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US-IND Defeated..53 Countries back China over Hong Kong and the National Security law.

Landslide support for HK law at UNHRC
By Zhao Yusha Source:Global Times Published: 2020/7/1 20:28:40
China offers alternative human rights style for world: expert

The representative from Cuba at the 44th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva Photo: Screenshot of UN Web TV

A total of 53 countries supported China's national security law for Hong Kong at the 44th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva on Tuesday, triumphing over 27 members that attacked and called for harsh measures against China over issues involving Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Tibet.

The landslide victory was seen by experts as showing that China's achievements in human rights have won more supporters and become known by wider audiences. The double standards of some Western countries that tried to politicize the UNHRC and to use human rights-related issues as weapons to attack China, brought themselves more criticism within the international community.

On behalf of 53 countries, Cuba made a joint statement in Geneva on Tuesday, expressing support for China's passing the national security law for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The representative from Cuba said that not interfering with a sovereign state's internal affairs is the basic principle of the UN Charter and the international order. The National Security Law for Hong Kong is China's legitimate power. This is not a question about human rights and it should not be discussed at the human rights council, the Cuban representative said.

The Cuban representative stressed that every country has the right to safeguard its national security via legislative means, and enact measures based on such a purpose. Cuba welcomes the passing of the national security law for Hong Kong, stressing it sticks to the "one country, two systems" principle.

The person said the move is beneficial for Hong Kong's long-term prosperity, and it guarantees that Hong Kong residents can better exercise their legal rights and freedoms in a safe environment.

Cuba said that Hong Kong is an inseparable part of China, and Hong Kong's affairs are China's internal affairs, and this should allow no interference from the outside. It also urged relevant parties to stop using Hong Kong to meddle in China's internal affairs.

Meanwhile, UK's Ambassador to the WTO and UN in Geneva Julian Braithwaite delivered a cross-regional joint statement on behalf of 27 countries at the session.

Braithwaite urged the Chinese governments to "reconsider the imposition of this legislation and to engage Hong Kong's people, institutions and judiciary to prevent further erosion of the rights and freedoms that the people of Hong Kong have enjoyed for many years."

Western countries now see the UNHRC as a platform to serve their own political purposes, and although the US has withdrawn from the council, it still has strong influence over many members in the organization, thus its allies are trying to speak for the US on the UNHRC, Zhu Ying, a professor of international law at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, told the Global Times.

China's Permanent Mission to the UN on Tuesday rejected a statement by Kelly Craft, US permanent representative to the UN, on what she claimed were China's human rights "abuses."

"On June 30, the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations issued a seriously biased statement, making baseless comments on China's human rights situation and interfering in China's internal affairs. China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition," said a statement by a spokesperson of the Chinese mission.

Many human rights problems have surfaced in the Western world in recent years, the most recent being the death of George Floyd, which has sparked worldwide mass protests over racial problems, experts said. Tragedies like those have convinced people worldwide of how flawed Western human rights are.

However, such a human rights disaster has not led to wide criticism from so-called human rights fighters, such as Human Rights Watch, that were most vocal about China's human rights problems, said Zhang Yonghe, professor and executive dean of the Human Rights Institution of Southwest University of Political Science and Law in Chongqing Municipality.

Zhang said it is their indulgence and double standards toward Western countries, especially the US, that have blinded the world about its negligence toward its own human rights problems.

"Now, China needs to tear off the cover and show the world how US-style human rights are," Zhang said.

Zhu said that as China's influence projected worldwide has grown stronger, more countries are recognizing China's system of human rights, believing it provides an alternative model of how to improve people's lives and secure sovereignty.

The UNHRC has become more polarized as countries vie to voice support for either Chinese style human rights or the Western type, said Zhu.

Countries should choose whatever type suits their own development, rather than subject the choice to selfish political purposes or use human rights issue as tool to attack other countries.


53 countries that Support China VS 27 Countries that support US.

The Solid Proof of US Declining influence in worldwide affairs

I think we should, bring "Black Lives matter" issue in US of A land to UN Assembly :enjoy:

I wonder why those Western Propaganda media doesn't tell this big news :D

A few weeks ago, Indonesian troller and their Indian ally claim that all countries support US of A over China

Yeah rite :enjoy:
China, Egypt reject foreign interference in China's Hong Kong issue


File photo shows Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) and Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry attending a joint press conference in Cairo, Egypt, Jan. 8, 2020. (Xinhua/Li Binian)

In a phone conversation with his Egyptian counterpart, Wang expressed his gratitude to Egypt for understanding and supporting China's legitimate claims on the Hong Kong issue.

Stressing that non-interference in internal affairs is a basic norm of international relations, Wang said that China firmly opposes politicizing the human rights issue and interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the guise of human rights.

BEIJING, June 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday held a phone conversation with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, with both sides opposing foreign interference in China's Hong Kong issue.

Wang said that China has always attached great importance to China-Egypt relations and is committed to deepening their cooperation.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi have established strong mutual trust and friendship, which has provided important strategic guidance for the development of the two countries' relations, Wang said.

Photo taken on May 10, 2020 shows medical supplies from China in Cairo, Egypt. (Xinhua/Wu Huiwo)

Noting that China and Egypt are both ancient civilizations and major developing countries, Wang said the two countries always understand and support each other over issues concerning each other's respective core interests and major concerns, and always maintain fairness and uphold justice in international multilateral affairs.

Wang expressed his gratitude to Egypt for understanding and supporting China's legitimate claims on the Hong Kong issue.

Hong Kong is a part of China, Wang said, adding that establishing and improving the national security legislation is conducive to the steady and sustained implementation of the "one country, two systems" policy, which is not only in the interests of Hong Kong compatriots, but also in the interests of all countries in Hong Kong.

