read China's true intentions carefully !

As said before ....the relations based on 'needs' last only as long as needs are being fulfilled .

any link on the bolded part or is it entirely your own make up bs?
@Lankan Ranger its because of india your tiny midget nation still breathing.... Last year india gave america permission to enter shri lanka to give a hint about your future.... Its india that holds your destiny. Your president is a toddler who was begging help from india when lankan army tried to topple goverment. It was indian military that saved him. China cant protect themself in SCS how can they come help a midget nation. Learn from pakistan. China didnt help them in 1971 and 1999. Read what america did that made lanka shiver and how india laughed on it.

Isro2222, You are back man appreciated I missed your ranting. where were you all these days? Did aliens probed you again?
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any link on the bolded part or is it entirely your own make up bs?

" Chinese humanitarian aid to Pakistan also has been modest, especially when compared to that provided by the U.S. After massive flooding in Pakistan in the summer of 2010, for instance, the U.S. provided nearly $700 million in flood relief and in-kind assistance. China eventually committed to providing $250 million, after a meager initial contribution of $18 million "

" The Limits of the Pakistan-China Alliance "

The Limits of Pakistan-China Relations
any link on the bolded part or is it entirely your own make up bs?

" China, Pakistan’s longtime ally and the world’s second-largest economy, has pledged about $9 million in supplies and cash, a pittance. Pakistan’s longtime rival India — $5 million — needs to fully step up, too, and Pakistan needs to accept India’s help. "

" Chinese humanitarian aid to Pakistan also has been modest, especially when compared to that provided by the U.S. After massive flooding in Pakistan in the summer of 2010, for instance, the U.S. provided nearly $700 million in flood relief and in-kind assistance. China eventually committed to providing $250 million, after a meager initial contribution of $18 million "

" The Limits of the Pakistan-China Alliance "

The Limits of Pakistan-China Relations

average income in china $7000 compared to $45000 in America 250million providing by china is a lot more than 700million provided by the us
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