Photo taken on June 11, 2020 shows the city view of Hong Kong, south China. (Xinhua/Li Gang)

Noting that some countries and forces use human rights as an excuse to attack and smear China on the Hong Kong issue and to grossly interfere in China's internal affairs, Wang said their real intention is to disrupt Hong Kong and thus hinder China's development process.

Stressing that non-interference in internal affairs is a basic norm of international relations, Wang said that China firmly opposes politicizing the human rights issue and interfering in other countries' internal affairs under the guise of human rights.

By doing so, China is not only safeguarding China's own legitimate rights and interests, but also protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all developing countries as well as defending the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, he said.

Photo taken on April 2, 2018 shows a mega dam in Guba, Ethiopia. (Xinhua/Michael Tewelde)

On the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Wang said that China is pleased with the consensus reached by Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan on continuing talks at a recent meeting of the presidium of the African Union Summit.

As a good friend and partner of the three parties, China sincerely hopes that the parties concerned will resolve their differences through talks and consultation, and find a solution acceptable to all three parties as soon as possible, Wang said.

China is willing to continue to play a constructive role, he said, while expressing his hope that the international community will create a favorable environment in this regard.

For his part, Shoukry said that relations with China occupy an important position in Egypt's overall diplomacy.

Photo taken on March 1, 2020 shows Saladin Citadel in red and golden stars to resemble the national flag of China as a sign of solidarity in combating the novel coronavirus in Cairo, Egypt. (Xinhua/Wu Huiwo)

Egypt is willing to further deepen the traditional friendship with China, strengthen their mutually beneficial cooperation, consolidate mutual support, and push for the upgrading of the relations between the two ancient civilizations, he said.

Noting that the two countries hold the same position on the principles of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, Shoukry said Egypt firmly supports China's stance and propositions on the Hong Kong issue and opposes interference in China's internal affairs.

On the issue of the GERD, he said Egypt is committed to reaching a just and reasonable solution with all parties concerned

53 countries that Support China VS 27 Countries that support US.

The Solid Proof of US Declining influence in worldwide affairs

I think we should, bring "Black Lives matter" issue in US of A land to UN Assembly :enjoy:

I wonder why those Western Propaganda media doesn't tell this big news :D

A few weeks ago, Indonesian troller and their Indian ally claim that all countries support US of A over China

Yeah rite :enjoy:

@rott @grey boy 2 @eldarlmari @Chinese-Dragon
Good job and good news, bro. :tup:

According to Bharati propaganda Pakistan and China are diplomatically isolated countries and whole world support Hindu terrorists ruled Gangadesh.
India is the black sheep of Asia.
There is a list of these countries?
I want to know too, but still cannot find the full list.

Germany, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Russia and many others probably along the 53 countries that support China.

Meanwhile who against it, mostly from Commonwealth, India, US
The list is something important to know about and it will tell us exactly that which countries in the world are in China's favour and which in USA's.
I want to know too, but still cannot find the full list.

Germany, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Russia and many others probably along the 53 countries that support China.

Meanwhile who against it, mostly from Commonwealth, India, US

What the heck is with Germany? Riding two boats at the same time? Gangu media was celebrating as if it was holi time on account of Germany's rejection of a move by China in UNSC against india. Dunno what it was about just happened to appear on my timeline.
I want to know too, but still cannot find the full list.

Germany, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Russia and many others probably along the 53 countries that support China.

Meanwhile who against it, mostly from Commonwealth, India, US
Are you sure Germany too? the news reports 17 countries out of 27 are come from EU, but didn't mention any name.
I want to know too, but still cannot find the full list.

Germany, Italy, Spain, Serbia, Hungary, Russia and many others probably along the 53 countries that support China.

Meanwhile who against it, mostly from Commonwealth, India, US
India dare to go against China for this HK law. China will not go down soft on their atrocities on Kashmir and obviously 23 clowns send to hell is not enough to scare them. I guess more number is needed to make them know. :enjoy:

What the heck is with Germany? Riding two boats at the same time? Gangu media was celebrating as if it was holi time on account of Germany's rejection of a move by China in UNSC against india. Dunno what it was about just happened to appear on my timeline.
Merkel support China but many small opposition German party clown are riding with the US fake human right against China.
What the heck is with Germany? Riding two boats at the same time? Gangu media was celebrating as if it was holi time on account of Germany's rejection of a move by China in UNSC against india. Dunno what it was about just happened to appear on my timeline.


Here's the link, it was about Karachi terror attack that Germany 'delayed' after the US had already done so. The hypocrisy of the West knows no bounds.
What the heck is with Germany? Riding two boats at the same time? Gangu media was celebrating as if it was holi time on account of Germany's rejection of a move by China in UNSC against india. Dunno what it was about just happened to appear on my timeline.

Are you sure Germany too? the news reports 17 countries out of 27 are come from EU, but didn't mention any name.

Yes, I'm sure.

Current Germany government is not USA pawn and want to make Germany foreign policy more independent.

Not so long ago they reject US invitation of G-7 meeting because they know US intention to use the meeting to smearing China. Germany use Covid-19 as an excuse to reject US invitation.

They also happily kick out US troops from their territory.

And even in front of US face, they make a Bold Statement that China is Priority of EU


Here's the link, it was about Karachi terror attack that Germany 'delayed' after the US had already done so. The hypocrisy of the West knows no bounds.
Nothing new bro, thats the name of their games, it never grew old
I know how you feel cos my hometown Hongkong is being attack on all fronts with sanctions threat from the "5 eyes" gang & companies for established a "National security law" which everywhere has one recently

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